The Lincoln Star from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)

bijE starmonday, January ioim Mitten Program Transferred From Auditorium EIGHT CAPITAL GUY hi TEX' GETS BUSY Boxing Carnival Shifted Hi School Main JSventers Of Fight Curd To University Fieldhouse ON TITLE SCHEME Promoter Rickard On Job DISPLAYS GLASS Lincoln (Sagers Show Off Transfer Made Necessary by Sunday Morning Fire at City Auditorium; University Board of Athletics Recognizes Emergency and In Saturday Defeat of Omaha Tech. OfPlanning Heavy Fight Series. Landis Plans Launch New Probe, Based On Ty's Tale BY DAVIS J. WALSH. NEW YORK, Jan.

3,0. iL N. Believing that a "slough" in the hand is worth two in midair. Judge Landis next will take hold of the story, attributed to Ty Cobb, of an alleged prearrafrgement of a Detroit-St. Louis series in 1923 and, gently but firmly shaking it down, will let the facts fall where they may.

Cobb has entered a denial of the statement credited to him by Bert Walker, International News Service special correspondent, but his disclaimer is understood to have been deemed insufficient by Landis. The judge's determination to investigate the circ*mstances thoroughly is' said to have been crysfalized during recent days. The tip is that there has been a development on At ttliat MpCoc Votes That Building May Be Used. NEW- YORK, Jan 10. W) Tex BY GREGG M'BRIDE.

Victory of Lincoln-1 high over Omaha Tech on the Omaha court featured the opening week of, the Rickard today bent to the task ot ironing out details of his elaborate heavyweight program, seeking to Ace Hudkins, Pat Corbett and their fellow knights of the mitten, scheduled to display their fighting wares tonight in a Guard program, were all dressed up Sunday and apparently had no place to go. TheCity auditorium, pro- iol circles: At XhHltofd Thfurd, At Mullen HjujuUij. 14; definitely fix Jack Dempse: Red and Black cage ma Jack Delaney in the scheme of his elimination program. A conference "with "Delanev expected to decide whether the light Cfdur' 36 in therace with Jackr'Shark- the bt. Louis end.

posed scene ol the Monday glove carnival, was Daaiy scorched as a result of a Sunday morning fire and postpone-Tment of the fistic affair loomed as the only solution. But the "state university athletic board generously stepped into the breach, ruling favorably on the Guardsmen's plea that an existed, and voted that the management of the -boxing show might transfer the event to the university's chine exacted a 27-23 win from the Maroon five, following a 'spirited contest. The Tech game was the first real test for the capital city five and the fact that the Red and Black was able to come from behind, after trailing 16-3 at half-time, stamps the Lincoln outfit as one of the strongest teams in the Nebraska prep realm. Although taking the shoit end of the scare, Tech also y. Jimmy Maloney, Paoluia V- New Inquiry on Way.

At OitklaiMl Ottl dun and Paul Berlenbach for The investigation probably will bo chance to battle Gene Tunney next launched Ly Landis tmmeaiateiy seDtember. i'ete Keiwy. ueianey ACE HUDKINS. following the rendering of his de manager, thus far has declined fight the "rank and file" of conten cision on Wednesday in the matter -capacious heidhouse. of Gondil-Risberg vctfeus Schalk, Rowland, et in verdict of acquittal for th The shift to the fieldhouse Council itllifK In Onuitut Sooth, Delat Ulti looked the part of a championship outfit and be in1 the running for additional state -honors if the Techsters elect to compete in the state tourney at Lincoln next March.

Tihat seating accommodations will be available for not leas than 8,000 appears toe ordained, both by fact Monday Fight Card, With the heavyweight champion i and by fancy. It there contract already In his pocket, Rick- "sloughing" carried on in this case, spectators, -whereas the auditorium capacity was limited to 2,100. Pur-''chasers of tickets will not be re-i auired to exchange their paste- South Defeat Bluffers. other metropalitan ouin- i EASTERN GOLFER ird today was prepared to aaH i ultimatum to Delaney, "If Delaney elects to ignore tin ither heavyweights who have done dl that has been asked of them hen'U is his funeral," said the pro tets looked good in the opening Risberg and Gandll merciy sue ceeded in piovi that they (ha( foreknow ledge of the alleged trans-It was while Cobb was on tin boards. The ringside seats will be 133 lund.

Enid. who returned to his farm near hero Sunday after having testified be-foie Baseball Commissioner Landis in Chicago last week ond what ho claimed to know about a "sloughed" snes of four games' between the Chicago White Sox and the Detroit Tigers in- September, 1919, may have another baseball scandal bombshell to explode In the nearfiiture. Risberg was quotde here today as saying that he had knowledge of a number of "'mysterious letters," now in the hand.s of Commissioner Landis, and intimated that their contents may have a bearing on possible future disclosures of importance. Risberg refused to say if he had sent the letters to Landts, or what the new charges were. The former Blact; Sox player apparently was well pleased over his trip to Chicago, and reiterated his charges of crookedness In baseball and said that he was ready 'to go to Washington with his story.

If ncc- Rtsberg declared that he had told Judge Landis the truth at the hearing in Chicago last week and that he would never change his story. CLASSIC WINNER first half and stretched ahead in per. stand, acting as a witness in these coond period to Abraham Mi Demnsey Rickard ha. Lincoln at Council Bluffs. 34 to charges, that he was examined by the date of Lsking information Landis about tli Bobby Cruikshank Cops heavyweight titlehoia- he former buted to him in which he was made to declare that the St.

Loui Lincoln, Pat Cwliett, Jbirst Prize In Los Angeles Open. had approached the Tigers sey to accept ax least one match be-ore seeking to wrest back his lost Btckard's present plans call for major fights in his elimination ser- 15. Coach Frank Ryan's Creighton Prep team had little trouble coasting in with a 34 to 9 victory over Mondamin, la. Omaha Central showed considerable Improvement in defeating Grand Island, 22 to S. The Purple tossers, with Fouts, Pattulo and Jones working in ar smooth fashion, are credited with sweeping the Islanders off their feet.

Coach F. 1. Knapple's squad is pointing for VAX BUYS. Cal. Jan.

10. (jP) the cha well i jiODoy uruiKsiianfc of the progres- installed t-t the fieldhouse as pro-i-Vlded by the auditorium chart, while buyers of auditorLum balcony "tickets w-111 be assigned to special -I- balcony sections at the fieldhouse directly above the ring. Special T-4Weachers. located on the main floor, accommodate the overflow from the ringside reservations. SS- Legislators Invited.

-7" Announcement was made day morning that the fighting Agents will display their prowess in Tthe presence of Nebraska offlclal-dom. Governor Adam McMullen and a delegation of statehouse officials; are scheduled to occupy ringside i seats, while the 133 members of the '-senate and house of representatives of the state legislature have been invited to witness the proceedings a special section Of the mam bout, to be staged at lanlte' COLLEGE QUINTS so ciuo. lorK, tooay was richei by $3,500, a diamond medal and th site for the title accept another before a "rtain series late lajj and had stated that they would see that the j-igers would win because they, the Browns, had conceived a dislike for the Cleveland Indians. Disowned the Interview. Cobb at first was somewhat evasive with his denial, but finally disowned the interview, body and soul, when pressed' for a direct answer.

"Walker was present In his capacity of reporter, but went serenely on with hi! work, nc-r by even a se of goifdom as the result -of brilliant victory the second ual Los Angeles 510,000 open RAISE CAGE LID 3 Battin a big season on tne maples, navmf started to work early by conditioning with a pre-season barnstorm id Chicago-received offers the Pacifn class ycstwlav Tilth a nai ing tour. SEVEN STRAIGHT Uni. Pla Looks Got ofJL82 for the 72 holes of play. in the 10-round feature bout of Wesleyan, Wayne, York to -promote the battle at the Baltimore stadium, which seats approximately 135,000 or at Soldiers field in Csieago, scene of the Army-avy wmie die diminutive Scotchmar FOR ST. EDWARD nignts mitten program a versity fieldhouse, kketf over the difficult El Cabel- University Place fans are convinced the young Methodists ar about to enjoy another fine basketball season.

After placing somt trj club to 1 football game. Leading Pack In State Circuit. glance at the stand betraying the ST. EDWARD, Jan. 10 St.

fistic circles series of wcl- triumph. Harry Cooper of Los Angeles, last year's winner, fell behind slightest Interest in UobD's aenial VALLEY SQUADS Edward high scuool won its seventh Co mm i rather drab outfits in the field the past few years, early scores "would The disputed interview with the illicts in the east this cutlve basketball game Friday found the 17th and 18th fairwavs so State Boxing Commissioner John Kil martin of Omaha arrived in the indicate the U. if. followers by defeating the Genoa Indians, 19 week, including a 10-round bout Fridaj night at Square a change for the better. Coach IN TITLE RACE closely massed with spectators that he loit his usual control and fell far state camtal citv Monday on the St.

Edward floor. The Garden between Joe Dundee ot Bailer's quint smothered Cathedral, 30-3. in the opener last Fndav. urned a caid of locals had previously trimmed the Indians, 22-12, on the Genoa court. to oversee the arrangements for the fistic festival, his particular duty ia.Nrash.

Roberts, knocked Dun 296. Havelock squeezed out ahead of fiery Georgian was published shortly after he had receinved a suspended decision, in company with Tris Speaker, on charges that they had participated in a gambling coup. Frank Navin, Detroit owner, was involved, in Cobb's alleged countercharges, for Ty to made to claim that lie had taken the matter Clarkson will meet St. Edward Seward, 11-9. and then landed Cruikshank'i.

the being to make sure tnat an ruies dee out in the first round ot a Faci- this week. College View for a 42-12 victory the .000 67 ei Kansas and Oklahoma Look Good In the Opening Games. for the supervision of legalized On the same nign J7-pound3 champi Of Omaha trimmed Ashland, 21-10 billed boxincr are enforced. CAGE OFFICIALS Coach Fred Rothert's Platts- -deferred match at "EVil- before Navin immediatel: were booked to assemble early "Monday afternoon for the official touth red Oinahi MEETING TONIGHT have North. 30 to 14.

Kebal nors with Ed Dudlev ot Sammy Baker of New weluhlnsr-ln and medical examina positioned" Oklahoma City. Tliey divided the tions required by commission rules However, wh i faced by Landis Basket otnciais or Lincoln am KE3UJ.TS, WEEK. Awaits Word Fi onct ana tiurd place ly vlcinltv will meet tonight at tin to chamber of commence for a rule: NEW TORK, Jan. 10. (IXS1 pn on the bland last jek, Cobb clea indicated that he has no wish lothev Lie resulted when A Hudkins and Corbett.

Ace Hudkins, Nebraska wlldca and Pat Corbett, Los Angeles wcl 1 terweisrlit, principals in tonight' Tex Rickard was awaiting ecard Watrous of Giand Rapids, MIoh, breaking louse in the final period-Crete Will Bear Watching. Crete high school; one of the leadeis in the football race last fall, will bear plenty of watching on tile basketball court this season. Coach "Pop" Klein's Saline county five trounced Benedict in a Friday engagement, 39 to 3, and then journeyed into Gaffe countv to He" clu- eight cluim- and John Farreil of Mamar and Joli thefornier heavyv main event of 10 rounds, and all the battlers slated to oerfoi bout -with They split and 5500 fiftli prizes five scheduled bouts rounded out Ired Dempsey yesterday X. John Black of Wichita. CAGE CARD, WEtlK.

iiaiit him another hedrlngand ight be that, unless baseball dispose of Beatrice the following ana fcjoaie lao of Glencoe. each their training eunday afternoon brisk workouts at the Hudkii Brothers gymnasium. hearkens to his plea, he will dc- reconciled to a meeting The wildcat's left eye, sllghUy rk also diew credit for a pair ictones, rompine over Stroms- the 72 holes in 293. As a eEult of the triple tie, the ind $250 seventh and 'eighth prizes ivere spilt among them. Then came Leo Diecpl nr KTp to bo present at a St.

Louis-t investigation. of the contenders as a qu; injured in a Friday workout, was occasioning no worry inrthe Hud burg, i3 to and trouncing Geneva, Two Capital city league games on the -books for the Lincoln SI. C. A tonight The Realtors vs. Peterson 9:15 Triangles vs, Lawlo for the Tunney matcn 'Dempsey is sincere hi: kins camp, and Manager Clyde is to 10.

Hastings was forced to ilace its best foot forward, to smother a -second Denod raltv and York With 294 to take ninth nlac Hudkins declared Monday morning John Jones of Kelso, -with that Ace would step into me won tenth place. defeat Clay Center, 13 'to 10. The Hastings five was riding with an I prime condition and inspired by SURPRISE HINT a determln. to prove t-3 advantage at the close of the half. sport-following public of his home Aggie IN DIAMOND MIX drubbing Arapahoe, town that his sudden sweep to nstit fame has been founded on genuln fighting ability." Statement by Board.

In granting the right 'to use tht fieldhouse, the university-athletU b.oarL Issued the following state- high school circles and basketball itock will look up at Curtis. Nellirh's vlctorv over West Point Tip Going Bounds That Landis May Declare Stars Guilty. BY COPELAND CHICAGO. Jan. 10.

(I. N. S.f SEMI-ANNUAL SALE OF Manhattan Colored Shirts east-section. Nellgh won the game ihots in the closing minutes of nlav Judge Ml Landis never does the expected. 'For that reason there wide comment today that the of baseball may surprise the sport Pierce led Madison In other import- 1 announ Si.

Edward high school made it ces hts decision "in the probe of charges of Charles "Swede" Risberg, The conference basketball seasor opened in eight of the ten Missouri vSley basketball camps last week' with Old Man Dope surviving the opening jolt in a fairly gooi fashion. Kansas, five-time conferenc Champion, coasted in with an'easj win in its first came at Washing ing the Genoa Indians, IS to IS. ousted White Sox player, that tin Detroit Tigers threw four games Chicago in Z917 waKenem trimmed TVinnebago. -BYGBEGG M'BRIDE. Although the grand plunge of conference competition was reserved for this week, a number of Nebraska college quintets raised the lid on the collegiate basketball Judge Landis hasn't punea Fremont Wahoo.

Fremont looked etter In Its victory over Wahoo, Hein sec i declared ude. those close to ton, while Oklahoma made a clean since he fined the eomnanv S29.000.000. 15 points. Columbus defeated Al- race last week with opening games Khnnld he decide that Eddie Col sweep of a two-game Iowa invasion The. Stillwater Aggies faltered on the same Irin and the Kansas Ag on.

la to 7. Holdrege won lopsided ALSO PAJAMAS Tuesday lan. MX to lins, Dome Bush. Ray Schalk and from Bertrand and Oxford. India- gies took the measure of Nebaslca.

jam WA JEr A 101a limsliea 30 -US ahead of Mc- Ooenlncr oerformances in the Val again it would be only past pierrmers ley circle would seem to indicate Cook, while Beaver City-Jed Stamford, 16 to 12. Kenkelman rallied t( Saturday Jan. IS I bwd been! Wade Munn Referee." wb riiim of Lincoln, broth Wauneta, 20 to 19. Imperial Considering the mass of testimony offered in his 520,000 investigation, the commissioner was confronted that Oklahoma and maj have considerable to say with thi final disposition Of the conferenci title. Entrance of Drake and Mis-snurt Into the race this week, how u-rant and Bloomington trimmed River ton.

Nebraska wesleyan, lone conegu and Wayne Normal are in front Of the pack as a result' of the victories last weekend. Wesleyan, with only a handful of veteran ma tcrlal in suit, looked fairly impressive in its 27-24 victory over Midland college. York college, with a battery of former York high athletes on the court, won at the-expense of Grand Island and Wayne got off to a flying start start with a victory over Dana, By way of evening up the reckoning. Grand Island rallied to wm a Saturday game from Cotner college and some sensational" basket-shooting by. Captain Hansen en Fairbury got away to a fast start of "Wayne and Monte, has been ever, may revise the above dope nn-hlnated to serve as third 7 defeating Beatrice.

1G i Kearney walloped Mlnden, 34 6 Tall Teams In Lead. in the ring during the five bouts on the Monday program. Selection Lexington defeated Elmcreek. with the word of 30 odd baseball players whose honesty has never before been questioned as against the claims of Arnold Gandll and Risberg, two men who admitted under oath they played the game crooked. Judge Landis decision Wednesday may Setermine theflnal fate of- Auburn took a fall out of the The Jayhawkers and Soon era have tall, rangey squads, capable Of wade was announced UnTinir nommissioner Kilmartin.

Jnclusive UST a little affair between the man who wants quality Shirts at a value-giving price and ourselves. Certainly an affair in which we get together with patrons old and new in a most pleasing fashion. Shirts you- want in the stjle you desire are here, reduced skidding Nebraska City of furn snrair trouD ror any op It Is assured that the battlers ponents. Except for Captain West. found 'Uavenporr easy and Alee opened the season by defeat Ty Cobb and Trls Speaker, ousted will do their stuff in tne presem Ot the greatest gathering of bo: ing fans in capital city fight ai Ths advance ticket sale ing Hemlngford.

abled Dana college to out around the 6-foot mark with Center Holt towering li -ieet story- told the commissioner by "Dutch" Leonard, former Detroit Chester High Winn. tabli'shed a new record 1 and the announcement that the fieldhouse CHESTER, Jan. 10. Ches period. Play Better Basketball.

While 'he quality of The Kansas Aggies have consid-prahle strentrth but in their ap pitcher, of another alleged "thrown" ter hiirh school took the Hel was available servea to eciie interest, in Lincoln and out in the displayed by those teams setting high basketball team into camp Friday, 15 to 12. The game pearance against Nebraska ant Creighton appeared to be too mini Possible Re-hearing. Should the commissioner decide little better than ocdinary. une block of Collins and others accused by Ris- of a one-man proposition. jsjers hish uolnt-er-Eame showing 5t s5mc ot (he other- out- fifty tickets, while another delega- "Valley circles -last seasrjB.

lived to his refutation on the Nebraslw erg are innocent, there may be a e-bearing of Leonard's charges, it i-as believed dlcates some fancy basketball be- fore the season Is over. HOLDREGE QUlfrT i baskets In invasion, tossing 5 ber The town of Valparaiso, where Ace Hudkins was born, is HastinM college and Coane col lared the baseball ohieftain could ich game. Kaogie Rally Win. AFTER CAGE GAME rmrtv of fifty lege lifted the scalp' of Kansas ardly believe the'story of Leonaro nd then place no credence In the Nebraska although losing to the evan end turner tne trick in a The' National Guard management at the noon hour was predicting a 6 000 crowd, with the prospect that most decisive fashion. Coach Bill Kansas, Aggies in the opening encounter, showed considerable Im- mine's Hastings collegians turned the, Sallna Methodists back, 18 to Tw-nvpment.

over last season and had the Manhattan Farmers in trouble Coach 'G. W. Nicholas Holdrege high school is anxious to schedule a game in or, near Lincoln for next Saturday. The Holdrege ssers will Rtay at Crete Friday and would -like to complete th Journey with a game in Lincoln. 10.

Coach ard Hayietts uoana college five handed out a 37-15 de- tale of Risberg and Gandil. Judge Landis today gave no hint of his ideas in the matter. He ra-tused to comment on any phase of his investfgation of the charges Of RVsberg and the earlier traducement Involving Cobb and Speaker, other than to re-interate-he had no plans until the- last ten minutes wnen li Virginia trims WYMORE TOSlSERS wiirirot went wild at the basket. ln the urote pertormance or the Kansas team that he jwouia sena nis prm-ee: work of the 7-root Kersenbroct i the Friday game will glvo through soine stiff defensive workout durlnir the coming week wltl NeV Jan. 10.

Vir-rinla defeated Wymore In wv is to' 2. the opening present to give tno two lormer nagers another chance to clear lr names. He denied attorneys to approximately .2.50 Shirts and jf fic 4.50, 5.00 Shirts and" Pajamas Pajamas 5 2.85, 3.00, 3.15 Shirts 25 6'00' 650 Shirts an A 65 and Pajamas Pajamas 3.50 Shirts and 7.0C, 7.50 Shirts and Pajamas 9 Pajamas 4.00 Shirts and 00 ia50' 12 Shirts A 35 Pajamas and Pajamas Broad clolh French Cuff Madras 'Stiff Cuffs Silk Mixtures Pleated Bottom 1 Neck Band Collar Attached Collar to Match See the tvindoivs Stamps with every purchase BU SHLI3B.PR&& the pobabillty that Elmi Doane's future opponents plenty to think about The tall boy accounted for 22 points. i athlete, would former umana 't for the pair had even sought, a re- lring. replace Kran at a guaru.

lint hnwinc- made Peru Piles Up Score, Normal, conference cham of game of the Southern county conference season. McVey was high scorer for lt- it with 'two field goals and two The Alumni of the Iowa State col- pions, kept in trim by smothering brings tne proaicu American fix will be piay- Lt Ames is appealing to xnt legislature to have their alm.i While the Svmcuse town team most of the letter Hie bench' th frco throws. Jesstip scored the lone counter fo: Wymore. The guard-! ins ot Lewis and Captain Hubka of i considerable of collegp Mask fact that the Peruvians walked -whh 1 Followers ox Valley Virginia uu iff- "turo of the game. basketball this season should hwar plenty of scoring power and ability.

The Syracusans wore mind ino tact mat me watching Captain Kretcl that Hays Pedagogues to a two-point win in a (pirtted encounter on th Kansas Bobcats Have Two Midland and Dana will have to show more ability that they flashed last iveek if they are to keep Peru Xonnal from getting an ay to a winning start In the -conference race. -The Bobcats 'will meet the Fremont and Blair coilcglans in weekend contests. Kearney and Grand Island will try the caliber of Hastings, tho Bronchos being figured to finish the race for highest honors. "Wesleyan. ChacirOn and Doanc are tcheduied outside the conference, while Omaha will play Midland and Tork invades Bethany to meet the Cotner Bulldogs.

ence schedule "arrangement provides that only certain games should be Malm, foi-wird, grabbed the Joint eekend Cor a pair of non-cham- FIGHTS TONIGHT. In the ciiampionsnip rat-r. The 'ofrtcla games are ar Coach Bradflelds tt ri-- looked plenty good In defeat on a ranged on a double round robin l.lo. Hariklm. Uacola.

T. ptonshlp games. The Iowa State Quintet, a much improved outfit this winter with Ave letter men back, will face the lest this week in meeting Kansas Afffries and Kansas on foreign soil. scheme. All Yal- game jowa tr o.

Thn m. Toons dropped a 'came to Institution! Fat OrVftt, Antrim, 1 Tand. At "ew Vrk $erftMtt mmj nkr, jreV Vork, t. Hmty G.MOeir, Brlo lyn. 1 nmnim.

Trinity and lost a 33-27 contest at, nged for "additional" games with Drake, likewise, will ho tip against other conference rivals. ouith affairs. ppUeWiMHt, tho buzz-fiaw In playing at ails-sourt and Washington. -Kearney Normal held down the Washington and Missouri this.

The Lincoln Star from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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