The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2024)


elifflmr ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. '(Pecan pvirjaKott. DOMINION LINE F.CYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool Sorvloo, Ftcnmer. From MontresL From Qnebefl.

Vancouver 2, daylight. May 3,3 a.m. Ottoman. May 9, daylight. May Labrador May 1ft, daj litfhu Marl7.

Sa.m. i daylight. May 21 2b.wl Fcoti-D-an May 30, daylight. May M. 2 a.uu ancouver 6, daylight.

June 7. 9a.m. BS. Canada. RATES OF PASSAGK First Cabln-Moiitrenl or Quebec to Liverpool or Londonderry, 0 to $S0; return.

f-OO to I.i0, io steamer and berth. Kwond rahln f.O return, iei. ieerage-To Liverpool. Lon-den, Lordonderry, Quceostown. lielfitt or Glmgcw.

icclodiiig outfit, $24.50 and $2SJ. Midship 8loons, electrio light, spacious promenade decks. For further information apply to any agent of the company, or to DAVID TORRANCE General Agents, Montreal. 17 St. Bacrament street.

all snivals, 732 more from the Litter eoun-tiy held lack. Trade was Crmer; the let States made 3s 6d to 3s 10J per 81b. ffal given in). Argentines of better quality lltsn of late, quoted at 2s lOd to 3s 4d per Sib. The sheep supply, amounting to 5,8 i I frim Argentina, number 497 more than on Mcnday last.

About 2,500 more ware kept Lack. Trade was a shade slower, but rates were fitm; best pens made 3s 4d to 3s 61 per 81b. On Thursday trade was firmer, although the offerings of cattle were 1,831 (802 States and 1,019 Argentines). The clearance at b'mithfitld yesterday put buyers on their mettle Spain, and for the best Yankees 3s 8d to 3s lid was current say 11c to llc, 'with 10c to 10jC for secondary grades. The Argentines were a better, lot all round than any seen here for a few weeks back, and at UJc to 10c per lb.

show an advance on oi mer quotations. In the sheep pens there weie 5,043 South Ameaicans and 454. United States. Considering the big show trade mUd very firm, prices for the best pens being equal to ie (a few made 1 1 Jc), while otbeis were making easily 10c to lOJo, BRISTOL (THURSDAY). At Avonmouth a lot of States cattle and sheep were sold this week, the cattle making from lOJc to 11c (they quote 48s to 53 per cwt.

cf 112 lbs. in Bristol). The sheep, of which there were about 1,200, met a good tiade, reaching from 11 Jo to 12o. In the open maiket about 800 Irish stores were offered, many of them selling at high prices, but the excessive value put on them by the holders checked sales, and at the finish over CC0 were left on the stones. GLASUOW-yORKHlLL.

At Monday's weekly sale of United States cattle there were in the lairages 398 animals landed ex Pomeranian from New York, 308 ex Triton ia, trom Baltimore, and 414 ex Hi-1 ernian from Philadelphia, or a total offering of 1,178. As is generally the case, the greater proportion of the cattle consisted of bullocks. here weie also a few heifers and oxen included in the various consignments. Bulls weie carci-ly so numerous as they have been for week or two past. The attendance of buyers, both wholesale and retail, was a largo one, local and country purchasers being well represented.

The cattle all round were rather above the average in quality, the great preponderance of bullocks being animals hich were very meritorious in finish, while rougher finished beasts were comparatively scarce, forming only a small proportion of the supply. The few heifers on offer were exceptionally nice animals and showed well. The comparatively smaller Biipply of bulls was fully compensated for by the improve meet in quality, which showed an advance on recent markets. At the opening of the tale it was announced that the cattlo would not all be exposed, as it was intended to hold over a numbor until next week, and in consequence of the reduced offerings values advanced considerably. Bullocks of tho best lofts experienced a very sharp enquiry, and, with keen competition for them, high prices wore easily obtainable.

Plainer and heavier animals were not in f-o great request, and values for thorn were (lightly lower. Tho heifers sold dear. Oxon in good demand, and were readily cashed at satisfactory prices. Bulls, on account of (mailer offerings, were in better request than a week ago, and with fair competition for the they changed hands smartly. As tho cattle had been in the sheds lor a day or two they showed well while being passed through the ring, and prices for all classes showed an 1.1 ssl montreal Bayal Mall Service, From Montreal.

From Qnebeo Moneob'aa 2 May 2 May. p.m Sardinian 9 May Kumklian May 15 May, San l'aiiian 23 May ii May, am The steamers of this service carry all Clausen ol pasneiifrers the saloons and staterooms ara in central part, where least motion is felt. Electricity is nsed for lighting, the siiipe throughout, the lights being at the command of the at any hour of the night. Musia rooms and smoking room on the promenade deck. The saloons and staterooms are healed bj steam.

Rate) of Paaaaare. rCAETN-gingle, 50 and upwards. Return, ICO and upwards. A reduction te made on Wind Trip Tickets, except oa the lowest rate. fchCOXD CAUiN To or from Liverpool or Londonderry, Round TriD, f-TLJCKAGK Liverpool, London, Glasgow, Belfast or Londonderry, including every re-qoiMfe for the voyage, t2.0 and J25.30.

Cape Tow 8outh A frica, From Liverpool, London or Londonderry, to Quebec or Fort land, i'assengcrs go on hoard at Montreal between 8 aud 10 o'clock the eveoing before sailing. Tho steamers sail at da) light. CLASCCW, LONDONDERRY AND NW YORK SERVICE fcm Aete Pier, foot of W. tint. Neu York.

From i From GlnKRow. New York 1 May State of ..15 May, noon 15 of Nebraska ....29 May, 1pm 29 Plate of ..12 June. 11 a )2 Hate of Nehranka ....26 June, 11 a 26 of California 9 July, 3 put And fortnightly thereafter. Rate a of Paaaaga. CA niN-fJS to 65 single.

fi5 to 120 return. fciXONT) CABIN To or from Glasgow, or Londonderry. 30. Return tickets, Meerage lowest rates. The Kteamisliips Htate of California and State of Nebraska are not surpassed for their excellent accommodations for all clusses of passengers.

'J he Saloons are forward, Staterooms near the ntreof the ships' promenade deck, the ent ire width of the vessel, and two-thirds of hor length. Electric lights throughout, and electrio bells in every stateroom. Nocatlie carried. CUSCCW OUEBEC AND MONTREAL SERVICE. From Montreal on or a bond 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 May 7 June 14 June From Steamships.

Glasgow. 18 April 23 Siberian SO April Grecian 7 May Harnsatian 14 May 21 May I'omeranian 23 Siberian And weekly thereafter. LCNLCH, CJJEBEC AND MONTREAL SERVICE. From From Btcamshipe Montroil London. on or abous 15 April Monte Videan May April Cnnndian 17 May 9 May.

Brazilian 27 May 20 May liosarian June And regularly thereafter. No pnwsengers carried Kaatbouud by thli service. f.lasgow, Liverpool, Halifax, Phlla Freeman hue arranged Mrv Hare'e entire ur, which, besides New York, will include aton, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore, Pituburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Cbiesgo, Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, and Cleveland. In the absence of dramatic noveltiej, Im-de is smiling over the accounts to hand of a plsy leing prcdnced at the principal theatre (jI Eacgkok.

If it shows some biological eon-faikn in the Siamese mind, it also exhibities Sights of fine fancy much more daring than Ite-en, Pinero, or even Sndermanu attains. It Ceylon the captial of England, and tie drama starts with the assumption that the Kirg of Siam has promised to marry Queen Victoria and has found it inconvenient to kerp this contract. The British Queen, accordingly, invades Siam in quest of breach of i remise damages, and there is a magni-ficrst scene ahich the Duke of Cambridge, whese youth is miraculously restored, has a terrific battle-axe combat with three Siamese er fairies. The English are defeated with a tremendous carnage, but then the King of Sifm relents, explanations are exchanged, and he leads, the blushing Queen Victoria to the altar, after all. Offers, princely in their nature, are repeatedly being made to Mary Anderson de Navarro to return to the stage, writes K.

W. Bek in the LadM Jlom Journal, bat she tuina a deaf ear them all. Only the ptet summer overtures came to her from an American manager wbioh insured a bt( fortune if she would consent to return to stage for a brief priod. There were six figures In the sniount stipulated, and the first figure was iiual to the total number of numerals in the whole But it had no effect upon her. She turned away from it easily and without an effort.

"No," she said, "I am through with the stago." And that was all. An Italian company is now playing The Taming of the Shrew at the Niccolini Theatre at Florence. In the Italian translation the play is entitled "La Bisbetioa Domata." In order, however, to attract the English and American resident and visitors, large placards are posted announcing Shakespeare'! Tamed Screw." London Daily New. Lilian Russell's latest appearance was at Abbey's, New York, in The Little Duke," by Meilhac and Halevey, as adapted by Max Freeman. The play was secondary as an attraction to the desire to see Miss Russell in the habiliments of the male sex.

They were not disappointed says the Timvf critio. They saw her. There was no escaping that, except by closing one's eyes, it was impossible to avoid remembering Lady Jane's description of herself Not pretty massive." Mies Russell's exhibition of herself was generous and convincing. Beyond that there is little to be said of her performance. Sho wore shining satin and daziding diamonds, and she spoke her lines with her old familiar air of utter unbelief in thoir reality, As for her singiiig it may be said in extenuation that the was evidently suffering from a cold.

But that would hardly excuse her re-malleable gtrglings and pinching! and explosions. Let it be recorded in short that sho lias sever done anything worse. Ellen Teriy, says a current paragraph, was boto in 1 HIM, and iii early life nurned sn actor named Charles Kelly (Wardoll), She has a son on the stage known as Gordon Crsig, and a daughter Ailsa Craig, who plas ingenue parts in Henry Irving' repertory. Ellen Terry's first appearanoe was in "The Winter's Tale," April 28, 1856. The London next morning made this comment: "Miss Ellen Terry plays the boy Mamilius with a vivacious precocity that proves her a worthy relative of her sister, Miss Kate." She first acted in Portia in April, 1871.

The women of Ohio propose to retaliate on the men who put the theatre hat law through the Legislature. It is their purpose to introduce a bill to make it a misdemeanor for men to go out between the acts and whoever is found spitting tobacoo juioe on the floor, will be hauled incontinently before the court of justice. The women who conceived this plan of vengeance are not sure that it will become a law, but think it will serve to show unrighteous and opresxive man that they are watching and are eager to ride to their revenge, When ia a woman old ia the last question to engage newspaper interest. It hss been asked of all the leading actresses in Germany, and tome of the replies are worth noting. Jenny Gross takes to the usual refuge that, "A woman is as old aa she looks." FrauNuschaBuUe, thinks "A woman is only old when she tries to make herself young again." Marie Ponpischill declares that "As leng as a woman believes in youth and clings to her youth she appears young even when she is not really so," and Marie Rsiseuhofur considers somewhat obscurely that "VYoraiD is old when she begins to love reason, and finds no love In return." Rosa Bartons reflects that "A woman la old when she begins to ask herself, 'When is a womin old and Clara Zieglor, the famous tragedienne, is the auther of a phrase in her reply: "When is a woman old 7 The conceited, never the unhappy, too soon, and the wise, at the right time." The following description of Eleonora Dusc, ap)ears in Modern Women by Laura Mm holm Hannson; "A lean figure, peculiarly attractive, though scarcely to be called beautiful; a melancholy face with a strangoly sweet expression, no longer young, yet possessed of a pule, wistful charm; ftmme de trtntt ant, who ha lived and suffered, and who knows that life is full of suffering; a woman without any aggressive (elf-confi 3S 53.

on From From 2 rg Liv'rpool Steamship. g. Glasgow to pr Halifax. 3 15 IS Carthaginian 8 M'y 13 May 9 2 May Corean 22 M'y 27 May 13 May 16 May Assyrian 5 Jue lO.June 27 May 30 Carthaginian 19 Jne 24 June 10 13 Asayrian.H... 3 ly July 24 127 Corean: 17 J'ly 22 July Pieuro-Pneumonla Appears in Essex and Middlesex" AND BOTHERS MINISTERS.

A Elff Meat Company's Business Last Year Details of Leading Markets. (From our own correspondent.) Liverpool, April 16. The ontbreaka of pleuro-pneumonia in Essex and Middlesex Lave drawn down upon the Board of Agriculture several queries as to their origin and source. The Department is fairly worried to death, and, being helplessly cornered," finds relief in making their replies to the pertinent questions as impertinent as the conventionalities of Parliament will admit. Vhen people who know something address searching questions, and are told that they evidently have not mastered the position of affairs," or" do not understand the facts'butreceive no enlightenment either es to the position or the facts, they be excused for wanting to know, yon know." Here- we have pleuro-pneumonia outbreaks in two centres, and how or whence they come no one knows, and while the Minister of Agriculture seeks to take advantage of them, by "accelerating" his Animals Diseases Bill, the opponents of same in the interests of Dominion shippers are anxious to make the outbreaks the medium for proving incon test-ably that the disease could not possible come from Canada.

While this contention is absolutely true, it makes no impression whatever upon the Board except, perhaps, to increase the irritation felt by that Department. The postponnient of the discussion in Committee on Mr. Long's bill, has been taken advantage of to add a few more amendments, but they are only variations of those already tabled. In the House of Commons, Mr." Price is the most active spirit leading the Opposition to the bill, an 1 his efforts to secure fair treatment for our Canadian cattle are worthy of all praise. In the general prets his action is highly commended, although, of course, by the agricultural protectionists he is viewed as one sworn to rain his cc*ntry.

Here are a few observations made by an East Anglian paper. THE KOBTOLK FARMERS AND CANADIAN CATTLE. Writing to the Eaulitrn Daily Exprm, a Farmer's Son gays the Norfolk agriculturists owe a deep debt of gratitudo to Mr. Trice, M.P., for the good service ho has done us in opposing the Government proposals to indiscriminately slaughter Canadian cattle on landing. As bearing out Mr.

Price's contention an to the disastrous effects of the order with regard to Norfolk, Mr. Charles Dewar, of Little Massingham, states in a Loudon contemporary that there are hundreds of acres of swedos in Norfolk this season that have no valuo, for the simple reason that graziers cannot go into our store stock markets to buy cattle to consume the roots, and afterwards re-sell the cattle' as beef at (id per lb. and under. Previous to the wasteful slaughtering order of Canadian cattle, farmers could buy these cattle, keep them a few months, and re-sell at a handsome profit, even at the low nrioe ct 6d per lb. for the nniehed article, uana-oian cattle, lean, bruised and battered, after a long sea voyage, are certainly not in proper condition to be killed for butchers' meat, which must prove bad for the consumer, and only benefit the dentist.

There are, however, no cattle, either English; or Irish, that will gain weight so fast on ewedes es Canadians, and it is certainly a great pity from every point of view to slaughter the whole indiscriminately on landing. It is a snub to our royal colony, and means hundreds of pounds loss to many Norfolk graziers. Mr. Dewar says that he has fed hundreds of Canadian bullocks, and never knew or saw an unhealthy one yot, to say r.i.- i ah noimng 01 me rnuun-uuaeu ui uuo uiyimuai contagious pleuro; and this is the experience of many a Norfolk man, who may well exclaim, that if the Cattle Diseases Bill is a sample of what is- to be expected from the professed friends of the farmer, then save us from our friends." EASTMANS (LIMITED). The Right Hon.

Lord Greville presided on J5th instant at the seventh ordinary general meeting of this Company at the Cannon Street Hotel, and in moving the adoption of the report, said that the results of the business during 1895 were not so good as they could have wished, which was accounted for by the tact that beef cost them in America on an average fully a farthing a pound more than in 1S'J4, whereas they could not get a corresponding advance in the selling price. In consequence of the high cost of cattle in the United 6tates, dressed beef shipments from that country fell off to 1,652,000 as compared with 1,776,000 and live cattle fell off to as compared with 38 1 ,000. On the other hand, Australia and the River Plate Bhipped to this country 4,089,000 cwt. of frozen beef, or an increase of 179,000 over 1894, thus making up for the deficiency in the shipments from the United States and CaunU. The River Plate and AuBtralasia also sent 142,000 live cattle, against 91,000.

The imports of sheep showed a great increase. Live sheep from all sources were 1,072,000, as compared with 480,000 in 1894, and the frozen carcases were 5,000,000, as compared with It would appear from these figures that there was au increase in the consumption of mutton and a reduced consumption of beef, due to the low price at which frozen mutton was sold. This Company handled in the United Kingdom about 25 per cent, of the chilled beef, and 1 1 per cent, of the frozen mutton, or, in other words, they sold, wholesale and retail, worth of imported meals here, and worth in America. In reply to a question, Mr. Thomson, Managing Director, said that bo far this year they had dene exceedingly well, and there was a good prospect of their paying a good portion of the arrears of the preference interest during tbj year.

There was still a great deal of competition, but they wore in a much better position to face it than they nsed to be. LONDON-ISLINOTOW. Monday's supply, compared with Monday Inst showed an increase of 440 head, chiefly due to heavier consignments from Scotland and Norfolk, and larger arrivals of fat shed cows from suburban districts. For fat beasts trade was very slow, rates haying to be reduced 2d per bib. to effect sales, at which reduction a clearance could not be made.

Fat -hed cows were in better demand by country buyers, and there was an upward tendency in value, but higher rates were prevented by the larger number on offer. Fat bulls were again very unsaleable. There was an in-create of 6,800 in the number ot sheep and lambs penned, the supply including 230 Scotch and 5,980 from Nor-folk, Suffolk, and Kssex, For wether sheep, on account of the large supply, trade throughout was very slow at a decline of 2d per 8 the finish being extremely dull. Good young ewes were scarce and in request at slightly higher rates, a steady demand was met for lambs, but late rates could inly in exceptional cases be maintained, the hulk of the rules taking plaoe at a roddotion of 2d per 8 lb. On Thursday there was 2,500 sheep and lambs shown, but after the few early sales to country dealers hardly any business was done.

The colder weather chocked we demand for lamb, butt veal was in bettor request, and some good calves mado up to 8J and 8Jd (16o to Kilo per Compared with Monday's prices a decline on mutton of nearly Jd per lb. must be noted, Only 33 beasts out of 115 were brought Into the market, LOKDON-DKI'TITOKI), Monday's supply, numbering 3,088, com-pared with Monday last, shuwod an In create of 205 cattle, and consisted of 1,997 from the Slates and 1,091 from South America. These, however, did not Include 'What a fad thing is the decay of a popular play. Recall The Two Orphans," when, in all its glory of a great cast, it was produced at the Union Square Theatre, New ork. In thote days the most popular of New York favorites were in it Charlie Thome, Kittie Blanchard, McKee Rankin, Fannie Morant -nd Kate Claxton was more than 25 years younger than she is to day.

What a production it was when it was first put on at the Boston, muses the Herald, dramatic writer, and even the 1879 cast at the Museum is remembered with respectful interest, with Charles Barron and Willie Seymour as the Frochaid brothers, with Joseph Ha worth, John Mason, Melliource McDowell, Annie Clark, May Davenport, Mrs. Vincent, Georgia Tyler and Sadie Martinot in the cast. Yet in the past 10 years the play has become shabbier and shabbier. Every season it has returned to town, passing from one theatre to another, down the grade, getting out at the knees, out at the elbows, and hert handed and common. This once smart production is to-day a sight as depressing as the rpectacleof a once beautiful woman whom dirsipation and riotous living has ruined.

Twenty-five years older, it has become dirty as well as decrepit and those who saw its last production here were simply heart broken and indignant. Jim, tho Penman" declined much more rapidly. Thia play will not pass the 10th anniversary of its first production in America in November, 1886 until autumn. Yet it has already been to the cheap theatre. This drama suffers even more frem being ill-dressed and poorly acted than The Two Orphans." The latter is an out-and-out melodrama.

"Jim, the Piussan'1 is a melodrama pretending to lie a society play. Fallen into shabbinuss, its pretences are all cruelly unveiled. There will never be such a thing possible as reviving that play. One is almost inclined to think that play luckier that dies a natural death and is buried decently in the dust of the theatre library's shelf than is the one that expiies lingeringly, and is stared at curiously in all its pitiful, poverty-stricken old age, as the most profitable plays are apt to be. Sarah Bernhardt, in talking with a reporter of a French newspaper, said 1 intended to give thousandth representation of the Dame aux Cameliis' ia Paris, after my return from America.

It now lacks only about 38 or 40 to reach that figure. My dream was to have the aufiTor present, but, unfortunately, no one nan read dostinie. I atked Dumas one day if it was true that he was about to give a favorable reply to the request of the Francais toaddtht 'Dame aux Camelias' to its repertoire. He snid The role of Margurite Oantier is bound to be plnyed by you for a long tims. The peace will finally, no doubt, belong to the Theatre Francais, but it must ai-t untU it becomes old and classic, if that word is not too big for it.

Then it must be played with the costumes of the period, and not as they play it now, wilh costumes ot the latest And this opinion of Dumas brings to my mind this little incident. It happened at the Varieties during the exposition of 1889. We were rehearsing the Dauieaux Caiaolias' with the author. Ilamala'played the part of Aimand Duval. In the, scene in the fourth act, where the quarrel breaks out between him and M.

de Varville, Dumas interrupted Damala and said to him: Just there you should go through the motion of buttoning your coat. As a matter of fact, you should button it. Fechter always did You will have to excuse me, replied Damala, laughing, but our coat do not button now. Fashion has ohanged all You are said Dumas, and he added 'I still fancy that I'm only Nevertheless, the master was right," continued Mme. Bamhardt, when he said that one day or another it would be necessary to play the Dame aux Camelias' with the costumes of the period.

This notion of the author I will realize on the evening of the thousandth performance of his immortal chief d'oeuvre. VTe will all play with the costumes of the time. The attraction will be double for those who were at the first representation of that play of the Vaudeville in 188.2. Qhey can compare the two representations after 44 years of interval." The New York Comntreud Advtrtmr has this to say about aa old-time Montreal favorite Your Canadian is nothing if not patriotic. Borne two weeks ago I wrote a paragraph about Harry Lindley, a comedian, who is charged with pirating plays in Canada.

It happens that I knew Lindley pretty well years ago, and I concluded my remaiks about him by saying that I have often wondered why so talented an actor as Lindley is satisfied to barnstorm in Canadian settlements, producing other people's plays, and smarting under the brand of I added But I suppose there is money ia it. I am only sorry to know that so good a man has gone To this the Belleville (Canada) IiUtUigtn-eer, with characteristic loyalty to Canada and its comedians, retorts aa follows Harry, we may tell G. C. does not 'barnstorm' in Canadian settlements, but plays in good towns, such as Belleville, Hamilton, Brandford, Woodstock, where the people are much more intelligent and better educated than those of any portion of the United States even the groat cosmopolitan city of New York, which G. J.

graces with his presence. Harry is an Englishman and a Conservative in Canada, and a good actor, and not a bad fellow, and mayhap pirates Yaukee plays. If so, he only spoils the spoiler, as he may, by rending their prey fium the most impudent gang of literary pirates in the With such endorsem*nt, oonclnded the Commercial Advtrtmr, "we wonder why Harry Lindley remains unregenorate." George Eogels, the German comedian, arrived in New York on Sunday week In the steamship La Bourgogne. Engels made hi American debut on Thursday night at the Irving Place Theatre New York as Senator in Schoenthau-Kadelburg's faroe, "Der Horr Senator." His engagement is limited to two weeks, after which he will appear one night in Chicago and three nights in Milwaukee. Georg Engels was born on January 12, 1846, in Altona, near Hamburg.

His father was prompter at the famous Hamburg Thalia Theatre. He made his first professional appearance at the Woltersdorf Theatre, in Berlin, in 1870. Two years later he was engaged as eomudian for the Wallner Theatre, to alternate with Uelmord-ing, who at that time was the favorite player in Berlin. It did not take Engels long to monopolize the all'eetion of his audience, which soon led to the retirement of Hclmerding. Engels's farewell performance was attended by the highest aristocracy of Berlin, and the German Emperor personally expressed bis sorrow to see him depart fiom the German capital.

Herr Engels is under contract for a month each year in St. Petersburg, which he said was a German oity almost. The Alexander Theatre, in the Rufslsn capital, is annually converted into a German playhouse during the Russian Lenton season, and for these performances he has a standing engagement. The series just enda i has netted the management over 30,000 rubles. John Hare it to visit America again, and has Montreal on his list, Charles i'roliman, of New Yoik, has made the arrangement, which will include au engagement at the Garrick Theatre, lasting almost thtough the next winter.

Mr. Hare's present tour has been so successful that it will be extended to the middle of May, and the fact of this surceM made it possible for Mr. Frohman to induce him to forego his regular season at his own theatre in London, so that be might be able to make a long stay at the Garrick here. 1 hiring hit tour ho will appear In the Robertsonisa plays with which his name is moat closely associated on the other side. His repertory will Include "Caste," which he originally produced in London, Mr.

scrU)ona, Hoarseness, and Los3 of Voice, Nervous Coughs. Laryngitis, Colds vitu VheezIng, Insomnia, Catarrhal affections, and difficulty in Expectoration, are eromrrtlr leUeTed by these Cigarettes, GBIMAULT'S KATICO '-CAPSULES and INJECTION. Renowned Physicians prescribe Gbimacit'b JLinooaa th most active and Inoffensive remedy la tt treatment of acuta and chronic Gleet and Gonorrhoea. snauwi iiwujuch la st4 la recent ana MATlC0CAP3ULESiath.n,m..i.n The above pmy be obtslnM rem all Dranrktl Wholesale ol LYMAN, SONS I IsWffiEAL DOMINION LINE. AFRICAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S IUgulor Line of Flrxt Class Stoannhlps BKTWKKir MONTREAL AND Bristol (Avonmouth) snd London.

rPtenmers of the above line Insure at flmt clans' tttUm, ami are lllte-l up wilh all the modern improvements forcftrryinir. LiveHtork.alrto Uutt-ir. Cliwse, (irnln, oml every dexcrliitlon of Kiinorftl rniuo, mid are intended to bo dOHputched frjin Monikkal, as follows; To Bristol (Avonmouth). PR. Mcrrinmo May 7 r-'H.

Mny 11 H8. lleniphis May 21 PH. Ktolia May 28 fcS. Lycia Juue i To Lvndou. FB.

Montezuma May 9 r-H. May ifl HB. Marino May 2.5 feB. May 30 And wookly thereafter. Vor rules of Freight and other particulars M'I'ly to XDER, DEMPSTER Montreal.

Ami ot 70 Queen, Hi-InIoI 4 Ht Mary Axo London ll t'ttBtle Liverpool. ULSTEB STEAMSHIP LTD. Mil 10 Tho following Fli-d-Clawi Steamers are tn. tended lo continue the roKtilur sorvioe between tho ahovo nuincd ports PH. ItAMOltK HKAD tons H8.

JNiHHOWliN HH. HKNdOltK IIKAIi HH. IiUNMOKK Brf. 1KEL1N HKAU The proponed tailings are the Sa ItAMOKK UK A I), for Belfast, on or almut Mar 10 68. ilKNGOKK IIKAIi, for Dublin, on or ahont.

May IS 68. IN I8H0WKN HEAD, for Belfast, on or Rtmiit May 25 68. IHJNMOHE 1IJ5AD, for Dublin, on oral out June 10 To bo followed by othor steamers about fortnlRhtly. 1 hrouKli Bills of LndinK granted from all pointai in Canada. lor freight and othnr particulars apply to O.

1IEVN BON, Holfiwt, Manaifm JM.or I'AUmAVW, MUltfHV Dublin; UAKOLD 1UCNNKDY, Quebec, or MeLIIAN, KHMVUDV Board of Trado Building, Montreal QUEBEC STEAMSHIP LIMITED, ST. LAWRENCE LINE. SS. "CAlPANA," 1,700 TON, Is intended to leave Montroal on Thursday, April 80th, at ft p.m., Ice peiiulKliiu, And afterwards on overy al tomato Mon lay during KOODOO, For FATHF.R POINT, OAHPR, MAT, BAY. I'altCK, IIAULim'JS-TOWN and P1CTOU.

jTns excellent accommodation for passongors. Kln lrlo Ii'kIiU and nil modern comforts. No (hiro received afler noon ot Hailing Day. TiikeUfor tale at all the principal ticket Offices. For Freight, PaKSnfro and Stntorooms, apply to J.

1IIKXK, Ali.t, 211 Commissioners Street, Or to W. D. O'lilUKN 143 St. Jumes Htree QUEBEC STEAMSHIP LIMITED. BERMUDA WEST INDIES ROYAL MAIL LINE Sailing from pier 7, North River, New York For Bermuda 6S.

Orinoco April, at 3 p.m For fit. Thnmns, St, Croix, St. Kilts, Antigua, (JuuilnlijiiH), Dcmilnirrt, Martiniquu, BL Lucia and Barbados. BS. Wednesday, Glh May, at 3 p.m.

Tickets can be prooured at all tho principal Ticket, OillccH. For Freight, Passage and Tnsurnnco, npnly to A. K. OUTKKDHII Ml Agent. Broadway.

New York. AUTHUll AJltUN.HooruUu-y. Quebec. J. Q.

BROCK, Affent. 211 CominlsKlonorsHtroot, Montreal. Or to W. D. O'UUIKN, Hi tit.

James titreot. 28th April, 1800. 'ST ESTABLISHED 1870, Agent for the principal Transatlantic Steamship and other Hues, Passengers booked to AN I'AIIT OP TUB WOULD at lowest rates. Tours through Kuropa at, In-cltinlvo rales from Montreal ut from till. Bpo-cial reductions lo parlies and to the olnrgy.

Low rales to Florida, Went Indies, Capetown, Australia, etc. 4 uiiadlmi Agency for the London Ac Nor ill Western Hnllvrny of Kiigland-tlio i-licrtent and quickest route. Liverpool and London iiIko North Wales, hugllsh Lakes, Cent land, fchakespearo's Country, eta, Tickets Ixsiied. toi Hond for Battersby's Monthly List of Sailings of all Ocean HluaniHlilps, of Passage, special Tours Abroad, etu. Ho trouble answer loiters or enquiries, 1.

SsATTEHSny, Tourist Agent, 178 SCJames Bb (opp. Tomplo Bldg.) Montreal. FURNESS LINE. FROM ANTWERP AND DUNKIRK. The S.S.

Feliciana Is Intended to anil from Antwerp, In April, for this port, and will he fid-lowed by ol Iter Mleaniers of the Line, at regular intervals of a fortnight. 'J lioH.H. famla Is iulended also, to be Am-patched from Dunkirk, Franco, about) loin April, and will be followed by the 8.H. Oregon, si ii in Id sullleleut encouragement bo atrurdoil. For particulars as to rules and passages, apply In Went llartlciHHil and Imelon, lo Messrs, FurneHSLWItliy Limited; in Antwerp, lo Mensrs.

Thos, Itiinnldmm ft. and lu Dunkirk, Messrs, 11. Wullhnuni ft Toxwtt I I. TUllllANCU II Agent mimn ounst ipso PIGKFORD BLACK'S WEST INDIA STEAMSHIP LINES. Carrying the Canadian Malls, DEMERARA SERVICE.

St, John, N.B., to Demerara, calling at Halifax, Bermuda, St. Croix, Bt Kitten Antigua, Montasrrat, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St Lucia, returnlrijr to St. John via aama porta, except Halifax. 8TEAMEH BAILING FP.OM Demer Btcoincrs, Bt. John, Halifax, Dec 5 1896.

Jan. 2 ara, 133o. Dec. 23 1396. Jan.

28 Feb. 22 Mar. 21 Apr. 13 May 16 June 13 IK. 28 Dec.

26 1BU6. 23 19 A or. 16 Taymouth Co.slle Duort Taymouth Cart. Imart Cantlo. Taymouth Casllo Ilnart (Castle Jan.

30 Feb. 7) Mar. 2 Apr. Zi May 21 Tayinoutii Cawtlo 14 And regularly thereafter. These steamers are of the highest class (106 All at Lloyds, have superior accommodation for jnWH'iigers and carry steward and stewardess.

Through bills of lading issued. Full information on application to BCirOFTELI) St. John, KB. PICKFOUD P.LACK. Halifax, N.S.


88. Pritish Crown abont April 29 MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL 88. Itarrowmore aoout May May 1 Miy20 May 27 HH. 88. For rates of freight, hrough bills of lading and hill Information apply to all I tail way Agents; Win.

Johnson tt Limited. Cham ber of Commerce lluilillng. llowton 218 I illo street, liiingo; 'J08 ltailway Exchange Huild ing, bU Louih, or to WM. JOHNSTON LTD. Hoard or Trade Hulldlne, MONTREAL REFORD AGENCIES DONALDSON LINE WEEKLY GLASGOW SERVICE Sailing from MONTREAL every WEDNESDAY morning.

From From Giusgow. Montreal. April IS SS Concordia May 9 April 22 83 Tritonia May 13 April 29 HS Warwick May 20 May 6. HH Amarynthla May 27 May 13 ....88 Aloides Juue 3 AOKNTfl Glasgow Donaldson Bros. THOMSON LINE.

Loudon aud Neweastle Service. Sailing from Montreal on or Abont From Newcastle- From Montreal on-Tyne. to London. S3 Huron May 15 88 Oeiona May 29 AU the London steamers wlU take cargo for Newee Nte-npon-Tyn. NOTE llurona will not call at Newcastle.

EAST COAST SERVICE. ABERDEEN, LEITH AND DUNDEE! AT INTERVALS. BS. Hnrona, for Leith May 15 A Bteamcr for 20 88. Esculona, for Aberdeen.

May 20 Agents Cairnb, Yotmo ft Vomjb, Newcastle on-Tyno A. Low, Bow Caktkb, 27 Lead-enhall Street, London. E.C.; G. V. Tuk.v-lii ll Leilh; W.

TuoMsosft Sons, Lucdce, Scotland, Special accommodation for Butter, Cheese and Provisions, also Cattle, Horses and Sheep. THROUGH BILLS. OF LADING Granted by any of the above Lines to or From Any 1'oint In Canada or Western States. For further particulars appl to Hewdihso Chicago, J. ltiDUiXL, SlraUord, Out or ROBT.

REFORD 23 25 St Sacrament Street, MONTREAL SUMMER.SERVICE. DIRECT SAILINGS BETWEEN Montreal and Liverpool. From i Liverpool. Btenmer. Montreal, April May 6 25...

Huron IS May 2. Ontario 20 9. "27 23.. Jane 10 17 0..,. Luke 13....

Luke July 1 And weekly thereafter. RATES OP PASSAGE. fttandtW, Hound Trip, fH), H5, f'O and till), according lo steamer and Accommodation, (SECOND CAMNl To Liverpool, tS rotor Kl (lliihgow, IpiflO return, $i2 llrtstol or Cardiir, tV5i; return, fti9, L.mdiU, 33; return, fNu Ki KKIIAOK: To IJvorpool, London, Glasgow, Ilrlfiifl, at lowest rates. Notk 8teerago msHengcrs by the Meavor Line areprovldeil wilh the use of holding, aud cal Ing ami drinking utensils, free of charge. Freight carried at lowest rates and loal Import alii Hii tit*, hot ll in Canada and Great Hrltalrl on through bills lading.

Xmicial faellilin) provided for the carriage ul butter. hoee aud pop li.lmble freight. fur further particulars as to freight or passago apply to D. Ac C. MaoIVEH, D.

W. CAMPBELU Tuwcr Uulldlngs, Munagor, Liverpool, AtuutrusJ, si! advance of from 20s to 30s a head. The approximate deadweight quotations may be givtn as follows: Bullocks, best quality, medium weight, 54s per and up to 5bs per cwt. for choice; heavy prime, 42s to 53s; and rougher and plainer, 60s to 52s per cwt. while tho bulla realized from 35s to 40s per according to quality and finish all the quotations marking an advance of those ruling last week.

At the conclusion of the suction there were about 300 animals ex-Hibernian held over until the next sale A BALE OF AMERICAN SHEEP was afterwards held, there being on offer 1,05 landed ex Tritonia from" Baltimore. Compared with 1,514 last week and 1,454 in the preceding week, the supply showed a decrease of 9 and an increase of 51 respeo -lively. The offering consisted entirely of merino hoggs of a handy sort, and were presented in a well finished condition. The attendance of buyers was a large one, and included both local and country dealers. As the supply of sheep for a week or two passed has barely sufficed to satisfy the requirements of the trade, a good demand was experienced, and values realized were fully up to those ruling at previous sale.

The prices per head were slightly down from those obtained last Tuesday, due to all the Bhecp'bcen clipped, less being thus obtainable for the akuiB. The sheep sold all round from 27s to 31s Gd each, aud down to 24s 3d, or from Gd to 7d per lb, A smart clearance was easily effected. UVKRrOOL AND BIRKENHEAD, On Monday, at Stanley, there were a few morecalUe in the market. Demand was good for prime quality, and prices about the some as UBt week. The sheep supply was rather smaller, and' demand fair rather better prices.

Good lambs also in demand. Beef, 6d to4id; Scotch mutton, 9d to GJd; Irish, 8d to Gd per lamb; lambs, 45s to 21s each. At market, 701 cattle and and lambs. At Birkenhead we have had what you might call a good beef trade compared with the business of last couple of weeks, and yet the highest price touched for choice bodies was UJo probably wis made for one or two extra nice. The demand from tho country was pretty fair, and alto for the London market, hut buyers for the lat ter were very hard to please there was nothing good enough for them.

Our fhecp trnde was best of alt, and forynuug sheepthey call them lambs here, but they were lambs last year we had as steady a demand as could be wished. Buyers were pot crazy, by any means, but sales were made here that meant all ot to 14c per pi ices not seen for a long time. Yesterday's (Friday) trade was weaker, but the back end is always duller. Including some 400 on hand, tho numbers in sight for ensuing week foot up 4,700 cattlo, and close in good shape. Whether prices will hold up or not is bard to say, but the general expectation is they wilL The Magazine Exploded.

Tout Townsend, April 28. The steamer Willapa, which arrived trom Alaska last, night, brings news that on the night of April 10 the powder magazine of the Treadwell Mining Company, on Douglas Island, containing four tons of dynamite, was destroyed by i terrific explosion. The watchman, Win, Cota, of Spring Vallsy, was blown to atoms. Lvery pane of glass within a radius of ten miles was broken, and a hole Over 15 feet deep now marks the site of the magazine. Several buildings in the violnity were badly dumsged.

U. 8. Crop Report. Wahiiington, April 28, The weekly tole. graphic crop report of the Weather Bureau states that the week' has been generally favorable.

The season, which three weeks ago was from two three weeks late over the northern portions of tho country, has advanced rapidly. Rain is needed in New England and over the greater portion of the Gulf states, the droughty conditions being veiy severe in Florida. Do not Do Tills. Do not be induced to buy any other if you have made up your mind to take Hood's Sarsuparilla, remember that Hood's Sarssparillu cures when all others full. Do not give up in despair because other medicines have failod to help vou.

Tuko Hood's Saisaparilla faithfully ana youraay reasonably expect to be cured. Hoop's Pn.iJi are purely vegotoblo, carefully prepared from the best ingredients, 25o, c-i- i He Your vast wealth ought to enable you to do a greut deal of good. She it does. I have established the credit of any number of young men. New York Uemld, And regularly thereafter.

Calling at Bt. John's, lioth Eat and tVefct bound with, and for, Mails aud Passengers. H. Ik A. 23 Common street, Montreal.

WHITE STAR LINE. Frcm NEW YORK to LIVERPOOL Every WEDNESDAY, Calling at Queenstown to land mails and passenger. The steamers of this line take specified routes according to the season of tho year. TEUTONIC April 2a May 20 June 17 April 23 May 27 una 21 MAJEsTIC May 6 June 3 July I May 13 June 10 July 8 Winter Hates In force nntll Tlay let Steamers leave New York at fixed hour of 12 noon. Saloon Rates, $60 and up warden according to accommodation and steamer select-, cd.

Excursion tickets at reduced rates. Very Superior Second Cabin Accommodation on Majestlo and Teutonic, $40 and $4S, Round Trip Tickets at Reduced Rates. STEERAGE. From New York to Queenstown, Liverpool, London, Ilelfast, Glasgow or Dun ISKITANNIC and tf)K Kfl GERMANIC. IvDZO.DJ By MAJESTIC and TEUTONIC, $27.03 To Hamburg.

Bremen, Antwerp aud Ilottcrdam. By all White Star Line Stcamora, $32.03 No Second Cabin on Britannic or Germanic For further information and passage apply to H. MAITLAND KERSEY, 29 Broadway, N.Y. B. J.

COGHLIN, 432 St. Paul Street, Montreal. Corner SL Francois Xavlor Street. HAMBURG AMERICA PACKET CO'V. HANSA-ST.

LAWRENCE LINE The only direct lino between Hamburg, Ant' werp aud Canada, afford ing regular sailings. Sl.TI.TIEH SRHVICE. From From From Hamburg. Antwerp, Montreal. FP.

April if May 8W. Far more April 18 A Bteamcr. April 23 April 29 May 29 88. bicilia. May 9 May 13 June 3 lmportor of German and Belgium goods will find it to their advantage by having their goods come by llansa bt.

Lawrence Line via Hnut-burgor Antwerp Through bills of lading fcf sueU in connection with the Canadian anil American ltuilways to priuvlpul points In Canada. 1 mtA Al I. 1,. apply lo JAMES THOM. Freight and Shipping Manager, 13 81.

Jeuit St. (W.CAPR BH 2W0 tons CAoacltiy. i frM. IAL'Ir'HUltO 'MM tons capacity, 8H.CACOCNA mo tout capacity, KH. HONAVlbTA.

MO tons capacity. BS. COHAN UOO tons oapaoiUy, The above A 1 Iron steamships will run regularly throughout the season from Rontreal ta uarlotletowu, P. Piorth Sydney, and Ml, Johu't, Mid. FIRST SAILINGS PS.

May 7 Ki. COHAN May 12 PONAVISTA May! fcd. COHAN May 31 To be followed by other sailings at regular 1 Intervals, Tbeoe ve1 have comfortable Cabin aocotno-dulion. For freight or pannage apply Pcak Rnoa. tt Charlottetown, North Hjdney.

O.B.I tuavii kik, cfcrfoaus, or sn KINGMAN, CROWN 14 Place Royale. Montreal. Ill Ji 111 dence, yet queenly, gentle and subdued in manner, with a pathetic voice, suoti is Kleo-nora Duse as the appeared in the part whioh she created for herself out of modern pieces." A Dynamite Explosion. Halifax, N.S., April 28. Fifteen pounds of dynamite exploded at the works of the New Glasgow Gold Company, Goldenville, this after noon.

It is supposed to have been set (If by a spark from a workman's pipe. Tf men named Glencross and Williams were blown 100 feet across the mouth of the fit and were seriously injured. Thomas Mu-lonald was badly injured, and the fourth man was also hurt. 1'ho concussion was felt four miles away. All tho gloss in the Company' mill and a large amount at Goldenville was destroyed.

baby growth Tho baby's mission is growth. To that little bundle of love, half trick, half dream, every added ounce of flesh means added happiness and comfort! Fat is the signal of perfect health, comfort, good nature, baby beauty. Scott'9 with hypophosphites, is tho easiest fat-food baby can have, In the easiest form. It supplies just what he cannot get in his ordinary food, and helps him over the weak places to perfect growth. icon a Downs, BtlbvUlft, Out sos.

ins STEAMSHIP PRINTING and RAILROAD WORK. leal Facilities for their Ryeculloa al the UktntTU yUlea.

The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.