The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri (2024)

4 112 OR 111 1. 12 11 ME 2 1 Funti 11 Th 101 07 110 11 ITAL 7 5 1121 111 230 SI 102 122 IL. it IL Da D. INS Cuts HE 1155 la DAE 00 -TO. 10, mEt TIL 11, 25.

7 1020 1, 721 27 277 duke 15. 250 117 1 12 12 3011 Mr. 1001 41 555 1 AL IC L. 330 L. 11 7 7.30: 3.75 11 12 Business Briefs SAN FRANCISCO (UP) and mime American cumpanes are becoming over the peril of banker comtrel, Jetm F.

Neville, generall counsel of the Nattinall Assaciation uff Insuramo- Agents, said Wednesday. Speaking to a CallFornia agents group, Newille said the atmosphere aft necent hearings before the Blouse Banking Committee im Washington suggested Cungress mag tale actin tho curb contrail all small busimess beg banking interests. NEW YORK (UPD 'NCF Industries. thus obtained a $24 million ender forum ville Nastile fiver 600 box curs to be built im NCF's St. Laws pitant.

CHICAGO (UP AB Dick said utt Was wam al use Arwen Car of Antwerp, to talkie ever world wide distribution off Over-the-Counter Quotations (Rowland and Co.) American Busch Rank ail Chose TAD Antiested Income Union Kustom beggett and Piotr Manley lindl Mercantile Trust Mintier American Natiem Snoutty Mueller, Raul Oeson Drilling: Pioneer Foots Pott And Southwett Pot Tyson Foots VICIO 20) thee Belgian company's plain paper copying machine to be mane in Germany: Marketing will stant. in misd-1974. ST. LOUIS (UPD) Monsanto Con. said Wednesday it now is marketing a line of artifetall chocolate flavorings for besenages and ire cream.

ST. LOUIS (UPD) Pet announced Thursday it has authemized purchase of am additinall 105,586 shares of the cumpang's common stock or shares of equal val- The shares will be used to offset shares of the company issued im July in connection with the punchase of the assets and! business of Hood Industmas, Inc. What Stocks Did NEW WORK ART Prev Today dav Advances 696 943 Destines 825 597 320 309 issues, 1841 1849 Naw 66 88 New 1970 6 12 Trend of Staple Prices NEW YORK (API The Associated wholesale arice index of 35 advanced: to 308 1. Day 306.94, Week Ago 307.94, Noonihi Ago: 307.74 Year Ago 215.53. 1973 1971 1970 Mich 327 28 232.28 198.13 194.34 fLaw.

50 194:22 184.58 185.35 11924 average equals 1001 Stock Average Compiled ow The 30 indi. refi chunge: 4,8 489:4 Daw 494:2 Week Aqui 4821 A 465.2 4885. 6 19 Hal 932:7 Law 408.8 12 High 5298 19222 471L0 INVESTMENT COMPANIES NEW WORK PAPI Ime The tollowin our HE Itutions, tow Twern the Siti dint at Finders Deniers. Graft the unt wits these sue conte Itie Seedi sold erst Fours value) Hamelin suites charge)) Graft Sell DeM Lottie AGE Income ABuses 125 Gave Actin IF mitt (Cont Authn Shr 117 74 125 (N2 IF 212 HEnwim fte ADAm Ft IN Hoff Allstate 160 Fund inc Atta 1904 440 COmm Anienn 548 InnE Am Birth 4161 Ted Am Diver 99.062 100 Am Ent 5008 3:67 Amer Express GE 5 Canit Gen Sure aname 95 Sim Invest 07 PR WIZ Seedi R. Stack 27 8.00 Can St.

Am Galth 06100 06 A. Am 5 5,45 (Gntfn In Am Anus 5 426 IN Gisends Am Multi 8 80 AGIN GIn 200 294 FF Author Gran with Canit 5.48 80 Incom Grath 8.57 009 PART Rel Iname 4.100 8010 FINAL LLew Feel the 81 18 82 Whette Went 9 47 90.38 Hertue Wash IN 4640 113 865 Hemla: AL Autos IRt 8.46 Ave Pat A 40 90 5.74 IncomE Fira 77.400 807 Mimas, 9thStock 06 110 um hon 4 46 478 limp Can BUC Gifth 110:050 line Rubson Bovik Or 6180 IN Recon Hi NIL. Intl Imandt In Sera Keen ICA Bork Gth 4.30 imo Guid 5189 5.56 Ima indice Rust fRien Bren IRl won In Comet Bunch Ft 1008 IN Cami Com Bullnoc Camstr Bullok Camilt Gantn 5 110 4 Grft NY Wit 20 AU9 105 moth 106 Fund Die Can Tin 276 40 Prost Centrw $8h 134 062 Charmina Fumes Baton 700 2AD win PW 19 110 IT Cam 81 11.40 $5 030) 40 Indom 96 toll UP GothiF Swedi 48 206 FF Vent 8998 11090 Chase Gr HEN Si Runt 90.366 110 Johnston Fort Can 346 8.70 New tone Stuttid 8.977 290 Cut Chemist 110 91 810 Cut Colonist: Cis. 4 86 110 78 7777 Eauty Find MIL Cum, Grwith 06.355 4 43 1 775 118 Cus went 39 Cola Gotth 118.25 Polar Cutth AB 1.300 OnE NE Owith Gh Comp 04. IL cent Comp 065 Come For 816 si Gondartne 110 404 Cm Clans 550 ALit Constel 6 (Cont 625 IL taste Gam tut Ins Orrw Comp.

ARE tum Net Om WDw 4.115 Cm WOe 445 CamE Dallas Re 3.50 adult Dove Re 882 I Land Aubelt: de Detowure A Bet Desalt 91.190 Ent 015: Deizw 115 Delta 55 5 c8 luth Dir Can 5.460 542 Media Con IN IL nice Drewel 110.250 NUIL. Engent Drevtus Grr: indies Crest 911.422 E- Notes, Finance 115 040 N8 MW ITT Soil Inc NOW Thine 1099 102 Not 109 ERE FO NOW Enpie Or RI 885 E2) Entered Withes Bulan 99 16 110.22 JAR Incom 4.73 NONE Sandi 8.35 20 Fall Stack The Re Matt Barm EDE Sal 2420 NIL. EFC Not FF: En Gith 8 8.92 Na En Pro 0.39 No. Omani Re Am 48.720 Eurdt G) NES 20 0420 Matt Entun Tr Emer Sec 398 4.76 master Darde Emerge 1 Secur Form Be NIL. Bonnet Fieti fRo D) wid Finality Gran: 9a7 990 PT SN 11.

720 885 Incom Confit Conv 780 800. NE 27 207 Emult 110.45 Grolth 10 28 113. 460 Site A Fiel Purim 98 110 80 Saterm 5007 20 Finemoall Dana Nich Indust NIL Vert 426 IN Omega Pare Va 102.37 One WinS Pat Investors For 570 Gralth 77 8 EI Sick 830 010 Time Past Mutt 838 OTC Sec. Forum Gran Parian Cimh 00 770 NILE Foul 1. 10 1.32 32 37 1 2 13 13 10 13 15 11 10 15 3 1 321 51 2 15 31 37 27 35 32 15 30 7 2 3 15 17 23 21 23 12 11 11 15 2 5 2 I 711.51, U.5.

27 de 113.3 11P 05 2 1. 5. 75 5. 12 DE 77, 25 22 1 A BiT Ci 2 1 .15 :10 11-27 10-15 10-12 11-1 11-1 N.Y. Stock Exchange CONTINUED StdBr pf3.50 220 St5Paint .25 44 16 3 9 294 wi 21 StOilnd 2:68 14 234 2.72 31 193 StPress 30 StP rudnt .66 10 23 Standex .40 Stan Wks .96 Stanrav .60 Starrett StatMI 2 44e StatMS.

StautCh 1.90 Stau pf1. 80a Sterchi. 48D Ster Drug 0.60 26 377 StevensJP 2 6 368 StewWa 1.85 Stoke VanC1 Stok VC of 2110 Stone Web 2e: 10 72 StoneCon 30 Storer Bg lb StridRite. 65 5 123 StuWor 1.32 5 12 StuWr SIW of A 1.40 SuavSh. 10p SuCrest SubnPro.80 Sun Chm Sunil 98r 12 Sun 0 pf2.25 103 Sunbeam 0.90 13 109 Sundstrd .80 18 188 Sunds SunshM.

10e 136 22 Sup Valu .76 16 Supr Oil 1.40 82 24 SuomkG .20 10 137 Sutra 1.62e 16 Swank 68g 9 21 Sybron 72 19 142 Sybrn pf2.40 5 Systron Don 10 50 FROM PAGE 24 68 35 138 381 49 49 49 30 301 17 17 35 35 74 291 29 19 276 269 269 15 565 56 12 Taft Brd 60 13 Talcolt 27g Talley 600 6 171 Talley pf8 113 TampoE ,88 10 49. 20 20 20 Tandy Corn 14: 123 26 Tappon 40 33. 12 Technicon 26 20 17124 Tektronx 20 24 30 511 50 Telecor 24e Teledun 7 181 167 Teledun of Telex Co 149 Teance 1.36 9 230 4 25 Tennce wt A 194 Tenne of5. 50 15 Tesoro Pet 10 3519 Texaco 1.72 9 1185 34 Text Tr 1.58 14 316 TexGsT 1.64 31 28 Texaseit 20 Texasind lb 8 82 194 19 Texinst 68 43 241 TexONIG 01 29 170 24 TexPLd.54e 16 5 Text 1.04 14 178 30 Texti Ind 107 14 Textron 1 10.113 251 Textr oft, 40 26 26 Thiokol .50 Thm Bet 1.28 ThomBet Thomin 400 ThompJW1 ThriftyD TI Corp 1.40 TidwatM 52 Time In 1.90 9 62 TimeMir 12 152 20 Timkn 1,800 108 394 TishRit 148 20 20 Tod5hp 495 ToledE 1.92 TonkaCo .40 ToolRh 1. 141 289 Toot Rot 400 10 TraneCo 96 TranUn 1, 44 3916 Trans Air 6 482 TWA of 2 10 25 TranWd Fin Transom 59 10 248 Trainc 1.34e Transen.

43 Travelers 10 326 36 Travelr pt 28 46 45 4 11 TriCon 2 8 TriCe of2.50 Fri 5M 2.8le 10 15 Triangin 80 30 TriangP Trinity :60 10 39 Tropicana 31 203 TRW in 1.04 10 126 TRW of 4.50 TRW pt 4.40 TucsonG 84 TwenCe 10e 8 104 Tyler Cp .20 UAL Inc 422 UAL of. 40 UARCO 1.10 UGI Cp 26 17 UMC Ind 84 7.303 Unarco 40t 7 16 11 10 Comp 1.40 18.260 4 UnCorb 2.10 9 433 40 UnCom 1.33 82 20 Union Corp 12 Un Elec 1.28 85 UnEl 71pt 8 100 100 Un Elot6. 40 2100 61 Un El of 4.50 2180 58 Un El pf3, 50 230 45 Un Fidelity UnOCal 1.70 VOCa et2.50 79 2.40 102 UnPac of 47 123. 125 Unionam 76 28 Uniroval 70 7152 Unirval of 8 2110 10115 100 Unishops 40 Unit Air 1.80 6 252 Unit Brands 101 10 UBrd 20 20 UnitCo.73e UnitFin Cal 92 2.24 30 4 Unitind .34 Wder Bk 1.04 Unitinn 10 05.0 UnMM 1.30 267 21 20-4 Un Nucir UnitPk Min UnRefno USFidG 2.40 10 U5For 6.07e 267 US Frat 1.40 9 112 USGvos 1.60 234 1.80 26 25 25 USHome 16 5 83 US Ind.65 5.3334 13 USLease .24 21 US Rity 1,36 15 Us Shoe .95 58 USSteel 1.60 8 644 US Tobac :76 12 17 Uni Tel 1.04 12 UniTe wit Un TI 2011.50 Unitrode Co 15 137 UnLeat 1.76 5 29 UnivOil. 12e 13 134 Upiohn BB 42:367 Uris Bid.20p 20 USLIFE 28 18 217 371 USLinc ale 13 125 USM sto .60 33 2115 USM pf2.10 29 29 Utah in 440 32 44 UtahPL: 2.32 uv indie 56 30 29 UV In pf1.26 Varian 05e 159 VCA Co 44 30 Veeder 1.60 VendoCo ,40 10 Venice 206 9 100 15 14 VestSec .940 22 Vetco Offsh 42 166 V.F Corp .64 16 Viacom Int 13 VictOho .50 13 x42 12 VaEPw 1.18 225 VoEP pf8.84 260 1101 VaEP pl7.72 2100 100 100 100 VE 72 pf7.72 260 100 100 of 5 2120 69 69 Vornado 971 4 168 VSI Corp 52 VolMat 1.40 27 27 VWR Un .64 -W- Wachovo.

17 Wachpf2.20 83 WacRi 2.44€ Walgreen 1 17- WikrA 1.400 56h Wall Bus.45 WalM pf1.70 26 26 WalMar 05e 28 Wang Labs 34 237 Ward Foods 15 80 37 Wrac of 1.50 WrnerCo .50 12 wrn Com :40 218 WrnC p14.25 Went of 1.25 Warn .720 24 1070 Warn 1.20 14 28 WashGs 1.88 a WasWP 1.44 2018 Watkin Jhns WayGos .60 WavGpf Wean Unit 40 Webb Del WeilMcL 54 WeisMkt .50 Welbill Corp WeilFgo .96 10 261 WIIFM 2.12e 10 22 Wells RG .60 WescoF 23r Westet Tr.75 WIPP of 4.50 WiPIPeD 20 WnAirL 15r 10 267 WnBnc 1.40 10 Wn Poc Ind 12 125 Wunion 1,40 306 We Un of 6 WnUn pt 4.60 WniUn of 4.90 56 97 16 286 Watvco 1.10 13 149 U.S. Bonds NEW YORK (AP)- Thursday's New York Stock Exchange band mines: Sales muelt (51000) Mich Low Close Or. CORPORATION BONDS AllegHL 10 7619 7h6 AlidSt cud 701 Alco0 104 9803 11 AAiri 70 58 58 80 AND PSE 30 7614 4595 607 ATO Benunt ov4 4 90 6214 462 Celanes 24 118 co*ck SL414771 115 10 ColPict Con Air Cv31692 50 East AL cu5542 92 Geninst 4677 GriMe! 5577 GriMot 86 4 Gn TIE 75 Grace ov4 490 6414 Grunt outs 9D 86 86 GitWn 78 HelmnP cv5587 18996 1196 11606 IntMin outs Al 821 815 Lockhov4 30 3R 38 Loews 77 LTV Cp 594576 8 LTV 5588 51 MAdDD MoPoc'5520451 511 452005 480 VINY 5520131 MINYC41520131 wiN Gen 45981 VIN NH 45071 PAA cu PAA cu 465 RCA oN 7450 Rock in cull Pl 75 SLSF 5520061 55 35 1 Sunders Sears R404583 SoCalE CAN BD a 7707 Stauff cull as 97 Teledy 092 52 52 Tennco ov6 492 TWA6 141 AIrL c441492 4 78 UnMirch US Steel (66'4 UV Ind 74 773 78 Whit Womet 494 51 704 FOREIGN BONDS Chile 35931 4 off dE SALLIES NEW YORK API Approx Amal total 817 780 MOD Previnus dev SCOL AUTOL, Week can 530 41677 (100) Month ago SIR MI2 ANTED Year a00 1080 Two years 000 1000 Jon 1 to date 1972 to date 44,2403.582 1971 to dote 5 M386 10000 Ups and Downs NEW YORK (AP)-The following West shows the stocks. that have pone up the most and down the mast eesti 0371 percent of change on the Now Murk Stock Exchange regurdless wolume for Thursdov. Net and percentage chunnes one the difference between the disma price and today's tost price.

UPS Name Last HMW Ind 1177.10 URE Corp Sov A StoD 112 Penn Cent 102 5 Wolver WAN 112 Boritzen Inc Are 9 Empire Fin 10 Hilton Hotel Easco Corp 15 Motel inc 13. Thom Ind 14 Brown Co 16 vi Reade Cin Esquie Food Farr Being Hem 19 Benguet 20 GitWnin wt Kane Miltr 22 McGre0D Venice Ind 24 Howmet Cp 25 Atins Corp DOWNS Nome Last A Expina ail Eigin Notl Fled Assoc 40 6 Hemiso Cap Holt Died Johns Many Chadorn Inc Nerwest In wt Pasco line 10 Let valid TexOil Gas 12 UniFini Call 13 Tenne etA 14 VAL apt Wn Pac lind AhmanHF 17 Ames Dep 51 6.3 18 Apeco Corp 6.3 19 20 Interpub Gp 21 Nor Cent Air High Volt 0 Amcord inc 6 0D 24 Anco Oil 25 Notomas 6.00 ID 26 Prod 4 NEW YORK LAP -The lit shows the stocks that most and down the most toured) percent of 1. change on the Stock Exchange oft Net and percentage changes are ditterence between dummo price and todov's lost once. UPS Nome Crest Fam Elect Camp whittak wt Diodes Inc Bluebird in WEE 20 10 Bluebird wt 20 00 7 Logisticin 200 00 DOWNS Nume Last Pot. Altec Cp wt 9 1R 2 Resortini A 15 3 Genisco Tec 13.3 Rex Noreco conf 5 Colt anti 13.2 Markets at a Glance NEW YORK mother alts diance: NYSE advances, 825 most Imperial Oil Sairs Index 58 0 -D Bonds 0010 AMEN 406 advances.

as is 4t undines, most active Industries Sales 115 Indies Bonds 52 840 0010 CHICAGO Wheat- Lower. Corn- Sharew Outs- Shanty flower, Soybeans -Limit lower OTC 564 advances, active Pioneer Mi Bret k. -2 Composite Bond Averages Compiled by The Associated Press 20 110 ND Roils Wind. Nell change uh Thu 51.7 Prev. Dov 51.16 1879 4 77 8 Week App RD 8 OR Month Ago 5116 779 8 Year Auc 516 87.7 06.11 1973 Mich 53.2 89.3 000 872 1973 Low 516 46.3 1972 Fligh 858 RE 5 OR 83.11 1972 Low 57.9 83.5 PILS Weybro 1.28 Weverh 186a 16 0581 775 Whe Pry .40 34 460 Whee Pitt St 6 20 10 2210 WhelP of 5 210 Whirlpol 80 140 WhiC piC.a White Mutor 10 277 Whittaker 60 939 Wickes 109 14 48 20 100 Go 14 Wins Co wit Coti8D WinnDx 1.26 WinnDix 13 165 1.72 10 WisE pit8.90 260 AND 1.24 18 WitCh 98 3 Wow 05p Wometco 48 Wood Co 27 Wolwth 1.20 8 Wow p12.20 World Are 2.40 Wur Iftar 80 Wwly 88 30 108 Xtra1.571 7 30e 10 Zule CorD Zaneto JiBe 7 162 Zovre ZenithR 1.57 12 150 Zurn Ind 28 17 By The Press Grain Markets KANSAS CITY (AP) Wheat 146 cars: lower to 6 higher; No.

2 hard 4.71R-5.07, Na. 3 No. 2 red wheat 4.77 No. 3 4.75%- 5.0m. Corm cars: unchanged to higher, Nin.

2 white 2.75- 3. Na. 3 No. 2 yellow 2.507; Non. 3 2.49-2.509 Outs 7 cars: nominally unchanged; Na.

2 white 1.15-1.30m; Nin. 3 No. 2 mile 4.30-4.45m. Na. 2 rye 1.70-1.80m.

Na. 2 barbey 1.65-1.75m. No. 1 sugbeans 6 Sacked bran 96.00-96.75. Sacked sheets 99.25-100.00.

futures Chum Hi chi Law Close (Dent: 4: HS. 4, 4. 607 NICEST 4, 41. 77 4. 4.57 NOREW 4 4 4 44 Judi 1.95 3.79 3.86 Sesh 3, 94 Com 2.47 2.43 2.43 2.500 251 248 2.48 2 (CHICAGO) Que High Quern WHEE AT 431 44 86 4 712 Not EA 48 4.97 Dull 1198 AL 0 A Sep 340 4 (112) CORN 2.900 2.50 MINUT 2.50 2.54 2.5800 2.581 Dull 2.58 258 Simp 2-455 2.45 (Deer 2.23 WARE 2 24 2.24 CANS R.

277 1.27 Nites 11.300/2 11:301 Jail 11.22 11.22 SOY BEANS NEw 6 241 Jam 46 24 628 6.14 6.34 jail 4.15 66 280 627 Sem 4 (112) 6 GA Jun 66. 000 6. .00 SO OIL 20.25 20.800 De 25 19. 25 JARS 18.50 18.60 300 18.40 18.25, 18.2% Jul THE 100 ARISE HEAN NE Cuti TAD 0300 180:00 OnE 11700 000 1179: 000 Ban 000 B777 OLD 12.00 Ninas 4790 1129. 178.000 1029 20.00 00 ICED TAR 25 Jam hEr 20 3940 40.

Jami 19R 40 Bull 19.75 o- Asked Thursdaw: Prev Law Close Low Close Close 41 6038. 473 4.751 495 4:65, 4.70 4: 407 4.50 3.82 3,90 3.97% 3.83 1.89 3.97 2: 44: 2 57 248. 2.48 2.40 2.50% 2.5972 2.92 2.52 2.611 2.42 2.40 2.48 2.19 2 19 224 2.24 2.22 1.27 1L23 1.28 11.27 1.272 1.32½2 11.1572 1.1502 1 4.05 4.05. 6.24 MOM. 6.06 4.25 4.119 6 6.31 4.18 a 6.151/2 6.35 6.192 6.1972.

6.40 40 199 6.19 6.38 4.00 6.20 5.92 5.93 6.18 5,95 5.95 6. 15. 20:65 21.40 21.25 18.55* 18.90 19.15 17:92 18.15 18.65 17.82 18.10 18.40 17.70 18:05 18.30 17.60 17.70 18:15 80 17.80 ALL 172.00: 172.00 181.00 80 109.80 180.00 11201.50 170.50 180.50 1170.00 170.00 00 179.00 172:50 172.50 179:00 174:00 174:00 179.00 122:00 172.00 182.00 BROILERS. 37.40: 38.00 38.00 34.35 38.70 38.40 3010 39:10 39.25 25 39:00 39:80 40.00 39:25 39:40 39.35 39:25 39.25 39.35 1-Nominal. Treasury Issues IVET WORK Closing Over the Counter Treasure Bands for Praise dute Asked Bid Cho lat 40 PEN 19077 90 18 90.

7.14 40 Fate 98 21 7,65 AL 3100 98.2 7.00 Now 197 90. 94.9 486 1N80 85.28 40. 12 6.68 NAD 1980 83128 82 12 6.66 7. Auto 198:71 104 6 6.72 Sat Felt 19832 9, 24 97 8 6.81 14: 6, 41 9. 8 97 8 6.73 340 NO 1198855 78 10 100 5.99 1975.

85 800.30 81.30 6.49 Nice WE 20 94126 6.72 Fat The 776 5.65 Ausp 42 78 12 6. 1988 78.00 78:0 97.0 7.04 Aus 1990. 102: 28 1018 12 7.18 198 94. 77.300 78.300 5.91 Feth 78. 41 77.4 4.71 NOtE 98.8 90 7.06 1998 513 Bi and aked ances quoted 1m dollars and seconds Subiect to Federal not to State income taxes.

NEW WORK (AP) Casing Over theCounter We S. Treasury Nates. for Bid Asked Wield Mach 09.29 100.1 7.57 as 95 Muse Set Felt 1975 Ause A Sati Fell Pas Aug Fain 119275 Felt 19078 119079 it 4 a Notes: 1980 amt antendi and Mint secands. noses, not fo State 99: 22 99 26 7.57 98.7 98. 11 1.67 98.

15 98. 19 7.52 97.290 98 7.65 97.29 98 7.58 47.29 98. 4 7.24 48.0 98.8 7.26 97.24 98. 2 7.18 47.31 98.7 7.20 972.241 98.0 7.05 101.29 102 7.27 992 23. 9931 7.02 977.

16 97 24 4.93 98.13 98 21 6.88 97. 47 9 6.91 98.28 99.4 6.87 98.28. 99 4 6.84 100 16 100.24 6.81 97.10 98.6 6.91 TOR 5. 103. 13 6.85 102.18 102.26 6.91.

97.18 972.26 6.84 9t. lilt 96.19 4.8% 97.20 97.28 6.69 98.22 98.30 6.8,4 90. 18 99.26 6.91 quoted in dollars Subiect to Federal income taxes. Futures Trading OHCAGO TAP) Futures, trading on the Mercantle Exchange Thurs Prev Chem High Law Close Close LINE BEEF CATTLE Out 400 f05 401.52 39:90 41.10 40.55 Dew 48.25 4485 43.80 044.85 43.70 Feni 407.20 48.65 47.00 048.65 47.50 485, 49.35 47.85 049.35 48.40 Sum 48.95 49 15 48.05 049:35 48.35 AULD 47.800 48:25 47.80 048.25 47.25 (Oct 046.60 045.60 Sales Ordt Dec 5,920. Feb 3,016: Rami Jane 540: Aug 35: Oct 0.

FEEDER CATTLE Outt 52.95 52.10 042 95 51.95 NENe 012 5290 5202 052.90 $1.90 POUR 541.75 54.95 54.75 554.95 053.95 Oct 4. Nos 72; March 8 SIMELIL EGGS Ordt 640.50 60: 40 41.30 60.75 Nurse 400 003180 63.50 (OrC 43.70 65.300 62.70 65.00 63.70 52.00 98.00 57.00 98.25 58.25 53.50 54,80 $3.25 054:00 a53.75 $3.25 $1.75 052.50 53.15 Ar 57.50 90.90 50:90 51.00 Salient: Out 210, Now 640: Dec: 2.075: Jan 2040; Felt 485: March 24; April 3. IDANO POTATOES 8.7% 880 860 8.70 Nias 22. LINE HOGS Out 42. 43.40 41.50 42:60 42.20 DIE Asti (00) 42 95 43.65 b43.25 Felt 4AL 80 45.25 10 45.30 AR 40.90 44.40: 42.75 43.90 542.90 Jim 0 44.85 540.40 044.90 46.500 640.30 b44.80.

Aust 045.70 43.75 a45.70 D44.35 Qu SE 40.50 43.300 43,30 42:00 Sales: Cert Dec 2.354 Feb 1.665: Ageili 452 June 180 July Aug 31, Oct FROZEN PORK BELLIES Felt 46. 71 47 37 45.50: 067.37 b65.87 66.210 of 72 45.22 b66.72 b65.22 60, 00.000 06.30 a64.95 Jail 45.90 06.27 064.20 066.27 564,77 6487 6487 063.60 064.87 b63.37 Felt b54.30 n54.80 Sales Felt March: 392, May 98: Jw 12 Aug Fell 0. Com interest: Fed 2.8890 March 1,417, ole: Juit Aug 173: Feb 11. D- Asked n- Nominal. Cash Grain NEW YORK (AP)-Sales, closing price and net change of the fifteen most aclive stocks traded on the NY Stock Exchange.

US Indust 333.400 int Nickel 272.800 36 Saxon Ind 266.700 FedNat Mtg 160.800 East Kodak 160,200 Goodvear 159.000 Swest PSv6, 149,200 MGIC inv 148.200 Boise Cased 144.100 CoastS Gas 136.300 Not Gent 123.400 McDonald 120.900 Texaco inc 118.500 FstNat City 112,000 453 15M 107,100 Butter and Eggs Springfield Mo Daily News Oct, 5, 1973 25 Deaths NIXA Aaron M. Shaffer, 8-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Shaffer, of Nixa, died at 5:45 a.m.

Thursday in St. John's Hospital, Springfield, af. ter a short illness. Survivors, in addition to the parents, include the paternal grandparents, Dr. and Mrs.

Harold Shaffer, and maternal grandmother, Mrs. Erma Fleming, all of Nixa. Arrangements will be announced by Harris of Nixa. MRS. CLARENCE BAUMANN AARON M.

SHAFFER MOUNTAIN GROVE Funeral services for Mrs. Effa Marie Baumann, 75, of Graff, will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Craig-Hurtt-Hutsell Chapel here with the Rev. Mike Rathbone officiating, Burial will be in the Union Chapel Cemetery north of Mountain Grove. Mrs.

Baumann died Tuesday evening in the Texas County Me. morial Hospital, Houston, after a long illness. Surviving are her husband, Clarence; two stepsons, Paul, of Fort Scott, and Earl, of Tueson, two brothers, Perry Stone, of Fortescue, and Ray Stone, of Mound City; three sisters, Mrs. Harold Healzer, Mrs. Howard Bougher and Miss Pauline Stone, all of Kansas City; nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Cotton NEW YORK (AP) Cotton futures No. 2 closed $4.00 a bale lower to $3.25 higher Thursday. The market fell back on late profit taking after maintaining moderate advances during the session. Initially, renewed demand. after Wednesday sharp decline, brought about gains of more than $5.00 a bale.

However, advances uncovered increased offerings, and the selling swelled toward the end of the day, market sources said. The October 1973 contract, in which only liquidation or selling for. delivery purposes only. can take place, rose on short covering. Later it faded, under trade selling for the most part, according to brokers.

The average price for midding 1 1-16-inch spot cotton ruse 20 points to 79.60 cents a pound Thursday, according to the New York Cotton Exchange. No cotton futures closed $4.00 a bale lower to $3.25 higher than the previous close. Open High Low Close N.C Oct 85.70 86.40 85.00 285.00 un Dec 79.45 79.95 78.50 79.00 Mar 77.50 77.60 76.40 76.85 un May 77.40 77,40 75.40 75.80 -RO Jui 73.00 74.00 72.50 72.90 -30 Oct 61.75 62.40 61.75 262.25 Dec 56.60 56.90 56.40 56.80 Mar 255.80 45 bid Stands for night Dividends Declared Pe. Stk. of Rate riod Record 'able IRREGULAR Excelsior IncaSh 16 10-12 1-26 Fidel Essex Fd .04 10-5 10-19 Fid Puritan 10-5 10-19 Tri- South Mtalnv 76 10-15 10-31 US Banco 63 10-12 11-28 STOCK Southid Rovalty (x) 11-20 Exl-2 for stock split subiect to share.

hoider approval. US Trust N.Y (el-3 for 7 stock split Weverhaeuser (x) 12-11 tx) 2 for stock split subiect to share holder approval. INITIAL US Trust NY new 39 12-14 EXTRA Excelsior IncoSh .03 10-26 REGULAR Am Metal Climax 375 121 11-12 Arkansas La Gas 325 11-16 12.14 Bavrock Util Sec .06 10-19 11-E Beckman Instrmnt. 125 11-5 11-26 Burman Oil Ltd 11-23 1-24 Ex) Approximately. Mortgate.

Grp 10-29 Dreyfus. Fund .06 1-17 10-24 Fid Sec .09 10-5 10-19 Gen Pub Ute 40 10-26 11-21 Grass Telcasta 10-25 11-9 Wat 11-15 12-1 Hotel Investors 10-15 Mercantile Strs 11-30 12-14 New Process 075 10-16 Orange Rockid Ut 30 10-18 11-1 Pinkertons Inc. 0x) 195 11-1 12-1 bel Corrected amount. Slater Walker Am 10-16 1-26 US Home Corp .04 10-15 10-31 USLIFE Inco Fd .08 10-15 11-5 Dow Jones Averages New Final Dow Jones averages STOCKS Open High Low Close Net 30 Ind 963.05 969.30 949.50 955.90 8.65 20 Trm 181.79 183.23 179.51 181.10 0.85 15 UN. 103.21 104.01 102.38 103.18 0.09 65 Stk 294,50 296.56 290.74 292.88 1.99 Transactions in stocks used in averages: Indus 2.022.100 Tran 475.000 Utils 231,700 65 Stk 2.728.800 BONDS 40 Bonds 72.99 0.18 10 Higher grade rails 53.02 0.15 10 Second grade rails 66.00 0.16 10 Public Utilities 91.26 0.34 10 Industrials 81.67 0.37 Income rails 51.51 Commodity futures index 302.07-1.21 Most Active Stocks CHICAGO (APT Wheal Nm 2 salt red am No 2 hard ced 4.7012m.

CHICAGO Corm No 2 vellew 2 Oats. No 2 extra steady: white Sawbeans No 1 veilow unchanged: 5.89 am. 87. 90 2 vellow corm Wednesday WUS Egos: all 2.550 um. dav quatedi Chicago Potatoes CHICAGO (USDA) Maior FOR shipeing points.

DA 100 it sacks: Washington Nor 4. 086 25:. Wisconsin round whites 4.75-5.25: North: Dakata Riser Vallew round reds 4.00-4.50; utaho NEW YORK (APT Potato futures: dosed 4 cents higher I cent lower. Sales contracts, High L.Ow Close 5.80 5.41 5.50 7.65 8.55 219 8.31 2.41 1,05 7.43 8.39 7.09 EMMETT SMITH GROVE Funeral services for Emmett Smith, 90, of Ash Grove, will be at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Birch Chapel with the Rev.

Marvin Pringle officiating. Burial will be in the Ash Grove Cemetery. Mr. Smith died at 1:40 a.m, Thursday in St. John's Hospital in Springfield where he had been a patient six days.

Mr. Smith had been a barber here since 1901 and was semi retired. Surviving are his wife, Flara; a daughter, Mrs. Nina Birch, part-owner of Birch Funeral Home; a son, Clarence, of Frisco, two grandchildren and three great grandchildren. EVERTON Funeral services for Roy E.

Peeples, 68, of Route 1, Greenfield, will be at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in Hampton Presbyterian Church north of Everton with the Rev. F. Preston officiating. Burial will be in Hampton Cemetery under the direction of Birch of Everton.

Mr. Peeples died at 9:50 a.m. Wednesday in the Springfield General Osteopathic Hospital af. ter a long illness. ROY E.

PEEPLES MRS. ROBERT O. KILLINGSWORTH WALNUT GROVE Mrs. Etta Marie (Peggy) Killingsworth, 38, of Walnut Grove, died at 3:35 p.m. Thursday in Cox Medical Center, Springfield, after a 3-year illness.

A lifelong Walnut Grove resident, Mrs. Killingsworth was a member of the First Baptist Church here. She was employed by Springfield Empire Bank as a key punch operator. Surviving are her husband, Robert Oral; one daughter, Miss Joyce Elaine Looney, of the home; and her mother, Mrs. Edna Marshall.

Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Doyle L. "Daniel of Walnut Grove. PAUL E. THOMAS LEBANON Funeral services for Paul E. Thomas, 48, of Eldon, will be at Saturday in the Holman Funeral Home here with the Rev.

Don E. Wainwright officiating. Burial will be in the Mt. Rose Memorial Park here. Mr.

Thomas died at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday in Cox Medical Center after a long illness. An insurance inspector, Mr. Thomas was a former Lebanon resident. He was a World War II veteran.

Survivors include his wife, Fern; three step-children, Mrs. Linda Lynde, of Gouverneur, N.Y., Mrs. Pattie Howell, of Lawton, and Johnny Lee Williams, of Fritch, two sisters, Mrs. Louise Beckham, of Joplin, and Miss Mildred Thomas, of Carl Junction: three brothers, Victor, of Stewartsville, and Norman, and Earl, both of Carl Junction; and eight step-grandchildren. Auto Hits Tree, Teen-agers Hurt A one-car wreck on a rural road two miles southwest of Ash Grove sent four teen-agers to St.

John's Hospital shortly before 5 p.m. yesterday. Troopers said Linda Darlene Moore, 18, Route 1, Everton, was driving at a speed excessive for road conditions when her auto skidded off a curve and struck a tree. She suffered head lacerations; Robert Patenburg, 14, Route 1, Everton, received a right leg fracture; Danny Townsend, 15, Ash Grove, right ankle injuries, and Clovis Hurd, 15, Everton, right arm and back injuries. The theft of a tv.

and stereo components valued at $1325 were reported to police Wednesday night by Mr. and Mrs. Williams, 513 West McGee. Officers said entry to the couple's apartment had been gained by forcing a door. HOGS -50; few sales barrows and gilts, .50 higher: few U.S.

Is and 28, 200 to 220 41 to 41.50; sows steady; U.S. Is and 35, 300 to 600 4 to 35.50. SHEEP Scarce. CATTLE AND CALVES 3600 with 3500 in sales. In terminal trading, slaughter cows utility 34 steady; to 36; cows high dressing commercial.

utility 33 to 36.50 35; 37; cutter 31 to 34: canner. 26 to 31. THURSDAY FEEDER CATTLE AND CALVES AUCTION. Receipts estimated 3500: a week ago, 1523: a year ago 4765; compared last Thursday trading moderately active; steers after a slow start, closing mostly $1 to $3 higher: instances $4 higher: Holsteins. $1 to 53 higher: heifers $1 to higher: supply largely steers and including 15 per cent Holsteins and 30 per cent heifers: steers choice, few sales, 210 to 300 63 to 75: 300 to 400 59 to 58: 400 to 500 55 to 60.30: lot 27-head pre-conditioned 487 58.30: two lots 41-head each.

high choice and prime 440 to 456 lbs. to 66.40: 500 to 600 52 to 57.85: 600 to 700 49.50 to 55.75: 700 to 800 47 10 load 79-head 745 53.10: 800 to 900 the 44 to 45: 900 to 1100 41 to 44; standard and good Holsteins, 400 to 600 49 to 58; 600 to 700 45.50 to 49.85; 700 to 800 lbs. 42.50 to 46; 800 to 908 40 to 43.60; 900 to 1100 35 to 40: heifers choice 300 to 400 50 to 55; 400 to 500 49 to 53: 500 to (00 47 to 51.50: 600 to 700 44 to 48.30. NATIONAL STOCKYARDS. BI.

(AP) Estimated receipts for Friday: 4.000 hogs, 100 cattle and 25 sheep, Hogs 3500: butchers 1.00-1.25 higher, Sows higher. U.S. 1-2. 200-230 lb. butchers 42.50-43.00; U.S.

1-3 200-240 lbs. 42.25-42.50. U.S. 1-3, 300-359 lb. sows 38.25- 38.75: 350-000 ba.

37.00-38.00. Boars 36.00, under 250 lhs 37,50. Cattle 1200; choice and prime slaughter steers 980-1050 lbs 42.00-43.00; slaughter hel. fers choice and prime 800.900 lbs 41.00. 42.00.

Utility and commercial cows 31.00. 35.00: yield grade 1-2. 35.00; cutter 31.00- 34.00: canner 25.00-32.00. Yield grade 1-2 bulls 1100-1500 lbs 40.00-41.58: yield grade 1, 1500 lbs 42.00. Choice vealers 55.00-58.00.

Sheep 100; steady. Choice and prime wooled slaughter lambs 90-110 lbs 30.50. 31.00: choice 29.00-30.00t slaughter utility to choice 8.00-14.00. GUS A. LUTZ Gus A.

Lutz, 65, of 1639 North Hillerest, was dead on arrival at 9:20 p.m. Wednesday at Cox Medical Center. Mr. Lutz was a retired truck driver. Survivors include his wife.

Etta: seven sons. Eddie, 1802 North Golden, Gus, Bois d'Are, Jim, 2100 North Clifton. Bill, 906 North Grant, Larry, of the home, Donald, 600 North Fulbright, and Floyd, 1461 North Missouri; a daughter, Mrs. Belva Quehl, Decatur, a brother, Woodrow, Springfield: a sister, Mrs. Dorothy Dorrel, Grass Valley, and 30 grandchildren.

Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Klingner Chapel with Chaplain Robert Aldridge officiating. Burial will be -in Robberson Prairie Cemetery north of Springfield. HENRY DAVID McINTOSH Funeral services for Henry David McIntosh, 75, of Marshfield, a former longtime Springfield resident, will be at 2 p.m. today in Chapel of the Ozarks here with burial in National Cemetery.

Mr. Melntosh died at'3 a.m. Wednesday at a Marshfield boarding home after a long illness. He was a retired painter and carpenter. Surviving are two sons, David, of Marshfield, and Glenn, Route 1, Springfield; two daughters, Miss Joyce McIntosh, 2204 South Florence, and Mrs.

Thelma Phillips, 713 Peach Tree; and three brothers, Nim, of Forsyth, Jess, of Brookline, and Jerry, of Tulsa. Associated: Press 15. 15 60 Rails Utili Stocks -2 144.9 121.5 145.1: 122.0 306.3 142.2 121.7 302.3 134.2 284.5 17040 1 135.3: 321.2 184,7 146.3: 346.9 125.5 110.6 269:2 20.1.4 152.1 349: 9 149 7 128 7 311.9 MILL Peons. Fdi 5.39 5.92 877 IL. Penn So 7.60 NiL.

do tell NE tL. Pro Mutt 2 95 474 528 Prior 8:00 Groun Filarim Grus 548: 5.99 8.83 9.65 78. 122 8077 Mus 3.84: 4.21 Ail -9. 90 Incom 901 9.85 123 Pine St 10:64 N. L.

103 100 Pine Tree: 3,23 Gomes Pioneer Fund: 847 928 Entro 8.23 8.99 847 Fundi 12.55 13.72 10.79 11.79 576 200 2.190 Plan: Inv 10.75 10,79 Pligeth 10.03: 14:24 302 5,90 Price Funds 4477 4,90 Gowlh: 14.20 500 102 0077 Ni 12:27 NE Horiz 10.74 N. Gam Pro Fund: 8:48 9 922 Proud 4:28 4.68 840 99 Prov Gth 89R J8 Pour SiP 10.86 11.87 802 8.77 Putnam: Funds: TAR 8.300 Can 11.19 12.23 1586 coati 9.39 10 26 NUIL. Gears 15.52 16.96 47 A 8.24 9:01 Bit 8 invest 971 10.61 98 Vista .0 12.02 5.24 voyag 12 28 Revere 702 7.67 30 NO Rintret 12.70 Sates Eat 885 9:67 4311 4.71 Sagiturs 2 39 7.14 780 Schuste 9.77 4.86 752 Schust Sp 4.49 9.28 Scudder Funds: 935, MC dint Inv 15.76 81.772 0 53 3193 6, 40. Balon 16.67 2:25 205 Com St 19: 932) Seaboard: Funds. Ad Grt 4:30 4167 Adi Inc 4.11 Ad ins.

8.00 8.77 900 Comp 4,85 5.32 Inc Bus 6.73 100 10. 90 Lever 4.43 4.85 into 8.320 Security Funds: 007 Eauty 3.81 4.18 133 1.92 Invest 6.86 7.52 100 Ultra b4 8.37 TORI 800 Selected Funds 90 NV Sell Am 8.72 N. 1.91: 15.20 Sell Opp 10.69 N.I BIO NULL. Sell Sol 13.67 N.L. Sent Gth.

11.08 12.04 290 Sentry 14:31. 15.55 248 Shareholders Go 779 854 Cmstk 3.75 4.10 Entro d. 6.68 60. 7188. Fief Fd: 4.26 4:66 Gran Harbr 7.79 8.51 Legul 6.50 7.21 4 43 6.97 Pace 8 49.

9:28 100 72 Shearson Funds 495 4190 Apore 19.82 21.66 200 06 22. 46 Incom: 17.92 19.58 9 18 10:08: Invest 10.29: 11025 VA 972 Sherm 12:39 5.12 5000 Side Fdi 7.43 8.15 20 25 22 941 Sigma Funds Canit 8.40 9.18 7.89 10.75 Invest 11.07 12:10 40 NIL Trust 8.12 8.87 882 Vent 9 36 10.23 9, 032. 9.800 $8. Eqtw 11.12 N.E 25, 401 NO 58 11.46 NIL. Funds SoGen Int.

13.21 13.83 507 Sw Invs. 8.60 9.30 92: 790 Swim Gfi 6.67 7.21 007 211.566 Saver Inv 12:23 10.39 8 46 929 Spectra 5.62 6.16 728 7.98 IntO 7.42 NIL. 1148 State BondGr: 212. 114 24:26 Com 5.09: 5.56 25: 12: Div Fd 5.55 6.07 8 93 9 Pron 5.42 5.92 Gl 5.06 N. L.

3197 4134: 5 Fem In 9.57 NIL. 4.80: 7.45 State St 48.57: 49:00 857 Steedmon. Funds: Am: Ind: 1.32 N.L. NEE Asso 1.23 N.L Invest 1.46 NIL. Grac 11.

331 107: 88 Stein Roe Eds: 2.000 Balan 21.63 DA 22 15.54 Can 10.91 NIL. 598 Stock 15.06 N. L. 9 38 10 30 Supervisd: 7174 48: Graft 6.42 7.25 Incom 8.71 9.55 Sumit 9.70 10.43 Tech 6.87 7.53 Survey 10.88 11.89 7.23 Sunc 7.43 8.12 318 1.44 TMR ADD 8.98: 9.81 10, 400 307 Temo. Grr 8:37 9.17 11 35.

12: 40 Town Cap 5.84 43 10 21 Tras Can 8.42 9:15 3,94 4.33 TraM Eg 12.42 Cove Tudr Hed 12 J7 8. 46 9 20 TwaC Gl 3.15 3.45 854 TanC Inc 4.72 4.62 90 10: 01.4: USAA GI 11.13 NULL US GovSe 9:98 10. 13. TiAN 13:02 Unit Muti unavail 10. 290 TEL Unfund 8.90 9.73 43, 135.

38 Union Sue Gro: has 115: 408 15.71 190 Broad 14.36 15:69 220 NEIL. Not Inv: 8.93 9.76 12.50 NULL. Can 10.11 11.05 Whteh 13.33 14.57 12: 26 United Funds 14, 98 NIL. AcEm 7.39 8.10 10. 38 11:38 Bond 7.89 8.65 190 Con Ge 10.45 11.45 Con Inc: 10.05.

11.01 4,91 534 517 5.42 Incom 13.48 14.77 9 28 10:09 Scien 7.24 793 NEIL. Vang 7.37 8.08 1.90 NULL Value Line 10 10.20 Val Li 6.32 6.93 NULL. Incorn 4.67 5.12 Lev Grf. 8.02 8.29 127 Soli Sit 3.62 3.97 487 5.27 Vance Sanders: 370 404 Invest 7.55 8.25 70. 2.72 Comm 7.57 8.27 1.22 Spect 8.31 9.08 499 5.34 Vandrbl 4.74 5.18 7.20 7.87 Vanad: 1.44 L.57 Vanta TN 6.06 17.06.

18. 54 var Im 3.80 4.13 10,83 11. 777 Viking 5.81 NIL. 4090 THE 104: Wall St 7.77 8.49 Wash M. 11.96 13.07 10.20 Weing Ea 11.90 N.L 100.

200 88: Group: 15.15, 118.50 Expir 24.36 26.62 18.45 Ives! 10.20 11.15 15,23 Morg: 12.42 13.57 230 NE Tech 8.16 821 8.15 Trust 12:34 13, 49 1709 N. Wells 12.03 13.15- 12 Welltn 11.30 12.35 Windh 8.22 8.98 West Ind 3,42 3.75 12 08 West Get 9.18 9.15 Wise Fd 6.00 6.56 1036 26 Ziegler 10.84 11.85 105 8 50. NE. No lood 245 8.17 (sales charge FLOYD B. MATTHEWS MT.

VERNON Funeral services for Floyd B. Matthews, 73, Mount Vernon, will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Max L. Fossett Chapel with the Rev. James Marlett -officiating.

Burial will be in Liberty Cemetery, northeast of Monett. Mr. Matthews died at 6 a.m. Thursday in St. John's Hospital.

Springfield, I. after a long illness. Mr. Matthews was a longtime resident of the Mt. Vernon comHe was a member First munity, and a farmer.

United Presbyterian Church. Survivors include two sisters, Miss Rada Matthews and Mrs. Kate Hemphill, both of Mt. Ver- non. HOWARD R.

EVANS -U- NIXA Howard R. Evans. 70. Nixa, died at 8 p.m. Wednesday in St.

John's Hospital, Springfield, after al long illness. member of Mr. Evans was a the First Baptist Church of Nixa. He formerly had operated the Nixa telephone office, and was a former school bus driver. Survivors include his wife, Audrey; a son, Junior, of the home; a daughter, Mrs.

Edna Dee Horn, Oklahoma City; brother, Victor, Springfield; sister, Mrs. Clarice Clabots. Garden Grove, 11 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Arrangements are incomplete under direction of Harris of Nixa. 7 PAUL A.

HINE FAIR GROVE Paul A. Hine, 70, of Route 1, Fair Grove. died at 2:25 p.m. Thursday in Cox Medical Center after a long illness. A retired farmer.

Mr. Hine was a lifelong Greene County resident. He is survived by his wife, Tressie; two sons, John, of Fair Grove, and Gary of Galena; one daughter, Mrs. Joe Huff, of Fair Grove; one sister. Mrs.

Donna Lewis, of Los Angeles, a half sister, Mrs. Decima Hamilton, of the state of California: eight grandchildren and one great grandchild. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Klingner. MRS. CECIL S.

SCOTT MARIONVILLE Graveside services for Mrs. Cecil S. Scott, 77, of Marionville, will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Silent City Cemetery, Desoto, Kan. Burial will be under the direction of Bradford Surridge of Marionville.

Mrs. Scott died at 1:25 p.m. Thursday in the Ozark Methodist Manor here after a long illness. A native of Lawrence, she was a longtime resident of Kansas City, where she was member of the Central Methodist Church and the Harmony chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. She and her late husband.

Wyatt, moved to Marionville in 1968 from San Antonio, Tex. She is survived by two nieces. The body will be at the funeral home here from noon until 10 p.m. today. (AP)-(USDA) -Butter fully wholesale selling prices Thursday 93 score AA unquoted.

92 A unquoted. issued only on Tuesday and Fri- Missouri Egg Market: Market steady on large and mediums, firm on smalls. Demand fair. A Large or better. 56-66; A Medium.

31 82: A Small, 36-47: Large, 51-61. Sales to Missouri Kansas Illinois breakers: Market steady, Offerings even. Nest run moved at 15.30-16.50. Prices paid by breakers for eggs to be delivered to dock. 52 lbs.

minimum average. for 24 hours ending at 11 a.m. today. 13-15. Produce NEW YORK (Urner Barry) Extra Large, 71: Large, 66; Mediums.

614: Pull- 47; Peewees, Standards, 60: Checks, 46. 836-1150 THE NEW WANT AD TELEPHONE NUMBER Dial Direct.

The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.