Emporia Daily Republican from Emporia, Kansas (2024)


DAVIS, Cashier. First National Bank, EMPORIA, KANSAS. The Dodge City Globe-Republican has more railroad news than any other Western Kansas paper. If your child has thin, pale cheeks, uncertain appetite and unreBtful sleep, it has worms, and curing with strong medicines only makes conditions worse by irritating its delicate stomach. White's Cream Vermifuge is mild but certain in effect, and is a superior tonio as well as a positive worm de SKIN liSEilSES Great Traveler The woman who does the washing travels from pole to pole and crosses the line many times.

She soon learns from experience that she can save time, money and labor by using nirs3 if i-t the best, purest and most economical soap made. She also discovers that clothes washed with Clairette look better and last longer than they do when washed with ordinary soap. Clairette is sold everywhere. Ask for it. Made only by THE N.

K. FAmBANK COMPANY, St. Louis. The Oddities of Language. "She actually flung herself at his head! "H'm! What did he do?" "He flung himself at her feet." Boston Tran script.

Patrice "I don't tth ink you will find another husband like mine in the whole world!" Patience "The world must be getting better, then." Yon kers Statesman. "Ella, you have been playing all the afternoon with these toy soldiers That's not a proper amusem*nt for a big girl like you," said her mother "But, mamma, I am not playing with the soldiers. I picked out the officers and played with them." Tit-Bits. Three different waiters at a hotel asked a prim, precise litle professor at dinner if Ihe would have soup. A little annoyed, he said to the last waiter who asked the question: "Is it compul sory?" "No, sir," said the waiter; think it's mock turtle." Tit-Bits.

Refined Tastes. Weary Watkins "Mister, would you give a pore man a dime to git a cup of coffee?" Mister "1 would not. Come along with me and I'll buy you a cup of good coffee. That's the best I'll do for you." "Would you mind havin' a little dash of brandy put in it? I always drink my coffee that way." Indianapolis Journal. Partial Diagnosis.

"What's the matter with him, doctor?" asked the worried father. The young phj-sician took anot'her look at the boy's tongue, felt his pulse again, noted his tempera ture, and proceeded to pour out some medicine. "I've forgotten the technical name for it," he replied. "But it ends in I'll fetch him out of it al right." Chicago Tribune. The boats that pass up and down the' Clyde pick up and deposit numbers of passengers at the various riverside piers, and Govan and Partick are both well-frequented stopping places.

A zealous Salvationist captain was on the boat one day, and anxious to improve the occasion he accosted a stout, weather-beaten rustic with the well lnienuonea question: "Alan, are ye forgiven?" "Nae. nae!" cried tlhe rus tic; "I'm for Partick!" Household Words. WOMEN IN FRENCH FICTION. Distorted Portraitures by Novelists of French Wives and Mothers. Those who have gathered their opin ions as to the real character of the av' erage Frenchwoman from the romantic literature of the present century, more especially that of the last few years, would necessarily bear a severe judg ment, tinged with a considerable amount of contempt.

Such an opinion would, however, be unjust and wholly undeserved, as any impartial observer, ha ving been privileged to share French home life, could truly tell them. The average Englishwoman is very graphically depicted in English novels, and a foreigner can form a fair estimate of her merits and demerits from the descriptions of English domestic life presented by popular -writers. But it is not so in France or in French literature. Tbe real French gentlewoman deserves to be better understood, for she is totally unlike the heroines of modern, novels, whose writers know about as much of aristocratic life as the author of "The Lady Flabella" in "Nicholas Nickleby." The pictures presented in Octave Feuil-let's writings are perhaps the truest to nature as it is seen in some melancholy cases, but he himself certainly would have been ready to admit that the women he met in daily life had nothing in common with his morbid heroines. As he belonged to a good old family of the upper bourgeoise.

he had better opportunities of knowing the society which he depicted so powerfully in his novels of fashionable life than have the upstarts who describe salons of which they have never crossed the threshold. But even in the works of Fenillet, although the frame is accurate, the portraits are those of exceptionally diseased minds. Women like Mme. de Champallon in "Monsieur de Camors," or the dreadful Julia de'Trecoeur may exist in France or elsewhere, but those who know French society will certainly recognize more readily women like Mme. de Camors and her charming mother, or the Suzanne of "La Clef d'Or," with the home of Sibylle and the dear old people so delightfully de-scri bed there.

Many examples might be quoted equally sweet and pure among the heroines of Feuillet's impassioned narratives, and on is convinced that these have been more faithfully copied from nature than the others. The fact is that the great majority of French novelists belong to the bo- -hernia of literature, and are not admitted within the precincts either of aristocratic circles or of the less refined, but equally strict, bourgeoise homes. They know only the borderland, peopled in general by the wealthy and adventurous foreign set 'which budded and expanded during the second empire, and has now taken its place by the Bide of French society, but not within its pale. Anna L. Bicknell, in Century.

Master and Servant. It requires time for a northern man to correctly appreciate the value of the negro as a laborer. Withan exacting master, who counts every minute of his time, the negro is not an acceptable laborer, but to one who sometimes indulges him in his propensities-he becomes intensely loyal, and will go through storms and tempests, by day and by night, to serve him. No human being is more grateful for favors received than a negro, though sometimes he may appear to be wanting in gratitude, yet the experience of this writer that no act of benelicence rendered to him is ever forgolten. J.

B. Ivillebrew," in Southern States Farm Magazine. -ANTAFE RY. CO. TIME TABLE; EMPORIA PASSKX- i6S1ti 6KB DEPOT.

(Train will arrive Ijand leave as follows: rnr-s-- uentrai lime. TAKING EFFECT DECEMBER 12, 1S97. EAST BOUND. No. ARRIVE.

LIATS8 Express. 2:45 a.m. 4 Chicago limited (via cut off). p. m.

nlti Cnicaff Ex- a. m. 116K. C. Passenger 6:40 p.

m. --sa8 Express. .11:26 a. m. bK.

C. Chicago Ex p. m. KtLocal Freight 25 p.m. 62Freightto Topeka WEST BOUND.

2:50 a. 3:00 p. a. 6:45 p. 11:30 a.

2:10 p. 6:00 a. 17Mex. and Cala. 6:05 p.m.

6:10 p. 3 Calif ernia limited 1:12 p. m. 1 :15 p. Texas a.

m. 2:50 a. Ha'Fast mail 5:33 5:35 a. 1 Mexico caia. Ex 3 20 p.

m. 3:25 p. iio xexas axpress 1:05 p. m. 1:23 p.

oColorado Utah 2:04 p. m. 2:08 p. in 71 ocal Freight 8:45 a M'fz eignt 8-00 a. a lo-u 3:05 p.m.

OTTAWA BRANCH. reight 6-00 p. m. 7:30 a. rieurumo Uttawa niy) 7:30 p.

HOWARD BRANCH. Passenger ...11:10 a.m. -freight 8:30 p. m. 6:35 a.

-reirbt to 9:10 d. m. a. Freight to Chanute. p.

m. 2:30 p. iaii tDaily, except Sunday. his time table is subject to change without j. XL.

luuab, Agent. MISSOURI, KANSAS TEXAS TIME TABLE. Dnnf nn KiTrtVi a ronn a at- tho ooat IHia the city and at the junction with the Atchi- Thi8 time card went into effect Monday, uuwuer leao. GOING KOKTH. No.

10 Passenger, daily 7:46 p. No. 58. Way Freie-ht. dailv excent Sunday GOING SOUTH.

No. 9, Passenger, daily jxo. way Freight, daiiy except Sunday a.m fa BCan rrrm 4m nnn -V U- A Ji aa hodvuEi uaui ouuiu uiicci HU OUU VAH CtJUU TV VOL -WlUlOa Through coach for Sedalia and Hannibal. mr uireci 10 si. ixiuih.


SUPERIOR I IEALS, r- Fifty Cents. Do You Love Music? If so, secure ore of the latest and prettiest Two-Steps of ttu day, bj mail- ng ten cents (silver or stamps) to cover mailing and postage, to the ucder- eiened for a copy of the BIG F0UB, TWO-STEP. (iiark envelope We are giving this music, whSch is regular fiftj-cect sheet music, at this exceedingly low rate, for the purpose of advertising, and testing tbe value of the different papers as advertisicg mediums. O. McCormick, Passenger Traffic Manager, "Big Four Route," Cincinnati, O.

Mention this paper when you wite. FLEillKG POTTER, metropolitan or Oilcbrlst Burn, West Fifth Arenne. Sale, Feed and Boarding Stables, Livery, Car riages and tsaggage Transier. FVNKAL CAR, White Hearse, Wagonette and Carriages toi Funerals. very thing first-class.

Open all the time: calls answered day or night. Tele phone 61. Kemember our new location. Oko. H.

Barbs. J. H. Waits. Sec.

and Treasurer. Fresidenu BAESE LIVB STOCK COMMISSION COMPANY. Rooms 159-1W Live Stock Exchange Bld'g. CAPITAL STOCK. 250,000 PAID UP If you want Stockerg or Feeders write ue ueasonaDie advances, experience salesmen each department.

Cattle, bogs and sheee Telephone 1840 KANSAS CITY MO PUBLICATION NOTICE. To the Ridenour Baker Grocery Co. You will take notice that you have been sued in the District court or Lyon county. state ot Kan Baa. in a certain action in which Maud Perkins is tbe plaintiff, and you are the defendant: that tbe petition of said plaintiff was nied in eaia court upon tne vtn day ot December.

lb7: that said petition alleges claim for damages which arose wholly within tne limits or tne state ot Kansas tor tne sum of ten thousand dollars (f that you must answer said petition on or before tbe i 12th day of April, ltVi, or said petition will be taken as true, and judgment for said sum of ten thousand dollars. and costs of this action will be rendered against you. You are further notified that personal prop erty of yours has been attac-ned under an attachment order issued in said action town: 249 sacks of granulated sugar, 100 lbs. to the sack aDoraised at tVZjU.W ana teat an orcter of sale of tbe said attached property will be taken as a part or tne nature ot tne judgment to re rendered in saia action. J.

JriAR VET KITH. Plaintiff's Attorney. NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned admin istratrix of the estate of Barbara Cox, deceased, will, on Saturday, the 8th day of April, 1898, at 2 o'clock p. at the front door of the court house in Lyon county. Kansas, in pursuance oi an order of the Probate Court of said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, the following described real estate.

situated in tbe city of Emporia, in said county, to-wit: Lot number Fix (6) on South Commercial street in Randolph's addition to the town, now city of Emporia, in the county and state aforesaid. MlMiBTA NEWELL, Admlnlatratlx. 1 1 i Srr TEXAS Capital Stock, Surplus Fund, 100,000.00 DIRECTORS: C. S. CROSS, W.


WHITE. Does a general banking business. Business respectfully solicited. Capital Stock, $100,000 Surplus, 10 0,0 0 President, C. HOOD.

Vice President, W. T. BODKN. Cashier, L. T.



HALLBERG. The Citizens Bank OF EMPORIA. PAID CAPITAL, $75,000.00. Sarplaa and FrOta," F. NEWMAN, PsesidenU T.

J. ACHESON, Vice President. L.L. HALLECK, awr DIRECTORS: F. C.




J. EDWARD t3TDoeB a general banking business. "3rYour patronage solicited. EMPORIA SAVINGS -jMNK. TRANSACTS A General Banking ESrIntere8t allowed on time deposits.

FASHIONS CHANGE BUT POZZONI'S ComIxion POWDHR TE SA3XE The EneS, rarest an jt beautifying toilet pov. svst --de. It is sooth' ingr, anti harmless: and when is iMisiHf.f If you have never tried POZZOfili'S yon do not know what an COMl'tEJIOS POWDEB ia. IT IS SOLD EVERllYHEEE WEAK MEN If you are suf fering with Kervoas Debility. Lost 1-ltmlltvorthe evil eflecls of ex- ren-w write as and we will send you FBEE by HAIli the nnalline and onlT reliable Ci A ff 1 nreparatlOD.

SAAIAWOW and a UoarantM that "RAKTOKO" I Visor. it aad Fay if Satisfied. Address, will reatora vour Wiml ttm. Htmart ua La MADRID Cincinnati, Ohio. LEuOOttBHEA and all rtllLI DlSiJAhts.

1 Write for FREE, Simple Hois Treatment. Use It and pay lr Katlsl ifld. Add re. CincasuiaU. Ohlc DRUNKENNESS, Or nuns hjbis Guaranteed.

Tor partlcnlara address La UXDBID CO Ciaciaaati, Ohio. I rt HCIiriDTinU Onr LUHJUlririlUII. New Discovery will cnreConsomp- tlon when au eise iaua. For particnlars, Aonreas La PIiURID CO, SEE HERE. Ws enra and permanently remova Lx Tn skeptical We bat proofs.

i JEco*k text with full Information JOSEPH C. JONES fcONS. 'PROPRIETORS OF Emporia Foundry 1 AND MACHINE SHOP. EMPORIA, KANSAS. Manufacturer of Architectural Iron Work CS-Railines and Crest irit.

Machine and Boiler Repairing. B. V7H ELDOrJ, DRUGGIST, 624 Commercial Street. Headquarters for AST VTS Emporia fefl Bank. ivi EM Urethral Etrieturt, Gust, ProetcMe IrrUaMon and ErarQemcnt, Otmtrue- titt to IloAf ITrnM mmA Xoaa at stroyer.

Ryder Frotheroe. Little River has a dramatic club and will have to stand "Under the Laurels." Are you lacking in strength and energy? Are you nervous, despondent, irritable, bilious, constipated ana gen erally run down in health? If so, your liver is torpid, and a few doses of Her- bme will cure you. lierbme has no equal as a health restorer. Ryder I iTotneroe. Newton is to have a park, a carriage factory, an ice plant, "and Tabler's Buckeye gives instant relief, mation and heals, it action and positive in Pile Ointment It allays icflam- is prompt in its its effect.

It is without pain or the kind that cures discomfort. It is for Tubes, 75c. Ryder piles only. 60c. Jfrotheroe.

A bee tree has been discovered Jetmore. near Stop that barking by the use of Bal lard's ilOREHOTJND SYRUP. It ar- rista the cough, allays irritation of the throat, and relieves congestion of the lungs in a day. It is safe and pleasant to take, and never disappoints. 25 and ooc.

Ryder irothero. It Taylor Riddle really expects the public to take any stock in his marvel ous restoration to hearty manhood by Ballard's Snow Liniment. There is no pain it will not relieve, no swell ing it will not subdue, no wound it will not heal. It will cure frost bites, chill. blains and corns.

Ryder Frotheroe. Farmer Doolittle, as a concession to popular Bentiment, has changed the name of his yeteran dog from Don to Sam. "Noxacold" postively cures a Cold or LaGripfe in a day. Guaranteed in every case. Sold by all druggists.

Colonel Tom Moonlight will go into buaicess. at Galena. He was there when appointed minister to Bolivia. How to Look Good. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all the vital or gans.

If the liver be inactive, you have a bilious look; if your stomach be disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; if your kidneys be affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will surely have good looks. "Elec tric Bitters" is a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach, liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood, pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion.

Every bottle guar anteed. Sold at B. Wheldon's drug store. 50 cents per bottle. Ex-Congressman Ben Clover is now running a small hotel at Douglass, Butler county.

Keller la Six Hoars. Distressing kidney and bladder dis ease relieved in six hours by "New Drant: Hnnth American axr Pnro It Is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Believes retention of water almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the rem edy. Sold by John A.

Moore, druggist, 506 Commercial street, Emporia, Kans. The Wichita Beacon will get out a Sunday afternoon paper during the war. Bncklen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refund ed.

Price 25 cents per box. For sale by B. Wheldon. Dave Leahy says that John Seaton is the disappearing gun of the campaign. Technically incorrect.

Seaton is the re-appearing gun of the campaign. The Rev. W. II. Weaver, pastor of the TLB.

church, Dillsburg, rec ognizes the value of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and does not hesitate to tell others about it: "1 have used Chamberlain'a Cough Remedy," he says, "and find it an excellent medi-1 cine for colds, coughs and hoarsoness." So does everyone who gives it a trial. Sold byD. W. flainer, Emporia. Cheap Batra via 91.

K. T. Knights of Pythias Conclave, Uniform Rank, K. of and Rathbone Sisters, at Fort Scott, May 16th to 20th, 1893. One fare for the round trip, 82.97, via the K.

T. Tick ets on sale May 14th to 18th inclusive. good to return until and including May 21st, '98. Train leaves Emporia at 8:35 a. arriving at Fort Scott about 2 p.

m. II. B. Baker, Agt. Grant Shaw says that the father of the legless child recently born in Cloud county had his legs pulled bv the fakirs who are working the country, so that the condition of the child is but an illustration of the law of An Enterprising- Drag-grist.

There are few men more wide-awake and enterprising than B. Wheldon, who Bparea no pains to eecure the best of everything in his line for his many customers. lie now has the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is producing such a furore all over the country by its many wonderful cures.

It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affections of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call at the above drug store and get a trial bottle free, or a regular size for 50 cents and 1. 00. Guaranted to cure or price re funded. Sphebt Ctbh Truathhxt for torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, aad scaly ekin and ecalp diseases with loss of hair.

Warm baths with SOip, gentle applications of Ctjtict'Ba. (ointment), and fall doses of Ccticur Resolvent, greatest of blood partners and humor cures Is sold throe thoat the world. Pottkb DKre and Chkm. Sole Boston. 7 How to Cure Itching St in Diseases," free.

RED ROUGH HANDS A HA! It will pay you to read this and think it over carefully, especially those who have doctored with medical companies and free prescription" fakes and are no better off today. We are reputable physicians, honored and respected in our own city. For overdo years we have made a specialty of the nervous disorders of men and rT women and our remedy is the re suit of our many years experience, ggi 9i BAR-BEN will not restore you in a a (S a wk. but with patience fkt jf' an 'he correct use of our treat- AjjSAJ. 2Ttf ment- we do assert it will positively W'z'X make a man of you in time.

BAR-BEN is for sale at all drug stores a 60 dose box for 50 cents. You need not be ashamed to ask for it. Its uses are many, and no matter what your object is in taking it. no one need be the wiser. Or send us .00 and we will forward a 90 dose box by mail, securely sealed, along with a few private words of advice.

In complicated cases of lost vitality. BAR-BEN may be taken at home under our directions, or we will pay railroad fares and hotel bills to all who prefer to come to us for treatment, if we fail to cure. It will only cost you a sump to learn full particulars, and it is a duty you owe yourself that you snoum wnte today, we answer all letters in plain envelope and hold all correspondence strictly confidential. Drs. Barton and Benson.

I Suite 38 Public Sq.Xleveland.O. Insist on eettiog the genuine BAR-BEN It strengthens the nerves. A 0 dose box for 60 cents. Hit by Ryder Prothero. Tr.

Williams' Indian Pile i Ointment will cure Blind. -f Bleeding and Itching -A i-iies. it aDsoros the tumors. the itching at once, acts a poultice, gives instant re-. .1.

Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Oint- melit is prepared for Piles and Itching of the private parts. Every; box is warranted. By druggists, by mail on re ceipt of price. 50 cents and $1.00.

WILLIAMS KANuFACTUHlnS uieveiana, unio. MOTT PENNYROYAL PILLS Thev overcome Weakness, irrecrn- larity and oinisslons.inerease vigor and banish pains of menstruation." They are "Life to girls at womanhood, aiding de velopment organs ana Doay. known remedv for women equals them. Cannot do harm life be- sjeomes a pleasure. per Doz tv mm 1.

sola oy ai-nrsrmis. 1HOTT CTTEMICAX, CO-II' For Slo hv Ti TTainftr. Emwq ia CHRISTIE-STREET COMMISSION 00. G. E.

LA.THROP, Manager. Capital, $50,000.00 Fully Paid. GRAIN, PROVISIONS, AND STOCKS. 506 Commercial Street, (TJp Stairs,) Emporia, Kansas. Direct private wire to Kansas City, Chicago, New York and Denver.

Orders by mall or telegraph promptly executed. Telephone No. Ill FARM LOANS. At Lowest Rates I can offer superio advantages to parties o. sir ing- loans upon improved farm property.

iiKSi-interest is payaoie Dut onck a year, and the borrower may select any month desired. SECOND Loans are made for a period of ten years and the privileg-e is granted of paying- ant portion of the principal at ant time without additional cost or bonus and the interest is stopped at once on the amount paid, thus enabling the borrower to pay the oan in convenient installments wnenever de sired. THIHD The borrower may select his owu bank at which payments are to be made, and take up the coupon or the note at the same moment. No receipt. No risk of money being lost.

FOUKiti 1 have an aDunaance 01 money to loan on these terms, in sums of from 1300 to at lowest rates. Call and learn of aantionai advantages Derore placing youi loan, M. HEWKXT. No. 12 west Sixth Ave Emporia.

Kan. Three Months of Bad Weather Can be avoided by spending the time in Southern California, leaviDp; on the California Limited via the Santa Fe. W. J. BLACK, G.

P. Topeka, Kan. C. A. HIGGINS, A.

G. P. A Chicago. J. A.

LUCAS, Agent, Emporia, Kan. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Notice is hereby given that on tbe 16th day of March, A. D. 198, the undersigned was, bv the Probate Court or Ltod county.

Kan sas, duly appointed and qualified as -Administratrix of tbe estate of James Arnett, late of Lyon county, deceased. All parties interested in said estate will take notice, and govern themselves accordingly. MARTHA J. AKMIl, AamiUlHUHiriA. Book Binding.

Law books, magazines and periodi cals of all kinds promptly bound at the Republican book bindery, from 75 cents per volume upward. AH styles of binding done. Orders may be left at this office and the books will be sent for. Remember, that law books and magazines of every kind are bound in any style desired. Gold at Randsbars is cot only a fact, but it is the title of a sketch of California's litest mining camp, that contains facts and based on investigations of eminent journalists and minirg experts.

For rates and free copy of bock, ad dress W. J. Black, G. P. Santa Fe Route, Topeka.

J. A. Lucas. Local Agent. ra 0 3B WHITLEY OPERA ROUSE.

ONE NIGHT. Monday Evening, APRIL 11 Special engagement, Vlarie Bell Opera Supporting the Australian Nightingale, Miss Ada Palmer Walker Assisted by EDGAR F. SEAMAN AND HARRY LIGHTWOOD And an Excellent Corps of Voices, in Audrain's Greatest Comic Opera, A Magnificently Cos- turned Production. 2535 and 50c. Reserved seats will be on sale at Irwin's drug store.

No deception practiced. No $100 Reward. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. ELY'S CREAIYI BALM contains no cocaine, mercury nor any other injurious drag. It opens and cleanses the Nasal Passages.

Allays Pain and Inflammation. Ilea's and Protects the Membrane. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Is qnickly absorbed. Gives Relief at once.

50 cts. at Druggists or hy mail; Trial Size 10 cts. at Drnegists or by mail. FLY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street, Kew York NOTICE OJ? FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given the creditors and all others interested in the estate of John Whitworth, deceased, that the undersigned will make final settlement of said estate at the next term of the probate court of Lyon county, Kansas, commencing1 on the first Monday in April, 1898, towit, on the 25th day of said month.

L. T. Heritage, Administrator de bonis non of the estate of John Whitworth. deceased. It is said that the musk rats are building their nests high up on the banks of the streams this year.

This is a sign of lots of water. The beasts can beat science in getting possession of old mother Nature's intentions. Meade is to have a lady dentist. Americans are the most inventive eople on earth. To them have been ssm nearly 600,000 patents, or more than one-third of all the patents issued the world.

No discovery of modern ear has been of greater benefit to mankind than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or has done more to relieve pain and suffer ing. J. W. vaugnn, 01 uaKton, says: "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrtcea Remedy in my family for several years, and find it to be the best medicine I ever used for cramps in the stomach and bowels. For sale by D.

W. Hainer, druggist, Emporia, Kan. Reserved seat tickets for Dr. Quayle'a lecture at the First Metho- dist church Wednesday evening are now on sale at the Corn or Book Store. OLIVETTE Dr.

Howard L. Russell, whose pic ture we here present, the national su perintendent of the American Anti Saloon League, will speak in the Pres byterian church, Wednesdey evening of next week, April 6. At the invitation of the Kansas State Temperance Union, Dr. Russell, accompanied by two other able orators and organizers of the Anti-Saloon League, Rev. W.

L. Woodard and Dr. J. C. Jackson, will spend nearly all of April in a vigorous temperance can vass of the state.

Thi3 is intended to inaugurate the most active and persistent policy of agitation and public sentiment build ing the Kansas temperance forces have ever known, and it will be followed with a steady and aggressive cam paign throughout the entire year. These three men expect to visit over sixty county seats, and wherever an organization auxiliary to the estate Temperance Union does not already exist they expect to organize. The following plank is suggested by the Gaylord Herald for the next state Populist platform: "Resolved, That while the prica of cattle stays up, every cow shall have twin calves." Give tbe Children a Drink called Grain-O. It is a delicious, ap petizing, nourishing food drink to take the place of coffee. Sold by all gro cers and liked by all who have used it because when properly prepared it tastes like the finest coffee but is free from all injurious properties.

Grain-O aids digestion and strengthens tbe nerves. It is not a stimulant, but a health-builder, and children, as well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Costs about one-fourth as coffee. 15 and 25c. "What Spain needs most," says the irate editor of the Beloit Times, "is a thundering geod licking." Well, if she keeps on peatereatin' around as she has of late, she will get it.

Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at 720 Henry street, Alton, 111., suffered with sciatic rheumatism for over eight months. She doctored for it nearly the whole of this time, using various remedies recommended by friends, and was treated by the physicians, but received no relief. She then used one and a half bottles of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which affected a complete cure.

Thii is published at her request, as she wants others similarly afflicted to know what cured her. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by D. W. Hainer, Emporia. An Atchison man who was Bick placed his faith in the Christian Science doctors, and as a result his heirs will receive insurance money.

Two years ago R. J. Warren, a druggist at Pleasant Brook, K. Bought a small supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remed. He sums up the result as follows: "At that time the goods were unknown in this sec tion; today Chamberlain's Cough Rem-; edy is a household word." It is the same in hundreds of communities.

Wherever the good qualities of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy become known the people will have nothing else. For sale by D. W. Hainer, Emporia. Fall Medium Dim.

The system of electric lighting now use on Santa Fe Route cars admits of these variations. The best light and the best route. Tlie nievcle In Mexico. Bicycle racing said to be supplanting fighting "it Mexico. The newer pastime is looked upon with almost as much favor as the anc-ierlt one imporTed from pain.

Everv Where. Deafness Cannot oe Cored by local applications, as they eannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. "When this tuce getsanfiamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of tbe mucous surfaces.

We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHEN CO O.

3- Sold by Druegiatc, 75c..

Emporia Daily Republican from Emporia, Kansas (2024)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.