The Wichita Beacon from Wichita, Kansas (2024)

Tuesday, February 2, 1937 THE WICHITA EAGLE (EVENING) Page Fifteen CALL 2-4431-A TRAINED AD- WILL ASSIST WITH YOUR AD By E. V. SHEPARD "IT WAS HANDED TO YOU" When declarer has correctly calculated his only chance to fulfill his contract and' has done so, it is most annoying have someone remark: "It was handed to you." This happened to me, sitting Last as declarer. Was the remark true? 6 5 3 73 10 1 8 2 2 974 N. A Q82 5 8 2 76 5 4 A QJ 10 S.

10 10 9 6 4 93 Bidding went: East, 1-spade, fourth hand; West, 2-clubs; East, 2- hearts; West, 2-no trumps; diamonds; West 6-spades, Bashich North doubled. The opening lead was the 10 of spades, to cut down cross-ruffing. The won the trick. North was a cautious doubler. I credited him with originally having four trumps.

Also he must hold both red K's for me to fulfill my contract. In all ability 80 cautious a doubler North expected to win a club trick, or deplete my trumps, through his possession of the of clubs. Declarer's only club was led. The ace won. When the was led back, North had to cover.

Declarer ruffed. The ace of spades was led. As expected, South showed out, letting go a club. Declarer's last trump was led. Dummy's won.

After the opening lead no defensive strategy could have been altered. The eight cards left in each hand were as shown below. 73 10 8 2 N. 5 A Q82 76 A Q54 44 10 S. 10 9 54 9 3 9 8 The of clubs was led.

If North ruffs at all, it makes no difference in final results whether he ruffs the first or second lead of clubs, as readily may be seen. As a matter of fact, North discarded a low diamond on the and I let go my lowest heart. When the second club was led, North awakened to the fact that he did not want to reduce either red suit another card, so he ruffed. Declarer's lowest diamond was discarded. North led the 8 of diamonds.

The won. The of hearts was led. The covered. The ace won. The of won the next trick.

Dummy the third heart led. hearted The ace and of diamonds won the two next tricks, yielding the small slam bid. Suppose North had led a low heart, instead of the diamond, after he had ruffed. The small would have resulted, just the same, because the trump would next have been led, forcing North to discard either heart or a diamond. The heart discard will cause declarer to let go a diamond.

The diamond discard by North will cause declarer to let go the of hearts. In either case declarer will win all four tricks remaining. North refuses to ruff in tomorrow's article. PRESENT GIFT TO POPE Symbolic Candle Given His Holiness for Church Festive Days VATICAN CITY, Feb. Pius, reclining in his wheel chair, received today a richly decorated candle symbolic of the gift of sacred candles Incident to the fest tivity of the purification of our lady and candlemas day.

Pio Manzia, lay master of the papal household, made the presentation. Candles donated by other callers were presented this year to Cardinal Pacelli, instead of the pope, because of the pope's condition. A Vatican spokesman said that the Pope passed a fair night and that pain in his legs, affected by varicose veins, abated considerably. CLAUDETTE ILL WITH FLU HOLLYWOOD, Feb. Colbert, on location in Idaho, is "fluing" along with other members of her company, studio officials here learned today.

Claudette Robert Young, her leading man, both had a light touch of "flu." Dr. Joel Pressman, Claudette's husband, joined the Paramount company over the weekend. The studio is filming Swiss scenes at Sun valley near Ketchum, Idaho. Bitterweed, poisonous range plant, kills sheep but does not affect cat- THE WICHITA EAGLE Classified Advertising Local Rates Minimum Charges All advertisem*nts of 18 words or less are published with the following minimum charges: For 1 Sunday 75 For 1 week day .66 For 3 days. including Sunday.

1.71 3 week days 1.53 week 2.04 Four days, "Includina Sunday. 2.28 One week 2.94 One month 7.20 Per Word Per Day One Sunday 1-60 One week day 3 2-3c 3 consecutive days, including Sunday 3 1-60 0 consecutive week days 5-6c days 1-3c (A word is any group of one or more letters or figures between two spaces or between a space and 8 hyphen. hyphens counting as spaces.) Outside of Kansas and Oklahoma The Eagle classified rate is five 15) cents per word per day on a minimum of 15 words. Ten cent discount is to be subtracted from 1 a charges on ADJ ad paid for in advance or within a week after the first insertion when no pastdue charges remain still unpaid on cur books. No allowance can be made tor failure to receive statements.

Errors in Classified Advertisem*nts should be reported immediately as The Wich.ta Eagle responsible for 080 incorrect insertion only 11 the value of the ad clearly The Wichita Eagle endeavors to print only truthful want ads and will appreciate having its attention called to any advertisem*nt not conforming to the highest standards of bonesty An ad on a -time order may be cancelled at any time before 9 p. m. (MAKE NOTE OF THE CANCELLATION NUMBER GIVEN BY THE CLERK TAILING THE KILL ORDER. The charge will then be on the regular rate for the number 01 days lished -at the rate thus earned. The classified ad department is open from 8 a' m.

until 9 m. every day to accept ads published in the Morning and Eagles of the following day received Saturday (up to the final deadline at 9 will be inserted in the earliest sible edition and will be published for certain in the Sunday Wichita home and morning street editions. The Wichita Eagle reserves the right to edit or reject any classified advertisem*nt. ANNOUNCEMENTS An 18-word ad in classification for three days 1. for ahis, for $2.94.

Call 2-4431 for an ad taker. Cards of Thanks 1A WE WISH--To thank our friends a and neighbors for their kindness shown at the death of G. A. Edgar. Mrs.

G. A. Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. C.

R. Goodin and family. WE WISH TO THANK--Our many friends for. their kindness and floral offerings during our recent bereavement. Wilber Roll and family.

Health and Hygiene FREE! STOMACH ULCERS, GAS PAINS. INDIGESTION relieved quick. Get free sample doctor's Prescription. Udga, at DOCKUM'S DRUG STORES. MEN GET VIGOR AT ONCE--New Ostrex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster invigorators and other stimulants.

One dose peps up organs. glands, blood. Reg. price $1.00. Introductory price 89c.

For sale at Dockum. Cut Rate Drug company. SWEDISH MASSAGES- -Medical gymnastics. Quick relief colds. neuritis.

other ailments. Helen Hibbert, 1737 N. Broadway. MORTUARY CRAIG- services for Myron Eugene Craig, 81. pioneer rallroad man who died Monday at the Wirthle, home 4523 of his daughter.

Mrs. P. O. West Thirteenth, will be at 4 p. m.

Wednesday at the King Brothers mortuary with Sage, reader, officiating. Burial in Wichita Park cemetery. HUMPHREY-Funeral services for Mrs. Alice Kennedy Humphrey, 521 South Washington, who died in a local hospital Monday, will be at St. Mary's cathedral at 10 a.

m. Wednesday. A recitation of the Rosary will be at 8 p. m. today at the Lahey and Martin chapel.

Burial will be in Calvary cemetery. -Funeral services for Patricia Lee Tidmus, month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tidmus, 2037 South Waco, who died Monday, will be at the Dowhing mortuary at 11 a. m.

Wednesday with Rev. E. F. Shank officiating. Burial will be in Memorial Lawns cemetery.

NAGEL-Funeral services for Henry J. Nagel, prominent Sedgwick county farmer, who took his life Monday at his farm home east of Wichita, will be at 3:30 p. m. Wednesday at the Downing mortuary with Rev. W.

E. McCoy officiating. Burial in Wichita Park cemetery. BUMP--Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret Bump, 56.

of Valley Center, who died in a local hospital Sunday, will be at the Downing mortuary at 2 p. m. Wednesday with Dr. Thomas Williams officiating. Burial in Wichita Park cemetery.

BOLING-Funeral services for Omar J. Boling, mail foreman at the Union station who died Monday, will be at 3 D. m. today the Byrd-Snodgrass mortuary with Rev. Raymond E.

Dewey officiating. Burial in Wichita Park cemetery. BUZARD -Funeral services for Mrs. Amanda Buzard will be at the Culbertson mortuary at 3:30 D. m.

today with Rev. G. K. Wallace officiating. Burial in Memorial Lawns cemetery.

BURNS--Funeral services for William Burns were to be at 2 today at the Flanagan- mortuary with Rev. W. E. McCoy officiating. Burial will be In Calvary cemetery.

Pearl Wittum were to be 2 p. m. today WITTUM- services for Mrs. at the Culbertson mortuary with Rev. E.

M. Smith officiating. Burial in Maple Grove cemetery. Elie HowerShog phone For all Occasions (3-4612) 2214 E. 13TH ST.

OFF THE RECORD 0 ED REED 2-2 "That's a new technique he learned at the movies!" ANNOUNCEMENTS Health and Hygiene "606" and "914" Given to Men and Women Your Secret Is Safe With Me In blood and venereal diseases I offer you results I am giving others daily. Come to me and stop taking sickening mixtures, patent medisines, friends prescriptions. Success comes only by going after the real cause. If you are interested in yourself, let me explain my way of treating this most important subject. Blood Poison, Private, Kidney, Bladder and Prostate Gland diseases.

Blood tests made: X-ray $1. DR. TIPTON 200-207 Bitting Wichita, Kan. Special Notices 5 SEWERS OPENED And Drains cleaned without digging. ELECTRIC ALEXANDER.

4-9164 MONUMENTS Buy direct from, manufacturer. Prices request. Bruce's Marble and Granite Works Fort Scott. Kan. Personals MATERNITY HOME For unfortunate girls Very private.

Reliable and reasonable. Box 341. Kansas. WE BUY -Newspapers. magazines Bring them to us or we will call for, weigh and pay at your door.

KANSAS WASTE PAPER 733 S. St. Francis 2-4549 HAY'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCYSuite 311. Kaufman Wichita. Industrial.

criminal, civil. domestic cases. Psychic Interpreters 7A LOTTIE SUPERIOR GIFTED READER inform You Correctly Readings 50c. 8 a. m.

-9 p. m. 815 S. Lorraine MME AVELINE- -Well known. In doubt consult her.

One who can help you. Reliable. West Douglas. 2-0290. A TRUE MEDIUM Without you one word, you will be told names, facts.

the object of your visit. everything you wish to know. Helps you no matter what the trouble 15. Solves every problem in personal. business affairs.

If in doubt what a real genuine psychic medium can do consult me at once. I'll give you indisputable and substantial proof of thoughts my powers to read your innermost and unravel the most complicated problems in your life. One visit will convince you. True advice saves mally dollars, untold worries. Come today as morrow may be too late.

Full Life Readings $1. Satisfaction Or No Charge. Hours 10 to 10 p. open Sunday. 1611 S.

BROADWAY Travel Opportunities 7B LEAVING FOR LOS ANGELES -Thursday morning, can take three passengers to share expenses. 2-7912. Amusem*nts 8 BALLROOM DANCING Acquire confidence, ease, grace and rhythm Beginners or advanced. Latest steps. Lucille Moore 3-9146.

515 Mathewson. A LA CASA STUDIO--Latest ballroom steps. outstanding. superior in every detail Class lessons. Convince yourself.

1021 Broadway, 4-6456 Strayed, Lost, Found 10 LOST -Black overcoat made by Rothchild company at Lassen hotel Saturday. Call 4-9973. Reward. LOST -Black suede purse containing WPA identification card. county check and other articles.

Ida Mable Gott, 1226 S. Washington. AUTOMOTIVE An 18-word ad in this classification for three days for 7 days for $2.94. Call 2-4431 for an ad taker. Autos for Trade A CARS TO TRADE Want all makes and models for salvage.

Highest prices. E. Briggs, 3333 Maple. Dial 4-8161. Automobiles for Sale 11 FOR USED CARS CASH DRIVE DOWN GET CASH 324 W.

DOUGLAS. 5-0665 36 Chev. St. T. Sedan, radio, slick $495 34 Olds DeL.

Town radio. heater $395 CHAS H. TROUP SON. 220-222 Market GOOD WILL USED CARS 1936 PONTIAC 8 COUPE $575 1935 PONTIAC 8 SEDAN $525 1935 PONTIAC 6 2-DR. 1934 PONTIAC COACH $395 1933 PONTIAC SEDAN $335 1934 FORD COACH $315 1933 FORD SEDAN $295 1936 CHEV.

STD. 2-DR. $495 1934 M. COUPE 1933 CHEV. M.

2-DR. TRG $315 1934 PLYMOUTH COUPE $325 1934 OLDS 8 COACH $425 1934 STUDE. 4-DR. $375 1929 NASH SEDAN $65 GRIDLEY'S Pontiac Distributors 301-305 314 8. Main 313-315 S.

Mkt. On the Lot S. Cord Better Used Cars 36 Ford trg. 2 dr. Sedan.

Low mileage Heater Defroster. Gun metal finish. 35 Ford 2 dr. Sedan. HeaterDefroster.

A-1. 34 Ford Del. 2 dr. Sed. New finish--good tires.

32 Chev. Spt. Coupe. R. S.

New tires--slick. 33 Pierce-Arrow Sedan 6 W. trunk, Heater--Low mileagenew finish. 35 Hupmobile 4 dr. Sed.

RadioHeater- -New tires. Extra nice throughout. Ferguson-Olander Lincoln- Ford Sales Service 1210 E. Douglas Open eve. A REAL BUY '30 Ford Coupe, new tires, 6 trunk rack, reconditioned motor, heater.

$165. '29 Ford Sport Coupe. 19 inch wheels and tires. heater, only $82.50. PRINCESS GARAGE-218 S.

MARKET 1937 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Coach. $100 Discount Phone 4-2253. AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles for Sale 11 1936 FORD-Trunk coach. radio, heater. '36 Ford coupe.

'36 Pontiac coupe. '32 coupe. '35 coach '34 Ford roadster 525 Wichita "leatheR bound. COACH 1937 -Mohair license. upholstering anti-freeze, Market.

$600.00. e1037 Ford pickup. $540.00. 1931 CHEV. actual miles.

good condition throughout. Sacrifice for cash. See to appreciate. 720 N. Topeka.

WINTEREADY USED CARS '33 6 Pontiac wheels, 4-dr. good Sedan tires $295 '35 Chev. M. A-1 Coupe, $465 '35 Plymouth trunk. Del.

2-dr. $445 Sedan, '35 Stude. tires Com. Sedan, $450 new ARNOLD'S 314-16 S. MARKET MAC PLAN NO TRADE SPECIALS 1930 A real Chevrolet buy Coach- $145 1935 FORD -Long 10 wheel tires, base, 32x6 $465 ply HOBBS CHEVROLET Open Sundays and Evenings 1934 Chevrolet Coupe $375 1935 Chevrolet Coach 450 1936 Lafayette 4-dr.

Sedan extra good rubber. low mileage only 550 NASH WICHITA CO. 342 N. Market On the Lot 312 S. Broadway 28 Olds Sed.

$49. 32 Chev. Coupe $235. 30 Chev. Coupe $89.

35 Chev. Sed. $475. WALTON MOTORS 312 S. Broadway USED CARS PRICED PRICES Most of our advertising is done for 11S by our customers.

They advertise us because they know in our 20 years as a Ford Dealer have always truthfully described every used car we have sold. We don't believe it good business to add to the cost of used cars by buying large ads and spectacular stunts. The less money we have in a used car the less we can sell it for. Our customers actually get here what is generally spent on such advertising. Ask About Our 6-Month Protection Plan 301-321 SOUTH TOPEKA 1930 CHEV.

LANDAU SED.Repainted black with red wheels. Good tires. An extra nice $185 car thruout 1933 Plymouth CoupeLow mileage--very good thruout -'37 tags--good $285 tires 1929 Chevrolet RoadsterGood tires--certainly 8 dandy buy at such $45 low price 1932 Ford TudorNot many on the market. This one good. New seat $225 covers 1930 Ford TudorEconomy at low cost.

Neat appearance condition -good $150 1931 Ford De Luxe RoadsterFully equipped. 22,000 actual miles. top and side curtains Dandy in every way. Good $195 1935 Ford CoupePowerful, peppy. roomy three- passenger car.

Dandy condition and excellent ap- $365 pearance 1930 Chevrolet Coupepaint and reupholstered Nearly new tires. New $110 Price Auto Service Co. FORD DEALER SINCE 1916 USED CARS '33 DODGE SEDANOriginal blue finish like new; extra good rubber, nice clean upholstery and in the very best mechanical condition, and only $350 33 TERRAPLANE DEL. SEDANEquipped with radio and heater; paint and upholstery like new and has been thoroughly reconditioned $375 '35 TERRAPLANE PICKUPThoroughly reconditioned and guaranteed; extra good tires; a good tight cab for winter weather, and looks like $450 MOSBACHER'S 220 N. Broadway Open Sun.

AUTOMOTIVE Trucks- for Sale 12 USED We have accumulated many used trucks during the last few weeks we are compelled to resort to a bargain price clean up. You know what that means. Here is a sample. A 1934 Chev. ton long wheel base on duals for $295.00.

do And we have a large selection. Terms to responsible purchasers. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. 17th and Broadway TODAY'S SPECIAL 1936 Chevrolet Ton Truck Long wheel base, dual wheels; overload springs. $585 1700 DIAL E.

2-8479 DOUGLAS TRUCK SALVAGE Truck Equipment Used Trucks Truck Winches Used Tires TRUCK PARTS CO. 801 W. Douglas Phone L. D. 108 INTERNATIONAL 2-ton.

1934 truck. equipped with power wench. duel wheel pull trailer for sale. Phone 3-6536 Accessories and Tires 13 BATTERIES GUARANTEED $1 50 EXCHANGE RFCHARGED 25c 1234 Douglas 2-5917 Auto Storage and Hire 14 days and nights your car needs the snowy AUTO INN GARAGE- These cold. care w'e give it.

Keep your car in the Auto steam heated garage. Complete Inn's auto repairing and servicing. PHONE 2-0467 240 N. BROADWAY Auto Repairing 15 RADIATORS CLEANED THE RIGHT WAY -Repairs, exchanged. All kinds weld1ng AMERICAN AUTO RADIATOR CO 2-3348 Englich BUSINESS SERVICE An 18-word ad in this classification for Call 2-4431 for An ad taker.

three days to for 7 days for $2.10 Business Services Offered 18 Trash Hauling Specialists EASY TRASH SERVICE. 2-7396. Furnaces Repaired Vacuum Cleaned Call S. M. Holderby, 315 Lulu NU WA TRASH CLEAN SERVICE UP 2-8126 BLACK DIRT- -And fertilizer for lawns and gardens.

Fill dirt. sand. hauling grave. for drives. Geo.

Caster. 2-3906. Building and Contracting 19 CARPENTRY- -Remodeling. brick. stone cement.

asphalt roofing. roof repairinz. patch plastering. painting Estimates free. Res.

4-4138. Dan Long. CARPENTERING And building: cabinet work: plastering; foundation. Prices reasonable Free estimate. Work guaran teed Call us first.

3-0070: 3-7498. BUILDING -CARPENTERING House remodeling. cabinet work. brick. stone, dation cement work.

Roofing, Guaranteed. plastering, repair estimate 3-4767. BAsem*nT WATER PROOFING -Plastering. Drive- run and patched Caulking, roofing. Work guaranteed Wichita Water Proofing.

3-8458 PREVENT FROZEN WATER PIPES -Pipes thawed. Brick, Stone, Cement wOrK Free A. E. Arnett, 1607 N. Santa Fe.

2-4609. Beauty Shops 19A IUFFMAN BEAUTY SHOP--Special $5 Lavender Oil Permanent $1.95. Soft water, new supplies. 110 Fairview Apts 2-0038. Manhattan OIL Beauty PERMANENTS Shop.

N. Minor $1 114 Topeka. Open Sundays. 2-9276 KEN'S BEAUTY SHOP-109 W. William.

Oil permanents, $1 up. Machineless $5. Two for $8. Open Sundays. 2-9890 $1 SPECIAL DELLA WILLIAMS PERMANENTS $1 204 S.

Topeka 2-9202 $1 PERMANENTS MILDRED GORMAN BEAUTY SHOF 223 8 Main Open Sundays 2-9929 Mme. Elnora Miller Beauty Salon. new location. 320 N. Main.

Permanents- -all and $10.00. Dial 5-1722. $1 PERMANENTS. Oil Permanents, $1.95 LA CHIC BEAUTY SHOP Opposite Nomar Theater. 2150 Market 2-9578 FORD'S-807 E.

Douglas. 2-9896-Duart permanents. $1.50 to $4. Machineless wave. $5 Sunday; also evening appointments.

PARIS, 1106 OIL E. Douglas. PERMANENTS 2-9030 $1 UP Evening. Sun. Apts.

Florence Hayes, Met permanent $3 $3 permanent 2 for $5. School girl permanent $1.50. Don Cole Beauty Shop 2-9919. SPECIAL Permanent $1.00 American 415 Douglas. 2-9416 FREE FACIAL With every permanent.

special for one month. North High Barber and Beauty Shop, 315 13th. 2-9083. GUARANTEED $195 to $5 PERMANENTS Arch 25c -Hair Cut 25c Finger Wave 25c with Shampoo 35c. Soft Water.

Wichita Beauty Shop. 233 Market 2-9026 Family Beauty Shop. 406 Douglas. 2-9259 $3 PERMANENTS-2 for $4.50: $5 two for $7.50 $5 machineless 2 waves 2 for $6 Helen's Beauty Shop. 2144 Broadway 2-9222.

BUCK'S Oil Permanent 35c $100 Shampoo. fgr. wave up 090 tV Douglas Kathryn Hauser 2-9216 Mattresses Renovated 20A WE REMAKE Cotton mattresses into modern Relaxon innerspring mattresses. West Side Mattress 615 W. Douglas.

2-32-24. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY WICHITA Day or THE (BUSINESS) COLLEGE Night Sign of Efficienoy Classes A Superior School of the Better Class 600 calls for office help during 1936. More calls for combined graduates and young men secretaries than we can fill. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION Enter At Any Time Free Employment Service. Earn part expenses.

Easy payments. Phone. call or write for free information. THE WICHITA BUSINESS COLLEGE 114-116 Market Wichita. Kan CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY RADIOS CLOSE OUT 30 New Radios--Standard Reconditioned, Makes- Guaranteed -Cost up to $200-Your Choice CROOK FURNITURE COMPANY 207 N.

Main Open Evenings BUSINESS SERVICE Mattresses Renovated 20A MATTRESSES We specialize in rebuilding mattresses into beautiful innerspring mattresses. KANSAS MATTRESS 830 S. St. Francis 2-0357. Dressmaking, Fur Repair 21 FUR COATS and repaired.

Mrs. Wright's Fur Repair Shop. Years of experience. N. Broadway 3-9978.

Mrs. E.R.Bedell EXPERIENCED FURRIER DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS FIRST SERIE DIAL 2-3960 FUR COATS--Repaired. re-styled. Fu: jackets a specialty. Coats relined.

Expert service. 2-8155. 1616 N. Market. Mrs Hollenbeak.

DRESSMAKING of all kinds. Ladies' dresses, suits, coats. Alterations, chil- dren's clothes. 224 Fannie 4-5154. Insurance, Surety Bonds 23 FIRE AND TORNADO- Insurance bonds and casualty, ROBERT E.

ISRAEL CO. Bldg. 4-3377 Laundering 24 WET WASH-30 lb. Thrifty, 5c lb. Shirts, 10c Suits.

dresses, coats, dry cleaned and pressed 35c. Quality work. Delivery. Pennington Dry Cleaners and Laundry. 2-3677.

WET WASH -Rough dry or finished, curtains stretched. Call for and deliver 1802 W. Second. 3-9396. LAUNDRY -By piece or dozen.

Rough or finished. Called for and delivered. Prices reasonable. 1154 Topeka. 2-6258.

WET WASH Call for and deliver. 212c pound. 2-5988. Moving, Storage 25 MERCHANTS TRANSFER Modern fireproof warehouse; LOCal ant distance moving: crating and packing Phone 5-1655 123 S. Washington JAYNE TRANSFER--Large vans Dy load hour or contract: long distance: able rates.

Phone 2-5084. 419 Handles TRANSFER- TRUCKING W. D. A. 4-1314 Yellow Cab TRANSFER STORAGE CO.

Local Long Distance Moving. Storage, Moth-proofing. Crating Responsible PHONE 3-0201 SOUTHWEST TRANSFER STORAGE 301 S. WICHITA DIAL 4-8381 Local and Long Distance Moving Storage, Moth Proofing WEST SIDE TRANSFER -Large vans 101 moving. Local, long distance.

Reasonable rates. Al Baenisch. 312 N. Walnut. 4-3262 MOVING CITY LOWEST -LONG RATES.

DISTANCE RELIABLE 3-4156. A.B.C. TRANSFER, 805 S. Water. Minnich Storage AND TRANSFER co.

RESPONSIBLE Packing- Crating Reasonable Water 2-2251 EARL FROST TRANSFER Light and heavy hauling. electric refrigerators our specialty Business telephone 3-8827 night telephone 4-9568 ATHERTON TRANSFER STORAGE 328 TopekaMOVING Both local and long distance Painting, Decorating 26 FREE ESTIMATES -Labor and material paperhanging. painting. decorating plastering, carpentering. etc.

General Repair Service. 3-0238. PAPERHANGING- Painting. Carpentering. Roofing -Patch plastering.

general repairs. Paper samples shown. Estimates Free. Expert work. Reasonable.

Kipers 3-1250 PAPERHANGING Painting, patch plastering. Low prices. Must have work. Paper bc. Work guaranteed.

4-2539. N. E. Dean. PAINTING--Papering, glass setting.

tering. floor finishing. guaranteed. Estimates free. Reason able Alfred Cook.

2326 Arkansas 5-2367 IF YOU WANT first class paper hanging and painting call F. D. Mielkey, 4-4245. Samples shown. PAINTING factory AND PAPER HANGING workmanshtp and materials.

Estimates free. Phone 5-2641. RALPH BRASTED GOOD PAINTING--And paperhanging calls for workmanship and reliable materials. We employ both Frank Macey, 402 S. Main.

Phone 3-9603. CENTRAL WALLPAPER PAINT CO.Economize on glass, paint, brushes. wallpaper. Expert workmen. 1727 Central.

4-1248. BIVINS Experienced decorator Painting. paperhanging and patch tering work. Free estimates Samples shown. 3-8383 K.

W. CREASE -Experienced decorator in paperhanging. painting and plastering All work guaranteed. Dial 3-5518. SIGN PAINTING First class Reasonable.

All kinds. 1727 E. Central Phone 4-1248 AIN patch plaster. ing Need work. Wallpaper 5c and un Free estimates.

McGregor, 2-6034. Call 4-4207 evenings. PAPERHANGING-Painting and carpenter work. Call Hatfield. 4-8481 PAPERHANGING- PAINTING Patch Work guaranteed.

Call D. Massarsky. 3-6819 Baths Massage 28A BATH AND. MASSAGE- Reclining steam baths. well equipped oper ators Day and evening Telephone 3-9763 Douglas CALL 4-0256 For Electric Sweats.

Swedish Massage. Experienced nurse MISS WANONA. 230 N. Estelle FOR I VIGOR And strength try Swedish massage. Reduces weight and relieves rheumatism.

2139 E. 13th street. REDUCING Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded JEFFERIES CLINIC Niles Hotel. 2-9171. 305 S.

Bdway. MASSAGE PARLOR- Kathrine Hamilton. 216 S. Topeka. South hall Apt.

7. Hours 9 to 6. See new and former clients. three days for $1.71: 7 days for $2.94. Repairing, Upholstering, Refinishing 29 H.

B. McKEAN UPHOLSTERING Free Estimates 2-9582-940 SENECA E. McCullough New Materials Prices Expert workmanship 2-5286. 323 Marker EDUCATIONAL An 18-word ad in this classification Call 2-4431 for an ad taker. Schools and Colleges 31 ACADEMY OF BEAUTY CULTURE "VENUS' ET tional 3rd HOIDALE Floor First Nat'i -Representative Bank of Bldg.

Correspondence Schools. 146 S. Green. Phone 2-2685. HENRY -By CARL ANDERSON DANGER DANGER ICE Copr.

King Features Syndicate, Ina Worle CARL 1937 Carl Anderson rights reserve ANDERSON- 22 EDUCATIONAL Schools and Colleges 31 Today's Opportunity for Ambitious Young Men Master Diesel Training Adcox School Portland. Oregon. 8 leading institution teaching trades twenty-seven years. Investigate this thorough and reliable school before choosing State age and present employment Write for complete information. Adcox Trade School.

237 E. Broadway Portland, Oregon. KANSAS SCHOOL OF COSMETOLOGY EXPERT BEAUTICIANS TRAINED 302 Bldg. 3-3116 BARBER STUDENTS- -Men or ladies. earr while you We can also get you place while to work for your board and room in school.

Wichita Barber College Parks System. 600 East Douglas GET ON UNCLE SAM'S 3 PAYROLL Start monthly. Men18 to 50 years. Get ready for next Kansas examinations. Many Social Security positions in prospect.

32-Page catalogue explains everything. Write Lincoln Institute, Box 1994. Wichita. Kansas. YOUNG MEN -To qualify as sign painters teach you quick Experience essary.

Phone 4-1248. EMPLOYMENT An 18-word ad in this classification for three days for $1.71: 7 days for $2.94. Call 2-4431 for an ad taker. Help Wanted, Female 33 WANT GENERAL HOUSEKEEPER And cook for day work. Good salary.

Permanent job. Eagle Box 103-D. CHRISTIAN Prot.) woman. co lege education who prefers Christian work. Unusual opportunity; pays well.

Guaranteed income from start. Give age, education. Sunday School and church experience. and phone. Eagle Box 454 F.

EXPERIENCED WHITE MAID--Capable of taking charge in home with 2 children. Stay nights. References. 2-0094. REFINED WOMAN -Preferably married or widow.

to do work for nationa'ly advertised substantial company You would be trained to talk with individuals. clubs and schools. Fascinating, dignified. profitable. permanent occupation Eagle.

BOx 242-D. WANT YOUNG LADY -For general housework. Prefer one who can sew. Write Eagle Box 105-D. Help Wanted Male 34 BOYS-If you are having 8 hard time meeting your school expenses, why don't you come to The Eagle office each day between four and seven o'clock? 1 Ask for Johnnie.

Jimmie. Babe or Harry. WANTED- Wichita representative for ternational Correspondence Schools, 25 to 35: permanent position, practical training Address G. Hughes, Sales Director, Huntoon Western. Topeka Kansas CPENING--For neat young man.

Can earn $20 weekly at start. Good future. Mr. Hizdon. Penn Hotel.

7 p. m. SALESMAN -Now selling automotive trade covering eastern and central Kansas. t' handle side lines automotive painting materials. maple.

Box 36-C. MINISTER--Or religious worker. college trained. for position in religious educational work. Energy.

initiative. strong character essential. Guaranteed income. Reply fu'ly. give 'phone.

Eagle Box 455 F. 4 YOUNG MEN- Wanted for high class connection with Jocal firm. Qualifica. tions. A-1 character references.

Apply 203 Kaufman Bldg. after 9 a. m. Help Wanted Male and Female 35 EXPERIENCED -Direct Salesmen Attention. Real Silk Hoslery Mills has College Hill territory open.

407 permanent satisfied customers, which should assure you income. of $45 weekly. See sales manager by appointment only. Telephone 3-5825. Employment Agencies 36 OFFICE- And business help.

Maid service for private homes. 315 Orpheum de Phone 3-3135. R. L. Treweeke.


41612 E. Douglas. Salesmen Saleswomen 37 SALT SALESMAN- Southwestern Kansas. Prefer salesman with following cery or Feed trade. Answer in own handwriting giving age.

experience. and complete outline of all past connections. Must have car. Salary and expenses. Replies confidential.

Eagle Box 460-F WANTED- Man with car to take over profitable Rawleigh Route Established customers. Must be satisfied with ing of $30 a week to start. See Mattox. Allis Hotel. Wednesday.

Feb. 3.0 EXPERIENCED SALESMAN With car. None other need apply. References required. 107 S.

Rock Island. Situation -Female 39 EXPERIENCED- work colored girl or cooking by day or week. Go home nights, references. Call 2-7779. CAFE WORK WANTED -Experienced back and front, age 32.

References. Phone 5-1281. REFINED WHITE WOMANWishes housework or practical nursing. 3-6939. COLLEGE GIRL -Wants work for room and board.

Phone 3-3116 between 9 and 5. YOUNG LADYWants housework or wishes waitress! work. Call 5-2971. lady in small family or motherless home. HOUSEWORK WANTED--By middle-aged Permanent Phone 2-5753.

1341 12 N. Main. FINANCIAL An 18-word ad In three days 1 for $1 this, classifications 94 for Call 2-4431 for an ad taker. Business Opportunities 41 BEAUTIFUL Cabin camp. seven cabin: equipped and thirty acres; quarter mile shore line.

north side. four miles west Bagnell dam. Lake of the Ozarks, Mis-1 souri. Sell cheap for cash. Also-160 acres unimproved, fifteen miles from the coast, California.

Dr. Edward Dodd. Cairo. Nebraska HAVE $300 OR $400-To invest as silent partner In small business in peed of expansion money Write full details to Eagle Box 97-D. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 41 CITY ROUTE Coin amusem*nt machines, $50 weekly income.

This is worth your vestigation. Baum. 1725 Waco. 4-1404. DOWNTOWN SANDWICH SHOPPriced cheap for quick sale.

217 W. Douglas. 2-CHAIR BARBER--And beauty shop, low overhead and good prices. $400 will take it. 3-5947.

SMALL DESIRABLE HOTEL--Will sell, or trade for well located community grocery. Give full details. 2-5953. PISTON RING AGENCY -Heart of auto jobbing business. City of 50,000.

Priced to sell. KASHFINDER. Wichita. Kan. HOTEL-30 rooms, semi-modern; county seat northeast Kansas.

Sell part furnishings $600 cash. Lease building partly furnished $25 per month. Clean going business. Offered because SICKNESS AND DEATH. Mrs.

Mitchell, Hotel Hiawatha. Hiawatha. LUNCH ROOM -Seating 15, nicely equipped, For full particulars call 5-0336. -Wishes transportation to Los Angeles. Share expenses.

Apt. 307. Commodore. FOR SALE OR TRADE--Furniture, small car or lots. Late 32 Pontiac Sedan.

2-7547. FILLING STATION FOR LEASE Capital for stock and rent required. We will carry your authorized charge accounts. 301 S. Main.

WANTED--Apartment house or hotel to manage. References. 3-3909. FILLING STATION -Established business. Good equipment and 4001 East Kellogg.

Lease reasonable or shares. Giwosky, United Laundry. BEER PARLOR- In connection with pool room. Good business location. $325 today, Rent pool fixtures.

Sickness. 3-8686. RESTAURANT--Downtown. Ilness forces sale. Has booths, counters, tables.

Fully equipped. Terms. 2-0135. GROCERY -For sale, trade or lease. Good location.

cheap rent. Make offer! 3-5842. 147 N. Emporia. GROCERY- -Sickness forced quick sale.

doing $35 daily, cheap rent including living rooms, priced right. ROSS BURNS AGENCY. 124 S. Market. Phone 3-2161.

CLEANING PLANT- -Specially designed for plant. Well known. Investigate. KASHFINDER. Wichita.

Kansas. Money to Loan 43 AUTO LOANS CO SIGNATURE Get $5 to $50 on any car, 1929 to 1937 model Refinancing not neces-We make second mortgages Other a auto loans to $500. Cut your payments in half. Signature loans $5 to $100 In 10 minutes. No endorsers.

Confidential courteous service. Security Finance Co. 303 Douglas--Phone 5-0665 Need Cash Today? PHONE 4-0319 GET THE MONEY IN 15 MINUTES Personal Co. To Men and Women No Endorsers Security 505 Union National Building FRIENDLY LOAN CO. "A FRIEND IN NEED" Combining Bills and Reducing Payments.

Automobile--Furniture Salary--Diamond 819 1ST NAT'L BANK BLDG. 2-0485 AUTO LOANS New Low Rates COMMONWEALTH SECURITIES co. 130 N. Market 2-3494 Salary Loans NO Quick. INDORSERS Confidential service.

Good terms. See 206 Union Nat'l Bank Bldg. Trim LOANS--On autos and furniture. Also personal loans. R.

B. INVEST LOAN 814 Brown Bldg. 2-7242. Private Money Quick. confidential service.

Good terms 00 autos. any good security or salary. Luzadder, 1109 Bitting Bldg. 2-2782. QUICK MONEY Cars refinanced for other bills.

Payments cut in half--Lowest rates. The original direct auto loan plan. L. W. LAFFERTY, 219 W.


Bank Building. 3-2411 Real Estate Loans 43A QUICK MONEY FOR -EDGE Farm and City Loans SWOPE-BRADY REALTY CO. Phone 4-0396 421 W. K. H.

Bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS Residence. Commercial and Farm H. A. STUTSMAN, 421 Beacon Bldg.

2-7721 FINANCING NEW HOMES -Is a specialty with us. See us you wish to buy or build MONARCH INVEST. 3-4227 York Rite Temple Bldg. FARM, SUBURBAN, CITY LOANS Lowest Quick Service FIDELITY INVESTMENT CO. 417 Beacon Wichita, Kan.

2-1481 CITY LOANS --15 Years--No Commission MONARCH LOAN CO. First Natl. Bank Bidg 3-7141.

The Wichita Beacon from Wichita, Kansas (2024)
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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.