The Wheeling Intelligencer from Wheeling, West Virginia (2024)

Passing of Hoggins As Yank Manager Rumored CARRI6AN IS MENTIONED AS MANAGER Former American Manager Asked to Meet and Confer With Ruppcrt 111 New ork. (At. The plaudits of John Mcliraw, manager of the victorious scarcely had died away before a certain official of the New York Americans was seekins to set in touch wirti Carri-j San. former manager of the Boston Bed Sox. and regarded as one of the best managers in "the history of the American League He wanted him to come to New York to confer with Col.

Ruppert and Col. Houston in view to succeeding Miller Huggins as manager of the Yankees. Ordinarifv a manager who nas piloted! two successive teams to the champion-1 ship of league is regarded as having mortgage on his job. It is different this time. There are those down in New York who say the Yankees won the league championship.

because of Huggios, but in sp.te of him. and he-1 cause Ruppert and Huston came to the rescue by purchasing L'ugun from Boston two months ago. In their loss ot' two successive! World's series to the (limits ttie "Two Colonels" are believed to have forgotten tiic lesser winning of the pennant. They feel they have the materia! this year to have beaten the dtants hud that material been properly handled. They tind no faurt with Hug-j gins us baseball strategist, but do think that possibly some other manager could have handled tiie temperamental i stars better than Muggins lias.

iColonet Huston, vice-president of the Yankees, opposed the reappointment of Huggins a year ago. while Ruppert declared the mm who had managed a pennant winner should be remembered with a two-year contract. Asa result of the i deadlock a compromise was effected attd Muggins was re-engaged for the 1K22 season only. MARIETTA UNABLE TO STOP GOLD MACHINE, Morgantnwn. W.Vj..

r. J. (Special) outplayed in every depart- I inent of the save the Marietta eleven never had tL chance in its game with the Mountaineer machine here last Saturday af- ternoon. West Virginia took the lead i the opening quarter and was nevfcr headed. N'ot once during the four long quarters did Marietta threaten the local goal and even when second third string men had taken the place of regulars the Mountaineers continued to score and at the same time keeping the far away from 'he object of their Varsity g- al line, yonntalntcra strong.

A. by nJay" report I of the contest reveals numerous gains at along the line, around the! everywhere else, Js noUifctx more than the re- counting a series of Mountaineer grains aqd Marietta's efforts'to break i the human barter t'. W. Sp.ear out on ihr field. The locals with ease and apparently when-I ever desired.

In pasing. however, tic were noticeably weak and Miis particularl department Marietta looked much bet- than the locals. The Ohio machine completed quite a few Passes during the game, while successful heaves nego-1 tlated by the Mountaineers were few and far between. Youngsters Look Good. Amain Mahrt.

Xardlccl and Tete Barnutn starred on the o'fense for the locals forte was clearly its stellar work on tho defense. Whenever Marietta had the ball it seemed that Varsity players were everywhere and the visitors gained hut -Mie first down .11 result of rushing a ball. This was the last play in the femrth quarter, A. Ward going around ft end for 15 yards Jack Simon, one of I'unch Spears' chief threats, was taken from the game early In the first quarter, while Homer Martin, another veteran of three campaigns, was used at ail during the contest, tins Kkhcrg. the big Minnesota fullback, played well but he is far from being In top form.

Preparing for Pitt. West Virginia is not rreparlng for! TMrr and Coach Spears will make every effort during the eoming to whip his eh.irges.infn for that ail-importaut struggle. W. V. U.

SUPPORTERS TO FLOCK TO Fin GAME Point to All Attendance or- Being Broken In Game Saturday. Morgantown. W. Ya West Virginia football squad Is going to the largest crowd of; supporters in the stands when the Pitt Panther is met at Korbes field next Saturday that lias ever been recorded. In 1313 when nearly every West Virginia fan thought a Mouutaineer victory was insured in advance, it is estimated that pearly spectators treked out of the confines i.f the to the battle, but thss year's sales 01 tickets, according to M- untaineer ath- letic officials, have already exceeded the total of 1313.

and tli- mail orders tone exceeded the gross sales of, Mergantown is going to send a nion- I dte- delegation. srudent cheering: sec. has been rapidly filled up onl townspeople the hundreds have pur- chased scats while the sale continues unabated Fairmont. Wheeling, Fark'Tshurp, ManuiiiK'on. Westoti scores of other cities, towns and communities will sciul delegations of fans, mail orders having received from Bliiefii Id.

Mart iitsburg and every i other city or town importance In the state, no matter hotv remote to Pittsburgh. Oo Frldif JTlght. The West Virginia squad of about 33 players will go to "Pittsburgh on Friday Bight. Saturday morning 'he rest of the squad will go on the special, train leaving here at a. ni.

On this train, too. will be the cauet lutnd of jdeces strong Headquarters for the Mountaineers will be at the William Penn hotel and the return trip will be ynade that night on a bp'cial Pullman via the P. A O. although the going trip for the squad will be on the I Pennsylvania. ROSS WILL RETURN TO TEAM FOR SALEM GAME Old KvthodUt Quarter Asks Coaches To Allow Kim To PUy In I Saturday's Tilt.

I Kuckhanuon. IV. Oct. i try en will start active preparation this afternoon for the game with I Salem iVdlege. which will he played Friday at Norw I I'arK.

'larkshurg. f'oaeh lliggltis, realising that the Salem game Is right now the most orith-a! event on the Methodist schedule. will spare no effort to bring 'he Methodists up to their prime form for Friday's game. As an example of the eagerness for a victory over Salem this season by i Methodists, comes the story from leyan grid quarters that "t'eho" Ross. I former WesTcyan quarterback, who was I Injured during the opening game of tiie year, at Fairmont, against M'est 1 Virginia University, was insisting that ho he returned to the Weslcyan lineup I for at least the Salem game.

The Buckhanrton hoy states that Tie would be willing to stop playing football if he succeeds in gaining revenge from Salem for the defeat suffered last I season as quarterback for the Wesleyan I eleveti that lost to Salem. Ross's reI quest is being given consideration by i Methodist coaches, and if the TJuck! hannon lad's injury will permit it. he may be allowed to play against Salem. Wesleyan Can Win. In case Ross plays against Salem.

Weslcyan's chances would be made about a mile longer. It is a difficult task to prepare a man to take the old general's place in the short time left. although Fish or 'iarrtty either could be used ut the pivot position. For this reason, many believe that Ross may be allowed to take the risk of further injury, if for no other reason than to be allowed the privilege of evening up scores with Salem before he steps i ou: of Methodist moleskins. IE RUTH TO I BARNSTORM; i LAND'S 0.

New Tork. Oct. (Bv The Associated Ruth and Rob Meusel Yankee outfielders, who were suspended for the early part of the past season for engaging In an unsanctioned barnstorming trip, will leave tomorrow on an exhibition tour of the middlo west? this time with the official permission of baseball's highest official. Commissioner K. M.

Landis. Ruth. In announcing tonight the proposed trip, sutid he and Meusol had reselved unqualified sanction for the trip from Commissioner Landis, who handed out the suspension to them last year after the two sluggers. together with Pitcher Bill Plercy. defied the commissioner's ultimatum that they abandon the expedition.

"Commissioner Landis treated us' very fairly," Ituth declared. "Last year's affair had nothing to do with his rle- ciston granting us for the tour this fall." The Babe added that he and ousel would be accompanied by no other member of the Yankees. They will start exhibitions in I'ebraska and continue throughout October and November, as long as the weather permits. t'nder the new rule affecting barnstorming world's scries players l.licy ca in post-seaspn exhibitions, providing no more than thrdo members of a championship ciuh together on a team. Besides members of the Giants and Yankees who plan to join an exhibition tour of the Orient, Carl Mays and Wallie Schang.

star Yankee battery, will head another barnstorming party. lUI'lf HOMER i ENDS THE CAME Baltimore. ort. Baltimore won the fourth game of the little world series from St. here this afternoon, seven to three.

With the score tied in the ninth, three men on*, and one out, McAvoy of the Orioles, up the came with homer Into the right field It ttas his second homer of the series, he having broken up the first game with a circuit clout. Thin victory puts Baltimore further in the lead, three grimes to ope. rGoves and Kenton, who started on the mound, were both knocked out. I'arn ham went In for Baltimore in the sixth and held the Saints for the remainder of the game. Halt relieved Benton in the ninth, after Walsh had doubled and had made third on a short single by Beritley.

After Boley went out to first Bishop was purposely passed, filling tho bases. Then McAvoy broke up the game with his homer. Score; R. It. Baltimore Onti It 0 St.

I'aul nl" 1 Groves. rnham and McAvoy; Ken ton Hall and Gonzales. BOWLING MTT8XB TEN PIN LXAOV1 Fourth Side. Goethel 131 151 149? 486 I'htnegar 162 I 6 119 477 Weing 144 150 jog? 400 Meny 15.7 183 157? 502 Dvrnan 186 154? 504 75S 794 Triangles. KrAns 108 181 14t? 408 Wagner 135 11" 178? 421 rifig .145 149 151? 475 Kipher 185 170 114? 4 79 Hilda 153 149 181? 453 7u4 739 C.

179 215 568 I Amick 179 14K 133? 460 I I'utt 157 167 169? 493 Reed 133 16s 159? 465 I 144 163 147? 454 797 881 Pretend ere. lTyor 130 139 197? 456 Hart 156 183 143? 48 M. J. M. 140 157 187? 464' I Hall 171 179 190? 640 Miller 163 183 158? 554 "SO 6t'l Hill vs.


Kopf. football star. bolt or not show himself in Brooke county. W. any time in near future as in almost any corner of the Panhandle county he 'would be spotted and hauled to Wellsburg on charge of carrying ilircarnis.

according to several witnesses, one of whom happens to lie a deouty sheriff in Brooke county. Kopf displayed a revolver to the driver of the taxi who to Washington. after tlm jkoinewhat nnexpeeted and unpleasant end of the scouting trip taken by Kopf and Kd. Krederichs last Thursday, when they were caught spying on the Bethany secret practice, previous to lho W. Ji Bethany game.

llWORLD'S SERIES GREATEST OF ALL EVENTS IN SPOUT WORLD BY KXJOH I This world's series thins it ureal I spooiaele: one of the tilggeat events of I the sporting world, and to the lover of baseball the greatest of all events. To the horseman the Kntttrily. the Hrnoklyn Handicap and the Kentucky Derby rate higher, to the track and field titan the Penn relays, to the golfer the amateur and open nationals, to the football nian his own college's big same, and to the 1 man. Yale-Harvard. That the series is the spectacle of the year in baseball does not.

however, blind the lovers of the sport and the students of the business to the fact th.V I 1 almost all the evils complained of In the game arise from the world series. Xor would many regret Its passing even i though years would be required to wipe away the evils it has bred. Too Big' for Gams'a Good. Ttorn of a hig idea, it lias bred a series i of scandals tbat have made the name of I the sport worse than it ever was. More than a dozen years ago Cy Fanhorn, the famous old scribe and of the sport, anil I wrote articles warning the baseball club owners that unless the world series was cut down and its lmj portative reduced scandals were bound to follow.

The tickets scalping.the charges of favoritism, the attempts to bribe players, the evils arising from greed land avarice, all trace to the huge re? wards offered the players who get into the series. with another ore op hand, the scandal talk already Is starting. hile the rewards jo owners and players Is tremendous, it Is doubtful whether baseball, as a whole, profits from the series, even In money, while It I suffers more and more in I loss of reputation Invariably results tn 1 ultlmute loss of rtionev. Wew Men Appear Worthy, i There is one excellent of promt In baseball, the reason of lias developed more good pl.t vers and i more who give of becoming stars worthy of places soon ho vacated i and Speaker, Cardincr and ood, T'anhert and I'anarhis. and many oth rs.

I The older stars are wearing out. They I may last a year, a month, or they may drop nut at any time. A few may it out and slowly fade back into mediocj ritv. Since fit ilie lack of new stars I has boon one of the laments of the I major Kor four years not half a. dozen real stars developed.

This season has seen them come In a drove? 'and next spring will find a lot of men already established ns leaders i the sport. Bomniel, Perkins, Galloway. T.ootc them over: The Philadelphia Athletics have two. and thn? is counting Perkins as having developed prior to I although he has improved during I the last Calloway is of greatest voting shortstops in the wnrl'l today. It is doubtful whether Mack wouiil trade him for any of the better known stars.

Mo lias everything, ho can hit and run and throw and lie has shown aggressivenora aiul to think. Kontmel has become the best pitcher In either major league under the new conditions. His knuckle ball, breaking both in and out. and his perfect control make him a remarkable pitcher. The (riant9, forced as they were to stick to old materials, naturally developed few regulars, but with his sp 'Od may learn to pitch anil become an? ther Walter Johnson.

Chicago's have brought In more of young, promising players than any of the other National league clubs. This tinmen has advanced stead'ly. and K'elleher has become one of the ranking third basem*n. There aro three on the pitching staff give great promise, and perhaps of these Osborne is the host prospect, although Tonv Kaiifmann may steady. Uottonilcy of the Cards seems a sure comer.

Couch a Star. Cincinnati has brought t'ouch. a remarkable plteher, to the tront. and 1Mneili and Konseca are advancing. Donohue.

of course. Is a great pitcher, but doubt remains as to the durability of Ms arm. Brooklyn shows two catchers who would command a tremendous pri -e In any market in Hunglingand 1 Rerry. last named capable of ruling worlds It 1m ould find a l.otiie. Shrlver.

the I pitcher, ma) be added to the list. Haines may hardly be referred to rs a new star, hut in- has improved greatly and ranks high, and Rludes. the outfielder, has much promise. Box Aid Work. Turn to the rest of the American T.ensue: The White lead in developing voungsters.

Phoelv is about ready to commence to shine. He had learned a lot shout first basing, and is capable of learning more. The pitching pair? l.everette arid TUankenvhip- -nre worth a score of recruits. I'etrolt bar uncovered I two coming stars in Johnson and hot It of hom ripened rapidly during '21'. Cleveland started raiher late In trying to develop new material.

I' stood pat until the vets commenced to wabble. then went Into the work of rebuilding to an extent unthought of Thus far the only real result improvement in Catcher Srvveil. and tin- securing of (ioslln and ltriilhart give Washington some comfort tin- disasII mis season. (if all the promising ones developed, however. Calloway, of the Athletics, and hrig, brilliant fellow Traynor.

third baseman of the appear best. Trav nor has come to the front with stp'h that lie looks to be developing Into another Jimmy Collins, which Is about the limit in praise of third basem*n, i (Copyright, the New York livening Mall.) UNSLY ELEVEN STARTS PRACTICE FDR 1HEIR UNO SUES IS WEEK i GO THROUGH STRISUODS WOKKOUT IN RAIN ON MUDDY roLD-MAXrETTl FRIDAY. I All Other Teams Except Warwood Get Into Action Again This Week-End Ballairo to Coach Furman Nuss, of the I dusty Cadets. put his husky squad through I a strenuous workout yesterday, in the rain and mud. on the Fair grounds, ami from the form shown hy tho players in their first workout of this kind.

I.irsly looks good to pull Yal? and Hatcard's stunt and play and win two names in as many days, when they meet the Marietta high and Cameron teams on Friday and Saturday of this week. The cadets will Journey to Marietta Friday and play Cameron here on Saturday. While Marietta Is a strong aggregation this season, tho local team should pull out an easy winner. They have shown a driving power in their two games that should carry thorn through the best season the school has had for several years back. Their defensive Is also the best and should prove tho downfall of the Ohio team.

Cantj eron is weaker this year than last and i this game Saturday should be easy for the Orange, making their wins two in las many days. Itellaire's team will journey to bridge Saturday for their lirsi game i abroad this season. Cambridge lias a strong outfit and should win the game. iShadyside entertains and jibe showing of both teaina a battle m.vtnl ean be exported, t'hrichsvillo plays I l'erry at l.eagur Park and whilo Fhrlehsvllle is weaker than usual this I season. It Isexported that the I'urplc 11 loop by at least three touchdowns.

Mlildlebourne plays at Motindsvillo -and ltupUi men should hang another win on their list in easy fashion. Wellshurg plays at Fallaiibheo and judgiriK from Stewart's crew's play ing against WhoelI Ing Wellshurg Is In for another defeat, Friday's games ineliidoH Cunnonshurg at Staubanc ilie, Hnrnesx illo at Fridgeport ahd Sistersvllle at Woodsfleld. At nine monlhs old the average baby should weigh 18 "iowo jnr- Philadelphia, Oct. Jim" i Barnes, open golf champion 1 1021, ill substitute fur Ocnu Sar.i/.rn, present j'-hampion who is in a New York hospital. the exhibition that arranged be held born this week, la-TordinK to nniKiuiweinent made to-day.

I Saraten was play in two benefit I matches this week. at the Stonlnn Country t'lub ami the other at the Mtj ion Cricket Club The former is to be I held for the benefit of Satulx lick, coif writer for the Kxcntng Public Ledger, ho was injured in an automobile accident. shbeTeagueto PLAY LAST ESI MUad To? sera Will Close Most Boocessfni Boason Tliis Ivenlng- At Brirtgw Park. The Island Horse shoe League will hold its closing games of the season this evening wv'ti the teams meet on the Bridge Park courts it! o'clock The cHines will also mark the cloning of I tho wound half of the league schedule, i The schedule this evening follows: Sohufer-Canipbell vs. Knller-Rell.

f.J vs. Jtruhn-Rauer. I Imp soli -Case vp Brown-MeKee. Llpphnrdt-l'Vanclrt s. kins, tJabriel-Sturgevti vs.

Zlmnier-Heed. i Tyrell-Wallcr vs. Parker-Lewis. Gruhum-Ward Moore-Newllti vs. McUner-l'eterson.

I I BETHANY'S PRICELESS MEN LIDDERDALE ZOOK 'WHEELING HIGH.GRIDDERSHOLD i FIRSTWORKOBT WITH IT BULL I FOOTBALL CHALLENGES The Podge A football team of wi-iilii to'arrange sanies with any team in the Valley. Teams arc Mo? hawka. Wonders or any fast elevens without games on their ached; tiles. For at railgeiiients call MnundSj villi- II' after o'clock in lite owning. W.

V. II. CANDIDATES WORKOUT IN RUIN Heavy Field Fails to Slow up Mountaineer's Baokfleld Looks Mighty Good. Morgantown. (Vt.

West Virginia started preparations to-day for iter important game with Pittsburgh, at Forbes Field, HSlnrday. This game Is regarded as the most difficult on the Mountaineer schedule and at the same tune most desired in the vlo'ory inlnmn. Hunter Martin was the only absentee from practice, having been to his home at iitaricston. t'oach Ht-uirs spent most of the afternoon correcting tnc made In the io-0 victory fiver Marietta Saturday. Field.

The field was heavy with mud but Spears anticipates that sort of field at I'lttaburgh, and lost no time In getting the squad to work handling the heavy and slippery ball. nllkcr. Mahrt, McMillan and Ftntk till took turna at forward with tm- ends and halfbacks piking the homes and nil of the did well Spears was especially well pleased with the work of Mahan. at guard Saturday Mahnn has been a stiliTen' here three rears. I.nst rear he a candidate for the baokfleld.

but broke his collarbone. Spears placed him in the line ten days aco and he was easily one of the best forwards Oil Do: field against Marietta. WON" BY SHEVLIN Boston, Oct. Shelvln of Roxbttry. tonight was awarded the decision over Pave Shade of Portland.

Oregon, after a fast round bout here. WEATHXB CONDITIO If YESTTBDAY UNABXiZ TO KZZP OOLD PLAY- I IU orr A TITLE TIC YIELD. Stobba Taking' No Chancaa Witt. Down Good Tact Aggregation. Ttain and mud failed to keep the I Wheeling Hig football squad in doors Wheeling I-Ligh football squad in doors teams through an hours practice on jthe Athletic Field on the Island.

The hoys had their first taste of working with a wet ball in thoir session nnd! work in handling the pigskin was! 1 far better, and more accurate than for most teams in their forst workout of this kind. Magnolia Strong. The camcVvith Magnolia this weekj end will mark the of tough op- i ponents on the Gold's 1922 I Magnolia held Wheeling to a 6-0 score on the Island last season in a field of mud with practically the same squad on hand again this year loom up strong- I er than ever. While they have not set! the state afire with spectacular playing, they are reputed to a good, heavy. fast Aggregation that are liable to prove stumbling blocks for their opponents.

WheoUnj Tinrn Injured. While practically all members of the I Wheeling team were Injured In some i I fnshh.n last week against Trladelphla, 1 lull were out yesterday for the workout! In the rain. Watklns and Helner. who! Jare possibly lost to the team for t.he I season were the only men absent Xciber. 1 I who is suffering from an Infected 1 finger, was out hut will in all probabll- ity he unaMc to play Moyes.

land several other of the injured men i were out but it is probnhle that several of these will also he forced to remain the bench. Scrimmage Today. Sfobhs announced last evening that tin probability a short'scrimmage ses- will be held today. The Gold and ijtlue mentor realises that with Magnolia stronger than in recent years, and Wheeling handicapped by their Injuries, the Gold will have to show speed to I come out on top in Saturday's clash. I There are almost as many women as men studying In the universities of FtulI garia.

1 IONNNY EVANS STARS FOR KENTUCKY TEAM ollege Freahmen Defeat rtuUort High School Flays Brilliant Johnny Evans, former Martin's Ferry igh stellar gridiron performers, who' i attending school at the University Kentucky, is still up to his old ricks according: to word from that chool. Evans is playing quarter on ie Freshman eleven and is enjoying a uccessful season. The following Is a clipping from tfle ouisvllle Herald in regard to the gaitoe etvvcen the Frankfort high school jam and the freshmen: "The broken eld running and generalship of Evans Tartlets Ferry wonder, was the feature the game. He made substantial galna linost at random, accounted a nuehdown. and drop kicked three goals fter touchdowns." I Guard Yoar Health Bg Sur? To mm eJZfiSy IsrMa PREVENTIVE Affgrdg Ulntil PrgUgtUn Think It Over Fellows Our 36 Styles VABSITY'S Affords the particular, fussy or extremely fastidious a choice of live ones that is sure to (tet your O.

lv. or two pairs to top off friend self's outfit for $6.50 to $9-50 Nay's 1311 SCarkst S.S.S. Fills Out Hollow Cheeks, mmm Mm tivd yoo wfll bolld yourself up to rour weight depends on ths of blood-cells In your blood. Thatt all there Is to It. It's a scientlflo (Ui If your blood-cell factory Isn't worktug right, you will be run-down, your blood will be In disorder, aM perhaps your face will be broken oat with pimples, blackheads and STOP; tlons.

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The Wheeling Intelligencer from Wheeling, West Virginia (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.