It's an Arrangement - NocturnaIV (2024)

Chapter 1


Fate seemed determined to deny him the adoption of Loona.

But Blitzø was much more stubborn.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The office was falling apart. No, the whole place was pretty miserable. The expected image of an orphanage for the lowest race in Hell. But even so, over time, Blitzø had learned to take a sincere affection for this place and a deep disdain for how decadent it was.

“You must be kidding me,” Blitzø tossed the document aside. “I did everything I was supposed to do.”

“I know.” The director, an older woman imp, looked at him exhausted. “Do you think all this is funny for me? It just makes the adoption process harder and it's not like we have that much funding.”

Blitzø collapsed back, hanging his head over the backrest, and staring at the ceiling. He knew it wasn't the most adult behavior in the world, but Blitzø was doing his best not to start destroying everything or spouting the series of insults that would blacklist him from the adoption system.

“I've waited two years,” Blitzø fell forward, weighing his words. “Two f*cking years, Horusas, two years I have waited for Loona to be officially recognized as my daughter. I promised her that before the end of this month I would take her home. You said it would be possible.”

And the mere possibility of failing her was worse than being stabbed.

“I know, but it's the new rule the prince has set for their hellhounds.” The director lamented. “I just have to comply.”

Blitzø points to the newspaper on the woman's desk, it was under some documents, but he could read the headline.

«One month after the royal divorce, what will happen to the future heiress living with her father?»

“You're telling me that demons with biological children can be single parents or get divorced,” Blitzø grunted. “But I must be married to adopt my Loony.”

“Yes… I don't deny that it's unfair. Most throw the entire process away the first year. And I greatly admire your persistence, Blitzø. But those are the rules.” The woman looked at him guiltily. “I'm going to be honest with you because Loona has been through so much. Regarding marriage, it can be a fake one. It can be signed today. I'm not going to put buts, nor will I investigate anything. I just need to remove that from the list of requirements.”

Blitzø smirked. Regardless, Horusas was cunning and manipulative in the kind of way that he liked. She cared about her job and the orphaned hellhounds that were under her care. If she had to bend some rules in return, she seemed very willing to do so.

“And I recommend you do it quickly before the prince thinks of adding something else.”

“Yes, because it is so damn easy to find someone who wants to marry me. Even if it's because of charades and bureaucracy,” Blitzø jumped from the chair to the window, where the hellhounds were playing.

f*cking hell, he needed to shoot something and let out some of his frustration.

Oh, but there was his Loona. She was the loneliest of the pack, isolated from everyone and with an annoyed expression. Always on the defensive, in a protective posture and a terrifying expression. Her white fur was slightly raised, and her tail was stiffening, signaling all the rest of the hellhounds to stay away from her. The only thing missing was a growl and Blitzø would feel that he was seeing for the first time the same 5-year-old girl who wasn’t afraid of anything or anyone. His Loony. Of all the hellhounds in Hell, she was the best, Blitzø didn’t doubt that. The strongest, with the greatest personality and temperament. What happened is that the rest didn’t realize how lucky they would be to be her friends. Loona seemed to sense his gaze because she raised her face and then turned away, pretending nonchalance. But her tail moved from side to side and her fur relaxed giving her away. Blitzø felt his heart soften as he noticed how Loona's ears pointed in his direction. He could only imagine what a father must feel like when his children found them in the crowd.

“Don't you have a girlfriend?” Horusas ventured. “Loona usually tells everyone about her.”


Was that what they were now? Blitzø didn't remember. Had they come back after fighting last time? Yesterday they had sex, but that didn't mean anything. He could swear that during the peak of pleasure they had said that they loved each other. That used to mean they were back together. Although what did that mean lately? They had spent the last year with titles and words that didn’t seem to contain a true meaning.


“It's just a piece of paper! Surely she will understand, right?” Horusas insisted. “In a year you can get divorced. Usually, that's how long it takes to make these things legal. So, officially Loona will be your daughter and you can be a divorced father like the others.”

“Yeah, that sounds easy…” Blitzø rested his hand on the glass.

He had promised Loona that this month would be the last she would stay there. And if it weren't for the obvious fact that it was Blitzø, he would have already taken her with him to cut through the ridiculous infernal bureaucracy, the true torment of demons. Blitzø had done everything. Including having a stable job for more than a year. Loona was the reason he kept going every damn day to that worthless hole that was Loo Loo Land. And he didn't regret it, as much as he wanted to burn the place down until there was nothing left. Actually, Blitzø felt kind of lucky to work at a place that could give him free tickets and discounts, so he could take Loona there someday.

“Talk to your girlfriend,” Horusas encouraged. “I will advance the rest of the paperwork and then, when you bring me that document, you can take Loona with you.”

“Sounds great,” Blitzø responded distantly.

Marry Verosika…

That should be easy, right?


“Are you kidding me, Blitzø?” Verosika laughed out loud, looking at the rest of her gang. “Please tell me it's a joke, babe.”

“You don't see me laughing,” Blitzø shrugged.

“Oh, in itself your whole plan is ridiculous. You're so young and you want to adopt a hellhound? Really?” Verosika looked at him. “You know they're only good at hard work.”

And the imps to serve.

The succubi to suck.

But there they were. So, what was the point?

Blitzø moved, holding back his anger. If he wanted the small chance that Verosika would agree to still happen, he had to control himself.

So, he was distracted looking at the latest arrangements in Verosika's luxurious apartment, her latest acquisition after the success of her recent single. And the place was chaos. Half the gang lived there, and someone was always drinking. There was a time when Blitzø would have wanted to live with Verosika, enjoying the chaotic life of a rising star to the fullest. It was easy to fall into the spiral of destruction and liquor that they were. Luckily Blitzø didn't. All thanks to his Loona. Because to adopt her, Blitzø needed to have an apartment that was hellhound-proof. And Verosika's apartment was already a nightmare.

“I told you from the start.” He crossed his arms. “And it would only be on paper.”

Ace, the tallest of the gang, laughed aloud, resting his head back. Blitzø fought the urge to hit the jerk. The last time he did something like that with a member of Verosika's gang and he quit, she didn't speak to him for a month.

Although now that threat wasn’t so motivating.

“I don't know…” Coco rested her elbows on her knees and her chin on her hands. “I think it's cute.”

He liked Coco, Blitzø hoped she would last with Verosika. She was one of the few people around Verosika that Blitzø had thought it wouldn't be so bad for Loona to meet without worrying.

“But really, Blitzø? Is this your way of talking about something totally serious? Offer it to me just because you want to play house?” Verosika looked away from her fingernails. “We've been together for what...?”

“Two years and seven months,” Josh answered from the kitchen and snapped his fingers at Blitzø to get his attention. “She's right, you know?”

Blitzø glanced from the incubus holding a fork with an olive in his direction and then to Verosika who was letting Apple, the bubbly succubus of the group, do her nails.

“What thing?” Blitzø felt defensive as he realized that everyone was looking at him now.

“Bly! Is this your way of proposing to me? Just for a hellhound? Really?” Verosika rolled her eyes. “No ring? No romantic gesture? I would have told you no, of course. At least until you switch jobs to something more…” She twirled her free hand in the air. “Commercial.”

A part of his brain, the one that lived between Verosika's lips and her most sincere laugh, accelerated when he heard her. Because apparently there was someone in that Hell who didn't think it was crazy to be with him. To the point of marriage.

“I don't know. If you adopt the hellhound together, wouldn't that make you a MILF?” Josh pointed, now with peanut butter on his fork.

He was probably coming down from the effects of some relaxing drug or recovering energy from a big orgy. Maybe both.

“I'm too young to be MILF material!” Verosika pursed her lips and looked at the rest of her gang, who all nodded in unison. “Asmodeus says I still have the energy to be a mischievous stepsister. And after that, I would go for being the sexy aunt. Not MILF.”

He rolled his eyes, reminding himself to take a deep breath.

“It would only be on paper. No one has to know about it.” Blitzø insisted, folding his arms. “And it's kind of hard to think about marriage when you and I fight so much.”

“Royals fight all the time,” Verosika defended herself, biting her lower lip.

There was that part of him again, the one that lived off the good times, the one that came back to Verosika no matter what. Because that part of him recognized how Verosika was trying to hide her insecurities at the moment. He relaxed his shoulders. In all of Hell, it was Verosika who understood his fear of being left alone.

“Yes, and now they are divorced, and he’s banished,” Milky looked up from what must be a draft for some song. “Not the best example for your career.”

“Pathetic,” Verosika clicked her tongue. “Come on, Blitzø, forget about it. You are young. Who at twenty-two wants to adopt?”

“Who at twenty-two wants to get married if not to evade taxes?” Blitzø smirked.

Some of the band laugh.

“Celebrities! Celebrities get married and divorced all the time! Bly, you always walk outside of what is expected of us.”

Us? He rolled his eyes. Her. And while Blitzø loved the attention, he hated that it was pretending to be someone he wasn't. If Blitzø was going to receive the flashes and the applause of an audience, he wanted to know that it was for being himself and not a mask. If not, the love wasn’t really for him.

“Just forget her, Blitzø,” Verosika looked at him with genuine concern. “You should be concentrating on other things. In your future, in us. You were such a good bodyguard, remember? If I didn't like showing you off so much, I would insist that they hire you again.”

Blitzø couldn't help but smile. That's how they met. A rising star and a bodyguard who had proven himself good not because he had professional training but because he had instinct and had saved the record producer's pathetic ass by sheer chance and then when he had invited Blitzø to dinner as a thank you and there had been the very Overlord Vox, the official owner of the label, Blitzø didn't care until they were attacked and although an Overlord doesn't need help, Blitzø ended up intervening and defeating the enemies with a bottle of wine, a cork opener, and a revolver. What could he say? He liked guns and shooting people. Before the end of the day, they ended up hiring Blitzø. And his excellent work ended when he fell in love with his first client, Verosika Mayday. The producer wasn’t very happy to find them having sex in the recording booth and his anger only escalated when he confirmed on surveillance cameras that they had done it on every surface of the studio.

Sure, Blitzø regretted it.

Well, there was a time that he did. Especially when he was mad at Verosika. But after learning that being a bodyguard wasn’t an acceptable carrier to adopt, Blitzø no longer resented the loss. Now he had a job, the sexy star, and soon he would have his daughter.

“Blitzø... I could talk to Asmodeus, surely he could…” Verosika gave him a long look, purposely stopping at his hips and smirking “...give you a job of your caliber.”

And one that as a singer she could exhibit instead of hiding the fact that she was the girlfriend of a circus clown in a place that was just a cheap copy of something bigger.

“I told you before. I need to think about it, okay?” Blitzø went into the kitchen, dodging the plastic cups from the last party, and reached the refrigerator.

Well, Verosika wasn't going to agree. If it wasn't for her being ridiculously jealous, Blitzø would have proposed that she let him marry someone in the gang. Josh or Coco. Because even though it was only on paper, he knew that Verosika could easily see things where they weren't and initiate one of her devastating attacks where no one came out in one piece.

Liquor, fast food. Normal things. Blitzø wasn't going to judge Verosika and her gang for enjoying the easy life. But a part of him, the one that remembered Loona's fierce growl when she was ready to fight or the way her ears perked up when Blitzø told her he'd be able to take her home soon, told him he needed something more stable. That he and Loona would need more than a refrigerator like this.

Blitzø stopped in his search and looked over his shoulder. Verosika and her gang were discussing some disgraced prince. They laughed derisively, talking about his attractive wife. He shook his head. Blitzø needed to get out there, walk around and think of a solution.

He didn't think Verosika would accept Loona. Even though Loony listened to her music and was a huge fan. He also didn't think Verosika would accept that Blitzø needed to lower his style of life to be there for his daughter. He couldn't go around starting fights in bars in Wrath and fleeing to Gluttony to drink his weight in liquor for weeks. Not that Blitzø didn't enjoy such things, after all, it was the reason he fell in love with Verosika in the first place. But this was a new phase in his life.

Blitzø had already told her and Verosika treated it like it was a temporary treat.

Hadn't she noticed that when Blitzø was interested in something it became a part of it?

Because, although Verosika hated it, the best evidence was his drawings that reflected his dream of being a cartoonist and his love for horses. What Verosika once saw as adorable she now classified as childish and hoped Blitzø would mature soon. But the joke was on her. Blitzø had quickly learned that being an adult meant enjoying what he liked, with the money that was his in one way or another, and not caring about the opinion of the rest. So Blitzø would continue to enjoy exactly what he loved, regardless of whether it was popular or not.

And if Blitzø wanted to adopt Loona, give her a home, and offer her what Blitzø hadn't had, damn it, he was going to do it. Even if it meant looking for someone else to help him.

He stopped.

Another newspaper in the street, dancing in front of him.

The same one he saw in the orphanage owner's office. But now he could read all the headline.

«duch*ess Octavia Goetia.
One month after the royal divorce.
What will happen to the future heiress living with her father?»

And the photo under the headline? There, looking at the camera was Stolas, holding in his arms an owl demon that must be his daughter.

Stolas had married.

He divorced.

And Stolas had a daughter, younger, it seemed that his Loona. Almost a baby. Blitzø picked up the newspaper but cursed when he saw that it was only the first page. So, he had to go ahead and find a place that sold the same newspaper, only to remember that he could be able to find the story on the internet. But with the newspaper in hand, he began to investigate the life of the old friend of his childhood.

The great Prince Stolas.

Which was no longer a prince and now lived in an urban area of Greed. He had been disinherited when he filed for divorce, and he clung tooth and nail —claws and beak— to his daughter, appealing every clause of the marriage contract until not even Goetian magic could separate him from Octavia.

Blitzø found himself smiling.

Stolas had changed. The boy he remembered was complacent and capable of anything to be accepted. But this Stolas? Fighting his monstrous father and the tedious royalty to take care of his daughter?


Blitzø looked at another photo of Stolas, a portrait this time, sober and elegant. Also, incredibly attractive.

The article was in the business of mocking that no one had seen the former royal and seemed to be wasting away in despair. Some speculated that in days duch*ess Octavia would return to the palace and the court.

The article included a photo of the house. And boring details about the protection and financial support Stolas received because of Octavia. They painted him as if he were a scrounger and freeloader, a weak demon who succumbed to stress. But Blitzø understood. So instead, he looked at the time and decided to visit his old friend. Who knows? Perhaps, from one father to another —future father, but still—, Stolas could help him. Blitzø had nothing to lose, right? How about asking for a helping hand from the kid he played with for years? Until it became obvious to the service that Blitzø was stealing from the palace? If he remembered correctly, Stolas had looked miserable when Blitzø had been banned from approaching Stolas.

Blitzø suspected the ban had been lifted now that Stolas wasn't royalty.

…He had also hurt because of the separation. Blitzø remembered how inconsolable he had been for weeks and the hatred he had felt for his father, who had forced him to do every action that led to the loss of his sweetest friend.

But now they were adults. Blitzø had changed and surely Stolas too. But if he was capable of rejecting everything for his daughter, he mustn’t be such a bad guy, right?

“Loony, don't worry, I'm not going to break my promise,” Blitzø swore.


Maybe some of you read my fic " The number of steps to fall fast or hard" and participated in the polls for my next fic of this beloved ship. The funny thing is that I got distracted creating the draft of, perhaps, a future Alastor/Angel/Vox fic, it all depends on the benefactor? patron? IDK.

In any case, this fic never left my mind. And I sincerely hope you enjoy it and join me on this adventure.

Don't forget to check my socials. Let's talk or tag me in things you think I'd like.


Also, don't forget:


Stay tuned~

Chapter 2


Blitzø pays Stolas a visit with a good proposition.

But he walks away with a taste of what it might be like to have a family.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Blitzø wasn’t a demon who could control himself. When something appeared in his mind, like an unstoppable bomb, he couldn't stop thinking about doing something about it.

Would it be possible for Stolas to accept? Absolutely not.

But on the other hand, what did Blitzø have to lose? Anything.

And out there, deep in his mind, hidden from the monsters that inhabited the world, this young self was absolutely happy at the possibility of seeing his childhood friend. The only —possible— thing intact from the good old days.

Blitzø had loved and hated his life in the circus. Growing up among adults who followed the same moral path as their father meant that children had to shine on the stage and disappear when there was no audience. Especially when alcohol was involved. And while Fizzarolli was the star of the circus and therefore some adults used to protect him from the worst because they would be losing their best investment, Blitzø and his sister didn’t usually have the same fate. Worse even when his father liked to use them as servants and errand kids.

So, his time in the Goetia palace playing with Stolas became a safe space for Blitzø. He could understand how lonely Stolas could feel in such a big place living with the emotional neglect of a family. While the circus was a kind of loneliness full of people. Therefore, it wasn’t a surprise that he and Stolas would eventually develop a friendship full of adventures and mischief, but at the same time with such quiet moments where Stolas would read to him stories of pirates, fairytales, and horses that could talk.

Oh, those had been good times.

They almost made him ignore when his father forgot to pick him up or how he forced Blitzø to steal things from the palace for months, from small decorations to objects so valuable that Blitzø was eventually caught.

And now he was in front of a house of two floors in a residential area that was not that far from Loo Loo Land. Blitzø noted that the garden was a mess, which was so far from what he would expect of Stolas that he feared he had the wrong place. But the three families he had tricked into thinking he was there to drop off a package for Stolas had confirmed that this was indeed the former prince's house. Blitzø reconsidered if this was the best idea, but once again his mind only responded with expectation and disinterest in a possible bad ending.

So, he knocked on the door.

But nothing.

He rang.

Anything at all.

“Oh, for f*ck’s sake…” Blitzø knocked harder on the door. He could hear something from inside, a faint musical tone, so there must be someone inside.

And the door opened.

Blitzø took a step back as he met Stolas in the… worst possible introduction. The bird demon looked exhausted, his feathers were pointing anywhere, and he was wearing a long gray sweater that looked destroyed as if someone had been pulling the yarn. Stolas looked at him, or rather, pierced him with a look as if Blitzø wasn't really there.

“She— She doesn’t want to eat. She doesn’t want to sleep. I— I don't understand.”

Blitzø could hear that the musical noise was the hoot of a bird. Remarkably similar to what Stolas used to do as a child when trying to calm himself down.

“Stolas? Of whom you speak?” Blitzø tried to look inside and noticed toys everywhere and baby clothes deposited on every surface his eyes could see. “Are you talking about Octavia?”

“She doesn't want to eat. But the doctor said that she would eat in her own time. But— but I feel that she’s eating slightly. What if something happens to her?” Stolas covered his face with his trembling hands. “It's not good that she doesn't sleep, right? She only takes small naps but always wakes up crying and…maybe…Maybe— I…”

Well, Blitzø knew panic attacks when he saw one. So, he took Stolas by the sweater and carried him into the house. The place wasn’t as chaotic as he thought. Yes, the room was a mess, but nothing that a little organizing wouldn't fix. And everything was relatively clean. Blitzø guided Stolas to one of the armchairs and seated him there. He looked around and noticed baby blankets and went for them, covering Stolas with all until they weighed him down nicely.

“Stolas?” Blitzø waited for the other demon to look at him, who kept muttering his little mantra, and he raised his hand. “I want you to take a deep breath, okay? You're going to inhale, count to five with your hand, and exhale slowly, counting to five again. Understood?”


“I'm going to see Octavia, and everything will be fine,” Blitzø said slowly, feeling desperate to find the source of that sound, but he didn't want Stolas to lunge at him in a protective rage. “Is that okay?”

Stolas nodded, though he kept his eyes through him. Blitzø confirmed that he did the breathing exercises and he paid attention to the origin of the hoot. The sound was coming from the upper floor, so he walked in that direction without making any sudden movements. Blitzø didn't want to upset Stolas. But when he finished up the stairs, he hurried to the room at the end of the hall, where purple wallpaper and painted stars told him that this must be Octavia's room.

Blitzø entered the place to find the little demon in the newspaper photo. In reality, she was a bit older. But Octavia was still almost a baby. The little girl, in a pink dress, was struggling to get out of a thick gray sweater that Stolas must have put on her. Blitzø looked around and noticed a stuffed animal in the shape of a bat that was obviously quite used by how old it looked.

“Hi Tavy,” Blitzø put on his most ridiculous voice and waved the bat at her. “What are you doing~?”

The little demon stopped and giggled as she watched her stuffed animal move from side to side. But then he frowned again and struggled to remove her sweater.

“Ichy…” Octavia pursed her beak in frustration and tugged at the sweater. “Ichy!”

Blitzø frowned and took another step in her direction.

“Is your sweater itchy?”

Octavia nodded vigorously.

“Do you want me to help you?” Blitzø offered, lowering the stuffed animal.

“Capy…? Capy!” Octavia looked around. “Dad…?”

He felt slightly lost, but he couldn't deny that Stolas's daughter was adorable.

“Blitzø.” He pointed to himself. “Your dad is having a panic attack, so I don't recommend giving him this important assignment I also recommend myself to remember that you may not know what I'm talking about, right?” He winked at her. “And I don't know who Capy is.”

Octavia put her hands on her head, emulating horns, and then pointed at him.

“Oh, an imp…” Blitzø guessed they were a servant she used to have. “Sorry, Oct, no Capy here. But still, do you want help?”

Octavia frowned, but nodded, tugging at her sweater further. Now that Blitzø saw it, it was very much like the one Stolas was wearing.

“Good.” He knelt in front of her and began to open the buttons on the very heavy sweater. “Did you destroy your dad's sweater, Via?”

She laughed mischievously and he found himself smiling.

“Better?” Blitzø ventured as he freed her from the heavy thing. “Hey, Tavy, do you want to eat?”

The little girl nodded and raised her arms to him. Blitzø figured it would have been pretty amazing if he could have done the same for Loona. But maybe he could make up for it with other things. More fun things than picking her up off the ground. Blitzø scooped Octavia up and walked downstairs.

“You can't let strangers carry you, got it?” Blitzø raised an eyebrow looking into Octavia's huge eyes. “There are dangerous people, and you must be very cunning to avoid them.”

Octavia looked at him as if she didn't understand what he was saying, but she nodded anyway, patting his nose to make him feel better. Blitzø had the ridiculous desire to hug her tightly because how was he supposed to be immune to something so adorable?

Verosika was right, at his age, he shouldn't be longing for children or a family. Blitzø should be satisfied with making friends and having a partner. But that simple act of carrying Octavia and moving silently in front of Stolas so as not to distract him from his task of calming himself was undoubtedly pleasant. Octavia rubbed her beak against his cheek, hugging him tightly and he did his best not to scream with happiness.

His girlfriend was wrong, Blitzø was ready to be a father! He just knew it.

Blitzø walked into the kitchen and balanced Octavia on his side as he opened the refrigerator. Luckily for him, there was a container that had the label «Octavia» on it. He pulled it out, sat Octavia in her highchair, and opened the container.

Mice. Three frozen mice.

Octavia caught a glimpse of the contents and touched her throat, shaking her head.

For an eternal second, Blitzø prayed that all this meant there was more food for Octavia. But he noticed that the little demon wasn’t covering her mouth in disgust, but her throat and in fear.

“Oct, does your dad give you this like this?” He shook the container and moved it in her direction. “Raw?”

Octavia pointed to the stove. Blitzø nodded.

“In pieces?” He gestured with his fingers to indicate small portions and then lifted the mouse by the tail. “Or whole?”

She pointed to the entire animal.

…well, that explained a lot of things.

Blitzø moved one of the chairs to the counter and managed to get a cutting board and a knife. He looked on his cell phone and confirmed that the baby demon birds had the same animalistic diet as the adults. So, the mouse would be. Blitzø looked at the creature in front of him and told himself that it would be no different than those weird porridges that smelled weird or those vitamin powders that were mixed with freshly squeezed milk from someone's breast, right?

“How old are you?” Blitzø asked, putting the mouse on the board, thinking for the last time that he had done worse things in his life, and began to slice it into small pieces.

“Two!” She held up a finger on each hand proudly.

“Great, but let's not make any loud noise, or your dad will come running scared and I'd rather you eat first, okay?” Blitzø suggested and his eyes settled on his task. “I still fear that the big magical demon is going to kill me out of sheer protective instinct.”

While the meat was roasting, Blitzø found that Octavia would have to wait until she was three years old to be able to expand her diet to more common foods, such as dairy or vegetables. So, for now her diet was purely carnivorous. Blitzø checked the stove and was surprised to find that it didn't smell bad. When he was done, he jumped out of the chair and cooled the food, leaving them on the table and climbing to another chair to face Octavia, who couldn't stop laughing.

“Yeah, make fun of me. It's not my fault your dad is a giant,” Blitzø smiled and began to feed her, feeling at peace as he watched her eat without refuting or fighting. “You had your dad worried, you know?” He whispered. “I don't think he’s slept in days.”

Octavia blinked several times, not understanding what he meant, but opened her beak wide for him to continue feeding her.

“Yeah, I guess it's not easy raising a child alone, right?” Blitzø shrugged. “Even less when you have no idea how to do it. At least I've read every hellhound book I could find. Although most talk about how to raise them to work.” He frowned, but Octavia cupped his cheeks and squeezed them lightly, smiling at him. “Yes, you are right, I should cheer up. Thank you, Tavy.”

Blitzø finished feeding her and she immediately jumped into his arms, testing his agility, and giving him a small heart attack at how easily she lunged without fear of falling.

“How about we go see your dad before you break because I don’t know how to fix you?” Blitzø offered with a nervous laugh.

He walked towards the living room, finding Stolas where he had left him, lost in thought and with an expression so miserable that Blitzø stopped without daring to interrupt him.

When was the last time Stolas had given himself a moment to think in himself or in the situation in which he was? It couldn't be easy to leave a luxurious palace and all those comforts to end up here, in a house, living on his own and with a baby. Of course, others had it worse. But it wasn't a competition either.

“Dad!” Octavia jumped into Blitzø's arms, excited to see her father.

“My Starfire!” Stolas reacted and for the first time seemed to notice who he had brought into his house. “Blitzø…? How…?”

“Do you feel better?” He stepped forward, feeling out of place, and quickly handed over his daughter. “Oct already ate, right sweetie?”

Octavia nodded vigorously and touched her belly a couple of times with a big smile, hugging Stolas and repeating «Dad» happily. Blitzø jumped up onto the couch, feeling a stab of envy at the sight of father and daughter at that moment. Then he saw Octavia sink her claws into Stolas's sweater and yank at the material in annoyance.

“No, Via, don't do that my little sweet star…” Stolas begged, visibly worried. “You're going to hurt yourself.”

“I think she's allergic to the material of the sweater,” Blitzø intervened and stretched out his arms. “Take that thing off, Stolas.”

The other demon blinked several times, while Octavia jumped into Blitzø's arms, causing another micro heart attack as he lunged to catch her. Why wasn't she careful? What would become of Octavia if Blitzø didn't catch her, or she fell to the ground? He pulled her onto his lap, seriously thinking of scolding her, but his eyes returned to Stolas, who pulled off his sweater, revealing that underneath it he was wearing silk shorts, perhaps part of a pajama set, and a fairly large T-shirt, which was falling off one of his shoulders, quite possibly it was also part of another pajama set. Blitzø laughed, noticing what a mess Stolas was and how perfectly fine Octavia looked.


He looked at Stolas, arching an eyebrow.

“What…?” The avian demon cleared his throat. “Not that I find your presence here annoying. Quite the contrary. But what are you doing here?”

“You know? Octavia needs you to cut her food into pieces. That's why she had to fight you every time you wanted to feed her big things. And surely she wasn't sleeping because you made her wear that sweater,” Blitzø responded by looking at the little demon who was playing with the skull on his choker. “Answering your question: Can't one old friend visit another?”

“Of course! But my father said—”

“You are no longer a prince, are you? I saw it in the newspaper. I'm sure their threat was because they had to protect the honor of Prince Stolas of the Ars Goetia. Not Octavia's dad,” Blitzø looked back at him and winked at him. “Have you eaten?”

For a moment Blitzø remembered himself asking Verosika if she had taken care of herself after a long tour through all the Rings of Hell.

Stolas blushed and looked away. Blitzø smirked as he noticed that Stolas kept doing the same things as when they were children, bringing his knees together and putting his hands on them. It was good to see that Stolas hadn't changed.


“Remember? She already ate,” Blitzø pointed and looked down to notice that the little demon had fallen asleep against his chest, clutching one of her hands to his choker. “And… she's already sleeping. I think you've earned to go and eat something, don't you?”

Stolas blinked a few times, looking from his daughter to him, not really knowing what to do.

“Look, I understand, we haven't seen each other in years. So, I'm not offended that you think it's a bad idea to leave me alone with your daughter,” Blitzø called out what he would fear if he were in Stolas's position. “You can take her to her bed, and I'll wait here... or I'll go with you.”

“No, it's not that... I should have thought of that right?” Stolas's shoulders fell, and his eyes narrowed, glistening with tears. “I just keep failing Octavia… I can't even think of things a parent would normally do. What I was speculating is that I haven't been able to get her to sleep that fast and… How am I supposed to be a good father if I don't know the basics?”

Blitzø opened his eyes and settled Octavia more comfortably on his lap. There seemed to be a lot to unpack in there and it didn't seem like the best idea to do it with the baby right between them.

“What are you talking about? Everyone goes through the same thing,” Blitzø raised an eyebrow when he realized that Stolas was going to interrupt him. “Don't you remember when we were kids and I made junk food for us?”

Stolas was surprised to hear this, but laughed softly, nodding.

“The servants didn't understand why we didn't want to eat anything later.”

“I grew up in the circus. I learned those things from a very young age,” Blitzø explained. “There were always small children and usually the older ones were in charge of taking care of them. I know things because I had to learn them. Not because you’re a bad father.”

Yes, that was a good summary for saying that from the age of five he had to teach himself how to change diapers and get baby food because adults were too drunk to remember they had children. Many children in the circus were not sure who their parents were because of this type of thing. Not to mention that some had been adopted or bought, but nobody really took care of them.

“Thank you…” Stolas smiled sincerely at him. “Can you get Octavia to her room? If you wish, you can wait for me here or accompany me in the kitchen while I prepare something.”

Blitzø noted the vote of confidence and gestured toward the kitchen, indicating where he was going. He carefully picked Octavia up and went back up the stairs, carefully this time. His eyes instinctively took in everything now that he was in no hurry to help a little demon. Blitzø noted that, to the left, across the corridor was the open door to a master bedroom, and he could make out the private bathroom in it. In addition to Octavia's room, there was another one and a bathroom. Three bedrooms. It really was a family home. Blitzø entered Octavia's room, being incredibly careful, and noticed the small bed with a high edge so that the little girl wouldn't fall by accident. Blitzø leaned over the bed, cooing Octavia's little fingers to loosen his choker, and set her down on the bed. He pulled a stuffed animal closer to her and watched her snuggle up calmly.


Undoubtedly adorable.

The purity of a girl who was loved and adored by a father. A love so great that Stolas turned his back on royal life to give her something better than expensive jewelry and dresses: Peace.

Blitzø didn’t know why Stolas had gotten a divorce and had done everything, including losing his titles and property, to escape. But Blitzø remembered how terrible life in the palace could be for Stolas, so he mentally supported his old friend. Blitzø shook his head and left the colorful bedroom, returning to the kitchen. There he encountered Stolas wearing an apron, his feathers, which were apparently longest at the nape of his neck, pulled back in a low ponytail. Blitzø sat down at the table, noting the extra cushions Stolas must have provided for him. Blitzø was surprised to see that the former prince knew what he was doing in the kitchen and the image just seemed… right. Blitzø could imagine Stolas cooking every day, chatting with Octavia, and sitting her in the highchair without having to worry about shouting, threats, or utter loneliness. This place was perfect and the demon in front of him was undoubtedly still the friend he once had. The kind of person with whom Blitzø felt he could trust something more precious than his own life.


At least he could try.

“Stolas? I have a proposal for you,” Blitzø was quick to say.

Luck or death, right?


Blitzo's paternal instinct has been unleashed by Octavia.

Thanks for all the support!

Don't forget to check my socials and other works.


Every Monday we have a new chapter.

Stay tuned~

Chapter 3


It's just a dad helping a dad.

One friend supporting another.

And a girlfriend suspecting how things will end.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Blitzø congratulated himself on giving context to his situation as he left Stolas to enjoy what must be his first real meal in days. After all, the worst thing Blitzø could do was hit him with some big news on an empty stomach, right?

So, when he blurted out the big proposal, he did so in time so that when Stolas dropped his fork onto his plate, it would be empty. Blitzø waited, sensing an initial rejection approaching, but he was ready with an arsenal of information he'd garnered in the minutes he'd been in this house. Despite it being a bad idea and poorly planned, Blitzø was ready to corner Stolas into accepting. But instead, he received a long silence and a totally flushed ex-prince, looking at him as Stolas once did when he saw him on the trapeze at the circus. Blitzø raised an eyebrow, slightly confused, but there was no reaction from Stolas.

How easy all that had been when they had been children. Back then, spouting absurd ideas or crazy plans was always met with enthusiasm. On a couple of occasions, Stolas had convinced him to play house, and that had included the wedding ceremony and later taking care of the children who had been made up of different toys. It had actually been fun figuring out who would cook or who would babysit if they were both supposed to go out to work or what names to give them because they must have the best names in the world. Years ago, between the high walls of the palace, it had been easy to climb aboard such things.

But they weren't games. They were no longer children. And Blitzø was being completely serious.

Now it was the harsh reality, and it wasn't as easy as before, right?

Stolas looked down at his hands and stroked his finger where the wedding ring he'd worn for a while must have been.

“The day you and I met, it was because they announced that I had an arranged marriage,” Stolas confessed, without looking at him. “I couldn't stop crying and there was no way to comfort myself. So, we went to the circus and that was the day I saw you on stage.” He raised his head and smiled slightly embarrassed. “I have never seen someone so sure of himself and with such a charming smile. And the way you cleverly covered your mistake with the balloon? It was magnificent.”

Blitzø raised an eyebrow at the surprising compliment. At some point, he couldn't remember who, someone had explained to him that the only reason Blitzø was allowed in the castle was that he had managed to catch Stolas's attention. Which, for a boy like him, who was always left in the shadows of the achievements of others like his sister and Fizzarolli, had seared his soul. Stolas, who could have everything and surely had seen a lot, had noticed him of all.


Hear Stolas himself say it?

Blitzø didn't know why, but it only made it more real. His heartbeat faster and he had a tough time looking away from those bright and intense eyes.

“I always admired that about you. The agility of your mind and how good you were at acting in times of tension,” Stolas continued. “When we were separated, I clung to those aspects of you, thinking that I could take something of my wonderful friend with me despite the circ*mstances. After meeting Stella and noticing her… character? You inspired me to get involved in the development of my wedding contract and create a… what did you use to call it…?” He brought his long fingers to his chin. “Oh... that thing you did to keep us out of trouble.”

“Emergency exit?” Blitzø blinked a few times, then smirked at how excited Stolas looked to hear him. “You mean when I prepared alibis for us beforehand?”

Stolas rested his fingers on the tip of his beak and ululated a laugh that Octavia had inherited. The same laugh that Blitzø had found adorable in the child and therefore he found cute in the adult across the table.

“Oh, yes, I remember «Did the cookies disappear? It couldn't be us. We were painting all day and we are starving» and then you showed all the drawings that we supposedly had made,” Stolas agreed. “And because we had saved the cookies instead of eating them, we were really hungry and they couldn't scold us,” He rested his chin on his hand and smiled thoughtfully. “The reason I got married was to give my royal line an heir. And my father believed that with Octavia on the line, I wouldn’t refuse any obligation or fight them. But… Thanks to you, I managed to run away and bring Via with me. Even though…” Stolas looked around. “I don’t know what I'm doing.”

Blitzø reached across the small table and took Stolas's hand. He told himself that he was doing this for Loona. And it was true, he was doing it for her. But it was also about something much deeper than that. Something nostalgic and new, among hundreds of things in his life and the little girl who slept upstairs.

“Well, I have an idea of how this is so much better.”

Stolas smiled nervously, his cheeks reddening again. Still, he didn't remove his hand and his eyes fell on where their fingers met. Blitzø felt his skin burn under that gentle scrutiny and the urge to hide his hand was strong, but he knew he must follow his plan. He couldn't sell Stolas on the idea that he was the hero who saved the day if he couldn't maintain physical contact for five seconds, could he?

“Even if you didn't know about my life and decisions,” Stolas confessed, turning his hand so his fingers could caress Blitzø's palm, and it was an exceedingly slow and ridiculously pleasant contact. “What you want to do is something beautiful and for that alone, I am delighted to be of help.”

Blitzø blinked slowly and withdrew his hand to press it against his chest to keep his heart from escaping.

“Are you serious?” Blitzø leaned across the table. “Would you help me even if I had nothing to offer you in return?”

Stolas nodded, visibly surprised that it wasn't obvious.

“You want to adopt a hellhound with whom you have a strong connection. You don't have to tell me the story behind it, but I can see it on your face,” Stolas explained. “When you talk about Loona you can't help but smile as if she’s everything good in this and the other realms. And I understand that feeling. It may not seem like it to you, but you helped me to have Octavia with me. For that alone, I’m eternally grateful. And the idea of helping you to be reunited with your daughter? It’s an honor for me.”

«Your daughter,» Stolas said as if it were a fact, not a possibility that depended on signing some papers. The elegance of his words surprised Blitzø. He fell back in his seat, looking around hoping for a sign that he was dreaming.

It was that easy?

Blitzø had been willing to use his entire arsenal to convince Stolas to accept. In truth, he had been extremely interested in using his most manipulative and sexual weaponry if it meant extracting a shaky «yes» from the other demon. But Blitzø hadn't expected that —with that level of eloquence— Stolas would agree. So Blitzø crossed his arms protectively and had to collect his thoughts before he could continue. He didn't want to get his hopes up or misunderstand things.

“So, what you mean…” He slowly voiced, “Is that…?”

“I will be honored to help you, Blitzø,” Stolas reaffirmed.

“Well... it would just be on paper.” He stepped forward, shrugging and forcing a smile to his lips. “It wouldn't change anything in your life. You can still enjoy suburban life and all that. I have my life made in Pride and this place is incredible to raise your daughter. So, we stay the same.” He waved his hand in the air. “Oh! But I can help you with Octavia and give you some tips along the way,” Blitzø shrugged.

“Wouldn't it change anything in my life...?” Stolas sounded disconsolate at the thought, and his eyes darted around him, his talons skimming nervously across the kitchen floor. “But… You mentioned that you work in this same Ring, right? And there is enough space here for Loona and you.” He looked hesitant at him. “Octavia took a real liking to you. I know this isn't the palace, but it's still a pretty big place for a father and daughter…”

Blitzø laughed, taking the words for classic Stolas kindness that hadn't seemed to change over the years. That only made the fact that he could get divorced and part ways with the royalty all the more impressive. Stolas really had to love his daughter so as not to let himself be humiliated or manipulated.

“Man, don't worry! I have my own apartment and a perfect room for Loona. It's not something as nice as this, after all, it's in Imp City, but it's mine, you know? It’s not rented.” Blitzø puffed out his chest proudly. “Besides, I have a girlfriend, remember? It will get very real if in addition to marrying you I come to live in the perfect family home,” Blitzø smiled with satisfaction at having found a solution. “But I can come regularly. Octavia needs someone fun in her life.”

The last was said with mockery, but he didn’t get the expected result. Not a little laugh. Stolas blinked several times, his fingers drumming on the edges of the table.

“Oh, of course... Your girlfriend wouldn't feel comfortable…” Stolas pushed back until his body was pressed against the chair. “And who do you plan to leave Loona with?” The former prince asked hesitantly “She must be attending school and surely she will be free before you do, right?”

Blitzø blinked slowly. He had thought that due to the degree of independence Loona displayed, she could make her way back to the apartment and wait for him there. It wasn't ideal, and Blitzø would rather not leave her alone. But listening to Stolas…

“…she could come here, and you could pick her up. As you said, it's not far from Loo Loo Land,” Stolas offered with renewed enthusiasm. “I don't work… No one wants to hire me and fall on bad terms with the Goetia royalty. So…” He shrugged. “I can do it and… that way you could give me advice too.”

Actually, It didn't sound bad.

“Well, sounds good. But then we’re going to go back about finding you a job,” Blitzø looked around. “Do you have any friends?”

Stolas blushed and shook his head.

“You can't be locked up in here all day,” Blitzø remarked on his to-do list and was alarmed to note that within a few minutes most of it was about Stolas, to the point where his alarms started, and he jumped out of his seat “So? Let's keep in contact?” Blitzø waved his cell phone where he had stored Stolas's contact information.

“Oh… yes. Of course, Blitzø.” The other demon pressed his own cell phone against his chest and smiled. “I'm excited to chat with you again.”

Blitzø felt his cheeks heat up and turned his back on Stolas to hide it.

“Okay, that sounds good. But I must go. Try to get rid of all woolen clothes and don't let Octavia sleep so much.” He advised as he walked toward the exit. “It's good that you get her used to a similar sleep schedule to the rest of the world.”

“Sleep at night, yes,” Stolas spoke near to him.

Blitzø shuddered when he could feel the presence of the demon so close to his body. It had been easy to forget that, despite all the chaos, Stolas had grown up to be incredibly handsome and elegant. Even in the confines of that part of the suburb and with the chaos of fatherhood upon him. Blitzø focused on the conversation.

“But she's still going to take naps. You must calculate what is the most prudent. Still, I'll find out if I can get some information on demons like you.”

“I'm sorry to bother you so much... I know it's absurd that—”

Stolas stopped when Blitzø turned and leaned against the door, staring at him.

“You're doing a better job than a lot of bastards out there. Including our own fathers. Don’t forget that” Blitzø reminded him seriously. “Stop being so hard on yourself.”

He didn't wait for an answer. Instead, he got out of there and hurried back to Pride.

Every day he was closer to fulfilling his promise to Loona and himself. Once again, Stolas was proving to be a refuge from the chaos that was his life.


Blitzø would have liked to go to the orphanage, but it was too late and visiting hours had already ended a long time ago. The thought of going back to his apartment sounded heavy and almost suffocating. The place was so…lonely. More so now that Loona's room was a reminder that his daughter wasn’t with him yet. So, he preferred to pay a visit to Verosika and was surprised when he got to her flat because there was no music coming from there. Maybe they had gone out. Blitzø made it to the pink door and entered using his keys.

Verosika's head appeared from the living room sofa, illuminated by the television behind her.

“I thought you hadn't read my text.”

“Did you send me one?” Blitzø gave himself a mental strike for not checking his notifications.

“Yes…” Verosika rolled her eyes. “It doesn't matter, I texted you to come and spend the night.”

“You see?” He moved forward, jumping over the couch to land beside her. “Same minds and all that. We are connected, gorgeous.”

“You shouldn't jump with shoes on my white sofa,” Verosika scolded him without real anger and kissed him slowly, smiling against his lips. “But there are already too many stains for it to matter.”

“I told you. You should have gotten the black one,” Blitzø sat up and watched the screen. “What are we watching?”

“Nothing. I was talking to Vox until a second ago,” Verosika pointed to the blue screen. “He says he lost half his security service in the last turf war, and he's interested in hiring you. As long as I promise I won't distract you.” She shrugged playfully.

Oh no, he knew that carefree attitude.

“Sika…” Blitzø said annoyed. “ I told you to give me time to think about it.”

“It wasn't my idea!” She raised her hands innocently. “Vox and I were talking about the party that Satan will throw and that I could sing there and... the topic came up naturally.”

“Lies,” Blitzø buried his face in his hands to contain the urge to scream. “Those subjects are not remotely connected.”

“But... Bly, you're not going to be able to adopt the puppy anymore, are you?” Verosika looked at him seriously. “Therefore, there's no reason for you to be working in that horrible place with that stupid robot that gets you in such a bad temper all the time.”

She was right.

That was the worst part.

Not about the adoption, but about the mechanical copy of Fizzarolli that constantly sought to torment him.

Verosika ran her perfect fingernails across his chin and leaned closer, smiling at him with the promise of a hundred sinful things. Enough to distract him from that fight.

“Do you think I like seeing you come here in a rage and wasting your time cursing that ridiculous robot?” Verosika denied. “There are always better things to do than work on something you don't love. And now this is your chance! Nothing ties you to that pathetic excuse for an entertainment center.”

He fought not to look down from Verosika's eyes. If he did and noticed the provocative cleavage or the dangerous curve that was the arched back and raised hips from Verosika's offer, he was going to forget all about it.

“I'm going to adopt Loona,” Blitzø responded instead.

“But you can't…” She sat back on her heels.

“Do you remember Stolas?”

“The former prince Stolas who is the news in the mouth of all Hell?”

“Yeah, but… it's also the Stolas my father technically sold me to as his birthday present when I was a kid,” Blitzø turned his face to look at her and noted how tense she looked. “I talked to him, and he agreed to help me with—”

“Do you plan to marry him?” Verosika stood up quickly and looked at him in surprise, using the couch as a barrier between them. “Please... tell me you're kidding.”

Blitzø looked at her blankly. He wasn't forcing her to help him, and Stolas was a good friend.

“Oh, by Satan.” She moved to the kitchen counter and picked up some papers. “Did you even read the law about being married to adopt?”

He knelt on the couch to look at her and shook his head.

“I imagined it!” Verosika shook the papers more vigorously. “If you adopt you must register the home address.” She waited a few seconds and when Blitzø didn't say anything, her shoulders fell. “That means you're going to have surprise visits where they're going to confirm that the three of you—”

“Four, Stolas has a daughter, remember?” Blitzø interrupted.

Verosika looked at him with increased indignation that he was taking things so well. She placed one of her hands on her hip and raised an eyebrow.

“Does that mean you're okay with living with him?”

“It wasn’t what I had planned. I admit it, but yes, Stolas offered me that I could live with him. He has enough space,” Blitzø responded casually. “I can register his house as a residence and rent my apartment. The extra money would come in handy. Stolas offered to take care of Loona while I work.”

“Oh! Really?” Verosika responded sarcastically. “How nice of him! Did he offer you his bed too?”

Blitzø understood where all this was going and began to laugh. He jumped up on top of the back of the couch, swaying his body skillfully so he could look at his girlfriend on the same level.

“You are jealous.” He hummed.

There was always something adorable about one of the most admired succubi, the most famous singer in all the Rings, and indeed, a demon as impressive as Verosika being jealous or territorial of someone like him.

“Of course, I'm jealous!” Verosika looked at him, unable to believe that this was a question. “You act like you're okay with leaving with him.”

“Because it would be like having a roommate.” He shrugged. “A very clumsy one who needs a lot of guidance.”

“Oh, you must love that he’s going to need you, right?” Verosika clenched her fists. “Don't act like a fool, Blitzø. You and I know that you love taking care of other people.”

Blitzø rolled his eyes, letting his head fall back.

“Don't try to throw my kinks in my face. It's not about that and you know it.”

“I can't believe you're doing this…” Verosika put the papers down on the counter and crossed her arms in an obvious attempt to put more barriers between them. “Does my opinion really doesn’t matter? Are you going to go and live with someone else to play as a happy family? What will I be? Your lover?”

“Sika,” Blitzø put on a serious voice and leaned in her direction. “You chose not to get involved. And I don't understand why you act like I'm announcing to you that I'm going to cheat.”

“Because technically that's what you're doing!”

“Don't act like our relationship is monoamorous,” Blitzø hated the term «monogamous» as opposed to polyamory. The stupid term was the opposite of polygamy and that was about different systems and practices than what they were doing. “You sleep with all the members of your band, with humans in the living world and other demons in general. I sometimes have casual sex and join you in some things. Our relationship has never been exclusive, nor have we criticized the other for enjoying their sexuality,” Blitzø looked at her in disbelief. “Why are you acting like this now? I can't go live with a friend, but you can with yours?”

“Because you knew who I was and what I was doing from the beginning,” Verosika brushed her hair back. “You knew what you were getting into and what I wanted from our relationship, remember? Just before you kissed me the first time I told you I didn't want another lover and you told me…” She looked away. “…you told me you wanted to be my boyfriend,” Verosika faced him, visibly uncomfortable. “You knew, Blitzø. You always knew that I would need others to feed my demonic energy and what my role was as a succubus. But I have also made it clear to you that you, only you, are my boyfriend. The distinction was always clear. On the other hand, adopting that hellhound and now just moving in with someone else are new things that you hope I will just accept even though you showed no intention of doing so before. How do I know that what you share with him is not going to be emotional?”

“Because Stolas is just my friend,” Blitzø responded and jumped to the ground, feeling his heart pounding, as if he were dancing between multiple realities with various truths and he wasn't choosing the right one.

“For Lucifer’s sake! You and I were just friends too,” Verosika took a deep breath. “You also started your interest in me with the desire to help me and nothing else.” She took a deep breath. “You've changed so much since you decided you wanted to adopt that hellhound...”

He looked at the ground, wondering if it was true. But all his life he had been like this. An imbecile, incompetent, and idiotic, but pathetically dedicated to others. Blitzø had always wanted a family, to take care of others, and to recreate the fleeting moments when he had felt that everything was perfect. Just that he had believed that for a while he would be fine with just being Verosika, but he had been lying to himself. Blitzø realized that when he met Loona and his life finally had stability.

“Don't ask me to leave her. I'm not going to leave behind Loona,” Blitzø took a step toward her and tightened his hand on his choker. “Don't ask me to choose Sika.”

The weight of those words fell on Verosika like ice. Her face lost all emotion fueled by passion or anger and she was left with nothing. Verosika looked at the papers on the counter and held them between her hands, letting her claws destroy the material. She looked at him resentfully, her eyes glistening with tears.


“What? You can’t…” Blitzø refused because he didn't want to hurt her, but he couldn't turn his back on Loona either.

«Your daughter.» Stolas had said, with total conviction.

“Go away!” Verosika threw the papers at Blitzø's feet and went to the door, opening it wide. “Leave your copy of the keys and leave me alone. I don’t want to see you.”


“If you want so much to look for unconditional love outside of here, why you don’t go and look for your new family?” Verosika pointed to the corridor. “Obviously, I'm not enough.”

“You know that doesn't—” Blitzø tried to reach out, take her hand and make her understand that it wasn't true, but she glared at him.

She didn't want to be touched. Not him. Not at that moment.

“I can't believe you prefer a hellhound over us,” Verosika muttered.

But the way she said it? The way her mouth spat out that word was a low blow for Blitzø. He felt something stir inside him, a protective fury that had him reaching for the keys he'd used to get in and lay them on the kitchen counter before heading outside.

“Her name is Loona,” Blitzø responded abruptly, staring at Verosika. “And I will always choose my family first. You don't want to be a part of it? It's okay. I get it. But you don't have to spit on them.”

As he stepped into the corridor, the door behind him slammed shut followed by an agonized scream that shattered his mind. A series of insults escaped his mouth. Blitzø could feel that he had hundreds of things he wanted to say to Verosika. Most of them refer to Loona. But instead, he found himself doing the same path he had done hours before. This time knowing full well that it was a bad idea. But he didn't stop. He didn’t care. He needed a bad idea to steady himself. The conscientious mistake was a promise of pain that could silence the reproaches of his brain.

Verosika's words floated through his mind as Blitzø went in search of Stolas. He knew he had to stop and go another way. What he wanted to do wasn’t so bad. Only if he went bar or called Angel Dust. Blitzø knew he'd have a good distraction there. Venting his frustration and anger into intense sex was something that helped clear his mind and wasn’t off limits.

But his body had already made up its mind.

Technically he wasn't doing anything wrong.

He needed to see Stolas.

Technically he was pushing the limits by going to exactly the person who had caused all that fighting.

Because even though Verosika hadn't said Stolas was out of the question, she hadn't seemed pleased with the possibility. Oh, but the sordid part of his mind reminded him that if the roles were reversed, Verosika would take advantage of that loophole to hurt him some more. Hell, she'd send him pictures and then f*ck him while bragging that he couldn't technically be mad. And deep down, Blitzø would love every second of that cunning torture.

So why on that occasion did he feel like he was crossing a line?

Oh, because Blitzø needed to make bad decisions.

Verosika's resentment and Stolas's blind help mingled in his mind. The way they both talked about him and about the big decision he wanted to make left bittersweet in his mouth.

By the time he reached his destination, and the ex-prince opened the door, Blitzø was able to control himself enough to ask the startling demon an important question.

“Octavia is sleeping?”

It was only enough for him to see the beginning of an affirmation for Blitzø to knock Stolas down with his tail and make him fall sitting on the ground. He closed the door behind him and fell into Stolas's lap. The surprised demon looked at him in confusion and a nice blush painted his cheeks when Blitzø took him by the collar of his shirt and drew him to his mouth.

“This is your chance to push me aside and—”

He was never able to finish the sentence. Stolas wrapped his arms around him and pulled him against his chest, arching against him to make it clear that he knew what was going to happen and how much Stolas longed for it. Blitzø snickered between attempted kisses that weren’t fulfilled and when he closed his grip on Stolas's ponytail, right on his mouth, the other demon kissed him with utter need. Stolas intoxicated his senses, and he allowed his body to confess how much he had wanted to do this ever since he walked to Stolas in the kitchen and then watched him take off his sweater. It took Blitzø a second or two to realize that the desire and hopelessness were mutual, and he felt capable of overthrowing Heaven if it gave him another second with Stolas looking at him like that.

“You're going to have to keep quiet while I do what I want with you, pretty thing,” Blitzø whispered against his ear and felt him wince. “After all, my undivided attention is what you deserve.”

And Blitzø kissed him again, knowing that this was a wonderful and terrible idea. Stolas moaned against his mouth, and it was a vibrating, musical sound that heated his blood.

He wasn't going to waste the opportunity.


Oh, Blitzø... why? "Technically" isn't always an excuse.

Greetings, luv! Are you interested in an Alastor/Angel/Vox fic? I just posted one that you might be interested in: Here.

Don't forget to check my socials and other works.

I hope you like it!


Chapter 4


It's hard to call it a mistake in the sheets when it feels so good.

And it's harder to say it's just a friendship when an afternoon in the garden feels so right.


I'm sorry I didn't update last week. I went to visit my nephews in another city.

They gave me a small skull lamp~

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

If it was any consolation to anyone or his future self. Truly, truly, Blitzø would have wanted to mentally beat himself up for his decision or his lack of judgment.

He wanted to stop and apologize, to be the kind of adult demon who makes the right decisions and sees the absolute complication he was creating by acting that way. But how was he supposed to stop his urges when Stolas had greeted him with exuberant enthusiasm? After the initial surprise, Blitzø found himself drowning in kisses and competing with Stolas to see who could undress the other faster or how many ways they could satiate their curiosity when it came to being together. They didn't speak beyond saying each other's names, because it was obvious that this spell could easily be broken if they let their minds take even the slightest control. Nor was it something depraved or degenerate that Blitzø could easily classify as an ordinary and forgettable encounter. And it wasn't fast, given the excuse of getting it out of the system. Damn, from the first touch, all of that felt perfect. Perhaps a figment of the fantasy of a home, a family, and someone waiting for him within those terms. Perhaps because it was Stolas, who was so willing to help him without getting anything in return. But it also didn't feel like Blitzø was burying himself between his perfect thighs as payment or thanks. It was simply something that had to happen, as absurd as it seemed.

Truly, truly, Blitzø would have wanted to mentally beat himself up over his decision. But it was impossible to do it when it had exceeded his expectations.

If Blitzø were another kind of demon, a better, unrealistic one, he might believe that the way they hugged each other, intoxicated with exploring each other's bodies, could easily be classified as making love.

Which, just for the record, even if it was with his mind, was absurd.

Because what had really happened in the doorway of that house and then in Stolas's bed, was sheer desperation. Stolas's loneliness dovetailed perfectly with Blitzø's abandonment. With that in mind, when Blitzø woke up first thing in the morning, long before his alarm, he found himself admiring Stolas beside him.

His feathers were much messier than the first time he had seen him, but he still looked thousand times more attractive. Stolas was asleep and yet the perpetual glow of the upper set of eyes only lit up his face slightly romantically or dangerously depending on the observer. For him, it was a combination of both. His long arms, one wrapped around Blitzø's waist and the other pressed against his chest, maintained the perpetual elegance in everything Stolas did. His body was attractive, with distinguished limbs and soft curves. Blitzø wrapped his tail around Stolas's thigh and heard him sigh, pressing closer to Blitzø.

He could feel his tail rise of its own accord, wiggling with the tip and finding its way between Stolas's thighs until he arched with a gasp. Blitzø smirked at such a perfect reaction. Well, he had an hour to wake up sleeping beauty, right? That was going to be a very entertaining challenge.

And one more reason not to have to talk about what was happening between them.

Sex, after all, was a language Blitzø knew very well.


Having breakfast with Stolas and Octavia and then going to work had been a pleasant change from his routine. And to think that his initial plan had been to grab his things and jump out the window. But sometimes his tail and other parts of his body had promising ideas. The possibility that waking up would be awkward had gone out the window after how they'd started the morning. Before he walked out of there, Blitzø wanted to clear things up between them, a quick reminder that they were technically strangers and maybe potential friends with exceptional chemistry and nothing more. It wasn't the kind of mature and serious conversation that other demons might have, and it was actually excessively cowardly of him to minimize the matter like that, but this was Blitzø, who could expect him to act responsibly when it came to himself? But Stolas was quick to tell him that he was aware that he had been somewhat impulsive, but he wasn't sure he wanted to be the lover of someone who seemed to have a good relationship with his girlfriend. When Blitzø explained that he and Verosika were polyamorous and casual sex with other people was totally approved of between them, it didn't surprise him that Stolas looked incredulous. So Blitzø showed him the chat he had with Verosika, where she joked about her latest conquest and how Blitzø encouraged her to try extreme things with them. That calmed Stolas down and it was nice that his next question was about Loona and if they were going to go through with the plan. Blitzø nodded, promising to come back after work. Stolas had looked enthusiastic and quickly blushed, assuring Blitzø that he expected nothing more than his company. He found himself chuckling at the clumsy demon in front of him who seemed happier with small talk than having Blitzø's head between his legs.

Solved that...

Well, not. Not solved but done enough damage control to pretend it wouldn't blow up in his face in the future?

Yes, that sounded more accurate.

After a night of partial sleep and putting distance from his fight with Verosika, he found himself wondering how things would play out. Yes, he was still upset by the way Verosika had referred to Loona. But Blitzø had received his fair share of stereotypical names from Verosika because when she was angry, she acted like everyone else, remembering the difference in classes. Of course, then Verosika apologized, and he knew that deep down she didn't think that at all. If not, she wouldn't proclaim in every social media and interview that she was in a relationship with Blitzø and yes, he was an imp, better than any other demon she'd ever known before. Verosika's internalized racism only came out when they were fighting, and she wanted to hurt him.

It was vile and low.


It was hard to be mad at her when all the people he came to love used to have a prejudice or two. That was the society in which they lived, where the ruling princes themselves imposed social divisions.

And yet, Blitzø told himself that he would have to put up a serious wall with Verosika. Because she could say whatever she wanted on the spur of the moment, but this would be the first and last time she referred to Loona that way. She would have to accept that like other things, what had happened was unforgivable. Fortunately, Verosika knew how not to cross those lines again.

Being that Blitzø was arrogant, rude, and vulgar, with a vocabulary that was easily destined to humiliate others, he had to admit that Verosika was better than him when it came to self-control.

And… there was the question.

The same as he had thought in the orphanage last time: what was his relationship with Verosika? Even when they were done, he knew it wasn't permanent. So many times, they had fought, yelled, and humiliated each other, that this only felt like a slip. Sometimes Blitzø was the one to cross the line and other times it was Verosika. But they both already knew how this would all ends. That was the real problem. How much were they willing to give up until they destroyed each other? Or was there a chance they could improve?

Now he would have to confirm to her that he was serious about living with Stolas. Oh, that was going to make her angrier. Blitzø still didn't understand why Verosika was so furious with him or why they had argued when things had started so well. Actually, that last one he could understand it. Two demons like them, with such strong personalities, tended to explode with topics that seemed so mundane to the other.

But what did all of this mean now? Loona's adoption wasn't something temporary that could be changed, like Blitzø being a clown at an amusem*nt park. It wasn’t something that Verosika could simply try to change with the intention of doing Blitzø a favor.

Was their relationship going to be completely destroyed?


The intense sex with Stolas suddenly didn't sound so good.

Because deep down Blitzø knew that as much as Verosika was that constant that fit perfectly well with all the cracks in his mind, he was always going to choose Loona above all. And he would do it without regret or doubt. Something that Stolas would understand perfectly, but Verosika would never forgive him.

And both positions were colossal, real, and valid.

Stolas was a father who sincerely loved his daughter and understood sacrifice. Verosika had entered into a relationship with him because Blitzø was just as chaotic, impulsive, and destructive as her. To Stolas, Blitzø was parental material in how dedicated and devoted he was to Loona. To Verosika, Blitzø had never seemed like someone who wanted a family, too distracted by gunpowder, alcohol, sex, and drugs.

His head was going to explode.

Already in Loo Loo Land and during one of his breaks, Blitzø texted Horusas to monitor the progress of the adoption. She confessed that she had been moving forward with the process for weeks because she never thought that another law would be lifted, and she knew how important it was for Blitzø to fulfill the promise he made to Loona. That woman was amazing. She knew how dangerous it was to tease a hellhound pup. But also, because Horusas empathized with Blitzø's story. She was also another imp who had a life of destruction and a fair number of kills before finding her passion in something no one would have expected. Blitzø asked her if it was true that he should live with the person he married and minutes later Horusas replied saying yes and assuming that this wouldn’t be a problem considering the time he had been in a relationship with Verosika. She joked that the adoption was technically doing Blitzø a favor so he could finally make the big move with his girlfriend.


The rest of the day he took his wheeled cart to the exit of one of the most popular rides and sold most of his balloons to children with excess sugar who wanted everything, and their parents couldn’t deny them anything. Blitzø looked at the main tent, with its huge banners and presentation posters, and pushed his body in the opposite direction, looking for other unsuspecting customers and large families of tourists.

The day ended quite satisfactorily. Another day without problems or reports against him. One day closer to the end of that torture. He just needed to keep a low profile long enough to have Loona with him. The way back to Stolas was exceedingly short. It was good to know that he could sleep more without having to live through Pride traffic and travel between Circles.

When Stolas opened the door, he looked surprised and grateful to see him there. Surely he must have believed that Blitzø would run away after their sex session. There he was wrong, Blitzø used sex to hook people, not to drive them away. Stolas was wearing knee-length black shorts, perhaps some kind of material like spandex because of how tight they looked, and a red T-shirt with a low neckline that showed off his shoulders. He looked casual but equally attractive. The feathers that made up his hair were gathered in a low ponytail and on his shoulder rested a rag that he may have been using recently.

“How was your day?” Stolas stepped aside to let him pass. “Via just woke up from a nap—”

“B!” Octavia tore her eyes from the television in the living room and ran in his direction.


Blitzø lunged at the little girl before she tripped over her own feathered tail. Octavia didn't quite touch the floor because he had already slid across the room and caught her in his hands, lifting her slightly off the floor. The little girl looked at him surprised. Oh, Octavia didn't know how to feel about what had just happened. Too young to interpret for herself whether she should be scared or not. So, she was looking for reassurance from him. If Blitzø was slow to do something, she was going to start crying. Octavia's pink eyes began to sparkle and Blitzø quickly stuck out his bipedal tongue before chuckling. Octavia stuck out her tongue and laughed too. Only then did Blitzø notice a purple glow radiating slightly from Octavia. He slowly turned back to Stolas to find him with his hand outstretched towards his daughter and magic pulsing between his fingers.

“No wonder Oct isn't careful,” Blitzø rolled on the ground, still holding the owlet in his hands until he could sit up and pull Octavia onto his lap. “You must let her learn that the world is dangerous.”

“But…” Stolas lowered his hand. “I don't want her to get hurt.”

“Tavy, you are strong aren't you?” Blitzø flexed his arm in the air and when Octavia laughed, putting her hands on his biceps, he smiled proudly at Stolas. “See?”

“You jumped to prevent her from falling,” Stolas rested his hands on his hips. “Isn't that the same thing?”

“I don’t think so,” Blitzø confessed, offering his finger to Octavia, and getting her to let go of his arm so that she would hold on to his hand. “From the start, she got a little scare. But it sounds weird to say that you just have to let her get hurt, doesn't it?

“But it would make sense,” Stolas pondered.

Blitzø found himself smiling. It was so stupid that something like discussing parenting techniques got him so excited. But everything felt real. It made him believe that he was a real father.

“When was the last time the light of day touched you two?” Blitzø stood up, carrying Octavia against his side. So, the guilt in Stolas's eyes was not lost. “There is a park nearby. At least you can leave this life of confinement for a while, right?”

“I…” Stolas hugged himself. “I don't think that's a good idea.”

“Why?” Blitzø stopped.

“There are people who would want to kidnap Octavia,” Stolas whispered. “She is my replacement. All of Hell knows how important Octavia is since there are no more substitutes.”

Blitzø was surprised and looked at the little girl nestled naturally against his body and then at the demon in front of him.

“The house has a protective spell. Only demons that pose no danger to Octavia can enter,” Stolas continued, with a small smile. “The spell works over the entire perimeter.”

“How about you?” Blitzø raised an eyebrow. “What if you are in danger?”

“I am a nobody,” Stolas laughed relaxed. “Anyone knows that they’re not going to get even loose change for me. I’m not important.”


“Well… You said it covered the perimeter. Does that include the front yard? Because I'm serious about natural light. Octavia needs it,” Blitzø waited for Stolas to nod and walked outside, thinking about what his next move would be as he looked around. Blitzø remembered that the yard was a mess, so he sat on the step outside the door and sat Octavia on the ground in front of him. “Parental life doesn't go hand in hand with gardening?”

“I think I've been under a lot of stress,” Stolas confessed, sitting down next to him, and looking at the garden. “Adapting to all this and keeping an eye on Octavia made me forget everything. I've barely left the house.”

“And shopping?” Blitzø asked “Food and stuff?”

“They are all shipped here. I can't leave Octavia alone and taking her out is dangerous. Also, my father is afraid that I will buy something, and it will turn out to be poisoned,” Stolas confessed, watching as Octavia held on to Blitzø's hand to reach as far as possible for one of the flowers that had survived. “In the long run, it's quite practical isn't it?”

“Sounds like a prison,” Blitzø confessed with a frown and wanted to ask how he got the house or if it was all paid by Stolas's father, but he focused on something else instead. “You two deserve to get out of those four walls.”

“I couldn't afford a bodyguard,” Stolas laughed in embarrassment. “And I wouldn't put Octavia in danger.”

“I worked for Vox as a bodyguard for one of his stars. It shouldn't be as hard to protect the two of you as an entire band,” Blitzø smirked.

“That sounds promising,” Stolas laughed heartily. “But I suspect you're proposing this because I'm going to help you with Loona, right?”

“What do you say? I say this for Octavia!” Blitzø rolled his eyes. “If she doesn't go out and see the world, she's going to end up like you, talking about books all the time and boring any potential friend to death.”

Stolas laughed heartily and nudged him slightly, causing him to smile as well.

“You're terrible, Blitzø,” Stolas sighed with pleasure. “I'm so glad you're here.”

His heart flipped over at those words.

“How lucky you are,” Blitzø tried hard to sound casual, “So… You were serious, right? You’re okay with letting Loona and I live here?”

Stolas straightened up, looking at him hopefully, and nodded. But that look said so many things. A story of loneliness that was irremediable not to empathize or feel pity. His eyes fell on Octavia. She had only spent with Stolas that month? And before that? Had her mother been interested in her? Had she had other children to play with?

“Oh, but your girlfriend won't mind?”

Blitzø wondered if he should call her that. Verosika had looked more than annoyed at the time, but it didn't feel like one of their big fights either. There hadn't been so many screams. That was the problem. When was the limit? When was hurting themselves too much? Because of this kind of thing, he didn't want to expose Loona to his disastrous relationship with Verosika.

“No, she knows this is important,” Blitzø looked over his shoulder. “And your house, unlike her apartment, meets all the puppy-proof parameters.”

Stolas laughed against his hand.

“I guess it's about the same precautions as with a baby owl that bites and scratches everything,” The former prince commented amusedly.

“Surely,” Blitzø shoved his knee into Stolas's thigh. “Besides, you help me with Loona, and I help you with Octavia.”

“Sounds great,” Stolas looked at his hands and smiled. “To be honest… I was afraid that what happened between us would ruin all of this. I didn't lie when I made it clear that my desire to resume our friendship is especially important to me.”

What an elegant way of talking about a subject that Blitzø tried to avoid.

“Well... we are two consenting adults,” He teased lightly. “Twice consenting.”

Stolas blushed, that embarrassed giggle that was akin to a hoot rushing at Blitzø like the most exquisite silk. He had thought that talking about things, especially emotions could be excessively uncomfortable. But it was much easier with Stolas. Although it made sense, it had been with him, under the privacy of a sheet and illuminated by a flashlight, that they had confessed their greatest fears. In the past, talking about how they felt had come naturally between them. So, it was easy to get back into that routine.

“But I think we both think the same,” Stolas waved his hands nervously, glancing at Octavia before turning his attention back to the front. “We have too much in our future to ruin our alliance with something casual.”

Blitzø blinked a couple of times and Stolas must have thought he had hurt him somehow because he quickly took his free hand.

“Loona needs you here. And I want Octavia to have a home without the yelling, stress, and all that nasty stuff that we ran away from. I think our daughters deserve to live in a lovely home,” Stolas explained, letting him go. “I wouldn't want to screw this up…” He looked at Octavia so content and calm holding Blitzø's hand. “…for nothing in the world.”


Which was absurd. Why was something so reasonably painful to him? It wasn't like he wanted to have a relationship with Stolas. He didn't even love him. And exactly what he enjoyed about all of this was the friendly, platonic parts that, as Stolas had so eloquently said, could be ruined by intimacy and sex. Stolas was right, Loona and Octavia deserved to grow up in a safe and nice home. One where their parents could laugh with each other and protect them. No shouting, alcohol, lack of basic things, or strange people hanging around.

Even so…


“Alliance,” Blitzø preferred to take the easy way out and scoff. “Will you make me sign a contract or something?”



“Via!” Octavia joined, not understanding what they were doing, but trying anyway.

They both laughed, watching the little demon jump to her feet with excitement. Yes, that was a thousand times better than casual but perfect sex with a friend. Besides, he could get those things elsewhere.

“I think it's pretty funny how fate works.” The other demon resumed his speech. “I know that when we were children you had more friends and you spent time with me because they forced you. But I would like to believe that we created a good friendship. And back then we talked so much about everything we would do as adults, but eventually, all of that sounded impossible. And now?” Stolas smiled. “We've met again, we’re parents, going down similar paths and… I think that's amazing. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you.”

«And I wouldn't be this close to fulfilling my promise to Loona if it wasn't for you.» Blitzø thought, feeling the weight of those words. It was possible that destiny really existed because of it.

“What would you do without me?” Blitzø joked instead, shifting his gaze to Octavia who was following a caterpillar from flower to flower, not touching it. “Well? Not that I want to rush things, but when do you want to get married?

Stolas laughed softly, his cheeks flushed red, and he had to hide his face in his hands.

“What?” Blitzø raised an eyebrow.

“I never thought that I would marry again with the intention of getting a descendant,” Stolas laughed harder, throwing his face back. “This is so ironic!” And he laughed so sincerely that it was inevitable to catch his humor.

Blitzø relaxed and pulled Octavia towards him when he noticed that she was about to lose her balance on top of the plants.

“Now that you put it like that, it's pretty similar.” He accepted. “I remember you had so many romantic ideas about marriage. And now, for the second time, you're dragging into something you didn't plan on.”

“Oh, but it’s completely different,” Stolas assured. “This is something I want to do. I think we could get married at any time. It's just a document, right? I went over the requirements while you were away, and it looks pretty simple.”

“Did you check what we were going to need to get married?” Blitzø asked, stretching out his legs to balance Octavia on his knees. She giggled. “Why?”

“I wanted to know how I could help you.”

Unlike Verosika, who had found out about the new adoption law to support her argument about how ridiculous Blitzø was being.

Well, maybe he and Stolas were ridiculous, so what?

“I guess we could do it this week. I'm going to bring my things here these days and… we can see how we’re going to do this,” Blitzø stood up, his spirits renewed. “Are you sure you're okay with this?”

Stolas retrieved Octavia but didn’t get up. Instead, he kept looking up, straight into Blitzø's eyes, and nodded. There was a blush on his cheeks that increased when Blitzø leaned in his direction. Though it was to ruffle Octavia's hair as a farewell.

As Blitzø returned to Pride, he found himself enjoying how relaxing that day had been. Was that really what he wanted?

Blitzø loved adventure and extreme situations, but the idea of something stable and a home? It had always sounded promising to him. He would never have believed that he would almost get that by inviting himself to an old friend's house.

Once again he thought of calling Verosika but stopped himself. He had a lot to do and really, what was he going to tell her? Start another fight by confessing that he was going to live with Stolas? Or worse, have intense sex so they didn’t talk about anything at all? No, it was better to let things settle down first.


After the divorce and getting away from his family, Stolas is confident to set limits and not be so accommodating. Especially when it comes to Octavia. It doesn't matter if he really wanted to have something with Blitzø, even if he is merely physical.

For those who have read "The number of steps to fall fast or hard", do you remember that in the story there were references to certain events that were happening regarding a plan to remove Valentino from power? Well, the fic that would go in parallel with that one (but you don't need to read the first one to understand it) is published here.

Don't forget to check my socials and other works.

My Twitter.

Chapter 5


For Blitzø that was an end, a pause, and a farewell.

And a little visit to Loona makes Blitzø question Stolas's role in his daughter's life.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

This was his big chance.

One in a million.

If Blitzø played his cards right, his life could take the direction he had been dreaming of.

And although Blitzø hated having to answer to others, this was Vox, one of the few Overlords who was genuinely respected and adored throughout all of Hell —not only sinners—, and the reason why, in terms of entertainment and telecommunication, Hell and the living world were almost the same.

Blitzø couldn’t screw up that opportunity.

Especially when he was there thanks to his assassination skills.

Blitzø followed Vox down the long, well-lit corridors. At this time of year, the place was in a type of corporate chaos. Demons of all kinds were running, busy with the preparations for Television Day. A holiday that emerged in the living world back in the nineties and Vox had distorted its meaning for his personal benefit.

“It’s going to be on every television channel.” The Overlord was the only one who seemed calm, walking at his own pace, and taking time with Blitzø to talk him through some technicalities that Blitzø didn’t really care about beyond what was practical for his future job. “Every year, the public expects it to be better.”

“I guess it has its benefits, right? All Hell stops so they can tune in,” Blitzø shrugged without admitting that there had been a time when he and Fizzarolli had dreamed of appearing at the Ceremony as the main entertainment, just before the awards ceremony. But that was an absurd dream, like so many others. “I assume you must have a huge security team, so no fanatics or assholes leak in.”

“Yes, it’s always more complicated. Especially when some nobody thinks they can attack me that day and make a name for themselves. It never works, of course. I have eyes everywhere,” Vox paused temporarily, pointing to a meeting room. “There are preparing the new Horsie Dressup expansion. This year we plan to release new outfits for a limited time in honor of the award winners.”

For a second, Blitzø’s defensive side wondered if Vox had noticed the apps on his cell phone or were the rumors true that the TV Demon had total control over any technological device under his brand and creation. Of course, the concern lasted only a second, because the next his interest skyrocketed, his sense of survival went numb and Blitzø peered out the window at what the other demons were doing.

“Does that mean they know who the winners are in each category?” Blitzø gave him a sly look when he realized that from his position he couldn’t even see the sketches on which they were working.

“If you’re trying to figure out who the winners are, it’s going to be harder than that,” Vox replied amused.

“Oh, but there is a way to achieve it,” Blitzø winked at the Overlord before realizing that he was technically flirting with his boss.

Fortunately, Vox looked at him as if he were used to comments like that.

“I’ll tell you what: Do a good job and I can give you some codes for exclusive content in the game,” The Overlord offered, turning away from the meeting room, and continuing on his way.

“I have killed for less,” Blitzø accepted, reaching the Overlord.

“And that’s why you’re here,” Vox reminded him. “The Vox Awards Ceremony is not just a series of entertainment and awards. It’s also an opportunity for the official introduction of new stars,” Vox explained eloquently, waving his hand in the air before turning his attention to Blitzø. “That’s where you come in. I’m going to need you to watch the new band. Asmodeus has high expectations for them, especially their vocalist.”

“Some spoiled demon with a bit of talent?” Blitzø joked, his smile sharpening as he noted that Vox gave him an amused look.

“I would tell you that yes, it’s common for the leaders of each Ring to send their favorite demon to me so that I can turn them into a star. But actually, this vocalist is particularly good. I understand that her family taught her to sing before she could speak,” Vox stopped and opened a door. “Verosika, darling? I present to you your new bodyguard.”

Blitzø stepped inside to find a band of succubi and incubi staring at sheets of paper very similar to scripts. But one of them stood out above the rest. The kind of beauty that even by the standards of their race stood out dangerously. Verosika looked at him curiously and crossed her legs to hide her nervousness? maybe confusion? She looked at Vox and copied the businessman’s smile before shrugging.

“Usually, it’s hellhounds that take care of these things.”

Blitzø laughed aloud and leaned against the door frame. He stared at his claws for a second and then glared at the succubus who was looking at him defiantly.

“Aren’t you glad they promoted your safety to someone better?”

Vox smirked and shrugged as if that explained his decision to hire Blitzø. The Overlord patted him on the back and left Blitzø with the band.

“Oh great, we have a babysitter.” One of the incubi commented loudly. Eventually, Blitzø would learn that his name was Ace.

“Oh great, we have a complainer in the band,” Blitzø responded in the same tone and when one of the succubi laughed, he winked at her. “I’m here to prevent you from getting hurt. No more no less. If you can’t open a bottle of vodka or forget to take your antidepressants, that’s not my problem.”

What Blitzø found himself doing within a few weeks was exactly that. At least with Verosika. Especially when he found out that she really dreamed of becoming a star and that her family had exploited her talent until she rebelled.

The band successfully debuted and Blitzø found himself having fun with them, growing closer to Verosika until he thought he would never leave her.


Blitzø woke up submerged in nostalgia. He had a tough time erasing the smile on his lips as he remembered what Verosika had been like in the beginning. A succubus who, when in doubt, imitated the expressions of the strongest demon in the room. That had always worked for her and that was why Asmodeus seemed to adore her. Verosika made everyone believe that she was in control of the situation, even when she was nervous or lost. Sure, that was before she started drinking and the stress consumed her worse than ever.

Sometimes it was hard to recognize the real Verosika behind the glamor and celebrity.

Blitzø looked around, his room was completely empty. He couldn’t even have a decent coffee because he had already packed everything. Blitzø took a bath and texted Verosika. Blitzø decided on comfortable ankle boots, fishnet stockings, shorts, and a crop top tied around the neck, all in black. Verosika finally answered him by saying that she was waiting for him at her apartment for breakfast, so he assumed that she shouldn’t be so upset.

He made his way over there and cursed under his breath when he had to knock on the door. Apple let him in, planting an unnecessary kiss on his cheek before heading out to the study. Blitzø raised an eyebrow and looked at Verosika at the counter, who made a gesture touching her nose to indicate that Apple was still in the adrenaline of her last line. Blitzø lurked in the kitchen, heating the leftovers of what must have been Indian and Colombian food that someone had put in the same container. He wondered how many wars sinners would start knowing that their delicious national food could end up as a poor imitation of breakfast for the locals. Verosika sat down and poured coffee for both of them. Blitzø placed a plate in front of her, noticing the grimace of little appetite paint the succubus’s face. He pushed the food closer to Verosika like a silent command. Blitzø waited until she'd eaten a few times before moving on. He took his place across from her and found that arepas and highly seasoned chicken went oddly well together.

“I have a tour in the living world. It’s going to be global,” Verosika moved her fork through the vegetables and didn’t look at him. “It will take me two years.”

Blitzø stopped everything he was doing and looked at her totally lost.

“You don’t like to stay so long in the living world.” He spoke slowly. “You can’t even stand it when it’s a month.”

Verosika nodded, stabbing a piece of chicken before eating it as if she detested the idea of doing so before swallowing heavily without tasting it.

“I will return regularly,” Verosika touched her choker that concealed the crystal that helped her jump between realms. “But I’m quite popular in the living world and hopefully some mortals will commit unimaginable acts of lust and then die of shame. So, they will end here. That will make King Asmodeus incredibly happy.”

That wasn’t what he had supposed would happen.

Was Verosika going to leave him…?

“I thought you were preparing for Satan’s birthday,” Blitzø felt something cold on his chest. “Weren’t you talking about that with Vox?”

“Yes…” Verosika nodded slowly, still not looking at him. “But it’s a wonderful opportunity and... Time passes differently between Hell and the living world, so...”

“Here it will continue to be more than a year,” Blitzø co*cked his face, searching for something in her eyes. “You must admit that is too much time.”

Verosika put down her fork and looked up.

“You’re going to adopt that hell— Loona. You will because it’s what you want to do,” She controlled her anger, and breathed through her nose a few times, glancing at one of the liquor bottles in the kitchen, but didn’t move. “You’re going to live with Stolas because he’s going to help you with Loona. You will because I don’t want to. I’m not ready for that kind of responsibility. My life is not made to play family.”

“I’m not asking you to change,” Blitzø reminded her, feeling his fists clench. “I don’t expect you to.”

“Then what?” She looked at him in disbelief. “Are you going to have two lives? One with me and one with your new family? You can’t stop being a father when you’re with me.”

He hadn’t planned on doing it either. But Blitzø believed that...

What had he thought would happen?

Definitely not this.

“I know I crossed a line, okay? I’m not stupid,” Verosika buried her fingers in her hair, glaring at the plate of food in front of her with annoyance. “I know that we have talked thousands of times about how f*cked up Hell and its social classes are. How we hate what they expect from you for being an imp or from me for being a succubus. I know, yes? I should have extended the same courtesy to the girl.” She looked up at him, allowing herself to be fragile in front of him. “But just so you know Blitzø, my anger and envy are not because she’s a hellhound, it’s not even directly against her. I don’t know her. It is…”

“What Loona stands for,” Blitzø nodded and looked away.


It was easy to think of a break point, but faced with the possibility, Blitzø didn’t want to do it. Not if there was a way to maintain balance. And the way Verosika looked at him reflected his feelings. She didn’t want things to end either, but a tour in the living world? That was extreme.

“You’re not asking me to change. But I do to you. I want you to stop making jokes, I want you to dress like this all the time…” Verosika looked at him for a long time, running her eyes over his outfit, and then returned her attention to his eyes. “I want you to throw away your toys and have fun drinking yourself into oblivion, partying in the best places, and trying all the new drugs on the market. I want you to be by my side when I wake up from an orgy and when you tell me about your day it’s less about colored balloons and more about sex and death.” She took a deep breath. “I want to be with you, I want us to live together. But I don’t want the same thing that you want.”

Exactly like him.

Blitzø wanted Verosika to slow down a bit and stop drinking because she was getting closer to ending up like his father. He wanted Verosika to allow herself to indulge in things that she liked and that weren’t anything glamorous or lustful because they both knew that Verosika was ashamed of those parts of her. Blitzø wanted to stop time when they both had those lazy days of watching movies, where going out and enjoying the night was more about having fun and less about social media obligations. Blitzø loved being with Verosika, but he didn’t want the same thing she did.

“So, I need some time. I think we need some time,” Verosika corrected. “If I keep pushing I’m going to lose you. Actually, if I keep pushing you down the path I want, you and I are going to end up hating each other. Lately, I just want to hurt you because you prefer to act like I’m not part of your life.” She shot him a reproachful look. “I think we’re moving to exactly that, where we start to destroy ourselves and resent each other... and in other circ*mstances that wouldn’t have mattered as much because we’re desperate. But let’s be honest… Now that you’re a dad, I don’t think you want to go down this path with me.”

Blitzø imagined the scenario where Loona wasn’t with him. There would be no reason to stop anything. They would stay together, pulling each other toward what they wanted most in the relationship and resenting each other because things didn’t always go their way. Blitzø would continue to enjoy the chaos as a way to release all his pent-up energy and Verosika would take a break from everyday life from something that couples did away from the public eye. But eventually, they would both shoot in different directions without committing to anything. One day the resentment would grow so much that not even the comfort of the other could save them.

“So, are you okay with me going to live with Stolas?”

Verosika was sincere and shook her head.

“But if I stay here I’m going to keep doing things to sabotage you.” She smiled. “And instead of talking to Vox, I’m going to break into your little house in the middle of your boring dinner and... I’m going to do something that will end up making you hate me.”

“So you go,” Blitzø whispered.

«So, you leave me»

“I will come back from time to time. I’m not going to let you forget about me and how much fun dating a superstar can be,” Verosika pushed the plate aside and leaned in to kiss him, a gesture so melancholy that not even Blitzø could perceive it as romantic. “If I’m lucky, you’ll realize that you need more than a house, children, a garden, and a pet.”

He chuckled, running his fingers through Verosika’s soft hair. She smelled like whiskey, but she wasn’t in an unrecognizable state. Blitzø kissed her, wanting to capture some of the courage liquid running through Verosika’s system. As they parted, her hand slid across his chest, lowering dangerously.

“I guess I can play the reason you're having a crisis in your married life.” She smirked, creating spirals with her index finger on his abdomen. “And little by little maybe I can give your dream a chance. A year is enough time to take away my fear of being a mom and be the cool stepmom.”

That was a lie. Blitzø knew things didn’t work that way. But Verosika was trying. Putting distance from the problem and daring to see things from another perspective. She wasn’t doing it for Loona, but for him. It wasn’t enough. But he couldn’t deny himself entirely either. Before Loona, he had told himself that he was too young for a family. Maybe if Verosika gave herself the chance to meet Loona and Octavia…

…Blitzø forced himself to concentrate. Octavia wasn’t his daughter.

He looked up at Verosika, watching him expectantly. This was her peace offering. A series of sacrifices and wishes to try. The latter could be false promises, but this was Verosika, who fulfilled everything she set out to do since she ran away from her abusive family.

“I’m too young to have a crisis,” Blitzø joked.

“Every time I walk into a room I generate existential crises,” Verosika teased, leaning further into the counter. “What do you say?”

“That a year is a long time,” Blitzø confessed, getting frustrated and letting her rejoice over what torture it would be like not having her around.

“Oh, Bly, I’m going to miss how you make sure that for days I remember how good you are to me,” Verosika met his eyes with a mischievous twinkle. “It’s not fair that you made me have a serious conversation with you wearing the crop top you know I love.”

Blitzø smirked. He leaned against her neck, breathing in her scent. That was a farewell, Blitzø was no fool. A temporary one, but with no promises that they would meet again soon. Verosika laughed lightly, in that secret, unassuming way. The laughter that with the passing of time he hardly heard.

“When you leave?”

“In a few hours…” She closed her grip on Blitzø’s arm. “I thought you were going to reject my idea.”

Because the two of them were always running away from problems or making terrible decisions.

“Wait for me in your bed. Take off that tedious dress that is getting in the way of what is me.” He whispered in her ear. “And leave your boots on.”

Verosika nodded and separated from him, walking down the corridor, swaying her hips hypnotically. They should talk, maybe confess how they felt about each other or the changes they were experiencing. They should commit to some agreement or explain why they couldn’t find a middle ground. But instead, as usual, they were going to communicate with sex.

That was the language they spoke.

Less «I love you» and more thighs spreading. Less «I’m sorry» and more consecutive org*sms until fainting. It was a complex and secret language that made them feel that their bodies had better communication than their minds.

Blitzø could allow a couple of orgies in order to wake up next to Verosika, but could she give a little for a family life that she didn’t want? No.

So that was his middle ground.


“From Superstar to Former Prince?” Horusas asked in surprise. “Don’t you know regular imps?”

“Do you want to marry me, headmistress?” Blitzø joked.

“I love these little destroyers of private property but not to marry someone who has enough connections to organize gangs and can destroy state property.” She responded by laughing. “I assume you’re here not to tell me the change of plans but because you want to see Loona.”

“You assume correctly,” Blitzø flashed her his best smile.

But the woman didn’t move, instead, she arranged the pens on her desk, which meant she was interested in saying something else. Usually, Blitzø wouldn’t have the patience for this sort of thing, but this was the imp who had shown an interest in taking care of these hellhounds pups and was willing to go along with Blitzø’s plan. If Horusas wished to tell him something, he would exercise what little patience he had.

“You know Loona loves Verosika and that’s always a good start for a family,” Horusas explained. “Now, the prince… ex-prince Stolas… is he going to be able to help you with Loona?” She looked at him analytically. “Not everyone is cut out to adopt hellhounds, but you and I know that Loona has been through a lot. She not only needs someone to give her a roof over her head and food but also unconditional love and a lot of patience.”

Blitzø clenched his fists at the question of Stolas’s abilities. It wasn’t the director’s fault that she didn’t know all the information. But this was why he hadn’t included Verosika in his plans. Yes, he believed her capable of unconditional love because she was someone who desperately needed that, but Patience? That was something difficult for Verosika. Damn, it would be for Blitzø if it weren’t for the fact that deep down he knew he would allow himself to be someone’s doormat as long as he had that kind of unconditional love and eternal companionship.

But Stoles? He was the complete opposite. He had been raised to be moderate, controlled, and low profile. A perfect political puppet. But to his surprise, Stolas had broken free but was still extremely patient and sweet. The kind of demon who was willing to sacrifice his freedom and live locked up in a small house in order to save his daughter from life in the Ars Goetia court. And Blitzø knew the answer about unconditional love.

“Loona needs only me.” He clarified. “Stolas is helping me with this process and maybe his name will end up on the adoption certificate, but I am Loona’s father. Nobody else. When this is all over, he and I will part ways. That’s why this is perfect. There are no emotions involved,” Blitzø crossed his arms. “It doesn’t matter if Stolas can help me with Loona or not.”

“Blitz, please.” The woman insisted. “No one is going to take Loona away from you. But you’re going to live together with another demon, who has a daughter. It’s going to be inevitable for him to help you raise Loona.”

Blitzø’s mouth tightened. Yes, he was being selfish. But Loona was his daughter. Why should he let Stolas love her unconditionally? Was he not enough? It was that…?

“Blitzø,” Horusas snapped his fingers to look at him. “Loona is going to need a pack, remember? Yes, you’re going to be his father. But if they’re going to live under the same roof, Loona will eventually see Stolas as a member of that pack, as one of the adults and points of reference for her, do you understand that? I just want to know if she’s going to be in good hands.”

He nodded. His hand closed on his choker. Yes, he knew that a group of adults could raise children. But Blitzø promised himself that it would be different, that he would do better.

Besides... Stolas wouldn’t endanger Loona...

“…he is capable of many things. Stolas is a good father to his daughter,” Blitzø replied, taking a deep breath.

Horusas looked at him for a few seconds and nodded. She didn't insist, thanks Lucifer. She guided him towards the music room, where the hellhounds had their ludic therapy. When they entered, Blitzø immediately knew where to find his Loony. Right in the corner closest to the door, the tips of Loona’s ears were together in their center, showing her degree of discomfort. She wasn’t a fan of the cameras and all the demons coming in and out of the orphanage. Blitzø waited for Horusas to get her, talking to the producer of the TV show who looked at Blitzø, recognized him from the time he worked for Vox, and greeted him. He returned the gesture and bit his cheek to keep from smiling as Loona’s tail twitched with excitement as the headmistress pointed out where Blitzø was. Even so, Loona made a show of appearing uninterested and walked towards him, following him to the patio, almost dragging her feet.

“You don’t like playing in group therapy?” Blitzø asked as Loona sat down on one of the swings with a sigh.

“I don’t like that everything we do is broadcast on television,” Loona growled.

“Not all,” Blitzø encouraged her with a smile. “Besides, you know famous people.”

“Celebrities on children’s television,” She wrinkled her nose. “Also, I don’t like being asked why I drew what I drew. They make me not want to do it,” Loona clung to the chains of the swing and waved her feet. “It’s just a silly drawing, it doesn’t mean anything.”

Tight and defensive.

Blitzø could understand that.

He sat on the other swing and looked at the particular color of the sky in that Ring. Blitzø recalled that when he was Loona’s age, he loved to draw and explain all his creative process and stories behind his drawings, but adults and then other children made fun of him. Blitzø never stopped drawing. He learned that if he wanted to have good things in his life, he shouldn’t expect others to approve of his actions. But what happened was that he started drawing alone or in front of Verosika because he trusted her. Although lately, he had stopped doing it because she found it immature. Blitzø looked at Loona and had the urge to pet her head but knew he might lose his fingers in the process.

“I love to draw. I’m an artist.” He intoned the latter pompously and got Loona to roll her eyes, but there was a small smile on her lips. “At home, I will show you all my masterpieces.”

There it was Loona’s tail waving rapidly. She shrugged like it was no big deal, but she was happy.

“Oh, on Friday I’m getting married,” Blitzø commented with feigned disinterest. “Horusas says that by the weekend you can come—”

“Are you going to marry Verosika?” Loona jumped off her swing and clung to his, causing Blitzø to stumble back and forth. “Really? Is she going to be my—?”

“Oh no…” He waved his hands feeling nervous at the look of disappointment in Loona’s eyes. “Verosika has a tour in the living world, she’s not suitable for the adoption process. Besides, as much as it was convenient, she has a different rhythm of life, don’t you think? Big parties, concerts, tours. She’s not the best candidate to help me adopt you.”

Blitzø told himself he wasn’t lying. Not technically. But he couldn’t tell Loona that Verosika wasn’t interested in being a mother. Her daughter wasn’t going to understand that it wasn’t her fault, but about the kind of life and goals that Verosika had always dreamed of. Still, Loona dropped her shoulders and crossed her arms.

“…I guess you’re right.” She looked at him doubtfully. “So…?”

“A friend who has a daughter. He just got divorced so we’ll help each other out,” Blitzø winked at him. “Isn’t it going to be great? You will have a friend to play with and I will have someone to share the housework with.”

The image of Loona and Octavia camping out in the living room watching movies in a pillow fort invaded his mind. Blitzø and his sister used to do something similar with the old television in their father’s office. And while the girls play, he and Stolas could sneak into the main bedroom, with Stolas burying his face in the pillow to muffle his voice as Blitzø pressed himself against his body.

No, he didn’t want to confuse Loona or Octavia. What had happened between them couldn’t be repeated if they were to live together. No seducing Stolas. Loona and Octavia could create their own bond, a friendship, or a sisterhood, but Blitzø wasn’t going to contribute to the chaos.

“Is your friend another imp?” Loona pursed her lips, controlling her words or at least trying to. “In a few years, am I going to be the only tall one in the house?”

Blitzø laughed. He supposed it must be a bit frustrating for his Loony to imagine that everything was going to be imp-sized.

“Oh no, he’s a very a very tall demon, taller than a hellhound,” Blitzø pondered. “He’s a former prince of the Ars Goetia.”

“Stolas?” Loona raised an eyebrow in distaste. “No way, all those people from TV who come here won’t stop talking about him.”

“Oh! Do you know him? Yes, Stolas,” Blitz smiled. “What do you think? Your dad knows famous people.”

Loona shrugged, but her ears indicated that she was interested in the subject.

“…I don’t know…he looks kind of goofy and boring. A sinner who comes here to design the costumes for when we appear on television says that Stolas has a fragile heart,” Loona shrugged her shoulders, not really understanding what that term meant. “Are you still Verosika’s boyfriend?”

“Yes?” Blitzø answered confused.

“Oh, great. Because it must be fun hanging out with her,” Loona responded enthusiastically.

Blitzø swallowed hard.

“So, it’s with me. Just look at me! I have an enviable style,” He defended himself.

Loona this time laughed and rolled her eyes. But she didn’t deny it. Horusas appeared on the other side, announcing that it was dinner time. Loona stood still for a few seconds, refusing to move, but looked at him with a doubtful gleam in her eyes.

“So…?” She cleared her throat. “Are you… coming for me this weekend? Shall I pack my things or…?”

“Yes. We’ll leave on Saturday morning. Together,” Blitzø promised her, smiling enthusiastically. “There would have to be a turf war that I can’t handle. And you know that I can handle anything.”

“…you’re silly,” Loona took a step back but didn’t take her eyes off him. “Saturday?”

“I promise,” Blitzø repeated, wanting to hug her, but the orphanage therapist had told him that it wasn’t a clever idea to do so as long as Loona didn't do it first. “And we’re going for ice cream, Loony.”

Loona nodded and ran back to the building. She stopped on the front steps and stuck her tongue out at him.

“Don’t call me that way!”

“Loona!” Horusas scolded, but also looked amused.

A few more days.

Just a few more days and it would all be worth it.


Today, October 31, I saw the new Vox design and you have no idea how happy I'm right now. I have two fics of him and I need to write more because... Just look at him! Yeah, I'll stop. But it's just... Gods.

If some of you were thinking why Verosika has a certain predominance in the beginning it's because Loona is her fan and, in this AU, she has certain hopes about who Verosika would be in her life. Of course, without Verosika knowing any of this.

Don't forget to check my socials and other works.

My Twitter.

Chapter 6


Loona has a special welcome for each member of her new family.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Blitzø wanted to laugh at how funny Stolas looked with a white tablecloth for a veil. Despite being for a relatively small table, it was still long enough for it to drag on the floor behind Stolas. The fun of those games was improvising things instead of just getting them. So Blitzø was quite proud that he was wearing a long pot as a top hat. Wedding bands were small clips that servants used on plants to make them grow straight. So, they fit their fingers and didn't hurt.

The film was temporarily paused, just before the two characters got married.

Everything was perfect.

Fun, entertaining, and creative.


Stolas had his own version of a cute laugh. That hooting meant that Blitzø was doing something incredible and entertaining. His favorite sound in that castle.

Blitzø couldn't stop laughing.

Or had been until Stolas began to say their wedding vows.

“I promise to accompany you for the rest of our lives. I will always support you no matter how dangerous your ideas are because I have fun,” Stolas smiled. “I promise to laugh at your jokes because they are clever. And always find things about horses or pirates because I know you like them.”

Blitzø could feel his cheeks warm. Stolas's hands were clenched on his. No, it was the other way around. He was holding to Stolas.

“I…” Blitzø suddenly felt that it wasn't exactly a game anymore and had to think of some kind of promise he could keep. “I promise to defend you from others and if it’s necessary to take the blame, I will. Because I'm more resourceful when it comes to running away from trouble. I'm always going to give you the benefit of the doubt when you want to do something seemingly boring because sometimes it turns out to be so much fun, like the books you read to me. I promise to help you and not laugh too hard when you don't know what I'm talking about.”

Stolas laughed, but it was in that adorable way, where it was a light hoot. Actually, that was Blitzø’s favorite sound. With his magic, the little prince reproduced the rest of the film. They both said the «I do» that seemed, for some reason, more exciting than the wedding vows. Although Blitzø differed greatly in that. His votes had been great.

«You’re officially married.»

Blitzø saw the character wearing the hat lift the other's veil and kiss them. So, he mimicked the gesture by grabbing Stolas's face and staring at him. Stolas's eyes sparkled and there was a slight blush on his cheeks. Blitzø pressed his forehead against Stolas's, closing his eye, and in response, the other demon rubbed against him with a soft ululate.

“Next time I want to wear the veil,” Blitzø declared as they parted ways and laughed softly. “Then I'll wear it as a cape like a superhero.”

“We can get married as many times as you want,” Stolas accepted, laughing without taking his eyes off the makeshift ring on his finger.


In a way they had fulfilled that childhood promise, right?

Although it had been more exciting the way they played than the reality. At the registry office, they had just signed some papers, bribing strangers on the street to be their witnesses, and when the judge officially declared them a marriage, Blitzø genuinely jumped out of his chair and kissed Stolas.

At least that part had been better than when they played.

Yes, they had agreed that they couldn't afford an affair. Especially since they didn't want to confuse their daughters. But a kiss wasn't the end of the world, was it? Especially one as gratitude that made Stolas laugh nervously, turning away from him slightly so as not to arouse suspicion with the judge.

Kissing Stolas felt good.

The rest was easy. Blitzø took the papers to the orphanage and took his daughter with him.

“Is it there?” Loona asked, pointing at the house in front of them. “The garden looks like something out of a horror movie.”

“You shouldn't be watching horror movies,” Blitzø responded immediately, uneasy at the thought of ghosts. “Also, it’s a work in progress. Stolas plans to fix it.”

Now that he wasn't so stressed about Octavia and Blitzø had offered to watch her while Stolas did something with the garden.

“How do you know he doesn't have his ex-husbands buried there?” Loona insisted maliciously. “Maybe the house is haunted, or he has a hidden basem*nt with his last husband.”

“I sleep in the basem*nt. And there is none of that,” Blitzø shot her a look.

“There is still the garden,” Loona stretched to get a better look at the small jungle. “What husband number will you be? Sixth?”

“The second,” Blitzø looked at her unable to hide his smile. “You like mortuary things, don't you?”

“Don't try to change the subject,” Loona jumped on the seat, renewed energy. “How do you know he's not a killer?”

“Loony… This is Hell. That isn’t a terrible thing.” He looked at himself in the rearview mirror. “ It is a good profession.”

“You know what I mean!” Loona playfully pushed him.

He found himself smiling.

“Because he's only been married once, to one woman, and that bit—” Blitzø cut himself off because he had been about to say an insult, and Loona noticed, laughing wickedly. “...she's still alive.”

“The bitch is still alive,” Loona corrected and opened the van door, jumping out of the vehicle.

Blitzø found himself chuckling. Why deny his daughter the chance to express herself however she wanted when that was exactly what he did? Surely Stolas would end up wanting to make some corrections. Blitzø got out of his van and offered Loona his hand. Immediately Loona's jovial and teasing attitude completely changed, and she hugged herself, keeping her chin up. That didn’t disappoint him. Actually, he was glad that Loona stopped trying to make jokes. After all, it was normal for her to be defensive in such a different environment. Still, Loona's tail flicked excitedly with each step she took toward the front door.

“Would you have preferred the two of us to live in my apartment?” Blitzø asked, afraid that it would be awkward for Loona to be thrown with two strangers.

But she shook her head.

“Everyone draws houses when they think about what their family will be like,” Loona whispered. “Are we going to live here? Like… for real.” She asked looking at him over her shoulder.

Blitzø took Loona's tiny suitcase with her few belongings. He would have to take her shopping soon. But Loona hadn't wanted to carry anything the orphanage had given her. It was another thing that he would have done exactly the same. It was something Blitzø had done long ago when he left his father's circus.

“Yes, we’re going to live here. For real,” Blitzø almost ran to get to her side. “Besides the scary garden, isn't this great?”

Loona looked around at all these houses. Some neighbors were looking at them. Loona hugged herself tighter.

“I like the scary garden…” She nipped her lip. “But I guess there's no point in having one if there aren't ex-husbands buried and ghosts on the walls...”

Blitzø flinched uncomfortably, but forced a smile to his lips, pulling out his new set of keys and unlocking the door.

He felt his jaw drop at the sight of the «Welcome Home Loona» sign hanging from the ceiling and balloons everywhere. The place was completely clean and full of homemade decorations as if it were a children's birthday party. Blitzø felt himself back in his childhood, in a similar setting.

“You did this…?” Loona asked.

Blitzø shook his head, entering hesitantly.

“It was Stolas…”

Same as in the past.

The former prince's head poked out of the kitchen, and his gaze softened at the sight of them. A few seconds later he walked towards them with a big smile on his lips. Blitzø had to control himself, so it wasn't obvious the way his gaze swept over the skinny pants and purple crop top with gold constellations all over it. Loona opened her mouth in surprise and didn’t move from her spot as Stolas approached and knelt in front of her offering her a series of sandwiches on a tray.

“Welcome, Loona, are you hungry?”

Loona took several steps back until she pushed herself against the corner. Blitzø slowly dropped the suitcase, ready to move in her direction, but Stolas took his hand and silently shook his head. Loona was looking at them, both of them, considerably alarmed.

“I think this is very new to her,” Stolas looked at all the decorations and then at the food. “Maybe I overdid it…”

Blitzø looked at Loona and recognized that look of vigilance. Dammit. He clung to Stolas's hand because he really wanted to run to his daughter and hug her.

It was all too good for Loona's standards. She was looking everywhere, expecting that something bad would happen, that this would be a trap for her to lower her defenses. Blitzø had acted much the same as a child when Stolas surprised him with a birthday party while at the circus his father had forbidden them to give him one.

“You overdid it, but in the right way,” Blitzø took the tray and placed it on the living room table, giving Loona room.

He wondered if Stolas would notice how such a simple decoration and food could affect people like him and Loona.

“Loony, don't you want to explore the house?”

She stared at him and then around. Her eyes were on the door, windows, and stairs, looking for other areas that she didn’t know what was there.

Loona was a survivor, after all.

“There is a back door in the kitchen and windows everywhere. I haven’t counted all. There's an attic and a basem*nt. Remember I told you I slept there?” Blitzø gave her the information she didn't know, pointing out each place. “Your room is upstairs. Do you want to see it?”

“Can I…?” Loona looked up the stairs and then back at them. “Are you sure?”

Stolas nodded, getting up and giving the girl space. Blitzø did the same, not erasing his smile to cheer her up.

“We'll be in the kitchen waiting,” Stolas cheered. “Octavia is taking a little nap in her room. You must excuse her, she had too much fun painting the decorations and needed to get some sleep.”

So that's why the colors were mixed.


“And you're okay with me going up...? Alone…?” Loona asked in disbelief.

Stolas reacted quickly, hiding the sadness in his eyes.

“Of course! This is your house. I'm not the kind of adult who needs to watch the kids all the time,” Stolas joked as if he hadn't realized what Loona's real question was. “If you need us, we'll be in the kitchen.”

Loona nodded but didn't move. Blitzø gave her an encouraging smile and headed for the kitchen, sensing Stolas behind him. As he had suspected, the moment they disappeared from her sight, Loona ran up the steps quickly. Blitzø took a deep breath, noticing the feast of burgers and fries Stolas had prepared. He raised an eyebrow.

Because it was the kind of thing Blitzø had taught him to enjoy when they were children.

“Are you going to tell me that kids these days don't eat these things?” Stolas put his hands on his hips.

“Of course not,” Blitzø snickered and sat down on the chair that had cushions for him. “I just didn't expect this.”

“I wanted Loona to feel welcome,” Stolas admitted, sitting down across from him.

“You didn't tell me you would, I wouldn't have taken her out for ice cream before we came,” Blitzø commented lightly.

“If I'm honest... It was something that occurred to me when you went to see her,” Stolas played with his hands nervously. “ I know it's your daughter... but...”

“Say it again,” Blitzø stared at him.

Stolas smiled softly and covered his hand with his, causing Blitzø to feel his cheeks heat up.

“Loona is your daughter.”

Blitzø took a deep breath and leaned his forehead against the table, feeling tears in his eyes.

At last.

After so many years.

After so many laws and conditions.

After so many things changed.

At last.

“Loona is my daughter,” Blitzø repeated to himself, feeling a lump in his throat. “My Looney. My perfect daughter…”

He heard Stolas move, the hand covering his disappearing, but Blitzø noticed the other demon kneeling beside him.

“Oh, Blitzø... Of course, she is your daughter,” Stolas promised, laying his hands on Blitzø's knee. “And I promise you, nothing and no one is going to separate you two.”

“I can't believe it…” He confessed.

“I felt the same way when I got custody of Octavia and we got here,” Stolas confessed. “Everything was new and there was so much to do, but all I could do was…” Crimson eyes moistened. “That they hadn't managed to take my Via away from me.”

“You always manage to make me feel that my reality is not so different from yours,” Blitzø scratched the table, not daring to look at Stolas.

“Because it is. We would do anything for our daughters.”

He began to laugh, feeling light and safe. Blitzø raised his head slightly so he could admire the other demon. Stolas looked oddly perfect sitting on his heels, his long fingers resting on Blitzø's knee and staring at him. The desire to stroke the soft feathers of his hair was booming. They were so soft, Blitzø remembered it vividly and knew that Stolas would immediately close his eyes. But instead, Blitzø rested his chin on the palm of his hand, avoiding his gaze.

“Are you serious…?” He noted the confusion on Stolas's face. “That nothing and no one will separate me from Loona. That's an excessively big promise, you know? You don't know what I did so I could adopt her,” Blitzø gave him a long look.

“Should I feel scared?” Stolas asked with a tilt of his face, without real concern.

“Perhaps,” Blitzø pricked up his ears, hearing Loona sneaking around the second floor in total stealth. That was his girl. “Since I saw Loona I had a strong connection with her.”

“I'm glad you decided to adopt and met her,” Stolas put his hands on his lap, not intending to move from the ground. Very attentive to that conversation.

“I wasn't planning to adopt. I didn't even want to have children. Loona and I…” Blitzø shook his head. “That's something for Loona to tell.” He decided. “But let's just say that she had run away and after some events, she was returned to where she came from. I followed them and…”

Blitzø stared at Stolas. How many demons didn't know what he was going to say? How many pretended it wasn't so weird?

“Loona didn't grow up in an orphanage, Stolas. She was in an animal shelter for hellhounds.”

He noted the discomfort in Stolas and the surprising flash of pain on his face. Blitzø turned to stare at him, letting the frustration of all those memories come back to him.

“I followed her. When they took her away, I had to follow them because everything was so weird. I walked into the shelter and…they didn't even have any rooms or space,” Blitzø cursed because even he had had a little of that in the circus. “Those were cells, with zero privacy and a bunch of puppies crammed into each cell. The direct from that place was another hellhound and despised my Loona…” Blitzø looked away, the memories were still there, like new. “She was locked up with other hellhounds. All violent, including her. They attacked her constantly and she knows how to defend herself, but there were too many of them and nobody did anything… Damn… One of those kids had a bat with nails covered in blood. My Loona's blood.”


He raised his hand, ordering him to stay there. He couldn't and didn't want to be touched at that moment. The memory was one of his strongest nightmares. The possibilities of what would have happened if he weren't the kind of demon who makes the worst possible decisions without thinking them through. The thought of what would have happened if he hadn't met Loona...

“I couldn't sit doing nothing. Yes, I could choose to adopt her and leave everything there. But I needed…” He shook his head. “I needed to do something. Horusas worked there as one of the caretakers. In my research, I learned that she really loved the hellhounds and hated what was happening,” Blitzø fixed his gaze on the kitchen counter, where a tray full of hamburgers was surrounded by a sea of fries. That could feed more than one child. “I moved influences. Every line I had and even the ones I didn't have. A friend of a friend orchestrated a gang war in the sector. Color explosions were everywhere. The hellhounds were evacuated. There were some losses,” Blitzø smirked, a murderous gleam lighting his eyes. “Some adults that no one will miss and that the kids rejoiced in losing.” He looked at Stolas and noted that instead of looking uncomfortable or indignant, he couldn't seem to tear his attention away from Blitzø and with each word he said, drawing closer. “My friend's friend? I may not be her favorite demon, but she's great with bombs. So... coincidentally the shelter exploded. Nothing was left standing.”

“Then how…?” Stolas whispered. “I know you wanted to go through the adoption process on your own, but that orphanage is very well known. Almost every celebrity goes there with a show.”

“I know. I have a huge debt with Vox, but my friend managed to convince him not to burden me with all the expenses when he founded the new orphanage and put Horusas as director,” Blitz smiled. “Vox is a business demon and is making millions from his little charitable gesture. He occasionally does a reality show on the spot and part of the deal is that the kids also get acting classes, and he can use them in his shows… I know it's not an idea, but you have to admit…”

“Of course…” Stolas looked at his hands. “Between a prison and an orphanage where they teach you to recite in prose... I think the latter is better, right?”

“Better than the circus, believe me. Also, have you seen that chef competition where the kids are the judges? You have to admit it's hilarious,” Blitzø laughed. “Never anger a hellhound puppy, they’re ruthless and could bite the hand that feeds them.”

Stolas found himself laughing. Sincerely laughing. His hand covered his beak, but his soft hoot was music to his ears.

“So that's the truth,” Blitzø shrugged. “That's why Loona... acts defensive.”

“It's understandable,” Stolas agreed. “I have seen some of the programs that are made in the orphanage, and I have never seen Loona.”

“She doesn't like to appear on camera,” Blitzø smirked. “They tried it once and she almost took the cameraman's head off.” He took a deep breath. “That's the truth… I know one day what I did with that shelter may come back to me. But I don't care. As you said, nothing and no one is going to separate me from my daughter. Besides, now that we’re married, I shouldn't hide anything from you.”

Stolas blushed visibly and laughed nervously, looking around.

“Every day you impress me more, Blitzø. Everything you did for Loona—”


They both looked at Octavia in her pajamas, with her hair completely messed up, and holding the hand of an embarrassed Loona who was a step behind.

“Happy! Happy!” The little girl sang pointing to the decorations on the ceiling.

“Oh, no my little owlette, I already told you. It's nobody's birthday,” Stolas explained, without getting up and thus managing to speak directly to his daughter. “It's a small detail for Loona.”

Octavia nodded and hugged Loona from the side, tensing the hellhound, who gave Blitzø an alarming look and pressed her hands to her chest. Years of abuse left anyone with raw injuries. Blitzø knew it. But he smiled at her to encourage Loona. Octavia would never hurt her. And maybe Blitzø couldn't hug his daughter yet, but Octavia could and that progress.

“Mine? Puppy!”

“Octavia! No!” Stolas looked at her in alarm, then cast an apologetic glance at Blitzø.

He felt the smile on his face forced. It wasn't Octavia's fault, that's why they got hellhounds, right? Labor or pets. No wonder she believed that Loona was there for the last.

How twisted Hell was.

Octavia clung closer to Loona, puffing out her cheeks.

“Mine!” She looked at them, ready to fight if necessary. “My sis!”

Blitzø almost slipped and hit the table. All the tension in his body melted away. In truth, the adults were the ones who always assumed wrong. Octavia had been referring to that all along. Of course, she was too young to be corrupted by social hierarchy and discrimination. After all, Octavia had been watching them prepare Loona's room these days, it was obvious she would have thought she was getting a sister.

Blitzø watched Loona blush excessively, now covering her face with her hands.

“I don't…” Loona whispered.

“I have no problem with it,” Stolas said quietly, speaking directly to Loona. “It's your decision.”

“Same here, Loony. You grew up with other children, you know that you can live with someone and not be your family,” Blitzø reminded her. For some reason, his heart was pounding. “But this is your home, I’m your dad and you can choose who else belongs to our family. I admit that the little nugget is adorable and cool enough to invite her to become part of our family. But Legs here.” He pointed his thumb at Stolas. “He's still on trial.”


“Stolas!” He playfully stuck his tongue out at him.

“Via!” Octavia jumped, clinging tightly to Loona, and looking at her expectantly.

“What…?” The other girl asked, looking at the adults.

“She won't stop looking at you until you say your name,” Stolas responded with amusem*nt. “It's a game we have.”

«Because apparently, we have games.» Blitzø thought, feeling his face hot.

“Uh…Loona?” His daughter said looking at Octavia not very convinced and was answered by a big hug from the other girl. “…it's okay.” She put one of her hands on the long feathers of Octavia's hair. “I guess... I can be the older sister.”

“Loo!” Octavia laughed happily.

Loona cast another doubtful look at Stolas, and Stolas gave a firm nod.

“Via…” And she stroked Octavia's hair with extreme care. “Hi…”

Blitzø felt his cheeks ache from smiling so hard. That was more than perfect. He knew Loona wasn't all sweetness and cuddling. Her life had been too hard, but Blitzø never thought he would feel so much peace seeing her smile like that toward another kid. At the orphanage, Loona had no friends, harboring resentment against the world for the previous years of abuse. But then again, it was Octavia, who seemed determined to be the cutest demon in existence. Blitzø glanced at Stolas and his heart sped up. The other demon had his hands covering his beak, admiring Loona and Octavia as if they were straight out of some angelic commercial. Absolutely adorable. Stolas stood up, brushing the nonexistent dust from his pants.

“Who wants to eat?” He asked, showing Loona the food, he had prepared.

“Oh, I'm starving,” Blitzø rubbed his hands together exaggeratedly to encourage Loona to say something.

Her daughter didn't, but she followed Octavia to the table. Stolas lifted the little girl into her highchair and Loona climbed up another chair, standing on it so she could comfortably reach. Stolas offered to find cushions, but Loona refused, claiming that she was starving, and the cushions were for small adults. Blitzø stuck out his tongue at her and was pleased to see her smile.

He found himself vibrating with excitement. This. This was exactly what he had wanted for his family. And when Stolas started taking pictures, Blitzø knew it would take twice as long to cross those out because he really wanted to be there.


You may not be interested in this little fact, but I find it fascinating:

I publish this fic in Spanish on Wattpad (...because it's the platform that the fandom uses, don't ask me) and in English here. Since I post a couple of days apart, I can see how a chapter affects my Spanish readers before posting the English version here. And I'm always fascinated by what hits the most between the two audiences. In my old fic Stolitz, the reaction of my Spanish readers was always more focused on the stepfather-stepdaughter relationship (Latin Americans, we have Historical Daddy Issues) while here it was the emotional development of the ship. Anyways, this chapter made my Spanish readers cry (joyful tears) to the point where some had to reread the chapter to appreciate other details.

Now I want to know what caught your attention.

Oh! In other Nocturna News! I plan to do a challenge for December, like in August. Ten fics, daily chapter, it will be five HB ships and five HH ships, are you interested?

Don't forget to check my socials and other works.

My Twitter.

Mmmm what social do you prefer? Yeah luv, Nocturna loves to ask you things, this is a two way relationship~

Chapter 7


Blitzo spends a lazy morning having an overly intense conversation with one of his favorite demons.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Loona looked hesitant as she clung to Horusas's hand. Usually, both of them were the same height, but Loona was shrinking, tightly clinging to the headmistress's arm. Blitzø felt like running to his daughter, picking her up, and hugging her tightly. Promising and swearing that everything would be all right. He just wanted to tell her that they would never be apart. But Horusas, much more expert in hellhounds, had told him not to make sudden movements if Loona had her fur up and her tail between her legs. Like at that moment. So, he waited, wearing his best smile.

Blitzø told himself that Loona wanted to go with him. She had been excited about the idea. So, it must be nervousness and nothing more.

Loona left the orphanage with very few possessions. Most of the clothes she had worn at the time would be passed on to another child. Loona had insisted that she didn't need any of those things. That didn't matter, Blitzø had bought enough clothes for Loona and was willing to take her for more if she didn't like any of them. The truth was that he had been doing that for a long time and for many of the clothes that he had bought at some point, he had had to sell again when it was obvious that they weren’t Loona's size.

Yes, he shouldn't have bought things without knowing how long the adoption process would take, but what was Blitzø supposed to do when he walked the streets and saw something he was absolutely sure his Loony was going to adore? Not buy it? Please!

Horusas came to him with a kind and practiced smile. But her eyes told a different story. There were no debts between them. Horusas had her orphanage. Blitzø has his daughter. But both were on good terms.

As Blitzø looked at Loona, he noticed her tail swishing rapidly, despite her tight-lipped face and the way she hugged herself.

“You came,” She whispered.

Blitzø raised his hands to the sky, pretending to stretch his muscles to do something with his hands instead of hugging Loona. Of course, he would be there! He was never going to fail her. Never.

He winked at her and pointed to his van.

“And we go! To our home.”

“Don't give her just sweets and junk food,” Horusas warned. “Remember that she has to go to school.”

“Ma'am, you aren’t going to tell me how to raise my daughter,” Blitzø replied, feeling the huge grin stretch across his cheeks.

Horusas rolled her eyes.

As Loona got into the van, he could swear that she was laughing with amusem*nt.


“When am I going to meet my…?” Angel Dust waved his hand in the air for a few seconds and then shared the cigarette with Blitzø “Goddaughter? Niece? I could be her mom, but you were afraid of success.”

Blitzø took the cigarette with his tail and drew it into his hand to smoke from it.

They were both lying on what was once Blitzø’s bed in his apartment. Now he was renting it to Angel for a much more affordable price than he would usually put on the market, but with the certainty that it was in good hands. Also, Angel's old apartment was a closet in Valentino's p*rn studio where not even Angel's new pet could stretch in the slightest.

Blitzø smiled dangerously, his head dangling off the bed and he took the cigarette in his hand to take a long puff, feeling the force of the nicotine feeding his senses. In return, he received a push from the sinner, but his tail closed on Angel's wrist to keep from dropping to the floor. Blitzø began to choke on the smoke and between coughs, he cursed Angel who seemed too amused laughing at his misfortune.

“Oh! Yes! Just afraid of success!” Blitzø managed to say sarcastically enough, without really feeling annoyed. “Mom is trying to kill dad!”

“It's because of the millions you have. I'm high maintenance, baby,” Angel joked, reaching over to Blitzø to retrieve the cigarette.

“If it's any consolation, I would have chosen you first if it wasn't for the stupid law that the couple who was going to adopt must be hellborns,” Blitzø “Is that racist? It feels racist.”

“Actually, I think it's because you guys have a life cycle and we sinners are stuck like this until an Exorcist kills us a second time,” Angel pondered. “It must be strange to adopt someone who you know will die in a few decades and you will still be here…”

Was it the same with their friendship? Was Angel thinking about the fact that he would see Blitzø die in the future?

“If you call Loona your niece, doesn't that make us brothers?” Blitzø ventured, raising his head.

“Oh kinky,” Angel rolled him onto his belly and slapped him. “Am I picking up some «Oh, stepbrother, I'm stuck in the washing machine»?”

“Shut up, asshole.”

Angel just laughed louder. Blitzø chuckled and playfully kicked Angel away from him, managing to sit up on the bed. He retrieved the cigarette and pointed to the closet.

“Look, the second board on the floor lifts. There you can store money without Valentino finding it,” Blitzø took a long puff, letting the smoke slowly escape toward the ceiling. “Hopefully and you can buy a better bed.”

“Oh, stepbrother!” Angel rested both sets of arms on his chest. “You’re always taking care of me.”

“f*ck you,” Blitzø chuckled, handing him the cigarette. “And don't come at me with «Oh we already did that» bullsh*t.”

“I swear, having sex with you is the most narcissistic thing I've ever done,” Angel fixed his hair pretending indifference.

“I don't know…” Blitzø gave him a long look. “The only thing I hear is that I would do well as a p*rn star.”

“Extraordinary, but I'm going to stop jerking off your ego,” Angel stretched with an almost adorable yawn. “And, yes, I know, I’m good at jerking you off. You don’t have to say it, baby.”

Blitzø closed his mouth at the lost joke and instead preferred to return to the subject.

“Hey, when you have free time I can bring Loona and we can go for a coffee,” Blitzø shot him a look. “Don't think you're going to save yourself. Raising children is a joint effort, you know?”

Jokes aside, Angel gave him one of his sweetest smiles and nodded, getting off the bed and going into the other room for Fat Nuggets. Blitzø reached for his boxers and finished his cigarette before the sound of little paws reached him. He could feel Angel's concern in the air. Blitzø thought how absurd the rules of the living were and how they followed sinners there.

“I've told Loona about you.”

He could hear Angel freeze in place. At times like this, the sinner reminded him a little of Stolas. That sweet, vulnerable side that didn't override how strong he was. Of course, with Angel, it was something that only came to the surface when he was with someone he trusted because Hell had hit him enough times that, like Blitzø, he wouldn't give satisfaction to any bastard who crossed his path.

“What did you tell her?” Angel took Fat Nuggets and hugged him to his chest as he sat on the bed.

“The truth and that we are friends. As well as bragging about how I meet celebrities and therefore am unbelievably cool,” Blitzø smirked at the confusion in the other demon. “Angus, relax. She's seven years old. Obviously, she already had the deadly sins talk.”

Angel turned his face away, blinking rapidly. Blitzø could feel the stigma of the world of the living on the sinner, blinding him to everything. No, not just about Angel, but among sinners. That ridiculous prejudice over that sex workers were treated as low class. Blitzø sometimes wondered if Lucifer enjoyed keeping his sinners in the dark as the god in heaven did their creations.

“Loona understands about sex, prostitution, p*rn, and eroticism,” Blitzø used his tail to pat Angel on the back. “I don't know how many times I have to remind you that we have incubus and succubi. Demons of lust that are born, grow and exist here. Yes, yours is a profession. But here the children don’t listen to nonsense like that sex is between two people who love each other or is the exclusive product of lust. We also don’t hide the subject from them because it would mean denying the existence of an entire demonic race. Which is as stupid. Your work is equal to others. More glamorous since it's linked to a couple of sins directly. Only your pimp makes you believe it's something low-class. Loona thinks you are the best.”

Blitzø had already told him that, but he didn't mind repeating himself. If he could, he would kill that moth. But one thing at a time.

“Are you serious…?” Angel whispered because apparently, that information was new to him.

Not the subject of the demons of lust, but of education in children.

Of course, Blitzø hadn't been seen in the scenario of having to discuss parenting with Angel.

“Of course, I'm serious!” He rolled his eyes. “Loona wants to meet you.”

Angel was cordially invited to become involved in his daughter's life. Books about hellhounds pointed out the importance of a pack and how vital it was that the pups had adults to guide and protect them as well as interact with other children their age.

But for now, it was just Blitzø and Loona.


Stolas and Octavia were also there.

Both of the Goetia demons had intruded into their lives with their sweet smiles and unconditional affection that if it weren't for Loona, Blitzø would be ready to run away. But it was all for his daughter.

Watching television with Stolas or telling stories to Octavia and Loona was a calculated strategy to give his daughter the best childhood. That included a pack.

None of this was for Blitzø's benefit. It's not like he needed a family.

That's why it would be good if Angel was included in the formula. Even if it was sporadically. His presence would add to the animosity factor within the family that was building up for Loona.

Angel would help remind Blitzø that Stolas was like Angel: a friend. Nothing more. It didn't matter how much the former prince distracted him or how good it felt to make a life with him.

A soft purr escaped Blitzø's lips as Angel's sharp nails caressed the space between his horns. He felt sleepy again and fell back on the bed. Blitzø had some time, he still had a few hours before the girls woke up. A nap didn't sound so bad.

“Just don't call me stepbrother again,” Blitzø ordered with his eyes closed. “You may be Loona's uncle, but no brotherhood between us.”

The sinner laughed derisively.

“And have you talked to Verosika?” Angel asked, laying Fat Nuggets on Blitzø's belly. “Has she even talked to Loona? I swear to god, when you told me that Loona was a Verosika fan, I was ready to threaten your girlfriend to be nice to your kid.”

Blitzø shook his head, carelessly petting the little pig. They were only a few months old and had been the perfect excuse for Valentino to let Angel go to a bigger apartment. That and certain gang wars that had coincidentally affected the studio's basic services repeatedly. Blitzø smirked. Angel was a cunning bastard with a face worth millions. And as much as Blitzø wanted to gouge out Cherri Bomb's eye, she knew how to start chaos.

Not as well as him, of course.

“I know that Verosika is not your favorite person,” Blitzø commented.

“...that bitch thinks she's better than me,” Angel pointed, lying down next to him. “And many people think they are. What bothers me is that the slu*t thinks she’s more important than me in your life and constantly tries to separate us. And we are friends! Yes, we f*ck but come on! She f*ck her friends too.” He sounded frustrated. “I f*cking hate her.”

Jealousy was a serious thing with Verosika. There was a pattern there. Blitzø hardly had any friends. Actually, the only one he had left was Angel Dust and they could barely see each other because of the sinner's chaotic schedule. Sometimes the only way to see him was to hire him. Which wasn't a problem, Valentino forced Angel to sell himself excessively cheap to humiliate him, so snatching him away for a few hours was totally accessible. They usually had sex. They were always looking to have something they both enjoyed. That was the true meaning of friends with benefits. And Verosika hated that complicity.

She had been abandoned so many times, that like Blitzø, she was always waiting for the moment when history would repeat itself.

For better or worse, now it was Verosika who had left. Maybe some kind of psychologist would say that this was progress.

“She’s in the living world. I won't see her too much,” Blitzø opened one eye to see the little pig on his chest staring at him. “Loona deserves stability.”

“You deserve stability,” Angel rolled his eyes.

“I know that it’s normal for you to give love advice to your clients,” Blitzø said aloud. “But I don't remember paying for Doctor Love.”

“Okay, asshole, you live in denial. I don't care,” Angel stuck his tongue out at him. “And how is family life with Stolas? From the pics you have sent me, you guys look amazing.”

“The garden looks better,” Blitzø shrugged.

“I swear, if you keep getting defensive, I'm going to order my baby to castrate you,” Angel crossed his arms, using both sets of arms. “Hell is going to have a big loss.”

Why did sinners prefer to have demon-eating pets?

“…everything's fine,” Blitzø whispered.

Angel stretched out and glared at him.

“Is this what you are teaching your daughter? Get defensive?”

“Ouch!” Blitzø shot him a look. “That was low, dickhe*d!”

Angel smirked.

Damn bastard.

“Are you going to respond like an adult, or do you need me to keep shaking you emotionally?”

“«Are you going to respond as an adult, or do you need me to keep shaking you emotionally?»” Blitzø imitated without a hint of maturity in his voice. “Said the one who a few hours ago just wanted to eat Dino Nuggets or make anolinis from scratch. And when I told you we could get frozen ravioli because they're technically the same thing, you almost kicked me out of here.”

“Don’t remind me that. I can't believe you use the time we've known each other to find new ways to insult me, you f*cking jerk,” Angel stopped complaining when something crossed his eyes and he looked at him excitedly. “So…”

“What…?” Blitzø asked not so sure.

“I'll be able to teach Loona how to cook! Delicious American-Italian dishes.”


“You can teach Octavia too. When she grows up,” Blitzø stopped realizing what he was doing and felt his cheeks heat up at Angel's tricky smile.

Bastard and cunning sinner with a face worth millions.

“Sure, I'm going to teach my nieces how to cook,” Angel replied maliciously. “Wait… Stolas won't have a problem with that? The little girl is still part of royalty. Maybe he doesn't want to see her get involved with a cheap f*ck with long legs.”

Blitzø preferred not to argue. That was a losing battle because of Valentino. No matter how many times they talked about it, Valentino could easily use the insecurities of mortal life to make Angel feel like he was going to stain whatever good thing there was. Blitzø noticed Angel's look of doubt, so similar to Stolas's when he looked lost. Perhaps Blitzø had a soft spot for pretty faces, strong demons, and wounded hearts.

Especially when the image of Octavia wearing a chef's hat and Loona with her own kitchen apron seemed like a perfect postcard.

“No, surely Stolas will want you to teach him. He likes to learn things and loves to cook. Like… It makes him happy,” Blitzø shrugged nonchalantly. “You have to give him a shake because sometimes he gets complicated with everything he learned in the upper class. But I think he has potential. Besides, who better than demons like us to corrupt him?” He held out his hand in his direction and Angel smiled dangerously —like the demon who could easily take out multiple demons in high heels that he was— and fist-bumped him. “You are going to be a good uncle. Don't stress, Angus.”

“I know, but look, I can promise you there won't be any drugs around the girls or—”

“Angel Dust,” Blitzø waved his arms to cover the entire room: discarded clothes everywhere, toys of all kinds, various condoms, and some waste towels on the floor. “I contributed to all this, and I don't feel less of a father. Just relax.” He closed his eyes. “You'll do fine. And if you make a mistake, I'll slap you on the back of your head, right on the heart mark you have there. But you must do the same with me.”

“Do you want me to give you a slap on the mark that you have in the shape of a heart?” Angel scoffed. “Because that's not on your neck.”

“Oh, f*ck you!”

Blitzø could feel Angel relax next to him and the sinner lay down again. Fat Nuggets pressed his icy nose against Blitzø's sternum, and he knew Angel was petting his pet. That felt good. In his life in the circus, there had the bases of being able to create families formed among friends, but his father had contaminated everyone. Now Blitzø could do better. He was going to be better. He wasn't just going to give Loona a pack, but multiple safe places. He just had to… make friends. Good friends. Surrounding himself with demons who were good to Loona and could take care of her from this society that treated imps, regular sinners, and hellhounds like they were disposable. Especially the last ones.

He was going to keep his daughter safe.

“I try. I have tried many times,” Angel whispered, somewhat sleepy beside him. “When you're making a mistake I really try to make you listen to me…” He clarified. “But you don't listen to me, silly.”

Blitzø knew who he meant. Before it was easy to dodge that. Since Angel was usually busy, Blitzø had only Verosika and her gang for company. The past couldn't catch him if people surrounded him. And even when they were alone, he and Verosika knew what they had to do so that the silence wouldn’t be filled with their respective pasts. The idea of leaving Verosika, who was the only one who could understand the most destroyed part of his mind, meant being left alone with his past.

Angel pressed against his side, hugging him against his chest. Blitzø followed the movement, lying on his side and guiding Fat Nuggets into the space between them. He didn't need therapy. No, he needed a soft chest to bury himself in so it would make him purr. Like Stolas's.

For f*ck’s sake…


Blitzø didn't need his brain to tell him that he now had someone else besides Angel Dust. That Stolas would be fine with Blitzø wanting to just crawl into his bed and sleep against his chest. He didn't need to think about that when everything was so new. It was easy to fix everything for Loona, but when it came to him… No, Blitzø didn't have the energy to think about it.

“As Loona's uncle, I think I deserve to meet the famous Stolas to find out if he's good for her,” Angel whispered softly. “You know, for Loona.”

Of course, only for her.

Blitzø made a small groan as an agreement because he didn't care!

…Or he would have to admit that a part of him wanted Angel and Stolas to get along.


I like to believe that Blitzø and Angel Dust have these kinds of multiple conversations at the same time. They interrupt one, jump to another, go back to the first, start a third, and so on.

Also, now you can see the sovereign effort that Blitzo has in front of the girls and Stolas to not constantly say insults. He seriously tries to be a good parental figure.

I have the HC that Blitzø and Cherri don't get along because they are alike in many ways, so they are jealous of each other. But they love Angel so much.

Fat Nuggets is just a baby here. A lovely baby. The cutest baby pig in the world!

The anecdote of the anolinis and ravioli is based on real events. Never tell an Argentine (who has strong Italian ancestry) that frozen pasta is the same as fresh and that one type of pasta is the same as another. I almost got kicked out of the apartment that day hahahaha

Check out what I'll be posting during December in my prompt list HERE.

Don't forget to check my socials and other works.

My Twitter.

Chapter 8


Octavia visits the park for the first time.

It can be said that it was a colorful experience.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Early in the morning, a weekend, and the girls were awake. It was a good day for gardening. Perfect weather, zero clouds, and increasing heat. Some demons were taking advantage of the pleasant weather in the surrounding houses. Of course, Blitzø planned to take the opportunity to do everything except deal with the terrifying jungle that inhabited the front garden. Fortunately, he had the best excuse in all Hell and he was going to make the most of it.

Blitzø leaned against his van, lowering his glasses.

“Are you sure…?” Stolas protectively hugged Octavia to his side.

“Oct is going to grow roots,” Blitzo repeated. “And we’re just going to the park.”


Blitzø tapped his pistol strapped to his hip. He pulled it out, twirled it between his fingers, and put it back in two seconds. Stolas looked at him in shock and a small smile formed on his beak. He smirked and winked at Stolas, who blushed visibly, tilting his head to the side. Octavia put her hands on her father’s face and laughed in amusem*nt at Stolas’s expression.

Sometimes Blitzø had the desire to take out his phone and take a couple of pictures of those two.

He cleared his throat and crossed his arms.

That was ridiculous.

Loona was standing next to Blitzø and pushed his face, making a gagging sound. He took his daughter’s hand and chuckled at the annoyance in her eyes.

“It’s not that I don’t trust you,” Stolas hugged Octavia tighter. “I know you could win against any demon.”

“Actually, he can take on a bunch of gangsters,” Loona contributed, rising her eyebrow. “But with me, he could with a small mob.”

“You heard Loony, with her I can win against an organized criminal group,” Blitzø rested his hands on his hips, puffing out his chest. “Tavy couldn’t be in better hands.”

Stolas laughed against his hand.

“I’m sure you two can do that and more. But the people who would try to go after Via might have magic…” He explained, combing Octavia’s feathers lovingly.

“And she doesn’t have a strong protection spell? The kind that could stop angelic weapons? All that conjured up by your own father?” Blitzø looked at Loona and pretended to whisper. “A very attractive demon but one who understands less of the real world than Legs here.”

Which seemed to have made it his personal mission to wear the tightest pants in all of Hell, at this rate Blitzø was going to need to call Angel for another date. If he planned to live here in peace he was going to have to overcome his weakness for long and attractive legs capable of anchoring to his hips.

«Explosions. Think explosions.»

“You are so unfair…” Stolas pouted, playing with Octavia’s hand. “Yes, she has a protective spell, but you two could get hurt…”

Blitzø and Loona laughed mockingly, and quickly their laughter became almost hysterical.

“I’m serious!” Stolas hit the ground with his talon.

Loona and he laughed again. It didn’t help when Octavia joined in their laughter, provoking a sound of indignation from Stolas.

“Oh! You are incorrigible.”

“You must trust us,” Blitzø pointed at him and Loona. “We are fighters. Via is going to be safe with us.”

His daughter nodded vigorously.

The former prince knelt down and lowered Octavia to the ground. He looked defeated but with a small smile on his peak.

“Okay… I trust your… abilities. But be careful.”

Loona didn’t miss the opportunity to run over to Octavia and took her hand. Blitzø bit his tongue to keep from crying with excitement because he was supposed to be an adult. Loona was taking her role very seriously in the little pack they had put together in that house. Especially when it came to protecting Octavia. And the little owl adored her above all. Blitzø had ceased to be a novelty to Octavia by the time Loona arrived, but he didn’t mind. After all the mistreatment and loneliness Loona had had among her peers, it was nice to see her so devoted to someone else.

Loona was wearing a black dress with phases of the moon encircling her waist. In contrast, Octavia wore bubblegum pink overalls with a white t-shirt underneath. Stolas was a fan of letting his daughter choose what she could wear, sometimes ending up with something too garish to Blitzø’s delicate eyes. The former prince gave his daughter one of those backpacks with a strap, this one bright yellow in the shape of a star, so Blitzø was going to be able to find her even in a stampede.

Loona took the leash with a smirk.

“Will she still have to use the bathroom, or will the bushes be fine for her?”

“Oh, very funny,” Stolas crossed his arms, not really angry. “But if you keep acting so clever, I’ll get you a backpack just like this one.”

“Are you going to put a leash on a hellhound? That’s discrimination,” Loona pointed her finger at Stolas and when she saw the guilt in the other demon’s eyes, she laughed aloud. “Just kidding, relax.”

“Loony don’t mortify Stolas. I’m the one who has to comfort him afterward,” Blitzø scoffed and tapped the van. “Are we going to leave or what?”

“Yes!” Octavia began to pull Loona towards the van.

Blitzø helped them up and looked at Stolas, visibly nervous but with an encouraging smile. The straw hat was a ridiculous thing on his head and the red Loo Loo Land T-shirt was so ragged it fell off his pretty shoulder. He wanted to bite Stolas right there because most of the clothing the demon wore showed off his shoulders.

Blitzø cleared his throat.

«Explosions. Big and deadly explosions»

“Please be careful,” Stolas begged. “And if the neighbors say or do something…”

“Relax, Legs. The park is here. I’m not even going to take them out,” Blitzø gave a thumbs up. “You fix the garden so Loona will stop telling me about ghosts.”

“Even if he removes the corpses, the dead will not go away!” Loona yelled into his ear because she had rolled down the window.

Blitzø leaped forward, yelling at the top of his lungs.

“Loona!” Stolas rested his hands on his hips.

“You are not my father.” She crooned, her chin on the edge of the window. “Nor my agent.”

Stolas rolled his eyes and Blitzø raised his hands in surrender.

“Just… I beg you. Take care of the garden.” He gripped his hands and took multiple steps back around the van. “I don’t want to mess with your creativity, but how about something cute?” Blitzø started. “Something happy? Alive?”

“I know what I’m doing, Blitzø,” Stolas arranged the feathers to the height of his bare shoulder. “You don’t have to worry.” He shot him a look and a know-it-all grin tugged at his beak. “The result will be to your liking.”

Blitzø swallowed and looked away.

«Big explosions Fire! Destroyed public property.»

“I know. I know. I also know what I do. Just relax.” He jumped into the driver’s seat and started the van.

Loona pulled Octavia onto her lap so she could say goodbye to Stolas. Despite being talkative and defiant, it was obvious that she didn’t really hate Stolas. Sure, he wasn’t Verosika Mayday, but Stolas had his good things, like tons of patience, a love for cooking, being incredibly affectionate, and he was cute in his clumsiness.

Well, maybe that last one was something that Blitzø and not Loona considered.

“How do you think he learned to cook?” Loona asked aloud. “I would never have believed that someone like him would know how to prepare food.”

“Someone like him?” Blitzø asked, driving slowly, and looking at all the houses similar to Stolas’s.

It was a different routine on the weekends, he would have to memorize it to spot things out of the ordinary.

“A high-class rich man?” Loona pointed.

“I taught him a few things when we were kids, and his personal butler would let us be in the kitchen when the chef made something,” Blitzø shrugged. “Maybe that’s where he learned.”

Loona looked at Octavia on her lap and hugged her more protectively.

“Was it so bad to live in a palace? Although you two have good anecdotes, you always look tense when talking about that time.”

“Stolas was thrown into an arranged engagement with Octavia’s mother,” Blitzø clung to the wheel. He still remembered Stolas’s uncontrollable crying and how scared he looked after every «play date» with his fiancée. “Believe me, it was like watching a child waiting for his day of execution. Besides, his father despised everything that made Stolas be, well, him. Paimon wanted his son to be perfect, a perfect puppet and to hide his emotions. Everyone expected Stolas to turn into a terrifying and powerful demon. But…” Blitzø shrugged. “Obviously they failed to transform the nerdy kid into a tyrant.”

“I understand…” Loona kept looking at Octavia. “I don’t think any demon would give up a life of luxury for their daughter to be free.”

That was new. Was his Loony interested in Stolas’s life…?

“You would have to ask him,” Blitzø stopped in front of the park and parked the van. “All right! Time to make this place our bit— “ He stopped, shooting Octavia a look. “Our place.”

“Yes, well saved,” Loona opened the door and kicked it, helping Octavia to the ground and jumping to her side. “Hand.” She ordered.

And Octavia gave it to her. Loona clung on tight, encircling the girl’s wrist in a somewhat awkward way with her little finger.

The park was spacious and well-kept, with different games for children and benches for adults to sit there.

The problem was that the place was surrounded by people Blitzø knew well. No, not personally, but their kind. Demons that were important and had fallen from grace. Not quite enough to end up asking for money at Pride but low enough to get caught up there, away from the analytical gaze of fame and glamour. Some must be dirty secrets and others the embarrassments of their families. That kind of exile often led to them competing and destroying each other in their own game of personal suffering. To be special among the wretched.

Octavia, utterly indifferent to the pretentious looks and the way others seemed to judge them, ran towards the games, pulling Loona with her. Blitzø kept his distance and watched his surroundings. Three adults in different areas cast condescending glances at Loona. Two couples began to whisper among themselves pointing at Octavia. Blitzø crossed his arms and looked after the girls to find Octavia taking small steps back, away from the games where there were too many children. In contrast, Loona was looking at everyone intently, her tail raised and straight, showing that she was alert, even though her demeanor was visibly indifferent.

Little by little.

Octavia needed to get used to being with other children. Blitzø didn’t expect her to make any friends that day but just being there was already a great victory. Damn, he was an adult, and being surrounded by so many pretentious strangers had his spines raised and alert. The majority there were Ars Goetia demons, mainly avians. But Blitzø also noticed the imp servants and nannies. Actually, it was a miracle that Paimon hadn’t selected an imp to take care of Stolas’s house. That guy thought so low of his own son that he most likely believed that Stolas didn’t know how to breathe, much less raise a girl. But, as always, Paimon was wrong.

And in all honesty, Blitzø wasn’t necessary for that equation. Stolas was a smart and cultured guy. He would have figured out what was wrong with Octavia eventually. Technically Blitzø was taking advantage of his hospitality and passing it off as a favor. It’s not like he regretted it either.

A howl of pain made him leave his head.

“Loona!” Blitzø felt his heart race as he noticed his daughter covering her face with one hand as she snarled at a group of children. One of those brats had a ball in their hand and was smiling mockingly, hiding their fear.

He began to run in her direction, panicking even more when Octavia stepped protectively in front of Loona. She was very young, and those children seemed to find it amusing to mock them. Maybe the spell could protect her physically, but what if those bastards said something horrible? Loona took Via’s overalls so she wouldn’t walk away but something happened. Blitzø couldn’t hear what it was. But the leader of the children said something that upset Loona more and he tried to throw the ball at her again.

And Octavia screamed like a banshee as her magenta eyes lit up with more force and two f*cking rays came out of the girl’s eyes.

“Oh no…” Blitzø dodged the kids who started running in all directions trying to reach his girls.

Loona was crouched on the ground, covering her ears at the piercing scream and Octavia began to move in utter panic, burning everything around her. Some games collapsed easily when lightning sliced through them, and trees caught fire in a deep magenta color. Blitzø slid across the ground, reaching the games, and rolled to the side lest the feet of so many panicking birds crush him alive. He kicked a woman who tried to throw her purse at Octavia, because honestly? Who does that? And he had to jump over some abandoned toys to get to the girls.

Perhaps it wasn’t the most orthodox method.

And surely it was a horrible idea.

But no one had taught him what to do when a powerful baby demon had a power crisis.

So Blitzø silenced the scream first, covering Octavia’s peak with his hand and moving the little girl’s head so that it would point to the sky and stop burning everything down.

“You’re scaring her!” Loona got up and tried to make him let go.

“Loona, no! Keep your distance, you can get hurt,” Blitzø turned his back on her and fell to his knees, covering Octavia with his body and guiding her head so that she aimed her eyes at the sand on the ground. “Oct, it’s me…”

Loona shook him desperately, but he held his ground. He covered all of Octavia’s senses with his presence. There was no park, no noise. Just them. Blitzø began to rock back and forth, as his sister used to do in childhood when he had a nightmare and hugged him. Octavia stopped fighting but the lightning in her eyes continued to set the arena on fire. Loona’s grip on his arm ceased to be violent but her claws were tight on him.

“That was amazing, Tavy,” Blitzø whispered and gently removed his hand from the girl’s beak and wrapped his arms around her waist instead. “You defended Loony from those…” He cut himself off in time “…kids.”

Octavia clung to his hand. She was visibly shaking, and her entire body acted like a big lung inflating and deflating ridiculously fast. Blitzø took a deep breath, exaggerating the gesture so Octavia could feel it, and let the air out through his mouth. He was burning in that position. Technically Blitzø was looking directly into a bonfire or a laser beam. But he didn’t let go.

“B…” Octavia sobbed. “Dad…?” She wanted to look around, looking for Stolas but Blitzø held her in place, breaking his heart as she cried harder. “Please…”

“I know… I know…” He continued to move gently. “But I need you to turn off the pretty lights. Do you think you can do it?”

“No…” Octavia whispered, and her voice was shaking. “Dad…”

The sound of her tears evaporating at the contact of the magenta rays that came from her big eyes was devastating. He hugged her more protectively.

“Take a deep breath, sweetheart,” Blitzø guided her in the movement. “I’m sure your dad is going to be impressed with what you did today. His little girl used her incredible powers on her own. Who could have guessed? So smart! How about we go for ice cream after this? What is your favorite? I usually try different ones, but now I’m obsessed with a mint coffee for some reason. The store is not far, and the prices are reasonable.”

Octavia chuckled at hearing him babble so fast and he smiled victoriously. For a few seconds, the rays lost intensity.

“Do you think your dad wants ice cream? I bet he would want something healthy, like blackberries or pumpkin,” Blitzø an exaggerated sound of disgust. “Or just water.”

Octavia laughed again, and this time the lightning lost its intensity.

“What is your favorite? A cool one, right?” He hugged her closer to his body. “Chocolate? Via, you look like someone who loves chocolate.”

“Yes!” Octavia laughed and the rays disappeared “B! B! Look!”

“Yes!” Blitzø celebrated, thanking each king in each Ring because he could swear his face was burned from being so close to the heat. “Oh, look at this…” He tried to touch the spot where she had been looking but had to pull his hand away from the magical heat. Blitzø reached into his pocket and took out a handkerchief, taking from the sand a transparent glass with magenta and pink lines. “Cool! Just look at this beauty.”

“Blitzø…?” Loona tugged at his arm. “I think we should go.”

He looked up and noticed that a small riot of demons had formed around them.

Not counting the fire and total destruction of the park.

Or the smoke rising.

And the sound of firefighters in the distance.

Blitzø glanced at Loona, and she nodded. He pulled Octavia against his body, hiding her head in the space between his shoulder and neck. They started walking, Loona defiantly baring her fangs at the crowd and Blitzø with his hand resting firmly on his revolver. Nobody said anything. But the looks of utter disdain were enough to make Octavia cry again if she could even see them. She didn’t deserve that reaction. Blitzø escorted the girls back to the van and helped them into it before running to the driver’s seat. He started driving and decided to get out of that stupid neighborhood full of pompous demons.

They deserved ice cream.

“You were very brave.”

He caught up to hear Loona speak to Octavia in a whisper. Blitzø felt his heart sink at the sight of the two girls snuggled. Octavia climbed onto Loona’s lap and touched her own eyes as if to confirm that lightning was no longer coming from there. Both were covered in sand but without any visible wounds. Not even the ball had left any mark other than on Loona’s pride. But that hadn’t stopped Octavia from defending her older sister.

What was Stolas going to say when he found out what had happened?

Would he be angry with him?

No one had been hurt but the neighbors would surely be upset.

“Very brave,” Loona repeated. “Like a superheroine.”

“Super?” Via blinked slowly.

“Someone with superpowers!” Loona smiled proudly and started talking about a TV series she liked where a group of seven friends, who acted more like a family, fought against humans and angels to protect Hell with the powers that the kings of each Ring had given them.

It was obvious that Octavia understood absolutely nothing but was still paying absolute and devoted attention to Loona and everything she said. He had never heard of that show and didn’t even know it was Loona’s favorite but surely Vox had produced it. Blitzø parked the van in front of the shop he had mentioned to Octavia and bought two ice creams for the girls and another two to take away. He turned back and smiled as he noticed that they hadn’t even noticed him gone, so wrapped up in their little game inspired by the TV show. So Blitzø gave them napkins and handed them their ice creams. One in a cup for Octavia, another in a cone for Loona. His daughter immediately focused on helping Via not get so dirty while eating her ice cream.

“And for you?” Loona asked.

“I’ll eat mine with Stolas,” Blitzø responded with a shrug. “I can’t drive and enjoy my well-deserved ice cream at the same time.”

“Yeah, sure…” Loona rolled her eyes.

But before he could say something, his daughter snuggled into his side and Octavia pressed herself against her.

“In the park… you knew what to do,” Loona whispered.

“I’m doing my best, Loony,” He admitted because he didn’t think he would run with the same luck every time.

“You deserve your ice cream.”

Blitzø felt a huge smile come to his lips, but he didn’t say anything. He didn’t want to ruin the moment by saying something ridiculous that would upset his daughter. Especially since Loona resumed her superhero game with Octavia and she was still there, next to him, because she wanted to.

The idea of driving for hours was tempting. Even though the two girls stained the seats of his van with ice cream. But Stolas’s ice cream was going to end up melting, and not everyone enjoyed ice cream soup. So he drove back and when he could see the house, he whistled in surprise.

“Oh, how boring!” Loona complained.

“Cute!” Octavia jumped on the seat.

The garden looked amazing. Flowering bushes, small trees, and grass were perfect. There was enough space for the girls to run around and enough plants for Stolas to entertain himself. And speaking of the former prince, he was sitting in one of the four white chairs that surrounded a small garden table and drinking what must have been tea. Blitzø rolled his eyes and parked the van.

Stolas greeted the girls, mentioning that they should wash their hands, and Loona offered to help Octavia, letting them run inside. Blitzø took the ice cream containers, advanced to the table, and set them down in front of the other demon.

“Choose your poison. Although we can eat both,” Blitzø sat to the left of Stolas. “Because I have a lot to tell you.”

“About the fire?” Stolas peered at the containers and smiled at the contents.

“Did you hear?”

Stolas pointed to the magenta smoke in the distance.

“I heard.”

“Why didn’t you call me?” Blitzø took a spoonful from one of the containers and enjoyed the rich coffee flavor.

“Because I trust you,” Stolas took one of the plastic spoons and tried the other ice cream, pistachio, and chocolate. “Oh, this is delicious.”

“I always choose lovely things,” Blitzø winked and put the glass Octavia had created on the table. It still radiated power.

“Fascinating,” Stolas put down his spoon and took the object. “You can feel the magic of our family here... It’s…” The demon rested the glass against his chest and closed his eyes. “It’s... Octavia’s mark.”

“It’s magic rays on the sand in a playground. Immensely powerful rays,” Blitzø pointed his spoon at him. “You look very relaxed.”

“I admit that I panicked when I saw the fire and almost ran to look for you,” Stolas stroked the glass. “But… You’re right, we must trust each other to raise our daughters and Octavia has her seals. I didn’t hear any shots so…” Stolas laughed into his palm. “I concluded that one of Octavia’s powers was unleashed and I was curious whether or not you could handle it.”

Sly pretty face…

“This has happened before, and it never crossed your mind to give me a f*cking instruction manual?” Blitzø accused but was smiling.

For some reason, it felt good that Stolas trusted him and believed him capable of handling Octavia’s powers.

“Oh! Dear, no. That had never happened. I assume it was his magical vision that activated due to fire being involved. I was able to access that power many years later and under hours of training,” Stolas smiled proudly. “You must tell me everything! Did you take photos?”

“Only superpowered demons would react like it’s absolutely no big deal for their kids to destroy things,” Blitzø denied and tried the other container. “Damn, this is really good.”

“It is,” Stolas tasted the coffee ice cream and sighed with delight. “Oh, Blitzø… This is delicious.”

And those sounds went right into his pants. He cleared his throat to keep from making three innuendoes and a couple of dirty jokes.


They were friends.

“Are you sure you’re not going to get mad?”

“You and Loona are safe,” Stolas waved his hand in the air. “The rest is collateral damage from a healthy growth curve in Octavia’s powers.”

Sometimes Blitzø forgot that the demon in front of him, capable of creating beautiful gardens and cooking delicious food, was also a powerful being and capable of destroying hundreds of lives without remorse. Blitzø was simply on the right side of an Ars Goetia demon.

“Ready to hear how your little daughter stood up for Loony and ruined her first public property?”

“You’re definitely influencing her,” Stolas joked.

“They grow up so fast, I know,” Blitzø winked at him and began to speak, hiding nothing. Not lying or omitting details because Stolas heard him, asked the right questions, especially about the well-being of Loona and Blitzø, and spoke badly of the other adults who dared to judge them when it wasn’t Octavia’s fault that her powers were superior to those of the other children. Blitzø found himself laughing at Stolas’s curious arrogance.

Their first excursion away from home hadn’t been that big of a disaster.


Stolas trusted him.

Blitzø could live with that.


I bring you an order of Daddy Issues.

Fun fact, as the idea for this chapter I wrote "Back off, I have a baby and I don't know how to use her!" and Blitzo pointing Octavia at the people around them.

I hope you liked the chapter.

Don't forget to check my socials and other works.

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Chapter 9


Stolas and Loona have an important conversation


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Blitzø opened his eyes and checked the time. It was three in the morning. What time had he gone to sleep? After the park, the girls had insisted on playing in the garden and while Stolas made dinner, he had started tidying up the clothes while Loona and Octavia watched tv, then they had eaten, and drew... Blitzø was supposed to train but had stayed asleep. Blitzø frowned and sat up. His gaze easily adjusted into the darkness, and he looked around. Stolas had helped him convert the basem*nt into his own bedroom and personal area. Much of his furniture was there, emulating a studio apartment with its own living room and a dedicated area for his work or training. Maybe he should put things in order, he didn’t want the girls to go there and swallow one of the many bullets that rolled on the floor.

Damn, there were two hours left before he had to get up and go to Loo Loo Land. Another day in the stupid routine of selling balloons and dressing like a pathetic clown because he didn’t have to outshine the robotic star of the place.

Blitzø should be sleeping.

What he needed was sleep.

No. There was that noise.



What was she doing up so early in the morning?

Blitzø jumped out of bed and searched for an old T-shirt that he could wear and not just walk around in his underwear. He climbed the steps silently, trying to catch more sounds. Stolas’s magic prevented them from being attacked and his Loona didn’t sound scared but even so, she should be asleep. Blitzø’s eyes widened when he could hear Stolas on the other side of the door.

“You don’t have to worry.”

“Bullsh*t,” Loona replied. “I heard you talking on the phone, what happened in the park ruffled the feathers of someone important, right?”

Blitzø leaned against the door that separated the basem*nt from the rest of the house, pressing himself against the wood to hear better. A part of him was deeply impressed by the way his daughter was digging up information.

“You shouldn’t listen to other people’s conversations,” Stolas tried to sound firm, like a father teaching his children the most basic values.

“Adults shouldn’t lie.”

Blitzø muffled a laugh at Loona’s defiant response. That was his girl.


“Shh! You are going to wake up Via and Blitzø.”

“And you should stop being so defiant just because. The next week you start at school,” Stolas advise. “There are rules that need to be respected.”

That was an option.

Blitzø’s idea was to fight with any authority that accused his Loony of bad behavior.

“And when do I know that a rule is nonsense and when it’s not? Because it sucks to me that you tell me not to listen to conversations when you’re hiding something involving Octavia,” Loona kept her tone challenging and firm.

“When... I guess…” Stolas’s voice trembled with nerves. “I suppose an inquiring mind is a sign of genius.”

“Don’t sidetrack.”

“I’m not hiding anything...”

“Is Octavia my sister?”

Blitzø held his breath. People said horrible things in fights. It was easy to make promises when all was well but to keep them when challenged seemed impossible to some.

“Of course,” Stolas answered without hesitating for even a second.

“Her well-being involves me,” Loona growled. “So don’t try to deflect the subject. What’s going to happen to Via?”

Blitzø felt his body tense. Part of him wanted to go out and ask the same question but it wasn’t his conversation. As much as he adored Octavia, she was not his daughter. With what right would he demand answers?

“You shouldn’t worry, it’s something that every demon that can do magic must go through,” Stolas explained softly. “When powers activate, demons need to be trained. And I was wondering if that training could be put off for a bit because Via is still so little.”

“But if it’s something I shouldn’t worry about, why do you want to postpone it?”

Loona was very cunning. She knew when things were being hidden from her.

“Because Via is a baby, and she should worry about other things. Not about his magic,” Stolas replied.

“Why can’t you train her? You have magic. Blitzø and I can help.”

Exactly! He didn’t know magic, but he had a good record dealing with beings with powers. His years working for Vox could be especially useful.

“That is what I was proposing. My connection to the stars has been severed and therefore I cannot see prophecies or use complicated magic. But I can take care and train my baby,” Stolas sentenced with certainty and then chuckled very softly. “Don’t make those faces.”

“It’s just that you sound very cheesy.”

“Well… I’m sorry I worried you.”

“I’m always worried,” Loona responded lightly. “Bad things happen, and they usually happen when you’re asleep.”

Blitzø narrowed his eyes. His daughter was just like him. Any little noise put her on an alert. He hated not having met her sooner. Every day he was gladder that the shelter blew up and all those bastards were dead.

“You may not believe it, Loona... But it shouldn’t be like this anymore because your dad and I are here to take care of the two of you,” Stolas spoke softly, measuring his words. “Bad things will have to pass over us first and it seems you know how handy your dad is.”

“Yeah. Bad things don’t stand a chance against Blitzø!”

His legs nearly gave out and he covered his mouth. Something closed in his heart, and he squeezed his hands. Blitzø felt his eyes fill with tears and he struggled to control herself. He never thought there was such a beautiful kind of agony. Loona trusted him. Blindly. Blitzø pressed closer to the door and took a deep breath. He would give his life and do anything for his daughter.

“Just don’t tell him, okay?”

“Why?” Stolas echoed his own question.

“Because it’s weird,” Loona responded defensively. “I can take care of myself and… I still don’t understand why Blitzø adopted me.”

“Because he loves you,” Stolas spoke softly. “Parents do a lot of things just because it’s our kids.”

“…like abandoning them or selling them, right?” Loona sneered. “I remember my birth parents, you know?”


“…but I know that you two are different.”

“Take your time,” Stolas supported her. “All the time you need.”

“…I’m sorry I’m not as sweet and affectionate as Octavia and always go around challenging everything and everyone,” Loona growled.

Blitzø closed his hand on the door handle. No. His daughter didn’t have to apologize.

“Loona, you are perfect. You’re full of personality and opinions. Before you came… I used to spend alone, you know?” Stolas explained and Blitzø visibly relaxed, he could kiss that demon if it weren’t for the fact that he was snooping on a conversation that wasn’t his. “Octavia still doesn’t speak and she’s a baby… But now that you’ve been here? Every day is different. Don’t apologize for making my days entertaining.”

“And difficult,” Loona sneered.

“And conflicting.”

“And annoying.”

“Oh, yes, miss, I got it,” Stolas hooted with a laugh. “Each child is unique, and you have lived your good dose of things to be strong.”

Loona laughed softly and mockingly.

“Before the orphanage, I was in a horrible place. A disgusting kennel. So, I was constantly running away. But it turns out there’s a big reward for turning in abandoned hellhounds…” Loona spoke as if it weren’t her life. “So, someone would always catch me, and they would send me back. Once I was being chased by bastards who hunted hellhounds and got rich selling them to farms or shelters. I was running away, and I bumped into Blitzø. He thought I wanted to steal his wallet and he insulted me, but I saw his gun and tried to take it from him. The bastards caught up with us and aimed at Blitzø. And he… he looked at me and just started shooting at them.”

Because Loona looked desperate and scared. She smelled of fear and blood. Blitzø could still feel her hand closing on his, trying to take the gun by herself and start shooting. She was just a girl, and she was visibly injured and malnourished. But still, she kept fighting to survive. How was he supposed to see her and not recognize himself? Maybe Blitzø couldn’t kill all the monsters from his childhood, but he could kill those.

“At that moment, he taught me that they weren’t as invincible as I thought. Those bastards died and fell like any other demon. So… I attacked them and Blitzø just started congratulating me.” She laughed mockingly. “Like the silly dads on TV who congratulate their kids on their good grades. Only he was congratulating me on breaking bones and tearing out throats. Shortly after we killed everyone, social services found us and told Blitzø they would take care of me.” There was a long pause, and she whispered so low Blitzø almost didn’t hear her. “He didn’t believe them and followed me. He sneaked into the kennel and appeared in front of my cell and told me…”

«I’m going to get you out of here,» Blitzø whispered extremely low and in sync with his daughter’s voice.

“Loona…” Stolas whispered.

“He did it. So yeah… I know he’s very strong and skilled but what about you, mister prince?” Loona asked with defiance in her voice.

“My powers are indeed limited but I’m still an Ars Goetia. I’m stronger than your average demon and my body is virtually indestructible. At least by hellish means. My demon form is sealed as punishment for abandoning the royalty, but I can still partially access it,” Stolas sounded cheesy and proud. “I know you like macabre things, maybe you like it…”

“Holy mot—!”

Loona’s voice was silenced and Blitzø was about to open the door and give away his position because…


He also wanted to see Stolas.

“That was incredible,” Loona whispered. “And terrifying.”

“Thank you,” Stolas hooted softly. “So, am I qualified to take care of the bad stuff too?”

“Stop looking so pretentious, royal bird. Yes, you’re a terrifying demon of cosmic horrors…” Loona sounded annoyed but there was some amusem*nt in her voice. “I guess I can let you take care of Via... and me. If you want…”

“It’ll an honor for me,” Stolas solemnly replied.

“I thought you were like those demons who are afraid of breaking a claw,” Loona admitted. “Or that you were very delicate.”

“Makes sense, I look so fragile. Maybe because of the bones hollow?”

“I guess… Via is hollow too, but she destroyed that whole park... So, you two are terrifying.” There was another pause, much more harmonious. “Did you manage to convince the person on the phone to let you take care of Octavia?” In the end, Loona couldn’t hide his concern.

“Yes, at least until he is six years old. As long as it doesn’t destroy more stuff,” Stolas explained.

“…I should have done something when I felt his magic getting out of control.”

Blitzø’s eyes widened.

“Did you feel his magic?” Stolas asked the question he wanted to ask. “Can you detect magic?”

“Yeah…?” Loona sounded uncomfortable. “It’s like a scent but… it’s an aura. I don’t know, I can sense it and track it. Isn’t that something all hellhounds can do?”

“Not really, it’s something quite unique. Maybe you can do magic, Loona. Detecting it is usually common in demons that can also do it.”

“Don’t f*ck with me, are you serious? Can I do what you did? Transform me?” Loona asked excitedly.

“Maybe not to cosmic level horror but I’m sure you can have some transformations after training and learning about it. If it’s okay with you we could work on it and see if it’s possible,” Stolas offered.

“You have a deal, Stolas.”

That was the first time he called him by name.

Blitzø leaned his forehead against the door and felt something warm on his chest.

It was amazing how easy it was for Stolas to help them. It was not his obligation to have them there or to be so kind. It was never his duty to help Blitzø. And it was definitely not his duty to take care of Loona.

His daughter yawned long, making Stolas laugh.

“How about you go to sleep? Do you want me to come up with you and tuck you in?”

“f*ck, no. I’m not a little girl,” Loona responded defensively but within seconds Blitzø could hear the sound of her feet going up the stairs and then closing her bedroom door.

The television in the living room turned on and Vox’s voice advertising something reached him. Blitzø straightened his shirt and opened the door.

Stolas was sitting on the couch, his figure covered in a burgundy nightgown. In the partial darkness, Stolas’s eyes gleamed at him. Blitzø raised his hand in greeting and closed the distance between them to sit next to him.

“Do we wake you up?”

“I’m the same as Loona, any sound alerts me,” Blitzø swung his leg up on the couch and rested his chin on his knee. “Is everything alright with Oct?”

Stolas slumped his shoulders and played with the strap of his robe.

“…for now. People in the park complained about what happened and the rumor reached my father. He wanted to start training Via tomorrow,” Stolas clenched his hands in his lap and looked up at him. “She’s just a baby, I had to remind him that she can’t even read. How does he plan for her to read the grimoire?”

“The book they made you study with?” Blitzø remembered. “The one with weird words, right?”

“Yes… it’s in different languages and…”

“You’re right, it’s too much for a girl.”

It was too much for Stolas when they were children.

“But eventually Via will have to do it, she is my father’s heir…” Stolas closed his eyes. “I couldn’t save her. I just postponed the inevitable.”

Blitzø reached out and took Stolas’s trembling hands. He didn’t meet his eyes, instead, Blitzø concentrated on relaxing each finger and slowly stretching them. They were beautiful hands.

“It’s going to seem like I’m not very creative with my words but... you did everything in your power,” Blitzø paraphrased what Stolas always told him. “From what I understand of all that royal bullsh*t, someone must read the prophecies, right?”

“Yes... maybe I should have stayed with Stella...”

“Your father would still have trained Tavy, right?” Blitzø touched each sophisticated and long finger on Stolas’s hand, concentrating on the change in his plumage as they reached his hands.


“So, you’re giving her a better life now than in that boring palace, don’t you think?” Blitzø swallowed the lump in his throat as Stolas slowly closed his hand to take his, giving Blitzø time to pull away. But he didn’t. “…We have time to find a solution to those training sessions that are waiting for Via.”

“…I guess you’re right,” Stolas whispered close to his face. “You now…? Loona told me how you two met. And you were right, it was her story to be told.”

“Pretty impressive, isn’t she?” Blitzø smirked and looked up only to feel dizzy as Stolas’s face was perilously close to his. “You would have seen her fight…”

“What you did for her, darling? It was incredible.”



Blitzø squeezed Stolas’s hand, and the other demon used his free one to caress his cheek. f*ck. Why did Stolas have to smile like that? So… so perfect and sweet.

“You should go to sleep. If I'm not wrong, in a few hours you have to get ready to go to work,” Stolas sighed and rested his forehead against his for just a few seconds. “Even great warriors must sleep.”

Blitzø silent his laughter into his chest.

“I guess I can try to catch up on some sleep.”

“I’ll make you a delicious breakfast so you can sleep a few more minutes,” Stolas rested his index finger on Blitzø’s lips to silence all protest. “It’s my pleasure to do so after all you have done.”

Blitzø frowned.

That was dangerous.

He could get used to that.

Damn. Blitzø thought that without sex or kisses on the table, all this would be easier, but... This was also dangerous. Stolas’s closeness, the way he treated his Loony, and even something as simple as offering to make him breakfast?


The kind of thing that sounded promising and was something they couldn’t do. Neither of them.

“Fine... You should sleep too,” Blitzø captured both of Stolas’s hands and placed them in the prince’s lap.

Maybe he wasn’t wearing anything under that robe.



He wasn’t going to think about that.

“You’re right, darling. The girls need me to have all my energy,” Stolas agreed.

Blitzø felt his heart do a backflip at hearing Stolas call him that again.

“Good. Yes. Of course.” He jumped off the couch. “Go to sleep, you promised me food and you can’t play with my stomach.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t play with any part of you,” Stolas laughed at the sound of himself. “Unless you let me, of course.”

Blitzø almost ran into the wall turning so quickly to see him.


“Yes, like those hand games on the shows Via watches,” Stolas clasped his hands together and then moved them as if he was playing with someone else. “Those things we never did as kids, but they look fun. Maybe Loona wants to play with me.”

Blitzø felt his heart return to his chest and took a deep breath.

“Oh, yeah. No, I didn’t know about those games either. But yeah, I guess…” He scratched the back of his neck and opened the door to his room. “Well... I’ll go to sleep.”

“Rest well, Blitzø,” Stolas smiled at him.

“…you too.”

Back on his bed, Blitzø pressed his hands to his face.

He couldn’t play family like that. It wasn’t supposed to be that way.


Friendship. Blitzø slammed on his brakes fully. At least the metaphorical ones. Friendship. Friendship without sex, unlike what he had with Angel. A much more civilized relationship than the one he had with Verosika. It was his own kind of friendship with Stolas. It was… Loona’s family. That was them. Loona and Octavia’s family.

Now not just his crotch but his heart needed to receive the memo.

But Blitzø would do what his father couldn’t: Not screw it up.


Check out the TvTropes of the fic! I'm so happy with this. Thanks to FaroeKing. Check his Ao3 and Twitter

We are approaching a time jump in history. I have plans for M&M but there are two options with them, I change the age (add a few more years) or eventually they will appear when more years pass. The result will eventually be the same. What do you think? The characters that will be affected the most would be the girls because they would have to grow up if I stay with the canon age of M&M.

Blitzø has had a lot of time with Octavia but for those who have read my other Stolitz, I like it when Stolas and Loona talk. It's something special.

Stolas couldn't control his emotions towards Blitzø after hearing how amazing he is hahaha. Direct to his Daddy Issues

Do you know what I like? When characters can be super intimate without having to do anything sexual. Just the closeness of each other and their hands playing. Yeah, I wrote that last part more for myself. It's one of my favorite types of scenes (tropes?).

I hope you liked the chapter.

Don't forget to check my socials and other works.

My Twitter.

Chapter 10


Blitzo has a meeting with Loona's two main benefactors to discuss her future.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“We had a deal.”

Blitzø lifted his chin and covered Loona’s hand with his own. He tried to hide the way her small claws were tearing into the armrest.

“And I’m not complying, but you must admit that it’s difficult to find schools that accept hellhounds.”

“It’s not that hard unless she gets kicked out of almost all of them,” Horusas replied, massaging her brow. “Look, I can sit here and scold you both, but you and I both know that’s not going to do any good. And honestly? I’m not interested in fighting. What we need is a solution.”

“The people in those places are jerks,” Loona replied, looking down at her hands. “The solution is to eliminate all those morons.”

“I don’t doubt it,” Horusas adjusted her glasses. “I have had to fight the education system more times than you think.”

Loona raised her arms in the air and then pointed at the woman. “So? You know that’s bullsh*t!”

“Just because it is doesn’t take away the problem that you have to go to school, Loona.”

“ doesn’t take away the problem that those places suck.”

“She has a point,” Blitzø smirked, unable to hide the pride he felt at hearing his daughter defend herself. “Too many useless demons end up working in the wrong places and they’re part of the problem.”

“Oh, surely you’d rather choose who ends up in those places of power, right?” Horusas raised her eyebrows defiantly.

Blitzø smiled widely. “Apparently, I have a gift for knowing when someone gives a damn about their work. So yes.”

Loona chuckled, and he smiled even more proudly. Horusas contained her smile and remained silent.

“Loona, I understand,” the other imp continued. “That’s why the foster home functions as a school. It’s much easier than dealing with incompetents.”

Blitzø believed her. In four months, Loona had been expelled from six different schools. On four occasions, Blitzø had been made to sign a document stating that he was voluntarily withdrawing his daughter in exchange for not being sued. In other circ*mstances, he would have fought, but the possibility that it would affect the process of legalization of full custody over Loona was the only thing that stopped him.

“I don’t understand why we’re here. I don’t need to go to silly school,” Loona rolled her eyes. “It’s not like I’m going to get a job other than taking care of something or someone.”

Horusas looked at Blitzø with concern. It wasn’t as simple as that. The system was designed to keep hellhounds from being adopted, as they were seen as cheap labor for the future. If they didn’t follow the rules precisely, he risked losing Loona altogether. So Blitzø had to find a way to do things by the book, even if it meant bending the rules.

Sitting at a conference table inside the Overlord’s office, Blitzø watched Vox with interest. The sinner appeared bored as he stared at his computer screen, but Blitzø knew better than to underestimate him. Vox was likely considering a solution to their problem while seeming indifferent.

The question was whether Vox would want to share the answer with them or just watch them fumble incompetently for his own entertainment.

“Why can’t Loona go to the orphanage to study? You said it, director, it’s your school,” Blitzø raised his eyebrows playfully.

Loona slumped in her chair next to him and hung her head over the armrest. Blitzø wanted to lift her spirits, but he knew that if she had to go back to the same hellhounds she had lived with, she wouldn’t have the chance to make friends.

“The permit is for homeschooling, and I was only able to get it because it’s for the orphanage,” Horusas explained, running her fingers through her black hair. “Loona doesn’t live there anymore.”

“I have my own room now,” Loona said, raising her thumb before dropping her hand. “I’m trying to behave.”

Blitzø took her hand and squeezed it lightly before she quickly moved it. “Of course, you do, sweetheart. Those other kids, their parents, and the teachers are the ones who don’t know how to keep their mouths shut.”

He resisted the urge to reach for his weapon because there was nothing he could do at the moment. Blitzø had the names of every demon, regardless of age, which had been cruel to his Loona. Eventually, they would regret what they had done. He remembered every drawing, every joke, every cruel comment, and every twisted piece of advice.

“Dealing with racism is something you learn over time,” Vox looked up and focused on Loona because she had almost slid to the ground, but her canine ears perked up. “In Hollywood, we pretended to be something we weren’t to the point where in the living world, they continue to debate the ethnicity of their yesterday’s celebrities. I take it back, they keep doing it until now.” The Overlord smiled dangerously. “Horusas told me about the little dilemma that Loona is experiencing, and I promised to find a solution.”

The imp rolled her eyes and partially turned her back on Vox. She could be the director of the orphanage, but Vox was the one in charge. He decided which problems deserved his attention and which ones didn’t.

Loona straightened up and met Blitzø’s gaze, her ears twitching despite her attempt to show courage. Blitzø crossed his arms and threw his shoulders back, hoping to reassure his daughter.

“That’s adorable,” Vox rolled his eyes making the gesture exaggerated on his screen, causing Loona to laugh. The Overlord turned to Horusas, “You must be proud, big shot. Heads up, your first adoption includes not only royalty but a protective dad.”

“Stolas is not my father,” Loona growled.

“On papers, pup,” Vox responded dismissively, failing to take Loona’s change in mood seriously. “Anyways, the law requires every hellborn under the age of eighteen to be part of an educational system and pass it. The question is, it says a system, but doesn’t specify which one.”

Blitzø recalled how his father had kept him and the other kids from attending mainstream school by saying they were in clown school. Most imps attended etiquette schools, and those in the Wrath Ring trained to work the land. Each type of demon had its own education system, and Hellhounds were trained for hard work.

“What do you have in mind?” Blitzø locked eyes with Horusas, seeking guidance from the expert.

“I have my artist school,” Vox said, resting his elbows on the table and his head on his hands, his shark grin flashing. “Verosika was part of the section for singers, but I see more potential in Loona as an actress.”

Loona began to laugh mockingly, exaggerating her movements as if she had heard the best joke in the world. Blitzø didn’t find it funny.

“No, I worked as a child, I don’t want that for Loony,” he said firmly.

“I want to remind you, sir, that at the orphanage, Loona never showed interest in appearing in front of the cameras,” Horusas addressed Vox directly. “I don’t think it’s the most practical option.”

The Overlord co*cked his head and let his expression slide like water across the screen. Loona rolled her eyes but smiled. Vox was forcing a relaxed tone to the conversation as if they weren’t discussing her future.

“I wouldn’t make her work on big projects, she has to learn the basics first,” Vox explained. “But her attitude is no different than other kids in the industry.”

“My daughter is not going to be a child actress,” Blitzø repeated firmly. “She doesn’t have to work.”

Vox raised his eyebrows and spoke to him, “You’re right, but it’s also true that your daughter deserves more than getting a job as a bodyguard for someone from royalty. I know how the industry works. I was part of it. I come from a period of time when some of my work and that of Angel Dust only differed in logistics. Instead of dirty alleys, it was in some office of an executive.” He pointed to Horusas. “Am I taking advantage of orphaned hellhounds because there are no laws or parents to protect them like they would an....” Vox looked at Blitzø, “...Ars Goetia? Absolutely! But tell me, pup, would you say it’s still a better life than the one you had before?”

This time, the question was directed toward Loona. The girl straightened up, staring at the sinner.

“Would you say my dirty work is better than what you are entitled to by law?” The Overlord continued, with a devouring smile.

“Vox—” Blitzø began to protest, but Vox cut him off.

“Were you also a minority in life?” Loona asked.

«Minority,» Blitzø thought. The kind of words that children who suffered discrimination ended up learning long before others with better circ*mstances. Unwittingly, he wondered what kind of words Octavia would learn due to her peculiar circ*mstance where she lived among the dregs of the powerful but was part of royalty.

“When I died, I was pale as a ghost,” Vox responded and raised his arm, tucking up his sleeve to show off his obsidian skin with pride. “But I wasn’t born like that. Like so many great Hollywood celebrities, I didn’t have a drop of white blood in my system. Which was equivalent to being of the high hierarchy. My parents were immigrants but I, like most of my siblings, was born in the United States. Oh, I wanted to be an actor. I wanted to be remembered and to be important. So eventually I did what I had to do. I ran from the sun, used bleach solution, and rubbed my skin with it.” He was just looking at Loona but both Horusas and Blitzø looked horrified at the casual description of poisoning and torture.

“It was what we had to do to look white. The name Rita Hayworth doesn’t sound familiar to you, but she was a magnificent actress of my time, the most emblematic and glamorous of the golden age of Hollywood. Her real name? Margarita Carmen Cansino...” Vox sighed and waved his hand in the air. “It doesn’t matter. Nobody cares. Not here and definitely not to the living world. But I do. The bleach on our skin and hair, the fact that they made us change our names, that they forbade us to speak our languages, the surgeries, the teeth removed to sharpen our cheekbones. But do you want to know what I hate the most? The years of pure torture to electrolysis treatments to the hairline in order to make the forehead appear higher...” Vox’s gaze turned murderous, and electricity danced in his claws. “So yes, Loona, I was part of a minority, I brutalized my body to satisfy the public and opened wide to please powerful people.” The Overlord didn’t take his eyes off her. “This was the way things worked in Hollywood. But now, here, I’ve decided to take control and set my own rules in the business,” Vox explained, gesturing around his office. “In my family, we always aspired for the children to surpass the adults. And I did, at the cost of breaking myself. But despite my success, I don’t know if I was truly happier. That’s why I’m offering you a chance to be better than your dad, by being yourself.”

He raised his arms, displaying his impressive office filled with tanks of marine predators, carnivorous plants, and high-end technology. “I’m giving you a space where your past doesn’t matter, where you can be a hellhound full of anger and still have the potential to be something more. I won’t tell you to suppress your natural instincts to bite, growl, yell, and scratch the bastards that treat you differently. But if you show potential, you could become the first hellhound to be an actress. Why? Because now I’m in charge, and I determine what’s entertaining and who’s a star.”

Blitzø could feel the electricity in the air, a charged tension that made even Loona’s fur stand on end. The Overlord cleared his throat and flashed his announcer’s smile, a gesture that Blitzø had become all too familiar with. Despite being a mere second-class imp, he had felt an inexplicable connection to Vox. What did they have in common, after all? Nothing, on the surface. But Blitzø sensed a shared anger at being undervalued and humiliated. Both had aspired to be more than what society had deemed them capable of.

Vox, like Verosika, had succeeded where so many others had failed. But unlike her, Vox had risen from the ashes of his previous life to seize control in Hell. He was no longer an entertainment product. The Overlord controlled the industry.

Blitzø could never fully understand the absurdity of the living world. How people destroyed each other over trivial differences like skin color or bone structure. But Hell was no different, with its own brand of ridiculous discrimination.

“If I go to that school, won't they separate me from Blitzø?” Loona asked.

“If you allow me to make you a star, I will keep the elements that make you so fascinating in their place. That includes Blitzø,” Vox clarified.

Horusas, ever resigned, gave Blitzø the smile he already knew so well. She knew as well as he did that rules were meant to be broken, especially if it meant securing Loona’s future.

“So, I’m just a story to you?” Loona snarled, showing no sympathy for Vox’s past. “Am I just a publicity stunt?”

“Yes, but for entertainment purposes, of course,” Vox replied, rising from his seat, and circling the table to perch in front of Blitzø and Loona. “But make no mistake, pup. Your story will sell like hotcakes. You’re the first hellhound adopted from the orphanage I helped build, and your success will be a testament to what can be achieved through hard work and determination. You’ll be an inspiration to all the other hellhounds out there who dream of fame and fortune.” The Overlord spoke as if he was filming a commercial. “You were adopted by an imp and his husband, a former prince Goetia who gave up royalty to be with him. Tell me if that's not pure gold advertising.”

Blitzø raised an eyebrow. “That’s not what happened, though. People aren’t stupid enough to believe that.”

But Vox smirked. “But they are.” The Overlord knew better. He knew that people loved a good story, even if it wasn’t entirely true. Blitzø’s case was a golden opportunity to break the rules and rewrite the narrative, and he wasn’t about to let it slip through his fingers.

Blitzø couldn’t help but feel conflicted. On the one hand, he didn’t want to be part of that, let alone involve Stolas and Octavia in all that. On the other hand, if it meant securing Loona’s future and potentially helping other hellhounds, was it really such a bad thing? After all, he and Horusas were in the business of bending the rules, breaking barriers, and defying expectations. Maybe Vox had a point, and there was something positive to be gained from all of this.

It was a risky game they were playing, but Blitzø was ready to roll the dice. After all, they were in Hell, where anything was possible.

“You’re right, that’s not the truth, but something similar is what people must believe happened,” Horusas reminded Blitzø. “To adopt, you had to be married, and you are. So, you are happily married to Stolas,” she looked at him seriously. “At least until the legalization of the adoption is finished, okay? Happy Marriage.”

“He wouldn’t have to lie much,” Loona put her feet up on the seat and smirked. “All the time Stolas and Blitzø are close to each other doing chores and joking with each other. Stolas sends him a lunch box at work, and although Blitzø is better at cooking, he’s always looking for recipes he can make for Blitzø.”

“Loona!” Blitzø felt his cheeks heat up and covered his white mark with his hand in a desperate attempt not to show the blush on his face. “It’s not like that, and you know it.”

“What?” She jumped up to lean in his direction. “When you play with Via and me, do you think I don’t notice that you get more acrobatic when Stolas is around? You do all those jumps and flexible poses to show off.”

Vox threw his head back and began to laugh aloud. Blitzø looked at Horusas, who pursed her lips to keep from showing her smile, and he slid into his seat. The floor could be opened, and he was ready to fall through multiple floors of that building.

Ever since the little chat between Stolas and Loona, things had been nice. They already were before, but since that day, some of the tension between them disappeared. Blitzø allowed himself to be close to Stolas as when they were kids, without constantly thinking about the night they had shared or the desire he had to repeat it. Because it wasn’t about how nervous Blitzø felt for fear of ruining the reality where he and Loona had a nice home and a good family.


His ego had made him believe that he was in control of the situation. Blitzø had been so egotistical that he had believed that if he kissed Stolas, the other demon would open up for him in the blink of an eye. Blitzø had been so wrong. It was pathetic. What he had forgotten, thinking only of long legs and beautiful eyes was that Stolas had told him that they couldn’t be together because they both had their own problems, and what Loona and Octavia deserved was a stable home, not two traumatized adults clinging to each other under the guise of sex and convenience. Stolas was right, of course. If they tried anything, that was a recipe for disaster. And unfortunately, it wouldn’t be him and Stolas who got hurt, but Loona and Octavia.

So, realizing that it wasn’t his responsibility whether or not something happened between him and Stolas, Blitzø was able to just enjoy what he had with Stolas. Because the former prince, his friend, had a good life, and he didn’t want to complicate it by having something with Blitzø. And yes, maybe he wanted Stolas’s attention, and it was nice to know that Stolas was trying for him too, but it wasn’t about anything else. They had two important responsibilities, and they weren’t going to create reasons for the Ars Goetia or the law to ruin their lives.

“So, what do you think, Loona?” Vox directed his attention toward the young girl. “Do you want to attend the artist school?”

Blitzø crossed his arms in objection. “Shouldn’t you be asking me? I’m her father, after all.”

“I’m not going to close the deal without knowing if my future celebrity is interested. This is how things work at Vox Entertainment. Loona decides, and then you will support her decision.” The Overlord clarified. “It’s just business.”

Blitzø whispered to himself, “Hollywood really did a number on you.”

Loona looked at him, and he shrugged. After all, the decision was hers. If they had to try another type of school, Blitzø would take her to all the ones that could accept Loona. He was still open to options, but the final decision was up to his daughter.

Loona looked at Horusas and then at Vox. “I agree.”

“Fantastic. You can start on Monday,” Vox said, turning to Blitzø. “If dad wants you to go, of course.”

That was cheating, it was obvious that Blitzø accepted.

“In a week, I will inspect Loona’s home. By then, I need a certificate that she is attending classes,” Horusas said, moving closer to Blitzø and placing her hand on his shoulder.

“I can give you that,” Vox smirked. “All for my future star.”

Blitzø turned to his daughter. “Is this what you want? We have other options.”

“I want to know if that place isn’t full of jerks,” Loona replied with feigned indifference. But in the silence, there was another detail, the desire to make friends.

“You have a deal, Vox.”

“I always do.” The Overlord smiled and walked away from them. “I’ll make the announcements. Enjoy this weekend and be a family. That includes the adorable Octavia and her sexy dad. Go out and have fun. Let yourselves be seen.”

“Octavia—” Loona grew defensive.

“Don’t worry pup, I will take care of the safety of the little heiress,” Vox interrupted her and then pointed at Horusas. “Since you’re here and you know the law, I want to go over some numbers with you.”

Blitzø led Loona out of the office, leaving Horusas to deal with the Overlord. In the corridor, Loona looked around at the series of glass offices and all kinds of demons and sinners moving around. They reached the elevator, and when they were alone, Loona stood as close to her father as possible without actually touching him.

“Can we trust that talking TV?” Loona asked, her arms crossed over her chest.

Blitzø leaned against the elevator wall and watched as the numbers on the screen scrolled down. “I think Vox likes the drama and the possibility of creating something where no one else has,” he said. “He’s been waiting for the moment when we need his help. I don’t trust him, but Horusas seems to find no fault with Vox’s proposal for us to continue to comply with the law.”

Loona frowned and her gaze cast downward. The silence between them was thick until she suddenly tensed up, clutching at the sleeve of his jacket. “What would you have wanted my answer to be?” she asked.

“I always want you to tell me what you want,” Blitzø said, a small smile playing on his lips. “I want you to be happy, Loony. Even if you decided to be a clown or a bodyguard, I would be happy because you are happy.”

Loona looked up at him. “Were you happy when you were a bodyguard?”

Blitzø wanted to take her hand, but he held back, afraid she would let go. “I liked working for Vox,” he admitted. “The benefits were good, and I’m amazing at killing people. But that’s something I enjoy, and just because I liked working for him doesn’t mean you should trust Vox.”

Loona nodded in agreement. “Besides, that’s how you met Verosika,” she said, considering his reaction.

Blitzø winced at the mention of Verosika. He had been trying to minimize her content in their home since they had moved in with Stolas and Octavia. He thought it had worked because Loona seemed more interested in heavy metal and death rock. Stolas, however, was resigned to the fact that Octavia no longer found classical music as her first choice.

Blitzø cleared his throat. “Yes, that’s how I met her,” he said, feeling his tongue too long for his mouth. Verosika continued to linger in his mind but as a lament. Blitzø knew he could never have what he had at that moment if he had stayed with her. Plus, she wouldn’t have enjoyed any of the suburban life he had now.

The elevator doors opened, interrupting his thoughts. Blitzø gestured for Loona to go ahead of him, and they stepped out into the hallway. Blitzø looked around and pulled out his phone, keeping his eyes fixed on his daughter. As soon as the person on the other end answered, he held onto the device tightly.

“Are you busy?” He asked.

«Hello to you too, BDB. It’s Friday, obviously, I’m busy. I've got the whole damn night full of dance numbers,» Angel’s voice sounded somewhat distracted. «Now I’m preparing to warm up, so I don’t twist my ankle and have Val keep me working like last time.»

Blitzø paused, and Loona looked at him curiously. “Oh...I thought we could see each other. I’m with Loony,” he said.

There was a moment of silence on the other end, and then some objects fell to the ground. Angel cursed softly, and Blitzø chuckled. Ah, Uncle Angel was excited, how adorable.

«Are you two in the city?» Angel asked.


«Cherri can cover for me. Give me an hour in case I have to suck Val off to let me go,» Angel laughed enthusiastically. «Can you come and pick me up?»

“Who are you talking to?” Loona frowned.

“Angel,” Blitzø laughed when he heard on the other end how the sinner held his breath.

“Am I going to meet him?” Loona moved closer to him and straightened out his shirt. “Let’s go!”

«Oh, no sh*t, she really wants to see me…» Angel laughed in disbelief. «I can… Give me an hour. I don’t know what we’re going to do, but in an hour I’ll be ready.»

“If you can, don’t go out smelling like Valentino or we’ll go to your apartment to take a shower,” Blitzø read Loona’s lips as she whispered something. “And…we’ll eat your pasta, okay? We have a plan, a plan that includes food. It’s perfect.”

On the other end of the line, Angel laughed and promised to hurry up. Blitzø smiled proudly. Yes, he couldn’t always avoid telling Loona about Verosika, but once wasn’t so bad, right?


I almost posted this on Monday and had to remind myself that not much had happened since the last update hahahaha

I think this chapter gives away some of my complaints about the adoption system and the education system regarding discrimination. After working in both areas, I would also like to exploit some places. And it's funny because you probably agree with me and we're not even from the same country. It is a global problem.

But Loona has adults who know what she's going through and are doing everything to change things. Even if they don't have the best intentions in the world.

Horusas''s character sheet can be found here,

Don't forget to check my socials and other works.

My Twitter.

Chapter 11


It's tricky when your responsible adult is Angel Dust. But Blitzø had to admit that he had some good advice.

So why was he jealous?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Loony, stay away from the window,” Blitzø warned his daughter, as they drove towards the club Angel had marked on the map.

Loona looked over her shoulder, “But they’re just scantily clad people. They’re not having sex in the street. That’s what alleys are for, right?”

“I know,” Blitzø replied, rubbing his forehead, “but I want you to see how sex workers react when they see us.”

Loona sat up straight and watched as the prostitutes and drug dealers followed the same routine when it came to them. One by one, they would try to get closer, their eyes fixed on Blitzø, ready to offer him the entire menu. But eventually, their gazes would fall on Loona, and a look of complete disapproval or annoyance would appear on their faces before walking away.

“Oh..,” Loona whispered, surprised by the reaction.

Blitzø shrugged. “Your natural curiosity can be misinterpreted.”

“Do you want me to sit in the back?” Loona asked, her ears flopping. “I guess I can see from there.”

Blitzø considered it but ultimately decided against it. There was nothing indecent on the streets, only sex workers. Blitzø wasn’t planning to buy drugs, so it wasn’t like a bag of pills would end up in his daughter’s hands. And he could understand Loona’s interest. Pride was the only place where sinners could be found as sex workers, their different bodies highlighted by their outfits modified specifically for them. Anyone would be curious.

“No, but if you feel uncomfortable or someone does something, let me know,” Blitzø said. “Lucifer and Asmodeus are very strict with sinners in this industry.”

“I know what kind of people end up in Hell,” Loona replied, bored. “I promise not to ride in a white van or follow anyone who promises me candy.”

Blitzø chuckled. “It’s a good thing my truck is black,” he whispered as he slowly pulled up in front of the club.

A blur ran towards them on high heels and slid open the back door to jump into the van. The second Angel closed the door, a wave of admirers pressed against the windows on that side, yelling the man’s name as he blew flirtatious kisses.

“Oh, for the love of Lucifer..,” Blitzø accelerated at full speed, bracing his arm against his daughter’s torso to keep her from flying through the windshield. “Can’t your fans relax for five seconds?”

“What can I say? I’m famous,” Angel managed to sit up and leaned into the space between Blitzø and Loona to get a better look at the girl in the front seat. “Hey.”

Loona shrank back in her seat, but her eyes widened in admiration at the beauty on Angel’s face. Behind her, her tail flicked and her ears perked up as if she wanted to hear every little noise Angel might make. Blitzø glanced in the rearview mirror and noticed how the sinner blushed slightly, softening his smile and moving his fingers in greeting. Loona hugged her tail and moved her fingers back.

Blitzø found himself smiling. His daughter had a big presence until she met someone nice for the first time. When Loona first met Stolas she reacted defensively. With Angel, it was like her favorite character had come to life.

“And you’re not going to say hello to me?” Blitzø complained, trying to break the silence and give his daughter space to recover.

“Jealous imp,” Angel planted a kiss on his cheek, then quickly turned his attention back to Loona. “I’d love to sit in the front with you, but my legs won’t fit in there, and your dad doesn’t care.”

“Exaggerated,” Blitzø rolled his eyes. “Well, Stolas would have problems with the seats... I guess I should fix that.”

With the salary he had, that was going to be difficult.

Angel looked at Loona and playfully moved her eyebrows, making hearts with all his hands. The girl rolled her eyes but didn’t hide her laughter.

“He doesn’t fix this junk for me, his best friend, but for his husband? Oh! He should fix that,” Angel groaned dramatically.

“You should see them, they—”

Blitzø cut Loona off.

“Loony don’t be a mischievous girl. Could you please not tell everyone those things?” Blitzø begged. “Especially Angel, he won’t give me a break.”

“I don’t need her to tell me to know everything you do for your husband,” the sinner defended himself.

“Hey…” Blitzø took a deep breath and frowned. “You stink sweet.”

Loona settled back into her seat and sniffed the air, slowly moving closer to Angel and pressing her nose into the sinner’s palm.

“You smell like vanilla, glitter, coffee, and cigarettes.”

Angel rested her chin on the edge of the seat and waved his fingers in front of Loona, showing her the white and pink sparkles on his fur. “Your dad said he didn’t want me to smell like Valentino, so I used my vanilla body splash. So, I smell good.”

“Of course, you smell like ice cream,” Blitzø chuckled, pleased to notice that his daughter was more relaxed. “Hey Loony, while I’m driving, why don’t you tell your Uncle Angel about the meeting we had with Vox?”

Angel frowned upon hearing the Overlord’s name. “Don’t tell me… Did you agree to work for him again? I’m a fan of your mercenary side like every other demon that knows you, but doesn’t that go against this whole adoption thing?” The sinner scratched the space between Blitzø’s horns. “Look, baby, it might not be as flashy as working for Vox, but the club where my sister Molly sings needs security. The owner prefers female staff, but we can make it work. You look amazing in a corset.”

“Angel…” Blitzø gave him a warning look. “Could you not move your mouth twenty steps ahead of the subject at hand and just listen?”

Loona laughed mischievously and knelt on the seat. She began to tell Angel about her bad luck at her previous schools. The sinner listened intently, commenting uncensored against the children who had mistreated Loona and congratulating her when she had defended herself with more claws than words against a pair of bullies.

Blitzø shrugged. They were the worst role models, but at least his daughter wasn’t going to take sh*t from anyone. At one point, Blitzø stopped at a grocery store to pick up a few things and left the pair of demons chatting in the van because Angel was deep in his own childhood memories and was teaching Loona a trick or two on how to get out with hers.

When they arrived at the sinner’s apartment, Loona was done with her story. Angel let them through, but Blitzø noticed the potential scolding in Angel’s two-tone eyes. “Did you talk to Stolas about all this?” The spider demon asked, resting his hands on his hips and waist.

Blitzø crossed his arms in defense. “Why would I have to? Loona is my daughter, and I make decisions with her.”

Angel rolled his eyes and dropped his arms in resignation. It was very bold of him to act like he wasn’t a first-class stubborn either. “Look, BDB, maybe you forgot, but I helped you with all that about the kennel and convincing Vox to create the orphanage. From the beginning, he planned to make actors out of those hellhounds,” Angel explained as he led them into the small kitchen and carried the shopping bags up to the counter. “That’s why he didn’t charge you a small fortune that your hellish little existence could never afford. All the reality shows and contests that happen there have his obvious «Hundred Step Plan» trademark. I’ve seen him in action more times than Vox is aware of. But this…” He pointed to his daughter. “’s already something more official.”

Angel’s apartment had his touch everywhere and Blitzø could hardly tell that he had lived there at some point even though he had helped decorate it. Now it had a pink and white checkered floor, purple velvet curtains, and a fake fireplace that Blitzø had once helped him steal because Angel had been obsessed with that thing for months. The small kitchen was still the same, overlooking the living room area but Angel had changed the old chairs for little pink stools that he had surely taken from some club but they looked very good with the rest of the things. There was no other furniture. But Angel had improvised a room with colorful cushions and the old armchair that Blitzø had obtained. There were posters on the walls of Angel’s performances at the clubs where he worked.

“I’m not going to start acting immediately,” Loona answered as she climbed up one of the stools and rested her chin on the counter, moving her feet from front to back. “It’s going to be a long time before I’m even in a commercial, and Vox seems very interested in keeping me around. Blitzø needs time to make the adoption legal. I got him time.”

Blitzø almost dropped the bag of eggs he was carrying and looked at his daughter in surprise. Loona rested her cheek on the counter and smirked.

“Did you think I wouldn’t figure out everything we need to do so I don’t have to go back to the orphanage?” She rolled her eyes. “I’m not stupid, Blitzø. Horusas explained everything to me so I wouldn’t blunder and ruin things for me… and us.”

“Loony!” Blitzø exclaimed as he took a step in her direction, opening his arms to her. However, his daughter immediately straightened up, snarling at him, and putting her feet up on the seat, ready to kick him or jump away. He felt a pang in his heart and lowered his hands. “Oh yeah… sorry.”

Loona flopped her ears, visibly guilty, and he wanted to reassure her that it wasn’t her fault. His daughter had been through too many horrors for him to expect her to get over easily. Damn, Blitzø hadn’t even gotten over his own childhood bullsh*t. What right did he have to complain?

“Don’t worry kid. We understand how you feel,” Angel said as he walked around the counter and headed for the bedroom door. “I don’t like unexpected displays of affection either. They put me on the defensive,” he continued explaining. “I’ve learned that it’s easier if I’m the one to start things,” he said as he opened the bedroom door.

At that moment, Fat Nuggets pounced on their master and started spinning in circles. Finally, they rubbed against Angel’s leg, and he bent down to pet his little pet.

“Although it helps to have one of these too. Fat Nuggets is as adorable as a baby. Would you like to pet him?” Angel asked Loona, inviting her to join them in whatever sweet cuddle session the little piggy could offer.

Loona carefully got down from the stool and caught the attention of Fat Nuggets, who looked at her with big dark eyes full of tenderness. The girl took a couple of steps in that direction. Quickly, Fat Nuggets went towards her and circled her a few times before jumping on Loona, knocking her to the ground. The little girl laughed at the little licks of the animal, while she hugged them tightly. Loona felt the pet’s warm breath on her face and became even more excited, letting out a childish laugh that Blitzø had never heard come from his daughter before.

“It’s just like Octavia,” Loona said aloud, stroking the pig’s fur. “Even its cheeks are just as plump.” The girl laughed as she continued to play with Fat Nuggets, who looked at her with the devoted love and joy that only a pet could feel.

Blitzø considered getting his daughter a pet. He was willing to take on a second job just to hear her laugh like she was now. “Loona don’t say that!” he tried to scold her, but he couldn’t hide his laughter.

Angel joined in on the laughter, pleased that Fat Nuggets was earning him points with Loona. He went back to the kitchen to prepare pasta and turned on the coffee pot. Blitzø recognized the routine well. When it came to Angel and his home, the aroma of coffee was always present, even if he ended up drinking liquor instead. Blitzø wondered if it was a vestige of his human life, a need to associate home with hot coffee.

“What I mean, BDB, won’t this draw unwanted attention to Stolas and Via?” Angel asked as he worked with the ingredients in the bowl. He had an almost artistic way of working without requiring measurements.

“They already have unwanted attention,” Blitzø replied. “Octavia is the future heir to prophecies and stars or some sh*t like that. The press is just waiting for Octavia to start her training so they can follow her everywhere. I wouldn’t have known how to find Stolas if it wasn’t for the newspapers. They know where Stolas and Oct live, including their address. After the divorce, Paimon had to orchestrate everything so that Stolas ended up in that specific residential area because it’s protected and some demons, including the press, can’t enter.”

“Doesn’t that sound like a prison?” Angel asked.

“Exile would be a better description,” Blitzø corrected. “Stolas has custody of his daughter, but she’s still part of royalty. Little by little, she’ll have to return to them. The fact that Loona becomes famous would only make her fit in more with them.”

“What do you mean?” Angel asked, dropping his hands to the dough. “Fit in with them?”

“Just what you heard,” Blitzø shrugged. “Stolas and Tavy are royalty. They’re famous. And yes, Stolas isn’t anymore, understand. He’s still relevant, and Loona...just look at her.” His eyes fell on his daughter playing with the pig on the floor. “Loony deserves everything.”

“You’re already talking bad about yourself again,” Angel scolded, shaking his head. “You’re lucky my hands are dirty or I’d already be slapping you in the head to see if those neurons of yours reconnect as they should! Even if you were right about them being important, don’t you think your daughters would actually be the famous ones? Not Stolas. If anything, he and you would have to protect them from all the chaos of being famous. For tiaras or autographs, it’s not easy for people to be aware of everything you do. Trust me. I know.”

Blitzø nodded, lost in thought. If Loona decided to pursue an acting career, he knew he’d have to step up and get his hands dirty. As an experienced bodyguard, he was confident he could protect her or Octavia, but he might need some help. He couldn’t let anything happen to his daughters.

The girls…

His daughter and Octavia.

Neither less, Blitzø was protective of them both.

“You should talk to Stolas anyway,” Angel suggested as he coated the dough with oil. “He deserves to know where the whole family is headed, don’t you think? Stolas informed you of all the ups and downs you were going to have because of all that Octavia being an heiress thing, right?”

Blitzø hesitated. “…Yeah… f*ck, you’re right…”

“Oh, and I hate that you make me the responsible adult here, but you owe him the same courtesy, BDB,” Angel teased as he washed his hands and covered the bowl with a white cloth. “I’m going to take a shower. The dough needs to rest for a while before I make the pasta. Maybe you should take advantage and call your husband.”

“…I hate you,” Blitzø said with a smile.

“I know,” Angel crooned as he blew him a kiss and headed for his room.

Blitzø took a deep breath and drew some lines on the flour that had fallen on the counter. He had to talk to Stolas. But how would the other demon react if he didn’t like the idea of Loona going to Vox’s school? The line between his daughter’s things and Octavia’s was well-defined when it came to making decisions. But Angel was right. How would he feel if Stolas made a decision that consequently affected his Loona and don’t even tell Blitzø?

“Loony…?” he called out.

“Are you going to ask me if you should talk to your husband?” Loona raised her head and settled the little pig on her lap. “What are we going to do if he says I can’t go? I don’t want to go to another school where the kids are jerks.”

That was exactly what Blitzø had been thinking. But Stolas couldn’t make that kind of decision. Loona was his daughter, and Octavia was Stolas’s. But he still wanted to know that in any decision Stolas made, Loona was important to him. He had to believe that Stolas would never put Loony in danger.

And he wanted to believe that Stolas knew that Blitzø would never endanger Octavia.

“f*ck…” Blitzø muttered, frustrated. He had to make the call.

He had always held a special place in his heart for Octavia. It was hard not to be drawn in by her infectious enthusiasm and the little gestures she made, like holding onto his hand or looking at him for approval. He adored her, and sometimes he feared he was growing attached to her in a paternal way. But Octavia had her life sorted out, and Blitzø wanted Loona to have the same opportunities. He wanted to support his daughter’s decisions and show her that she would never have to fear disappointing him. Blitzø wanted to be the person Loona trusted the most, someone she would always come to. It wasn’t right that she had to worry about so many things, including the System separating her from him.

“If you want to go to that school, I’ll support you,” Blitzø declared, puffing out his chest as he dialed Stolas’s number. “But Angel is right. I owe him the courtesy of letting him know before Vox makes any announcements.”

f*ck, Blitzø thought, he should have asked for more details. What kind of announcements and preparations did Vox want to make? Loona was just going to class, so why would she need any preparation? Unless it was part of some complex plan, as Angel had suggested. Things were simpler when only his life was on the line. Thankfully, Blitzø wasn’t a sinner, or he would have ended up in the clutches of an Overlord, doomed to perpetual slavery.

«Blitzø?» Stolas answered, sounding surprised. «How did the meeting with Horusas go? Is everything okay?»

Blitzø could hear Octavia in the background, trying to sing a heavy metal song about Frankenstein’s bride. He couldn’t help but smile, imagining her headbanging along to the beat.

“Yeah, everything’s fine. I’m actually at Angel’s apartment,” Blitzø replied.

«…Oh» Stolas responded awkwardly, then quickly recovered. «And...where’s Loona? Do you want me to bring her home?»

“No, she’s here,” Blitzø said, raising an eyebrow in amusem*nt. “f*ck, how a dirty mind you have. I’m not here for that. Loona’s visiting her Uncle Angel, and he’s making pasta for her. I’m just hanging out.”

He could hear a long sigh on the other end of the line.

«Oh, but Blitzø, don’t be like that» Stolas chuckled. «I’m sure Angel’s happy you’re there.»

“Of course, he is, but only because I bought the ingredients for dinner,” Blitzø joked.

Stolas was easy to talk to. He wasn’t like the prince his father had sold him to or royalty. He was Stolas, the same demon who only spoke a few monosyllables before drinking his morning tea and wore a ridiculous hat in the garden. Stolas was his equal, a beautiful and attractive demon who inspired intense sexual fantasies in his mind but also his childhood friend and partner in fatherhood.

«Well, I’m sure it’ll be a delicious dinner» Stolas said, sounding animated.

Angel emerged from the bedroom looking visibly more relaxed. He wore a pink T-shirt with a cute picture of a pig, baggy shorts, and stockings. His fur looked fluffier, and he carried a makeup case the size of a toolbox, sporting a mischievous smile on his face.

“Is it Stolas?” Angel asked.

“He says your food will be delicious,” replied Loona.

Blitzø cursed himself for forgetting about Loona’s fine hearing. “Hey, Stolas, I wanted to talk to you about something, but a certain girl has too keen an ear,” he said.

«Oh…» Stolas mused aloud, «If it’s okay with you, I could open a portal to where you are, and you could come home for a while, as long as Angel doesn’t have a problem taking care of Loona for a few moments. And, if it’s okay with you, of course.»

Blitzø’s eyes widened in surprise. “Can you open portals between Rings?” he asked. “Wait! Can you use portals?” he corrected himself. Being able to use portals was powerful magic, and he wondered why they hadn’t been sealed when they exiled Stolas.

But has that only meant that Stolas didn’t leave the house of his own free will? It wasn’t a matter of safety or that he had no one to leave Octavia with. Damn, now Blitzø was there to help him, right? He decided he needed to get Stolas out of there before he turned into a hermit.

«I can’t go to other places outside of Hell, and some places are forbidden to me, but yes» Stolas replied with a certain timid pride in his voice. «Do you want the portal?»

“I can take care of Loona!” Angel exclaimed, shaking his makeup box. “While we’re waiting for the pasta, I thought we could paint our nails or something...”

Blitzø nodded, and Loona got up carrying Fat Nuggets. She took a few steps to the side, and a line appeared where she had been sitting before, slicing through reality, and opening a cerulean and indigo portal. The portal revealed the living room of their home, where Stolas was wearing a hip-length red sweater and tight black knee-length pants. Blitzø couldn’t help but stare at how attractive Stolas was, and he knew Angel was sneering at him for it. He wondered what the sinner would say if he knew these were Stolas’s regular clothes.

“You look good, prince,” Angel yelled, making Stolas blush.

“Oh, thank you… You look very nice too,” Stolas replied with a nervous laugh.

Angel glanced at Blitzø with a look that said if he didn’t do something with Stolas, he would do it for free. Surprisingly, the idea didn’t seem attractive to Blitzø, even though they were both beautiful demons whom he desired.

It was odd.

“Okay, I’m leaving, but I’ll be back...”

Suddenly, Octavia appeared in front of him through the portal, wearing her long pink pajamas with stars. “B!” Octavia called to him excitedly, causing Blitzø to jump out of his seat to catch her when she inevitably tripped over the edge of her pajamas. As always, Octavia laughed and clung to him, giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

“Hello, Via.”

The little girl quickly let go of Blitzø when she saw Fat Nuggets and ran towards Loona.

“Bye Oct?” Blitzø asked.

Abandoned by an adorable little pig, it wouldn’t be the first time.

“Oh no, come here, Via,” Stolas pleaded, not daring to step through the portal.

“No problem, sweetheart,” Angel chimed in, waving his makeup box. “I can handle them. Of course, if you have no problem with me taking care of the little princess.”

“Oh no, I couldn’t force that on you,” Stolas replied, moving closer to the edge of the portal. “Looking after both of them can be exhausting, and I don’t want to seem abusive by leaving my daughter to you when you’re friends with Blitzø and...”

“So, you don’t have a problem with me? Perfect! That settles everything. You two talk over there, then come over, and I’ll feed you two,” Angel said, setting his makeup box on the floor and grabbing Blitzø by the collar of his coat, throwing him into Stolas’s arms. “Good luck!”

For Blitzø, going from Angel’s apartment to Stolas’s arms in his own home was a shock. The portal disappeared, and Stolas’s enchanting laughter surrounded his senses. He looked up and noted that he was being carried as if he weighed nothing and his entire body was pressed comfortably against the soft plumage on Stolas’s chest. He could get used to this. Blitzø looked away and mentally hit himself.

“That son of a bitch… what does he think? That I’m a f*cking ball he can throw?” Blitzø muttered to himself.

Stolas laughed and helped him down to the ground. “Oh, Blitzø, I think that was lovely,” he said. “Are you sure Angel won’t have any trouble looking after Via?”

“I think you’re doing him a favor, Feathers,” Blitzø replied, straightening his clothes so he wouldn’t have to look at Stolas. “He comes from a big family, and sometimes Angel talks about how he always wanted to be the cool uncle to his nephews. Of course, now that can’t happen. His whole family is here, and, you know, sinners don’t breed.”

“Oh…” Stolas nodded empathetically. “I think he could be an amazing uncle.”

“And you don’t have to worry,” Blitzø said, trying to ease Stolas’s concerns. “Angel was a mobster, he’s almost as lethal as me. The girls are in good hands.”

Blitzø leaned forward, his eyes fixed on Stolas. He could see the worry disappear on Stolas’s face. It was good to know that their safety was always on Stolas’s mind as it was on his own.

Blitzø turned off the television and gestured towards the couch. “I want to talk to you about what happened at the meeting with Horusas.”

Stolas nodded slowly and made his way to the couch, sitting down carefully. Blitzø could tell that he was trying to appear strong, but his tense body language betrayed his true emotions.

Blitzø’s heart sank as he realized that he wasn’t the only one getting attached to the girl who wasn’t his daughter. Stolas’s hands were rubbing against each other anxiously, a clear sign of his worry for Loona.

“I found another school for her,” Blitzø began, noticing that Stolas immediately relaxed at the news. He recounted everything that had happened, from Vox’s offer to Loona’s decision to become an actress.

As he spoke, Blitzø couldn’t help but notice the blank expression on Stolas’s face. His eyes were fixed ahead, his beak forming no discernible gesture. It was as if Blitzø was standing before a deity, awaiting judgment.

Stolas’s next question caught Blitzø off guard. “Will you always do what Loona wants? You accepted because that was what she wanted, right?”

Blitzø hugged himself, feeling the weight of Stolas’s words. “As long as it’s not something dangerous, I want her to feel in control of her life. Is that so bad?”

Stolas nodded in understanding. “No, but I’m afraid the line that represents danger will keep moving as time goes on. You and Loona have been through a lot of death and pain, so your perception of danger is different than Octavia’s and mine, don’t you think? You two know how to fight, face problems, figure things out, and choose for yourselves. It’s almost like it’s the two of you against the world.”

Blitzø frowned, his thoughts racing. “It’s usually like that,” he replied, his tone serious.

Stolas smiled slightly and placed his hand on Blitzø’s knee. “It wasn’t always like this. There was a time when we had each other. And I wish it were the same now.”

Blitzø closed his eyes and looked away, feeling a pang of sadness in his chest. Despite the tension that had been building up, being in their house had brought a sense of calm. It was their home, their sanctuary amidst the chaos of the world. And that scared him.

As he breathed in the familiar scent of their home, Blitzø couldn’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over him. The scent was a unique combination of the four of them, something that couldn’t be classified with a specific scent like mint or patchouli. It was simply the smell of home. Their home.

Blitzø stared at Stolas with a hint of hesitation. After all, he had been burned before by those he had put his faith in. But he could try, right?

“Okay, what happened with Octavia in the park and what just happened with Loona must not be repeated,” Blitzø said firmly, narrowing the distance between them. “From now on, what happens with Tavy concerns me and what happens with Loony concerns you.”

Stolas looked surprised at the sudden outburst but smiled and nodded in agreement. Blitzø felt a sense of relief wash over him as he realized that Stolas was willing to be an active part of Loona’s life. For Mammon’s sake, Blitzø didn’t want to ruin things for their daughter.

“We’re going to consult each other on what to do,” Blitzø said, making a mental note to let down his guard around Stolas. “I don’t want to find out about things after they happen. That includes promising to teach Loona magic. I’m fine with it, but you should have told me beforehand.”

“You’re right,” Stolas replied, taking Blitzø’s hands in his own. “Fair enough.”

Blitzø couldn’t help but feel surprised at how easily the conversation had gone. Normally, it took hours of fighting to reach an agreement, right? No, that was how it had been with Verosika.

But with Stolas, it seemed like they were on the same page from the start.

He couldn’t help but wonder if he had been too defensive around Stolas, treating him as he had treated Verosika.

Stolas deserved better than that.

“Are you willing to go out in public with us?” Blitzø asked, breaking from his thoughts. He couldn’t help but notice how Stolas’s hands were similar yet different from his own. The other demon’s fingers were longer, but his palms were larger. Together, they made a good combination. “Vox said we need to make ourselves seen, and he said he would take care of Octavia’s security. And I have to admit, he has a good security system. His assistant? He’s a beast.”

“Oh, that’s right! While you were gone, an envelope arrived for you. I think is from Vox,” Stolas said as he got up to go to the kitchen. He returned with a black envelope edged in light blue, obviously from the Overlord. “You know my main concern is Octavia. As the sole heir, she’s more prone to danger. As for me…” Stolas trailed off, handing the envelope to Blitzø. “I haven’t had any reason to leave the house. It’s not like I have anywhere to go, and between the girls and the garden, I keep myself pretty busy.”

Blitzø couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for Stolas. He had no friends or family besides Octavia. It wasn’t surprising considering how Paimon had isolated Stolas and made him docile in exchange for any form of company. Blitzø had been lucky enough to be accepted into that world as a toy for Stolas to practice his social skills. But eventually, Paimon had seen Blitzø as a bad influence, and after what Stolas had done to escape the Ars Goetia, the king surely believed that one way or another it was all Blitzø’s fault.

Blitzø had always regretted leaving Stolas behind in the castle. If only he had been stronger, and smarter, he could have saved him from the clutches of Paimon. But now, things were different. Stolas was no longer trapped, and Blitzø was determined to make up for the lost time.

He sighed as he opened the envelope from Vox. He couldn’t shake off the feeling that things were going to get more complicated from here on out. But for now, he had Stolas on his side, and that was something with which he could work.

Blitzø grinned as he opened the envelope from Vox, revealing passes to Lu Lu World, discount coupons, VIP passes, and restaurant reservations for four.

“Come on, pretty bird,” Blitzø said, showing Stolas the contents of the envelope. “Vox invites us to Lu Lu World!”

He wasn’t a fan of amusem*nt parks, but he could put on a smile and think that his family. It was time to show Stolas a good time.

The other demon’s eyes lit up with excitement. “I’ve always wanted to go to one of these amusem*nt parks,” he said eagerly. “Especially with Via. And now, of course, that idea includes you and Loona.”

Blitzø couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Stolas enjoying himself. “Exactly,” he said. “And Octavia deserves to have some fun too.”

Stolas nodded in agreement. “You’re right,” he said. “I can’t keep hiding from the royals forever. Loona would end up making fun of me if she knew I’m hiding from snobbish rich demons,” Stolas chuckled. “Let’s do this, as a team.”

Blitzø took Stolas’s delicate hands in his own, feeling a jolt of electricity shoot through him at the touch. “I think I can try to be a team,” he repeated, trying to ignore the flutter in his chest. “We should go back to Angel and the girls.!

“Oh, you’re right,” Stolas said as he stood up and freed their hands to open the portal back. “I wouldn’t want to abuse Angel’s goodwill.”

Blitzø clenched his fists and tucked them behind his back, trying not to think about the pang of disappointment he’d felt when their hands came loose. Stolas’s laugh made him look straight ahead and he laughed aloud.

“I have an idea, instead of laughing, could you two help me?!” Angel whined, red sauce smeared all over his fur, holding Octavia as far away from his face as possible as she gulped down a long noodle drenched in sauce, which splattered everywhere. At his foot was hanging Loona, who seemed to just be an obstacle because she kept laughing and jumping without letting go of Angel.

“Oh darling, what happened?” Stolas asked, taking Octavia from Angel’s arms. “I told you they were difficult together,” He spoke with such care and affection for Angel.


Blitzø felt a twinge of jealousy. Why couldn’t Stolas speak to him like that?

“Loona, let go, those legs are worth more than our house,” Blitzø joked, trying to distract himself.

«Darling» What did it matter that Stolas said that to Angel? «Darling» was just a word that Stolas could use with anyone. Why had he thought it was just for him?

“It turns out that Missy Eyes here really liked my pasta and started sucking it up like a vacuum cleaner,” Angel replied amused, leaning casually against Stolas’s side to look at Via without really being angry. “There’s sauce everywhere. Are you going to clean up, little one?”

Blitzø felt the stupid impulse to pull the sinner away from Stolas.

“You must try it,” Loona said, getting off Angel’s foot and walking over to him. “It’s very good.”

“If Via left anything behind,” Blitzø forced a smile to his lips, made easier when he noticed that his daughter had smears of sauce in her mouth. “Did you like the pasta?”

“It tastes better than that dry one back home,” Loona said with such conviction that it sounded like she was talking about something like life and death. “How have we ever lived eating that stuff when this exists?”

“That’s because this is fresh pasta,” Angel replied proudly, resting his index finger on Octavia’s beak. “Besides, I’m an excellent cook.”

“More!” Octavia jumped into her father’s arms and stretched out her sauce-soaked hands toward Angel. “More! Aynguh! Ayn! More!” The little girl puffed out her cheeks and stretched out her hands further to reach the sinner. “Ayn!”

“Oh, I seem to have a fan,” Angel scooped Octavia up, letting her smear more sauce on him, and headed into the kitchen with her. “You’re too pretty for this old soul, you know that, doll?” He looked at Loona and winked.” And you’re just as wicked as my Cherri, you make me proud.”

Now the pang of jealousy was stronger. Which was stupid. Octavia planted a kiss on Angel’s cheek as he offered her another long noodle, which she began to eat, letting the sauce drip onto Angel, but he acted without caring. Stolas sat down at the kitchen counter, watching the scene with a deep sense of gratitude. With the same gesture that he used to look at Blitzø when he played with Octavia. He could just as easily be replaced. It shouldn’t be surprising. Blitzø barely did the bare minimum, he was just lucky that Stolas and Octavia were good to him. But usually, that’s how it happens, right? People end up preferring someone more flashy, interesting, and attractive like Fizzarolli or Verosika.

Blitzø tried to push his jealousy aside and focus on the moment. After all, he was surrounded by people he cared about. He should be grateful for that, instead of focusing on his own petty feelings.

As Octavia continued to eat and make a mess, Blitzø took a deep breath and tried to let go of his jealousy.

Loona noticed his gloomy expression and tugged his coat to get his attention. “Are you okay?” she asked with a concerned tone. “You have the face of a fish out of water.”

Blitzø attempted to mask his emotions with a lie, “Yeah, I’m just hungry,” But Loona saw right through him and furrowed her brows in disbelief. “Did you have fun with Angel?” he asked, trying to change the subject.

Loona responded by showing off her freshly painted white claws with silver moons on them. Blitzø couldn’t help but chuckle at her sassy attitude, thinking that Angel must have helped her with them.

Loona growled softly at him and took his hand to lead him to the counter, pushing him against the stool and ordering him with a single gesture to sit down. He was surprised by his daughter’s mix of protectiveness and aggressiveness. Octavia turned her attention back to him and squealed.

with excitement and reaching out to him. Angel chuckled and handed the girl over to him while serving the two plates of pasta for Stolas and Blitzø.

As Stolas combed Octavia’s hair, Blitzø couldn’t help but feel grateful for the small moment of peace and contentment. Loona snuggled up to him, pretending it was only to be close to Octavia. Maybe it wasn’t a hug, but Blitzø could have dreamed that maybe Loona loved him and that’s why she cared about him.

“Well? I want to know what you think,” Angel said, leaning against the counter and looking at them playfully. “Especially you, Stolas. To be honest, I’m trying to impress you because you’re important to Blitzø. You’re his childhood friend and I’m his adult best friend, I think it will be easy for us to get along, don’t you think?”

“Oh?” Stolas took a bite of the pasta and let out a long moan of pleasure that echoed through Blitzø’s mind like a symphony. “This is delicious!”

“You’ll have to visit me more if you want to eat more pasta, it’s a family recipe. Not everyone can have it. But if you’re lucky I’ll show it to Loona and Octavia,” Angel said with a proud smile. “And yes, I know we’re going to get along because we have a lot in common. We adore that chaotic imp sitting next to you, right?”

“Hey!” Blitzø complained. “That imp? I’m here and I have a name!”

Stolas laughed and nodded. “Oh, you are wonderfully right. We have that in common.”

Angel smiled mischievously at Blitzø, and he rolled his eyes, not hiding his smile. So with Octavia reaching into his plate to steal some of his pasta, Loona snuggling up beside him, Angel smiling approvingly at Stolas, and the other demon at his side… Blitzø felt his jealousy disappear as quickly as it had come. Because now that moment and those people were his.

And it felt good.


Did you notice how in this chapter Blitzo started registering not only Octavia but Stolas as his family? And the house where they live as a home? That is progress.

Give our imp a cookie!

I also want a cookie, buh.

After updating the previous chapter, I had a conversation with a friend about our most cherished romantic memories. Surprisingly, we both discovered that our most powerful memories didn't involve things like kissing or more intimate experiences. I wonder if this is a common thing, or if it's an ace thing. The intensity of emotional closeness can make even the simplest things, like softly singing your favorite song with another person or watching the rain fall on a lonely lake together, feel incredibly romantic. Have you ever had a similar experience?

If you enjoy my stories, fics & creative content, please consider supporting me by visiting this link and visit my other social media.

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Chapter 12


A family trip to Lu Lu World. Nothing more, nothing less. Just two adults enjoying the day with their daughters. Nothing else to see here, people.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Blitzø took a tumble but managed to soften the impact by rolling on the ground. This time, he got up feeling no pain. He smiled at Fizzarolli who had been concerned and now mirrored his gesture.

“You see? It’s not that dangerous!” Blitzø said, resting his hands on his hips.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Fizz insisted, balancing his body on the suspended hoop where seconds before they had both been practicing.

“Yes, I’m fine!” Blitzø lied. He felt more confident now than before he fell.

Blitzø’s father had removed the safety net, thinking it would improve his balance. It had, but it had also given Blitzø a great fear of dying. What his father didn’t know was that Blitzø had secretly been training in Stolas’s garden, learning to fall from ever higher branches and injuring himself on multiple attempts, but with the little prince by his side to heal his wounds. Sure, no tree was as tall as the trapezoids, but Blitzø refused to give up. Besides, it had worked!

“Okay, super-acrobat, I admit you know how to fall,” Fizzarolli said, rolling his eyes in derision. “Come here, I want to practice one more time before we have to go out and attract an audience.”

Blitzø laughed and nodded, running to the side to climb the stairs. But before he reached his goal, he caught sight of his sister arguing with their father behind the curtains. His senses became alert. Barbie looked on the verge of tears, and her posture was tense.

“Fizz…? I forgot something. Wait there,” Blitzø announced without paying much attention to how realistic he sounded. His feet were already headed for his new target.

His friend called out his name, but that was the least of it. He scurried closer to the curtains and could hear his sister’s voice shake with fury.

“It hurts!”

“Don’t be so dramatic. You must perform today. We have no substitutes,” their father responded nonchalantly.

“It’s your fault for making me take care of Sammy’s babies while you guys did who knows what,” Barbie stumbled over her words at the end, surely wanting to say something else but knowing the consequences that would befall her.

“Your fall was not taking care of the babies, stop complaining about helping the family a little,” his father’s voice sounded exasperated. “We all help each other here, but you’re the only one who constantly whines.”

Blitzø clenched his fists because that was not true. His sister rarely cried or looked weak, even though Barbie always took on the chores. Their father always made her help their mother and the other women, as well as making her work just like the rest of them in the circus. He and Fizz usually had to sneak out to help her, but there were times when his father would deliberately hold them back, knowing it would only make Barbie more difficult.

“No, I fell because I haven’t slept all night, and I told you so! But you insisted that I train. I told you that I felt tired!” Barbie screamed, her voice turning into a growl. Her ankle was swollen, and she could barely stand up.

“Stop yelling,” their father said with disinterest. “You just need a good ankle massage and some bandages, and you’ll be as good as new. We all sprain something and keep working. Stop being so dramatic. Don’t be lazy because you’re going onstage in an hour, Barbie. I always tell your mom, but it’s time you stopped being a spoiled brat.”

“No, Dad, seriously, I’m not doing this on a whim,” his sister said in a wounded voice, almost a whisper. “Seriously, it hurts. Please... Don’t force me to work like this. I’m going to fall.”

“You know what would ease that pain? Three sips of brandy,” their father laughed heartily. “Four, if it hurts that much and you’ll be as good as new.”

That was always the solution: from a toothache to sprains or inflamed muscles. It happened more regularly among the younger ones since the adults were drunk all the time. Blitzø moved the curtain on impulse, just in time to see his sister leaning against one of the posts, her ankle visibly swollen, and her hand extended resignedly towards the bottle of liquor.

“I can cover for her,” Blitzø offered, avoiding his father’s gaze. “You always say that Fizz doesn’t need me.”

“B, you don’t know how to use a unicycle,” Barbie said, taking the bottle and smiling. “Besides, you don’t look good in my dress.”

His sister gave the same courageous smile he had given Fizz seconds before. He knew that Barbie was afraid that he would get hurt.

“You won’t be able to use the unicycle if you’re drunk either,” Blitzø clenched his fists and dared to look into their father’s eyes, who watched everything entertained as if it were a normal conversation between children who had just learned to read decently. “I have practiced.”

“Your sister is right, you’re going to be a disappointment if you go up there, but also if you go with Fizz,” their father said, rolling his eyes. “Maybe I should send you to work outside. At least you’re decent at stealing.”

Blitzø shook his head and crossed his arms, praying that his appearance was determined and not frightened.

“I can control the unicycle on a tightrope. I’m serious, I’ve trained. Also, I can paint my horns. From the audience, no one will know I’m not Barbie,” he took the brandy bottle from his sister’s hand somewhat roughly. “She can sew mine and Fizz’s suits. They already have holes in them, and they look pitiful.”

Blitzø tried to sound arrogant, and from the smile on his father’s lips, he must have succeeded because he nodded at his suggestion. He didn’t dare meet his twin’s eyes because he knew he had hurt her. But that was better than watching her drink and work through the pain or end up in a vulnerable state where he and Fizzarolli had to carry her back before anyone thought it was funny to see a drunk little girl.


“Blitzø...?” Her sister’s voice brought him back from his thoughts. “Don’t do this.”

Blitzø wondered how many more times he would have to take Barbie’s place. But He was spending more and more time with Stolas, and the accidents that kept befalling Barbie were becoming more frequent. He couldn’t stop thinking about how easy it had been for their father to convince Barbie to drink and silence the pain. How long had they been doing that? Did Fizz know?


His thoughts were interrupted as his hand instinctively closed around his pistol, which he pressed against the cheek of a beautiful face.

It was Stolas.

“f*ck.” Blitzø put the gun away, fully lucid now. “Don’t ever wake me up like this!”

To his surprise, Stolas massaged his cheek out of curiosity instead of fear. His head fell to his shoulder in that gesture of pure wonder that birds seemed to have.

“Do you always sleep with a gun under your pillow?” Stolas asked.

“Better that the one in my pants,” Blitzø replied automatically, laughing as he noticed the blush on Stolas’s face. “I’m serious, don’t wake me up like that.”

Much less when he was having dreams like that. Memories. Nightmares.

“I’m sorry, Blitzø, but your alarm has been going off for several minutes and I got worried,” Stolas explained, sitting on the far edge of the bed. “You told me you wanted to go to the park early.”

It was true. The tickets Vox had sent them because of Loona. How had he fallen asleep on such an important day for her daughter?

“Well, keep your distance next time, anyway,” Blitzø said, rubbing his face to shake off the sleep. “Something bad could have happened.”

“Yeah, Loona and Via wanted to be the ones to wake you up. That would have been really bad,” Stolas said, raising his eyebrows and pointing at the gun. “Maybe you should consider sleeping with a stuffed animal from now on.”

“The girls wanted to wake me up?” Blitzø put the gun away and a smile spread across her face. “Oh, really? That’s f*cking adorable.”

With a laugh, Stolas said, “I think they were going to pounce on you. This time I was able to stop them, but I don’t promise to convince them every time.”

Blitzø couldn’t help but smile more, his tail waving against the bed. “Fine, I’ll go find a stuffed animal, but Domino is going to be lonely,” he teased.

Stolas rolled his eyes, “You obviously called your gun Domino.”

Blitzø pointed to the stairs and said, “Only the one I sleep with. Now get out of here before I give you a free show. I have to change.”

Just then, Loona poked her head in from the top of the steps. “Blitzø! Have you—? Wait… Do you sleep with a gun? Do you think that will defend you from ghosts? …And I’m the weird one for locking my room,” she ranted.

It was clear that both Blitzø and Loona had their traumas. “Someone woke up in the mood to make fun of me,” Blitzø said, watching his daughter walk down the stairs while Stolas left his room as if they were taking turns accompanying him. “And I’m going to stop doing it because it’s dangerous. Just like the lock on the door.”

“…I know…” She whispered and sat in his bed.

Loona was wearing ripped jean shorts, a gray T-shirt, and a black jacket with white sleeves that Blitzø had given her, with «Metal is the Cookie that ate Hell» printed on the back.

“Do you want to help me choose an outfit?”

Loona wasted no time jumping through the weights, dirty clothes, and balloons scattered on the floor, making her way to the closet to find something. Blitzø thought of Barbie and how she used to dress him up as children when he had to visit Stolas. Only then did he realize that Loona reminded him not only of himself but also of his twin. Something about her natural defiance of absurd authorities was all too familiar. He knew he had to be better than his parents and better than who he was back then. Maybe he could start by cleaning his room to prevent accidents.

“Did you find anything, Loony?” Blitzø asked as he tidied up the room a bit.

“You have so many things here!” The girl gave him a look of admiration and annoyance. “I’m going to take time choosing something here. Stolas made breakfast. Go eat, and I’ll find something amazing.”

She was taking the job seriously, and Blitzø secured his weapon, storing it in one of his drawers and locking it as a precaution. If his daughter was going to put effort into choosing an outfit, he would do the same.

An hour later, Blitzø opened the back door of his van so Stolas could climb in and smirked as he noted the surprise in the other demon’s eyes. “Do I detect envy?” he joked.

Stolas held Octavia better against his body. The little girl was still slightly sleepy, but that didn’t stop him from looking at Blitzø for a long time.

Loona had rummaged through his old clothes, finally finding his favorite black miniskirt and white crop-top. The top was cut over his belly, loose in the back, revealing his spines free. Loona had adorned his horns with silver chains, and the tip of his tail sparkled with a ring. He was ready for the amusem*nt park. Blitzø managed to persuade Loona to let him wear comfortable shoes so he could walk. He couldn’t help but feel self-conscious as his scars were on full display. He realized that only Verosika had been this close to seeing the marks of his past decisions without any sexual context. However, Loona had insisted that they both dress up and Blitzø didn’t have the heart to refuse.

“I wouldn't use the word envy to describe how I feel. You look amazing, Blitzø, and I was just admiring your style,” the demon explained, looking away. “Sometimes I forget how young we are, and then I look at you, and it’s a reminder of everything that lies ahead. Maybe I should ask Loona to help me choose my outfit next time.”

Oh no, Blitzø refused to have all his blood flow between his legs. Somehow, he would have to talk his daughter out of helping attractive demons become even more attractive.

Loona interrupted their conversation, poking her head out of the passenger window. “Are we leaving, or are you two going to keep admiring each other like it’s a date?” Her voice was laced with sarcasm.

Blitzø rolled his eyes, “This is not a date, it’s a family trip.”

Loona let out a laugh, “Sure, d—Blitzø. Whatever you say.”

Was it his idea or had Loona almost called him dad?

As they drove towards Lu Lu World, Blitzø couldn’t help but feel a sense of worry. The amusem*nt park was the most famous and largest attraction in all of Hell. The iconic castle on top of the mountain was the first structure built and had remained standing despite constant renovations.

The park had been open since the sixties, thanks to Vox, who had implemented it as one of his first projects for royalty after becoming Overlord. Every popular franchise had a dedicated section in the park, and Blitzø had heard his bosses complain about it so much that he felt like an expert on the place.

As they approached the park, Blitzø could see the iconic castle towering over the horizon. The excitement was palpable as they parked the truck and made their way toward the entrance.

Loona couldn’t contain her curiosity, “Finally, we’re here!” she exclaimed, tugging on Blitzø’s sleeve.

He couldn’t help but smile. “Let’s go have some fun, Loony.”

Blitzø had visited the place once as a child, sneaking in with a group of tourists before getting caught stealing by security guards. But even then, he was awed by the sheer grandeur of the place, it was light years ahead of Loo Loo Land or any circus he had ever seen.

The line to get in was daunting, and he was tempted to suggest they go elsewhere. But with their VIP passes and tickets, they had no trouble getting through, much to the chagrin of the other visitors.

Loona, holding Octavia’s hand protectively, asked what they were doing there. The little girl had just woken up from a nap and refused to wear any safety gear. Stolas was apprehensive about it, but Loona seemed more than capable of taking care of her and he trusted her.

“And what we can do here?” Loona asked, holding Octavia's hand protectively.

Via had woken up from her nap and had insisted on being with Loona without wearing any safety leashes or harnesses. Stolas was still unsure if this was a good idea, but at least Loona seemed capable of ripping the head off anyone who got too close to Via or gave her a dirty look for even a second.

“We can do whatever you two want,” Stolas replied, taking in the surroundings. “This is all new to me, but it looks like so much fun.”

Loona wrinkled her nose at the amusem*nt rides. “Are all these people too much for you, with your hermit lifestyle?”

Stolas straightened his shirt and vest, giving away his nervousness. “No, not at all. This is much more bearable than an ordinary day in court… Wait, are you worried about me, Loona?”

Loona puffed out her cheeks and crossed her arms. “No! Why do you both assume ridiculous things? Come on, Via, these two are crazy!”

“Dad cwazy?” Octavia asked confused.

“A lot!” Loona promised.

Blitzø stifled a laugh as he watched Loona’s embarrassment. She led the way, not knowing exactly where she was going but trying to act confidently, nonetheless. Stolas smiled at Blitzø, who gave him a thumbs up in approval. He knew how challenging it could be to deal with demons like him and Loona, but seeing Stolas actively trying to connect with her was comforting.

“Maybe we should head to the children’s area,” Stolas suggested, pointing in the opposite direction of where Loona was leading them. “Most of the games have a minimum height requirement that girls her age won’t meet.”

Blitzø nodded in agreement and whistled at Loona, gesturing for her to change direction. She frowned and pointed to the tallest roller coaster he had ever seen. But he pretended not to be interested and instead pointed his tail to one of the nearby rides, where a cardboard cutout of the park’s mascot, a golden apple, indicated the minimum height requirement. Loona was too short for that one.

Loona slumped her shoulders in frustration and exclaimed, “But that’s unfair! I want to go up to the fun ones.”

Octavia let out an exasperated growl, willing to give Loona the support she needed. It was obvious that she was trying to imitate her big sister, but she sounded like an angry canary.

“The height rules are there for a reason,” Stolas chimed in, trying to ease the situation. “The speed of those games could blow you away. It’s for your safety.”

Blitzø shrugged and said, “It wouldn’t be a fun day if we ended up in the hospital. Why don’t you try some of the other games, Loony? You might meet some kids your age.”

Loona gave Blitzø a look that made it clear she wasn’t interested. However, before anyone could object, Octavia heard music and started running towards the main street, pulling Loona with her.

As they made their way through the crowd, they were surprised to find themselves in the middle of a parade. Octavia used her short stature to slip through the crowd, while Blitzø and Stolas struggled to keep up. The sheer number of demons made it difficult to move, and Stolas started getting nervous about the distance between them and the girls. Blitzø took Stolas’s hand and began pushing his way through the crowd, using his horns and shoulders to make a path.

As they moved forward, many demons became visibly upset by Stolas’s height, blocking their view. However, Blitzø held up his middle finger on his free hand, making it clear that he didn’t care. Finally, they reached the girls, and all scolding disappeared from Blitzø’s mind.

The girls looked happy, especially Octavia, who was shouting in her improvised language the names of the characters she recognized. Loona’s tail couldn’t hide her excitement, and Blitzø could tell that she enjoyed children’s movies, no matter how much she insisted she wasn’t a little girl.

Blitzø glanced at Stolas and laughed outright as he noticed another fan there, his eyes shining brighter than usual and a hand against his chest as if trying to control his racing heart. One hand, because the other was still holding Blitzø’s, clinging to it when one of the floats showed a couple of demons, an elegant prince and his companion, a young imp that Blitzø recognized immediately.

They were the stars of a movie he and Stolas had seen when they were kids, the «Happy Prince». In the movie, an immortal prince had fallen into a deep sleep while watching over his city, and an imp had mistaken him for a beautiful statue. In dreams, they communicated, and by day, the imp sabotaged the court’s plans and discovered their corruption. In the end, the imp was wounded, and with his last breath, he went to the prince, planning to die at his feet. However, the prince awakened and shared his immortality with the imp, attacking the court and taking his place as the city’s leader alongside his lover.

Blitzø realized that the movie was still one of Stolas’s favorites, as he held on tightly to Blitzø’s hand, clearly enjoying the float as much as the girls. They all watched in awe as the parade passed by, the memories of the movie flooding their minds.

Stolas and Blitzø had watched the movie countless times as kids. But while Stolas loved it, Blitzø always had mixed feelings about the story. He identified with the imp adventurer’s chaotic personality but got nervous when it became obvious that it was true love and not just a friendship. Now as adults, Blitzø didn’t know where to look like the float passed by them.

“B! B!” Via exclaimed, grabbing Blitzø and forcing him to look at the imp in front of them. “B and dad!”

“I see the resemblance,” chuckled Loona, her laughter intensifying as she noticed Blitzø blushing.

“Oh, my little shooting star, Daddy’s not a prince,” Stolas replied with amusem*nt, waving his hand to dismiss any further discussion. “And the prince’s powers in that movie are more like Andrealphus’s. That’s Stella’s brother,” he added with a forced smile, looking at Blitzø. “And he’s Octavia’s godfather.”

Despite Stolas’s reassurances, Blitzø couldn’t shake off the feeling that the guy was bad news. He felt annoyed that someone was making Stolas uncomfortable.

As the imp adventurer took the prince’s hand and kissed his knuckles before twirling around in front of the float, Blitzø looked down at their hands. In fairy tales, an imp could be with a prince.

The parade ended, and people started to disperse, allowing Blitzø to let go of Stolas. Leading the way, Loona dragged Octavia along. However, it was evident that whenever Octavia wanted to approach something or someone, Loona followed. Meanwhile, Stolas was captivated by his surroundings, asking questions that were almost too adorable.

The problem was that Blitzø hated places like Lu Lu World. He put on a nonchalant facade and a ready smile whenever the girls looked at him. It wasn’t anyone’s fault that places like this were tedious, and he hadn’t woken up from a pleasant sleep. Barbie would kill him if she found out that he was letting Loona attend a school to become an actress and it was because of her that they could have a fun day. His twin would think that he was following in their father’s footsteps.

“Oh...” Stolas stopped abruptly. His ruby-bright eyes fixated on something on the side of the road. Blitzø followed his gaze and rolled his eyes, resigned to the fact that he would have to endure more tediousness.

“Who wants cotton candy?” Blitzø announced, catching the attention of his companions. Loona shrugged, but her ears perked up curiously. She had probably never tasted anything like that before.

Blitzø knew it was ridiculous to spend money on something he could make at home, but he also knew that it was all part of the experience. Plus, he had three demons looking at him as if he had offered to bring down the moon and stars for them. So, he bought them cotton candy in the shape of golden apples and led his family to some nearby tables.

Octavia and Stolas seemed determined to stick their heads in their food in ridiculous attempts to eat without using their hands. Blitzø ended up sitting with Via on his lap and teaching Stolas how to eat.

Because that was his life now.

“It’s not ice cream,” Loona said, rolling her eyes and tangling some cotton candy in her claws before eating it. “There is not much science to it, and you must get dirty.”

“You should excuse Stolas, he doesn’t get out much,” Blitzø quipped, rolling some cotton candy into a small ball, and handing it to Octavia so that Stolas could have a visual demonstration of the art of eating. Stolas winced as he touched the sticky cotton candy, but smiled as he tasted it.

“This is incredible. Do they have this in Loo Loo Land?” Stolas asked eagerly.

Blitzø nodded, wrinkling his nose. “At certain times, you can smell the popcorn and burnt sugar all over the place. It gets annoying,” he chuckled. “But this is better quality.”

However, when Octavia was finished, Blitzø grimaced at the cotton candy that was left. He wasn’t planning on eating that thing, but he wasn’t going to waste it either. So Blitzø made a ball of it, squeezing it until the sugar solidified and stained his fingers. Before Stolas could say anything, Blitzø reached across the table and stuffed the rest of the sweet into the other demon’s mouth, who nearly choked on the invasion. Blitzø chuckled as he licked his fingers. The taste wasn’t too bad.

After going to the bathroom and cleaning up, Blitzø tried to guide his family to one of the rides. However, Loona spotted a balloon stand and jumped excitedly before backing off and pretending to trip.

«All that for balloons,» Blitzø thought to himself. «Not animal balloons. Just colorful balloons. Balloons in the shape of apples or snakes inside round balloons. Balloons filled with confetti and glitter.»

And for some reason, that was much more bizarre than the other things they had experienced. Stolas offered to buy the girls some balloons, and Loona couldn’t contain her excitement even though she tried to play it cool. However, things didn’t go as planned when Octavia’s balloon floated away with her due to her light body weight. Blitzø had to tie her balloon to his tail to keep it from flying off, which caused Stolas to laugh at the ridiculous sight of Blitzø’s outfit and the cute pink snake.

As they made their way to the first ride, Blitzø couldn’t help but feel the financial strain of the outing. He considered robbing some unsuspecting families to cover the costs.

“Why don't you wait for us out here?” Stolas offered, placing his hand on his shoulder, and giving it a small squeeze. “You look tense,” he whispered.

Grateful for Stolas’s gesture, Blitzø handed over the passes and benefits that Vox had arranged for them. The group had a blast at all the attractions, from slow rides to roller coasters and interactive holograms. Stolas seemed to enjoy the experience just as much as the girls and even led the way to the next attraction with enthusiasm.

At one point, Blitzø couldn’t resist watching a performance of the «Happy Prince» at an open-air theater. Later, he rode a small roller coaster with Loona because Octavia was too small to join. Despite not wanting to participate in everything, Blitzø was happy to see his family having a good time without any worries. And the park had strict anti-discrimination policies, so they didn’t have to deal with any unwanted attention.

Blitzø even started to think about making this outing a tradition, with him as the dad carrying all the souvenirs and Stolas as the girls’ companion. But he quickly snapped out of it when he remembered that their arrangement was temporary. After all the paperwork for Loona’s adoption was done, he was supposed to part ways.

All of that was temporary, right? Blitzo frowned. Yes, it was temporary. Besides, he and Stolas were friends and could stay friends without having to be married. Blitzo would eventually go back to his apartment, maybe he would share it with Angel, and they would visit Stolas and Octavia.

...were they ready for that?

Loona and Via were very close, and he didn't want to lose that special connection with Octavia or all the things he did with Stolas. But they had reached an agreement and he could not impose himself on the lives of others in this way.

But people got tired of him. Blitzø didn’t want that to happen with Stolas.

Eventually, the day came to an end, and even Stolas looked tired. But the girls wanted to continue, so Loona offered to take care of Octavia while they rested.

“They have a lot of energy,” Stolas commented as the girls were sitting on small dragons that began to move as if circling in front of them.

“It's all the sugar we gave them,” he rested his chin on the railing. “Thank you for going with them,” Blitzø added, waving his fingers as he saw the girls zooming by.

“It must be boring for you here considering your work,” Stolas said, leaning to the side to look at both him and the girls.

Blitzø nodded in agreement. “I have a tough time getting out of work mode when I’m in places like this. I’m always thinking about where the employee doors or the staff tunnels are. Or how much money this place makes for each churro or ice cream they sell.”

“We should do something that relaxes you. You’re always doing things for the girls,” Stolas offered. “What do you like to do?”

Blitzø watched Octavia riding on her metal and plastic dragon, trying to think of an answer. Parties and clubs came to mind, but only because Verosika was there. He enjoyed snuggling under the covers and watching a series with her on any given day off. He liked drawing, music, and training. He loved horses and not being alone. He enjoyed Octavia’s laughter when they played together, cooking for Loona, and folding laundry with Stolas while they watched romantic movies.

“I like...” Blitzø trailed off, uncertain how to articulate what he genuinely wanted.

Stolas laid a hand on his, and Blitzø looked at him, appreciating the genuine interest in his response.

He liked that he didn’t have to work to make Stolas want to spend time with him. He liked that he didn’t have to worry about sex and satisfying Stolas so he wouldn’t get bored and leave him for someone else. He loved being married to Stolas but hated what it represented.

The sun was setting, casting a warm glow on the amusem*nt park. The small dragons flew around them, and the girls laughed and shouted, enjoying themselves.


“I love massages,” Blitzø replied confidently, facing the dragons. “I’m always tense. Maybe I should go to a spa.”

It was a lie. What he really craved was physical contact, but not the sexual kind. He longed to be held, to feel the warmth and comfort of another demon’s embrace. It was the thing he missed most about Verosika, and the thing he most enjoyed doing with Angel, even though it could only happen after sex. Blitzø wanted to confess all of this to Stolas, to tell him that he loved taking care of Octavia because she was so expressive, and because it was the closest thing he had to the kind of physical connection he craved. But he knew how pathetic it would sound if he did.

“In that case, I can give you one,” Stolas said, squeezing Blitzø’s hand to get his attention. “I know how to give a good massage, although Stella always complained.”

“Did you learn to massage for her?” Blitzø asked, frowning. For some reason, the thought bothered him. He didn’t know much about Stolas’s marriage to his ex-wife, but from what he understood, it had been a mess. The woman had never even bothered to visit Octavia or ask about her own daughter.

“I thought if I learned to please her, things would be easier for both of us,” Stolas shrugged. “But I didn’t expect her to hate it when I touched her.”

“What a bitch,” Blitzø growled.

“Perhaps,” Stolas said. “But I understand where she’s coming from. Stella was forced to marry me and create an heir. My closeness was only a reminder of our obligations.”

Blitzø bit his lip, trying to keep his emotions in check. Now he was married to Stolas, in an arrangement purely for convenience and what he wanted most was to touch his husband but at the same time he was terrified of ruining everything. He watched as Stolas went to the exit of the game and picked up the girls, who were already stumbling from exhaustion. It wasn’t hard to convince them that it was time to head back, and both Octavia and Loona fell asleep almost immediately. Blitzø’s daughter snuggled up against him, using his lap as a pillow. He stroked her hair, wondering how many parents knew how lucky they were to have their children trust them enough to let their guard down.

In the rearview mirror, he could see Stolas holding Octavia in his arms, softly singing her a lullaby. It was a sweet moment, and Blitzø felt a twinge of hope.

He drove slowly, trying not to wake the girls, and when they finally arrived home, Stolas carried them both up the stairs effortlessly. Blitzø was surprised to find that he wasn’t jealous as he watched Loona nuzzle into Stolas’s neck and immediately relax at the scent of him. Instead, he felt a sense of peace. He knew that his daughter trusted Stolas, even if she didn’t admit it out loud.

As they reached the top of the stairs, Stolas turned to Blitzø and suggested, “Why don’t you change your clothes and make yourself comfortable? I promised you a massage, remember? It’s been a stressful day for you, and you deserve to be taken care of.”

Blitzø’s heart raced as he watched Stolas carry the girls into their bedrooms, leaving him alone in the living room, waiting for Stolas.

Blitzø ran to his room to get ready.


The family is enjoying the outdoors at one of the most popular places in all of Hell. Nothing suspicious here.

And yes, Blitzo needs hugs, big loving hugs.

"The Happy Prince" is a true tale. Sure, it doesn't happen exactly like this, but it's one of the few queer fairy tales that hasn't been changed over time because it was well-coded and went unnoticed.

I hope you like it.

Oh, I'm using NGL (on Twitter) and Tumblr to answer questions, read your messages, HC, ideas or whatever you want to share with me.

If you enjoy my stories, fics & creative content, please consider supporting me by visiting this link.

Chapter 13


This is the story of an imp who went to sleep relaxed and woke up to a world upside down.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Blitzø’s fingers slipped under the cushion, and he buried his forehead in the soft surface. This encounter with Stolas’s hands on his body felt a thousand times better than anything he’d experienced before. Not that their previous sexual encounter was bad, but this felt so much more intimate. Now, he knew and trusted Stolas. These hands were familiar, and they brought a sense of security to him.

Stolas’s long fingers found his tense muscles and take the time to warm his skin, melting away the tension. In return, Blitzø would do absolutely nothing but hold onto every little sensation and pray for it to last longer.

“Can I ask you something?” Stolas ventured.

“You could tie me up, and I wouldn’t put up a fight,” Blitzø joked but his voice sounded incredibly relaxed. “So yeah, a question sounds easy.”

Although being tied up sounded promising.

“It’s about the marks on your skin... Freckles and moles on imps are usually white, and Alfred has a birthmark on his left eye...” Stolas’s voice was soft, testing the ground as he mentioned the old butler. “But you didn’t have these marks when we were kids.”

Blitzø clenched his fists and breathed in slowly. He had been surprised that Stolas hadn’t asked him about it earlier. Usually, he got involved with demons who didn’t know much about imps, so they assumed it was something normal that he had. But memories of the incident were still fresh. The series of catastrophes that had eventually led him to work for Vox and meet Verosika had happened a few years ago, but they still haunted his mind and nightmares.

“ don’t have to tell me if it’s something uncomfortable,” Stolas hastened to say, his hands resting on his lower back. “I just wanted to know if they were sensitive areas of your skin, and I should be careful.”


“They are scars,” Blitzø responded, pressing his forehead into the cushion, but this time he did it to hide his face and the frustration rising in his mind. “They’re sensitive, but they don’t hurt. Or don’t you remember when I f*cked you stupid and I didn’t complain when you dug your claws into my back?” he growled.

Stolas stopped moving.

Blitzø was incredibly aware of the demon on him and how vulnerable he felt. He was in his underwear, trapped between the couch and Stolas, who had sat on his thighs in a ridiculously respectful yet pleasant act. Stolas barely weighed anything and was like a warm blanket on his legs.

And how was he thanking the closeness? Making Stolas tense with his sh*tty personality.

“ …I’m sorry,” Blitzø sought to prop himself up on his elbows. “You can get up. I appreciate the attempt, but my stupid f*cking mouth...”

Stolas’s hands gripped Blitzø’s shoulders, forcing him back into the seat. The sudden show of strength surprised him and Blitzø momentarily lost his balance. It was easy to forget how powerful Stolas was and how effortlessly he could assert his dominance. Blitzø’s heart raced, but he suppressed any excitement that threatened to surface. This was neither the time nor the place to discover any unexpected desires.

“I accept your apology, darling. I already knew your mouth could be reckless,” Stolas said, his thumbs digging into Blitzø’s shoulder blades as a warning. “But I knew it was a delicate subject and I still pressed on.”

Blitzø tried to glance over his shoulder, but Stolas’s hand blocked his view, pushing him back against the cushion. “Fine, I’ll shut up... you bossy bitch,” he muttered under his breath.

Sexy bossy bitch.

Bad. So. f*cking. Bad.

This was definitely not the time to be exploring his sexuality.

Stolas chuckled softly, his fingers tracing a slow path over Blitzø’s skin. Something in the touch felt different as if the intent behind it had changed. Maybe it was just Blitzø’s heightened awareness of Stolas’s every move. Regardless, the massage remained precise and expert, kneading every taut muscle and firm tendon in Blitzø’s back. He bit down on the cushion, fighting to control his voice and breathing deeply through his nose to avoid making any sounds.

“I’m going to use oil,” Stolas announced.

Oh no...

“Okay,” Blitzø responded, unwilling to admit that the idea sounded incredibly erotic.

Who in their right mind would confess to someone that massages were among their top three categories they most watch in p*rn? There was something undeniably attractive about scenes of pure physical contact, where the masseuse could break down all mental barriers and carry their partner away with their touch.

Verosika used to say that this kind of material was of dubious consent and that was part of the allure. In a way, it was comforting to indulge in something that was purely fictional and under their control. But he didn’t see it like that; rather. Blitzø saw it as overcoming his own mental barriers and allowing himself to experience pleasure in the expert hands of someone who knew more than him. That sounded ridiculously sexy.

The physical contact was his favorite part, long before any sexual activity began. He felt his blood heat up as he savored the feeling of skin rubbing against skin, bodies stimulating each other.

With Stolas applying oil to his skin, Blitzø struggled to suppress any further reactions. He could feel the heat spreading throughout his body, and his mind raced with all kinds of illicit thoughts. Blitzø let out a curse under his breath. He couldn’t believe he was having those thoughts right now.

“Blitzø...?” Stolas leaned over him; concern etched on his face. “Are you okay?”

Blitzø tried to compose himself. “Yeah, just make sure you keep the oil hot. I’m sensitive to cold,” he lied, hoping to cover up his embarrassment.

“Of course,” Stolas replied eagerly.

Blitzø closed his eyes as he felt the warm oil being poured onto his back. He could hear the sound of Stolas rubbing his palms together to warm the liquid before beginning the massage. As his skilled fingers worked their magic on his tired muscles, Blitzø couldn’t help but relax into the sensation.

It was so pleasant that he found himself wishing Stolas would lie on top of him, enveloping him in his soft feathers. But he knew he couldn’t let his mind go there.

The massage continued, flowing smoothly and firmly, and before he knew it, time seemed to blur into nothingness. Stolas worked his way from his head down to his toes, giving each body part special attention. When he reached his tail, Blitzø couldn’t hold back a long purr, which made Stolas chuckle.

“Feeling better, darling?” He asked sweetly.

“I feel like I can’t move from here even if I wanted to,” Blitzø confessed, his body feeling incredibly heavy.

There was no frontal massage, as seen in the movies, and to be honest, he was relieved about it. He didn't want to spoil the moment because his mind was already programmed to interpret everything as sexual.

“I guess that's a yes,” Stolas chuckled, pleased with my response. “Shall I bring some blankets or escort you to your room?”

Blitzø bit his lip, considering the offer. Stolas seemed genuinely interested in making him comfortable.

“Can we...?” he began, then hesitated.

Stolas’s fingers brushed under one of his horns, and he looked at him quizzically. “What is it?”

Blitzø’s heart raced as he struggled to express his desires. But he couldn’t do it. Not yet.

“Nothing,” he mumbled, burying his face in the cushion.

“Darling, talk to me, please.”

Blitzø felt a wave of nerves wash over him as he turned to Stolas and tentatively asked, “Can we sleep together here? Just sleep. It’s just... you know what? Forget it, it’s stupid…” He trailed off uncertainly, not quite sure what he was hoping for.

But before he could finish his thought, Stolas shifted and fell beside him, creating a space between him and the back of the couch. His fingers, which had previously been teasing him, now took hold of his waist and pulled him towards him. It felt like Blitzø was being drawn towards a soft paradise, and he couldn’t help but let himself be pulled in.

It was better than the last time, much better. This wasn’t some attractive (kind of) stranger with whom he’d made a risky decision. It was Stolas, his companion and friend.

“I’m soiling your clothes,” Blitzø whispered, but he didn’t move.

Stolas just adjusted their position, lying on his side and fitting his body against his. Despite their difference in size, some parts fit together perfectly: chest to back, legs to thighs. Blitzø’s tail caught on one of Stolas’s thighs and pressed against him.

“It’s just my house clothes, darling. You can dirty them all you want. Also, I wanted to mention something to you…” Stolas whispered, resting his head in the space between Blitzø’s horns. “You don’t have to say anything, and maybe it’s not the best time to talk about this, but it breaks my heart to hear you hesitate and correct yourself when you want to ask me something like this. I… I get the impression that you think I regret the sex we had. And I want you to know that it’s not so. It was wonderful and terrifyingly incredible. The sort of thing that, if neglected, would easily make me addicted or dependent,” Stolas confessed, but then paused.

“But…” Blitzø prompted, his heart beating faster with anticipation. “We must not complicate things for the girls,” He agreed, closing his eyes. “I know... You were smart. I used to sabotage everything.”

“Don’t say that… It scared me that day how easily I wanted that to be a constant between us, but I reminded myself that you came here desperate, looking for sex as your last solution to some problem,” Stolas replied, stroking Blitzø’s arm to let him know that he understood and didn’t reproach him for his actions. “And I realized that I was willing to do the exact same thing: use something that felt incredible to forget about my loneliness or fears… But I thought about Octavia and how young she is. I meditated for a long time on the influence that our actions can have on her. I don’t want our girls to think it’s normal to use others to run away from their problems.”

“…or hand yourself over to someone so you won’t be alone,” Blitzø added, opening his eyes slightly and hugging Stolas tighter. “They’re just girls...”

“Our girls,” Stolas nodded and hugged back, clinging to each other as if they were alone in all of Hell.

“Thank you… for… you know… Everything,” Blitzø felt his eyes burn.

Verosika had been right: He was too young to make those decisions. What Blitzø should be doing was making a series of mistakes, as he always did. But there was something about growing up and being vulnerable with another demon who didn’t have their life figured out either. It might not be the kind of chaotic company he was used to, but this moment had its own merit, lodged deep in his soul.

He could get used to that.

Blitzø was jolted awake by a loud knock on the front door, a rare occurrence that made him reach for his waist in alarm. He glanced at Stolas, who was still fast asleep and snuggled in the cushion. It had been a long time since Blitzø had slept so well, even if it was in a damn couch.

Stolas stirred awake and whispered, “Blitzy...?”

Blitzø couldn’t help but smile at the silly nickname. “Good morning to you too, night owl,” he joked.

“It’s very early...” Stolas replied, burying his face in the cushion.

Blitzø glanced at Stolas, “Doesn’t anything hurt? It must have been awkward for you to sleep here.”

Stolas shook his head and continued to hide his face in the cushion.

The doorbell rang again, this time louder, and Blitzø got up to answer it. “I’m going, don’t worry,” he assured Stolas as he made his way to the front door. “It must be someone who got the wrong door.” He promised. “I’m coming! You better not break down the door, son of a—” Blitzø’s sentence trailed off as he flung open the door and was greeted by a stunning Verosika. She looked radiant in her black heart-shaped, white-framed glasses, a wrap top that barely contained her ample bosom, a ridiculously short skirt, and black strappy sandals. Blitzø’s eyes lingered on her endless legs and infinite curves, and he couldn’t help but press his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he took in her beauty.

Verosika noticed Blitzø’s gaze and gave him a sly smile, knowing she was being watched and desired. “Hello, Blitzø,” she purred, lowering her glasses to look at him. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

Blitzø was momentarily stunned but quickly recovered his composure. “Wait a minute...” he said, glancing over his shoulder at Stolas, who had already gotten up and was making his way to the stairs.

Stolas was wearing a baggy T-shirt smeared with dried oil, and his feathers were in disarray. He held up his thumb to signal that he was leaving to give Blitzø and Verosika some privacy. A f*cking dork. Blitzø couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointment that Stolas didn’t show even a hint of jealousy.

“That’s the former prince Stolas, isn’t it?” Verosika asked, noticing the demon on the stairs.

Stolas stopped, quickly composed himself and turned to wave awkwardly in greeting.


“Good morning, Miss Mayday,” Stolas said with a friendly tone. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll make sure the girls won’t interrupt. You guys must have a lot to talk about.” As he spoke, he gestured toward the door, indicating that he would keep Loona and Octavia away.

Verosika raised her eyebrows, glancing at Stolas and then at Blitzø a couple of times. He wondered what she had noticed. But the succubus shrugged and turned back to Stolas.

“You can call me Verosika. Or shall I call you ex-Prince Stolas?” she asked, her tone laced with sarcasm and humor.

“Oh, no. Stolas is fine,” the demon assured her. “Well, it was a pleasure...”

“Why are you making so much noise? It’s early!” Loona’s voice echoed from the top of the stairs. “You won’t let us sleep!”

Blitzø’s face fell. “You must go,” he ordered to her, gesturing for Stolas to go upstairs as he pushed Verosika toward the door. “You must go now!”

“Blitzø!” Verosika exclaimed, clinging to the door frame. “I just got here. What’s wrong with you?”

From above, Blitzø could hear Stolas trying to stop Loona, but it was a losing battle. They both knew it. However, Blitzø only needed a few seconds to get Verosika out of there.

“You must go. She can’t see you,” Blitzø whispered. “Not even hear you.”

“She...?” Verosika clung tighter to the door frame. “Are you talking about Loona?”

“Yeah!” Blitzø responded with alarm, giving her another shove. “Sika, we can meet in an hour at—”

“But I came to meet her,” Verosika explained, giving him a pained look.

Small footsteps on the stairs stopped, and Blitzø knew that Loona had seen Verosika. He didn’t need to look over his shoulder to know. Verosika adjusted her glasses and pushed Blitzø aside into the house. He clung to the door and slowly turned to see what kind of scenario he would have to maneuver into.

He wasn’t surprised to see Loona paralyzed on the stairs, her ears drooping to the sides of her head and her tail sweeping the floor. She was wearing a black T-shirt with the band Nav Otnac printed on it and purple striped shorts for pajamas. Her hair was a lovely mess, and the fur on her left cheek, as always, was a bit flattened from sleeping on that side.

“Nice pajamas. I know the vocalist, you know?” Verosika greeted.

Loona looked at the print on her T-shirt, as if she didn’t remember that it had something on it but said nothing. Blitzø closed the door and hurried to get between his daughter and Verosika, trying to sound casual.

“Loony is not a morning person,” Blitzø said, not lying, but preferring that to explain that his daughter was paralyzed with emotion.

“Well, that makes two of us,” Verosika replied as she placed her glasses on top of her head. “And I know a fan when I see one.” She then casually took out her phone and checked something on the screen before turning her attention to Loona. “Why don’t you come down here?”

Blitzø’s heart raced as his daughter descended the stairs. He wanted to push Verosika out of the house, yell at her, and call Stolas for support. However, Loona’s ears were pressed against her skull, her tail tucked between her legs, and her body hunched with anxiety and nervousness. Blitzø wished he knew what to do, but one glance at Verosika gave him no indication of what was to come.

“Sika...” warned Blitzø.

But Verosika just smirked and glanced at her phone before crouching down to be level with Loona. “I assume Blitzø has gotten you tasteful clothes,” she commented playfully, winking at Loona. “But for your first day of school, there are certain things you must have to rule the place. Luckily, I know exactly what you need.”

Loona’s eyes widened in surprise, but her body instinctively took a step back, fearing it was some kind of trap. However, Verosika just checked her phone again and wiggled her eyebrows playfully. “How about I give you and Blitzø twenty minutes? We’ll have breakfast and do some shopping,” Verosika proposed, shooting him a quizzical look. “Or is today cleaning day?”

“Very funny,” Blitzø replied, crossing his arms. Despite her nervousness, Loona’s tail flicked with anticipation. “You’re paying for everything, Sika.”

“Obviously,” Verosika replied, standing up and showing off her shapely legs and lifted butt. But as always, she acted as if it came naturally to her, not as a ploy to distract him. “So, Loona, do you want me to take you shopping?”

Loona looked at Blitzø, and he shrugged. He actually wanted to refuse and tell her it wasn’t a good idea because he knew Verosika was planning something, but he didn’t know what. Plus, it was obvious that she wanted to spend time with her favorite singer. Loona nodded without looking at them and ran up the stairs. Blitzø could hear her talking to Stolas before going into her room.

“What are you doing here?” Blitzø asked, crossing his arms. “You said you weren’t coming back for a long time.”

“I missed you,” Verosika confessed honestly, looking away. “I pulled some favors, but I’m here until tomorrow.” She looked up the stairs. “Am I interrupting something?”

Blitzø sensed the uncertainty in her question, the lurking doubt of whether he had abandoned her or whether what she predicted would happen. He dug his claws into his waist, holding his ground. It wasn’t about them anymore. It was about Loona.

Blitzø’s stern voice echoed through the room as he confronted Verosika. “What you are interrupting is the life of my daughter, Sika. You can’t just waltz in here and plant false ideas in her head,” he scolded, his expression stern. “You can play with my emotions all you want, but not Loona’s. You need to think carefully about what you’re doing to her.”

Verosika raised an eyebrow in surprise, crossing her arms in front of her. She didn’t seem bothered by Blitzø’s accusation, which caught him off guard. She wasn’t even drunk, which made the moment even more unusual. It was a rare occasion where Verosika appeared vulnerable in front of him, and they weren’t alone. Blitzø reached out and ran his fingers through the space between his horns, taking a deep breath. It pained him to see her like this, but he couldn’t let her deceive.

“Don’t worry, I’m not here to be her mom,” Verosika reassured, wrapping her wings around herself. They barely covered her waist, and Blitzø couldn’t help but notice how she looked. “But... can I meet her? You always say I should try things before I refuse.”

“This isn’t about mint gingerbread cookies, Sika. We’re talking about my daughter,” Blitzø replied, rolling his eyes. “You can’t just throw her away like food if you don’t like her.”

“Bly...” Verosika’s voice trailed off.

Blitzø shook his head. “Do you think I don’t miss you? That I don’t think about you constantly? Because I do. Even if it’s just to complain about you,” he said with a bitter laugh. “But I’m serious, if you plan to leave, just leave. Don’t get her hopes up.”

Blitzø couldn’t help but think about Stolas, who had put a line between them for Octavia’s sake. The damn bird was more emotionally mature than he was.

“Does she know we’re not together?” Verosika asked, avoiding eye contact.

“Not exactly. She knows you’re on tour,” Blitzø replied.

He couldn’t believe she was there, standing right in front of him. Verosika had been gone for so long, leaving him with their memories and the bitterness of her departure. And yet, there she was, asking for a chance.

As she closed the distance between them and cupped his face, he felt confused. “Don’t you want to know if she and I can get along?” Verosika asked. “Who knows? Maybe it can work.”

But Blitzø was hesitant. Loona had been hurt before and didn’t want to risk his daughter’s happiness. “If not?” he asked, his frown deepening. “You had your chance, Sika.”

“I was stupid. That's why I left, remember? I needed to shake off some common sense.” She reminded him. “I didn't leave because of a tantrum. I did it for us because I love you.”

Despite his reservations, Blitzø missed her. They had been together for so long that it was strange to see her again and so willing to step out of her comfort zone. He leaned into her touch, feeling the warmth of her hand on his face.

“You command, Bly. If you feel like it’s not going to work, just say the word and I’ll pretend there was an emergency. Loona won’t have to see me again,” Verosika promised as she bowed. “I’ve missed you, haven't you missed me?”

“Don't make me flatter you when you know the answer,” Blitzø teased, shooting her a curious look.

“Always so mean,” Verosika said as she straightened up. “But I'm serious, if you want Loona not to get eaten up by show business, she’s going to need a few things to show that she’s better than the rest. And that’s my specialty,” she said.

Blitzø laughed at her words, but he also knew that she was right. Verosika had a way of making things happen, finding the right connections, and making the right decisions when it came to being a celebrity.

“Go and wear something sexy. Show me that fatherhood hasn't taken away your good taste.”

Blitzø smirked and rolled his eyes. Only Verosika knew how harsh that world was and the kind of wrong decisions they had to make to survive.

As she sat down and pulled out her phone, Blitzø couldn’t help but stare at her. Her wings barely covered her waist, and he could see the curve of her hips. He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.

It was also obvious that she wasn't part of that world.

“Alright,” he said finally, giving in to her request. “Let’s see how this goes.”

Verosika smiled, and Blitzø couldn’t help but feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, they could find some kind of balance.


I showed this chapter to a friend and had to watch her go into conspiracy mode and come up with her own theories. So that was fun!

Don't tell me you guys thought that all the chapters where Blitzø thought about Verosika were just there to be compared to Stolas. Yes but no.

I'm using NGL (on Twitter) and Tumblr to answer questions, read your messages, HC, ideas or whatever you want to share with me.

If you enjoy my stories, fics & creative content, please consider supporting me by visiting this link.

Chapter 14


The important thing is to try and make an effort, right? Despite rumors and memories... right?

Also, Blitzo can't help but wish that Stolas would stop giving a thumbs-up and throw him into Verosika's arms.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It wasn’t the first time Blitzø had found himself waiting outside changing rooms for hours. Usually, he didn’t mind; Verosika had an uncanny knack for testing his patience, building anticipation with each passing moment before the curtain finally opened. He had lost count of how many times his blood had boiled, prompting Blitzø to sneak into the changing room. Eventually, their behavior had even made headlines. Verosika enjoyed the free publicity, simply to take pleasure in their relationship.

But that was all in the past. This was the first time Blitzø had witnessed Verosika approach a shopping trip as a mission rather than personal amusem*nt. They had traversed multiple stores, Verosika meticulously scouring the kid’s section for what she deemed a suitable wardrobe. By now, Blitzø would normally be in a foul mood after endless trips in and out of the changing room. Yet, to his surprise, Loona had grown more self-assured with each change of outfit. Instead of appearing fatigued or frustrated, she seemed genuinely interested in Verosika’s plans and her opinions on each outfit.

“Black and white are timeless,” Verosika explained from the other side of the curtain. “Given that you’d rather not draw too much attention, your fur’s contrast is promising.”

This had marked a middle ground both Verosika and his daughter had settled upon. Verosika had experimented with brighter colors on Loona: yellows, light blues, pinks; but one glance at the girl was all it took to realize it wouldn’t work. Pastels had met a similar fate.

To Blitzø’s surprise, the clothes Verosika selected were charming. They weren’t extravagant, overly trendy, or childlike versions of Verosika’s usual style. They were genuinely kid’s clothes: durable, comfortable, and pragmatic. There were skirts with patterns, simple tees, ruffled shorts, long blouses, jeans, and overalls. None bore juvenile illustrations, comically large lettering, or amusem*nt park mascots. Yet, they were unequivocally kid’s attire: fashionable, yet comfortable and chic.

Blitzø was genuinely impressed. He wasn’t certain what he had expected, but it wasn’t this.

Verosika glanced at him from across the changing area, beaming with pride. By Satan, she was thoroughly enjoying herself. Blitzø could hardly believe this was happening. Verosika had often expressed a desire to take him shopping, which he had always declined. Now, it appeared she derived genuine pleasure from giving makeovers to other demons, including kids.

“I bet all the clothes you got her were vintage Rock & Roll or goth,” she remarked aloud.

“They’re the things Loona likes!” Blitzø countered, arms crossed, a smirk on his face.

His daughter had impeccable taste!

Verosika sidled up next to him in the small armchair. He found himself perched on the edge, striving to maintain some distance from her ample thighs and wide hips. She rested her arm on the backrest behind him, crossing her legs and nearly covering him. Blitzø enjoyed the challenge of this kind of interaction, but he raised an eyebrow and extended his leg onto the seat, creating a makeshift barrier between them.

“Your daughter will like whatever you like, you goof,” Verosika scoffed, tilting her head back to gaze at the ceiling. “For instance, when I was a kid, I adored country music —especially the romantic tunes— because that’s what my mom played every time she took me to a show or pageant.” She shot him a glance. “Guess what? I even dipped in writing some lyrics.”

Blitzø had to contain the desire to open his mouth to say something. Verosika rarely broached the topic of her childhood, let alone with such composure.

“Did you want to be a country singer?” Blitzø inquired, brows raised in surprise.

“You bet your horns, cowboy,” Verosika jested, affecting an exaggerated Wrath accent, which drew a chuckle from both of them. “Then I met more people and experienced more things, I̶ What I’m getting at, Loona likes me because I’m popular, and I’m sure other kids at the orphanage are my fans. But she also likes a lot of things because of the vibes you emit.”

Blitzø blinked several times and touched his choker.

“Do you really think so?”

Verosika laughed sincerely.

“I’d bet she’s into spooky stuff.”


“You’re a scary clown, Bly,” Verosika teased her gaze still on Loona’s changing room. “If you were to combine your assassin skills with your work attire... that’s some serious spooky sh*t.”

“Maybe that’s why I struggle with kids,” Blitzø mused, clicking his tongue and smirking.

This marked the first time they had discussed his work at Loo Loo Land in such a relaxed manner.

“Are you kidding? Kids love spooky stuff!” She rose and winked at him. “I have to admit, Loona acts a lot like you.”

It was a trap.

A complete and utter trap…?

Blitzø could feel his cheeks flush under Verosika’s mocking laughter. She returned to the changing rooms, and he immersed herself in a talk with Loona above the curtain while still casting occasional glances in his direction.

He wanted to believe in that. In that Loona genuinely resembled him, and that people could discern the familial connection between them. But on the other hand, did he genuinely want his Loony to share traits with him?

His phone vibrated, and he noticed it was a message from Angel. No text or audio, just a link without explanations. Angel always had a flair for the dramatic. Blitzø furrowed his brow and clicked the link. If it turned out to be a virus or some explicit video, Angel was in for a world of trouble.

But it wasn’t. It was an image consisting of two photos. On one side, his family sat at a table in Lu Lu World. The photo captured the moment when he had Octavia on his lap and reached out to offer Stolas a mouthful of cotton candy. Loona beamed in the photo, having caught on to Blitzø’s scheme, laughing slyly as she diverted Stolas’s attention. They looked like a family. On the other side was a photograph taken just a few hours ago in another clothing store. Verosika knelt, placing her heart-shaped glasses on Loona, while Blitzø teased his daughter about a light blue pair of shorts she had rejected.

They looked like a family.

The news headline below seemed to mock him: «From royalty to celebrities, who is this imp and his puppy?»

“Damn it,” Blitzø muttered as he opened his eyes, unable to read the entire article.

Appearing in articles of this nature was something he had grown accustomed to. Being Verosika Mayday’s partner brought that kind of attention. But this? This was different, in an uncomfortable way.

Angel’s name appeared on his screen, and he answered before his phone made a sound.


“I am breathing.”

«I can feel you hyperventilating.»

“Forgive me for finding it annoying that my Loony is showing up in the gossip section,” Blitzø frowned. “The fact that Via is also involved...”

«I can’t speak for Octavia, but I think Loona has appeared in videos and photos more often than you,» Angel reminded him. «Wasn’t she part of Vox’s program? Even if she didn’t like being on camera, they probably recorded her, even if it was just to show her being uncooperative.»

“Still, Loony is just a kid.”

«I know. We know, BDB,» Angel replied. «Believe me, I know how all that feels. It’s disgusting that people expose children like that. But...»

“Yeah, I know…” Blitzø sighed. “It’s something that will keep happening, I know. I could still squeeze those paparazzi’s necks.”

«And you’d likely lose custody of Loona,» Angel pointed out. He paused for a moment before adding, «But Blitzø...»

“I know what you’re going to say. But Verosika showed up out of nowhere, and Loona saw her. What was I supposed to do?” Blitzø stared at the changing rooms, where his daughter and the woman were talking. “You didn’t see how excited Loony was...”


“I’m serious!” He glanced from side to side with frustration. It didn’t help that Angel was voicing the very thoughts his mind was already chastising him for. “I didn’t think that someone would begin to track my movements. Stolas is the popular, not me.”

«Look, babe, honestly? You shouldn’t care if people think you’re a gold-digger or something,» Angel responded, his tone measured. «People will always talk about your life.»

“Again,” Blitzø mumbled.

«Again,» Angel conceded. «But... are you sure seeing Verosika is a good idea?»

“I had no choice...”

«There’s always another option,» Angel emphasized. «You can give yourself all the excuses you want, saying you couldn’t refuse Verosika. But you and I know you could, and you didn’t... because deep down, you miss her.»

Blitzø despised how well Angel could see through him. “She wasn’t supposed to come back.” Blitzø pushed off the couch and distanced himself from the changing rooms. Watching how well Loona and Verosika were getting along at the moment wasn’t helping. “She shouldn’t have shown up and done all of this.”


“Yes, all of this. The things we would have done if Verosika had wanted to have children... to adopt Loona.” Blitzø stopped in the far corner of the store, leaning against the wall, scanning the surroundings with vigilance.


Verosika shouldn’t use her difficult childhood to offer parenting advice!

She shouldn't be trying.

«So...? Babe, what’s the plan? You can’t...» Angel cursed in Italian, then took a deep breath. «Blitzø...»

“I’m not going back to her.”

«For now,» Angel sounded slightly resentful.

“No, I’m not... f*ck! What am I thinking?”

«I don’t know! That’s what scares me. You and I both know how easy it is to fall back into destructive patterns...» Angel sounded frustrated, and it was both adorable and indicative of his genuine concern, not only for Blitzø but for Loona.

«She’s going back on tour, right? This is temporary.»

“I don’t know,” Blitzø admitted. “She’s staying until tomorrow. And she came to meet Loona...”

«But… Does Loony know it’s temporary? She’s been really excited about Verosika!» Angel inquired.

“She does. Verosika explained her tour to her... I hate this… Sika’s putting in the effort,” Blitzø said, pushing off the wall. “I think that’s the hardest part. I can’t be mad at her because she’s trying so hard, and...”

«...Just be careful, okay? Like the bastard I am, who is constantly toying with people’s emotions,» Angel playfully reminded him. «I won’t tell you people can’t change, because you’ve done it quite a bit... f*ck, so have I, and I’ve been dead for decades. But...»

“I have to be careful, I know,” Blitzø replied. He pushed away from the wall and began walking back to the changing rooms. He noticed that his daughter and Verosika were already in the cash register. “I’m vigilant, believe me.”

«I believe you…»

“No, you don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t be worried,” Blitzø retorted without any resentment.

«I believe in you, but I care,» Angel said. «How has Stolas reacted to all this?»

“Good! So. f*cking. Good.” Blitzø shrugged. Why was he even upset? By Satan, what was wrong with him? “He’s been really friendly and always willing to give me space to see Verosika.”

«Don’t f*ck with me! Really?»


«I don’t know,» Angel teased, «Do you sound disappointed that your husband isn’t jealous.»

“Angus!” Blitzø groaned.

Angel laughed heartily.

»Say hello to Stolas and Via for me, alright?»

“Angel...” Blitzø shook his head.

«Yes, BDB...?»

“Thank you,” Blitzø smirked. “For being a kick in the ass with all this.”

«This whole being an uncle thing is tougher than I thought,» Angel confessed with a nervous laugh. «I can’t stop thinking about the girls and you, and... f*ck, Val is coming. He probably wants to pitch me another movie with one of his ridiculous plots. I love you! Kisses. Bye.»

Blitzø held back his laughter and ended the call. It was hard for many to believe how fortunate he was that the most popular p*rn actor in Hell was the most devoted uncle to his girls.

“Was that Angel?” Verosika asked, raising her eyebrows while waiting for her credit card to be returned.

“How did you notice?” Loona inquired, glancing between the two.

“Your dad has a particular look for every person,” Verosika explained, visibly tense. “The expression he makes with Angel Dust is pretty obvious...”

“With Uncle Angel?” Loona furrowed her brows, attempting to recall if it was true.

“Oh, uncle,” Verosika blinked several times and forced a smile. “You know him, Loona?”

“We had a sleepover.”


“Sika…” Blitzø cautioned, handing the shopping bags to the driver.

“Loona deserves to know it’s okay to express her emotions,” Verosika asserted.

Speaking from her own experience?


“Displaying emotions often means revealing your vulnerabilities to others,” Loona remarked, crossing her arms, and subtly inching closer to Blitzø as they left the store.

Verosika seemed genuinely surprised. She let out a curse and removed her glasses, placing them on Loona’s head.

“...But there are people with whom it’s worth being vulnerable,” Verosika fell silent as they reached their car, and the driver opened the door. “It’s good, you know?”

Even in the car, Loona was captivated by every word she heard. Blitzø didn’t look away. Loona appeared entranced by the pain Verosika was conveying. Loona looked at him and grabbed the sleeve of his jacket, seeking closeness.

It was the first time Loona had done that with such intent.

“You’re entering show business,” Verosika said, her gaze fixed on the window. “You’ll encounter people pretending to be friendly, trying to uncover your vulnerabilities. Trust your instincts, guard your heart, but...”

“But...?” Loona inquired.

Verosika met his gaze and then lowered her eyes to the girl.

“But don’t forget that your dad is the most loyal and protective demon in Hell,” Verosika advised. “Never let him out of your sight.” She winked at Blitzø and retrieved her phone. “Don’t do something silly like running away.”

“...I know...” her daughter replied, a small smile gracing her lips.

Did Loona see him that way? Blitzø had to control himself.

“You’re a lucky kid, Loona,” Verosika whispered.

To his surprise, Loona pressed herself further into his side, snuggling closer. She never glanced at him, but Loona held onto him. Blitzø wrapped his tail around her, pulling her in snugly. He thought he needed to express more often that he’d never leave Loona, rather than taking things for granted. When Blitzø tried to meet Verosika’s gaze, she was absorbed in her phone. He noticed how Sika was hugging herself with her wings and tail, creating her own personal bubble, distancing herself from everyone.

Lucky...? If Loona had his unconditional love, what did that mean for Verosika? Had their relationship ever seen that kind of blind loyalty? Lucky. Were they still fortunate enough to have it, or had they lost it at some point?

Lucky kid.

Lost adults.

Upon their return home, Loona leaped out of the car and ran to the door, shouting Octavia’s name. Verosika blinked a few times and chuckled.

“She didn’t even say goodbye... Dethroned by a little royal. The story of my life,” she casually commented, looking at him. “What are you saying? Was it so terrible to let me meet her?”

Blitzø watched as the door opened and waved to Stolas as he stepped aside to allow the driver to load all the shopping bags into the house.

“...It wasn’t,” he found himself admitting. It really hadn’t been.

“I didn’t expect your daughter to resemble you so much,” Verosika confessed, shrugging. “It’s easy to get attached.”

Blitzø bit his lip and took a deep breath.

“You know...? That thing you said to Loona... About being vulnerable...”

“I think it’s easier to learn as a child than as an adult, Bly,” she crossed her legs and looked away. “You know how these things are...”

“I know...”

“It doesn’t mean I’m not trying.”

Blitzø knew it. Though he wanted to believe it was a trap, everything that had happened in the car, away from anyone’s sight, was Verosika, his Sika, the woman he knew. Vulnerable and wounded.

“I know.”

“I really miss you,” Verosika buried her face in her hands and choked a frustrated sigh, “but I don’t think... something more than this closeness and distance...”

“Is good for us?” Blitzø raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Are you saying that sex isn’t a good option, Sika? You?”

Verosika threw her head back and laughed. It was refreshing to see her this way. From what he had noticed, Verosika had been sober all day, making a real effort.

“Is this what kids do?! Do they make you boring?” She playfully asked. “But yeah... My mother slept with anyone for me to win. I hated that part of her, not the sex, but the fact that she was trying to convince me that those people would be a constant part of my life, which was never the case,” she sighed deeply. “And… Loona won’t stop talking about Stolas and his daughter...”

“Stolas and I...”

“It doesn’t matter,” Verosika shrugged without looking at him. “Stolas and Octavia are her family too. Loona’s family, and yours. It’s not just about you anymore,” she turned to him, looking intensely into his eyes. “It’s about your family. To... fit in there, just like you warned me.”


But Verosika began to laugh, broken and resigned.

“How foolish I was... I thought you’d fall in love with Stolas, but I never imagined that... you’d create a family with him, and I...” she denied and blinked back tears. “Yeah, I don’t think sex is a good idea if I’m leaving tomorrow. We’ve already said our goodbyes, remember? It was perfect. This is still perfect.”


“And perhaps it’s not so obvious, Bly,” she leaned closer, cupping his face and staring at him. That was the woman he loved and had lost amidst so many things... “Ours has always been more than just sex and fun. It made me happy to see you, and I don’t want to let you go. Not yet.”

Blitzø squeezed her hand with his. He had missed her too. Above her body and her stunning beauty, what he had missed the most was her company. Those damn nights watching stupid movies were his most cherished memories.

“You know...? I had to promise Ozzie that I’d visit a club one of his former employees opened.” Verosika ran her fingers along his neck and smiled. “MoonGold... an adults-only club.”

“I thought you said no sex.” Blitzø cleared his throat and shifted in his seat.

The fact that he missed her company didn’t mean Verosika’s body didn’t still deeply affect him.

“I know,” she said, giving him a long look. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun with other people, right? Maybe you can help me write the review Ozzie asked for...”

It felt like a trap.

No, it didn’t.

But it could be a trap.

“I need to learn to share you, right?”

But with her so close, and her eyes so bright, what was going to stop him as the night wore on and he saw Verosika in all her glory? How could he resist temptation?

They shouldn’t complicate things.

“When was the last time you went out and had fun, Daddy?” Verosika played with his choker and brought him closer to her face. “No kids, no family, no boring stuff. Just adults going out and having a good time.”

A long time.

“Stolas!” Verosika leaned over him to peek out of the car. “Would it be a problem if I took Blitzø?”

He tensed and turned slowly to look at the house’s entrance. There stood Stolas, visibly blushing, and quickly closed his mouth when he realized he was being observed.

“Problem? Oh no, not at all! You—You guys have fun,” Stolas stammered nervously, giving them a thumbs-up, as he always did.

That f*cking thumbs-up.

“Have fun! I can take care of the girls,” Stolas assured him, then turned to Verosika. “You two, enjoy yourselves!”

“You’re adorable, sweety. Thank you,” Verosika stretched and closed the door, looking at him with resignation. “He’s a good guy. How can I hate someone so good?”

Blitzø blinked several times.

“I know… It’s true.”

And it was hard to stay angry with Stolas.


“I’m not going to lose to him anyway,” Verosika leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Ready to have fun?”

He and Stolas were nothing.

He and Verosika were nothing anymore.

“You know what? f*ck it, let’s go!”

It had been a while since he’d made bad decisions, right?


Only Blitzø believes that he hasn't made bad decisions in a long time. Our cynical imp.

And the purpose of this whole chapter was to mention the club.


Don't you hate it when your best friend is making poor choices, but you have no evidence beyond your own experience and instincts to show that they are indeed bad decisions? Yes, Angel certainly feels that way.

So, Verosika is attempting a different approach. After all, she still loves Blitzo. But is it the right one?

Thank you for taking the time to read this chapter. Show your support for the story by clicking the link and taking action.


Chapter 15


Loona is able to sacrifice a lot but don't tell Stolas.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Stolas was acting strange.

Blitzø rested his chin on the kitchen table, his gaze fixed on the owl.

Stolas was acting very strange.


MoonGold had been amazing, and he had returned home eager to share everything with Stolas. Blitzø had come back early enough to have a conversation with the former prince and get enough rest to avoid being a wreck the next morning. However, when he arrived home, Stolas, who typically stayed up watching soap operas, was nowhere to be found.

The next morning, amidst the rush of getting ready for work and helping Loona on her first day at her new school, he and Stolas had barely exchanged words. Well, that was a lie. Stolas had been polite, wearing that same kind smile as always. But Blitzø couldn’t be fooled that easily. That smile seemed lackluster, he could sense it. And there was a subtle distance between them. It wasn’t excessive, but it was there.

Either that or Blitzø was going insane.

The entire situation was peculiar beyond measure. Blitzø knew how to handle awkward silences, indifference, and even passive-aggressive comments, but this? By Satan and Lucifer! What was this? Stolas seemed downcast, yet he was still courteous, engaging in conversation and chuckling at Blitzø’s remarks. Blitzø sensed the strain, but he couldn’t comprehend why.

“I think we can count Loona’s first day of school as a victory,” Stolas remarked while tidying up the kitchen after dinner.

“I hope it stays that way. I don’t want to deal with Vox and his secret plots and all that,” Blitzø frowned, tapping his fingers on the table. “By the way… I think you’d appreciate MoonGold.”

“The club you visited with Verosika yesterday...?” The other demon paused in his task, tilting his head curiously.

“Yes,” Blitzø straightened up, his spirits lifted by Stolas’ attention. “There’s a bar and a stage. I think you’d particularly enjoy the latter. A guy descended from the ceiling wrapped in fabric and performed a dance, a sexy one, you know? Aerial dancing, but with even more intricate knots. Very aesthetically pleasing. When I saw it, I thought of you.”

Stolas’ superior eyes widened with interest, and he approached, seemingly mesmerized by the mental image forming in his head.

“Furthermore, to gain entry, you must sign some magical privacy contracts. So, if Lucifer decides to visit and wants six imps to treat him like a puppy, no one will be able to go out and leak it to the press,” Blitzø continued, feeling a renewed vigor as he observed Stolas’ expression. Perhaps he had imagined the distance. Maybe things were alright between them. “And there are some…” he paused his auditory sense perked up, confirming that the girls were still engrossed in their play in Octavia’s room. The challenge of having a daughter with much keener hearing than his was that she could eavesdrop on everything. “...they have some dungeons.”

“Oh… dungeons?” Stolas nearly exclaimed, covering his mouth. The feathers on his neck and chest fluffed up slightly.

“Yes, not the kind of dungeons you have in your castle.”

“Blitzø, I removed the dungeons when I acquired…” Stolas halted, scratching his chin. “I wonder if they’ve reinstated them now that I’m gone…”

“Feathers! Focus,” Blitzø admonished, stepping onto a chair to get a closer look. “The club has fun dungeons. For those who enjoy a bit of pain or humiliation, you know?”

“And people can watch…?”

Did Stolas have an exhibitionist side?

“People can watch everything!” Blitzø grinned. “And there are rooms for all sorts of activities, or private chambers.”

“Oh… that…” Stolas glanced away, his shoulders drooping.

The atmosphere deflated once more.

No, no, why?

Things were okay!

They were good!

“I think you’d enjoy it,” Blitzø hurriedly interjected, attempting to recapture Stolas’ bright gaze. “Membership is a bit pricey, but Lily, the owner, is quite reasonable and—”

“B!” Octavia’s voice rang out. “B!”

Well, that was a new record. Octavia typically called for one of them within minutes of not seeing them around. Blitzø glanced toward Stolas, who nodded with a serene smile, indicating he would wait there.

Blitzø leaped to the floor and sprinted up the stairs, taking two steps at a time until he reached the corridor, then barged into Octavia’s room.

He had to stifle a laugh.


“Don’t ask,” Loona requested. “Via insisted.”

Upon noticing his arrival, Octavia took his hand and, with small hops, led him to her masterpiece. He could discern the starting point of their plan. The girls had begun playing with playdough, that much was clear. At some point, they transitioned to crafting bracelets, and earrings, and they added glitter along the way. They also fashioned chokers and hair accessories.

Playdough on feathers and fur.

Blitzø resisted the urge to pull out his phone and capture a snapshot. Judging by the state of one of the creations, Loona must have realized the problem when attempting to remove a cute ornament from her fur, only to find it stubbornly clinging.

“Not a word,” his daughter demanded.

“Clay!” Octavia bounded to her feet, presenting him with her sister, adorned with exaggerated gestures like a presenter.

“They look beautiful,” Blitzø affirmed, sidestepping the stuffed animal Loona threw at him. “And it’s easily fixable.”

“Won’t you have to shear us?” Loona inquired, her voice filled with hope.

“Loony! I’d never do such a thing,” Blitzø asserted, almost offended. Although seeing Octavia’s feathers encased in what must surely be a clay skull ornament painted in purple, it was difficult to maintain an air of indignation. “We just need some baby oil.”

Loona sprang into action, scouring Octavia’s drawers for all the products Stolas used to groom her feathers, making them glossy and soft. Among the various items, she unearthed a big bottle of Ars Goetia baby oil.

“It’s just regular mineral oil,” Loona noted, frowning at him after taking a moment to read the label. “Standard baby oil.”

“Charge twenty times the regular price by calling it Ars Goetia.”

“B!” Octavia exclaimed, holding up a lengthy strip of clay with a purple sphere at its center. “For you.”

He blinked a few times before realizing it must be a choker, similar to the one he wore.

“It looks amazing, Oct. But it’s bedtime.”


“Yes, sleep,” Blitzø confirmed, glancing at his daughter. “Do you two need help? You apply the oil to fur or hair, and it will gently release.”

“I can handle this…” Loona hugged the jar and took Octavia’s hand. “Come, Via, it’s bath time.”


“Another one,” Loona nodded and looked in his direction. “Can you stand on the other side of the bathroom door just in case we need assistance?”

“Sure.” He followed them and perched himself outside the closed door, attentive in case they required his help. “You know Stolas won’t be angry about what happened, right?”

“...I know...” came his daughter’s resigned voice from the other side of the door.


“He’s been kind of… down lately,” Loona creaked open the door to confirm that he was present and promptly shut it again. “Do you think he was sad because we didn’t invite him yesterday?”

“I don’t think so…” Blitzø mused aloud. “Wouldn’t that have been weird?”

“You invited him along with Uncle Angel.”

“Yes, but Verosika…”

“Is...? Via…,” Loona’s voice trailed off as she maneuvered Octavia, and they both chuckled.

“Need any help?” Blitzø inquired, turning to rest his hand on the doorknob.

“No! It’s just that Via has a ticklish neck,” Loona explained, chuckling along with her sister. “Via! Be still!”


“Listen to your sister, Tavy,” Blitzø playfully advised. For a moment, the only sounds were the girls’ laughter and their playful instructions on how to use the oil and playdough.


“I’m still here, Loony.”

“Is Verosika your girlfriend?”

This was the moment. If he didn’t do it, Angel was going to kill him. He was going to hate himself.

“Sika is…” Blitzø confessed. “We are… It’s...”

The door opened, and Loona’s oil-covered face appeared, her hair in disarray with remnants of playdough still clinging to it.

“I asked you a simple question.”

Blitzø met his daughter’s honest, resolute gaze. Loona was reaching out to him, waiting for him to be vulnerable, to trust her.

“We’re not together,” he admitted, slightly cringing, afraid of disappointing her.

Loona nodded in understanding.

“Since she left, right?”


“It was for me?”

“No,” Blitzø met her gaze with determination and raised his chin, as he was determined to protect his daughter, even if it meant shielding her from the truth. Even if it was wrong, he wouldn’t hurt her if he could help it. He didn’t care if it would eventually backfire. At that moment, Loona was safe.

Her daughter nodded and closed the door.

“You two love each other,” she continued from inside the bathroom. “But you’re not together.”

“So it seems...”

“But you’re married to Stolas.”

“So I can adopt you.”

“But you love him.”

“What?,” Blitzø stood up, restraining himself from opening the door. “Of course not! We’re friends.”

“So you like him,” Loona stated, and something hit the door as if she was putting her weight against it. “You like Stolas, and he likes you. Blitzø, you idiot! He got sad because you still love Verosika!”

“Loony…” His heart twisted, and he leaned his forehead against the door. “We don’t know that, Loony. You can’t say those things if you don’t know if they’re true. You can’t take on other people’s emotions,” Blitzø repeated what he had been thinking for the past few days. “You’re not doing anyone any good.”

“...I don’t mind. Because stupid Stolas is sad, and it’s our fault.”


“If... If Verosika is going to make that fool Stolas sad... I... I don’t want her to come back,” Loona opened the door and looked at him with bright eyes, holding back tears with determination. “Tell her I never want to see her again! Never! Tell her I hate her! Just…”


His daughter was covered in oil, and almost all the playdough had been removed, except for a few small remnants. Behind her, Octavia, though the least messy of the two, was still bathed in oil, her clothes in disarray, but she clung protectively to her sister.

“Don’t tell Stolas,” she requested, looking aside. “But... I’m serious. I don’t want to see her again if that helps him.”

“Didn’t you have a good time yesterday?”

Loona closed her eyes and clung to the door.

“Yes… Verosika thinks I’m pretty and witty…”

“You’re perfect,” Blitzø swore and reached out to caress Octavia’s cheek. “Both of you are.”

“You know…? At school… I talked to two kids,” Loona continued, gazing at the ground. “It’s the first time other kids talked to me... And it was because they saw Verosika’s photo with me. They asked me if I knew her, and then we played. They didn’t ask me about it again, but… anyway… we played, and I had a good time.”

Blitzø felt his soul return to his body and shatter into a thousand pieces. For a moment, he thought those children had only approached her because of Verosika, but apparently, the singer had acted as a conversation starter. And it had worked. Loona had played with them. Perhaps Loony was going to have friends...

“You really don’t want to see Verosika again...?”

“...I don’t want Stolas to be sad.”

“Dad...,” Octavia captured both of their attention, her expression somber. “Dad like this… like this…” She exaggerated her expression even more, looking sorrowful. “Sad.”

“So I wasn’t crazy, Stolas is sad!”

Loona hit him on the arm, not too hard, but her reproach was evident.

“But he said it was fine…” Blitzø trailed off, realizing it wasn’t the kind of topic to discuss with girls. “I will talk with him.”

“You better,” Loona pointed her finger at him. “Now!”


“Yes!” both girls insisted.

Did Octavia even know what they were talking about?

“Alright! Okay!” Blitzø laughed and took a step back. “Now.”

“Good.” Loona swept her oil-soaked hair back, unintentionally mimicking Verosika. “We’re taking a bath now. Go talk to your man.”

“B, bye.” Octavia blew him kisses as the door closed.


Chat with Stolas.

Blitzø wiped his hands on his pants. That was easy. They talked all the time! They always had something to talk about. He just had to ask him if he was jealous... No, he had to ask him if... what should he ask him? Maybe Blitzø should apologize... But for what? or as…?

The front door was open.

A sword had pierced the couch cushions.

Blitzø had to cling to all his self-control to refrain from rushing down the stairs. Instead, he retraced his steps and knocked on the bathroom door. The water was running.


“Loony? We have visitors,” Blitzø announced, ensuring that his gun was loaded and that his voice sounded casual. “Don’t come downstairs, alright?”

“Don’t let them come here,” Loona ordered, her annoyance palpable. “I don’t want them to see my room.”

She had to think it was someone from the castle delivering groceries or items to the house, and she didn’t want to interact with adults. That was a good sign.

“Don’t worry, I won’t allow them to set foot on the stairs,” Blitzø hurried downstairs, silently entering the living room, and listened closely.


He sniffed the air.

Stolas was in the kitchen.

Blitzø stealthily made his way there and peeked around the corner.

“What the hell?!”

“Oh, Blitzy, it appears we have guests,” Stolas announced, his hand raised in the air, enveloped in magic. “I was just about to prepare tea.”

Against the wall was an imp, immobilized by purple magical energy, grinning with her axe suspended inches from Stolas’s face. Her eyes shone like stars.

“Didn’t we meet at MoonGold?” she asked.

“Oh, do you know each other?” Stolas asked with amusem*nt.

“What the hell?!” Blitzø felt his face flush.


HI MILLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, regarding her? There's a detail that Stolas mentions in Chapter 4 about how the house is protected, right? But Millie was able to enter.

What's intriguing is that the conversation Blitzø had with Loona was sparked by a discussion Verosika had with his daughter.

In the next chapter, we will delve into what happened in MoonGold, explore the history of Millie and Blitzø's connection, and uncover the circ*mstances that allowed Millie to enter the house, despite the supposed magic protection.

Do you know? The recent episodes have prompted me to reconfigure the entire storyline to better align with Blitzø's past. In the end, I followed the suggestion that you all gave me several chapters ago and aged up M&M instead of making a time skip, allowing us to continue enjoying the girls being little for a longer period. Thank you very much for helping me make that decision.

I have worked with children and the playdough is always easier to deal than when they drink paint. Even if it is not toxic.

Loona loves Stolas... She won't admit it, but she doesn't want to see him sad.

I appreciate your time spent reading this chapter. Help me out by clicking here and supporting me.


Chapter 16


The chapter where nobody realizes that everything, I mean, EVERYTHING, even the little things, were already previously planned.

(Not even the reader who is reading this?)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Blitzø never thought that the woman he met in a kinkster club would try to kill the demon who had left him in mental turmoil, but that’s where life had led him. He found watching Stolas handle the assassination attempt both comforting and oddly attractive. When Stolas invited the assassin to tea, Blitzø was no longer surprised. At this point, after everything he had experienced in the last three days, he just rested his chin on the kitchen table and observed the other imp drink tea.

“So you two met yesterday? How small Hell is!” Stolas genuinely smiled at them, his eyes flickering with curiosity.

“Yes, I’ve been to clubs like MoonGold before, but this one was fancier than normal,” the woman looked at him. “My name is Millie, by the way.”

“Where are my manners?” Stolas straightened up, looking a bit embarrassed. “I am Stolas, and this is Blitzø.”

Blitzø simply turned his head to rest his cheek on the table. An ax was stuck in the living room, a murderer was in his house, and Stolas was being polite...

…and Blitzø wasn’t shooting Millie.

She continued, “Oh, I know! In the envelope, there was information about the two of you. But just a photo of your majesty. This tea tastes delicious, does it have almonds?”

“Yes, it does. But, little one, please don’t call me «your majesty». I stopped being royalty a long time ago.”

“About the information?” Blitzø grew alert and signaled for the other demon to be silent. “Was there information about the girls…?”

“Blitzy...” Stolas gently squeezed his hand as a warning to be cautious.

“No, there was no information about any kid. I thought it was a simple target…” Millie smiled sheepishly and hid behind her cup. “A little distraction.”

“Kill an Ars Goetia?” Blitzø raised an eyebrow. “You call that distraction?”

“An Ars Goetia with his powers sealed,” she shrugged.

“Are you stupid?”


“No, leave him alone; he’s a loudmouth,” Millie said, lowering her cup and drumming her sharp little nails on it. “I would react the same way if someone broke into my house.”

“So, you’re willing to cooperate and go with me to the basem*nt to fix this, right?” Blitzø smirked.


Millie rolled her eyes and gave him a long, mocking look.

“Let’s say I cooperate and go with you, sweetie. You know I can beat you in a matter of minutes and tie you up like a nice present in half the time.” She looked at Stolas curiously. “You seem very calm, knowing that your boyfriend and I were at a BDSM club. Are you two in an open relationship?”

“Oh, no, Blitzø and I are not a couple,” Stolas clarified, laughing sheepishly as his feathers rose slightly. “It’s a marriage of convenience, you know?”

“Didn’t the envelope say something about…?” Blitzø frowned. “Wait! Did you plan for us to meet yesterday?”

Because that would be pretty clever.

“No!” Millie ran her hands through her hair and fell back, visibly frustrated. “It’s complicated…”

“You tried to assassinate Stolas!”

“But she didn’t.” Stolas insisted.

“Oh, for the love of… Stop defending her!”

“But…!” Stolas crossed his arms and clenched his beak, behaving like a scolded child. “We all do foolish things when we’re suffering from lovesickness.”

“Excuse me, what the f*ck are you talking about, Stols?”

Millie began to laugh, looking at him with a mischievous gaze. For a moment, Blitzø felt as if he were a child again, facing Fizzarolli’s mocking look when he tried to lie to his mother.

“Don’t you do bizarre things when you’re lovesick?” She asked, batting her eyelashes.

“I do what anyone would do: Spend all my savings at casinos and seduce the first fool I come across. I wouldn’t even think of trying to assassinate an Ars Goetia,” Blitzø frowned. “So explain yourself.”

And he gave Stolas a look to stop him from intervening on her behalf.

Of course, that didn’t help.

“I find it more interesting to know what you two did yesterday,” Stolas insisted, unable to contain a mischievous smile that easily rubbed off on Millie.

Seriously, what’s going on with those two? How did they become best friends between an assassination attempt and tea?

Blitzø frowned, and the clever woman wiped the smile from her lips and decided to take all of this seriously.

“Okay…” Millie gave up and looked at the kitchen ceiling. “I met an idiot, I fell in love with that idiot, and I spent all my savings to move to Pride with him. The idiot got a job at Greed, turned out he was cheating on me, and he took all my money. Now he’s involved with a gangster’s son, good for him, by the way. I don’t mind.” She snarled, her claws tearing at the table, and her eyes flared with visible pain. “I was left with nothing, but I didn’t want to return home and admit defeat. So, I started looking for small jobs and met an imp, a hitman…” She looked at Blitzø. “Our fighting styles complemented each other well, and I had the kind of charisma he lacked to infiltrate some missions. We made a good team, but I was hurt, and... I thought…” Millie hit her forehead a couple of times. “By Satan, I’m so foolish... He didn’t flirt with me or give me false hopes. He was just stunning to me, like to everyone. He offered me a job after seeing me struggle, and… I just wanted some revenge against the cheating idiot I still loved. I wanted to make poor choices, maybe have fun… but he rejected me.”

“Oh, little one…” Stolas reached across the table and took the woman’s hands. “You must have felt terrible.”

“I feel so…” Millie clung to Stolas’s hands. “So foolish and stupid.”

“No, you’re not. Right, Blitzy?”

“A little stupid, but that doesn’t explain the ax in the room.”


Well, Stolas was already upset. Better to bite his tongue.

Millie laughed and let go of one of his hands to squeeze her cheeks. She forced a smile on her face but looked at Stolas.

“You know the funniest thing? My ex-coworker? I didn’t even like him. I just… I feel so… so silly.”

“No, you’re not,” Stolas insisted, and from under the table, he used one of his talons to grab Blitzø’s leg as a silent request for him to shut his mouth and stop saying things. “You’re sweet and very talented.”

Blitzø rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling. Apparently, he was the only one taking an assassination attempt in that house seriously.

“After that humiliation, I decided to leave… but as I was leaving the motel where we were staying, the receptionist told me that there was a package for him. I took it, and... it was a contract, an advance payment, and an invitation to a club.” Millie looked at Blitzø. “Everything was planned: Assassinate the former prince on Sunday and deliver the report to the client at MoonGold on Monday.”

“But yesterday was Sunday, and you went to MoonGold,” Blitzø raised an eyebrow.

“I just don’t like working on weekends,” Millie laughed and sipped her tea. “It’s not like I was planning to contact the client because they would find out that I wasn’t the demon they had contacted, and I had already used the payment... So, I needed to distract myself and do something fun, so I used the MoonGold invitation to have a good time. And that’s where we met.”

“And the rest is history, as some writers would say,” Stolas declared amusingly. “Hell is indeed a small world.”

“Stols… someone wants to kill you. This is not the time for you to romanticize the life of the woman who tried to murder you,” Blitzø warned.

“But I don’t plan on doing it anymore,” Millie insisted as she finished her tea. “I have the payment. And who would want to kill the first person who’s been genuinely nice to me since my idiot ex left me? Also, this tea is delicious.”

“I’m glad, the trick is how long you leave the tea leaves in the water…” Stolas began to explain.

“Hello!” Blitzø interrupted, snapping his fingers to get both of their attention. “Someone wants Stolas dead, and the protection of the house sucks. That is more important than the art of tea.”

“Well, I differ a little with that. Murdering me is quite difficult. But it’s true that the wards only work with Via… The rest of you are in danger,” Stolas admitted regretfully.

For the love of Satan, he was in danger! Blitzø wanted to shake Stolas.

“I don’t know if this is useful, but… Among the contract instructions, they made it clear that it would be easy to enter the house,” Millie confirmed, returning the cup to Stolas with a smile. “You should fix that. My ex-coworker is very good at assassinating royalty.”

“Even without my powers, it’s hard to hurt me,” Stolas promised as he poured Millie more tea. “Here you go, little one.”

“Thank you… but he has angelic weapons and a history of murdering immortals,” Millie warned and pressed herself against her chair to avoid tea that was being spilled.

Blitzø had to jump on the table to hold Stolas’ hands and prevent him from doing more.

“Oh…” Stolas sat up slowly, or rather, Blitzø guided him to sit down because his legs gave way.

“Someone really wants me dead,” Stolas said, forcing a smile. “What… oh, my… it’s funny, isn’t it? It could be my father, my ex-wife, or her brother… it could be any Ars Goetia who finds me a despicable stain.”

“Stols…” Blitzø tried to say.

“I’m sorry I tried to murder you,” Millie said as she also jumped onto the table and grabbed Stolas’s other hand. “I thought you were one of those worthless rich guys that my ex-coworker always complained about, and I didn’t even know there were girls in the house… And I wasn’t thinking. I just wanted to… Forgive me.”

“Millie, don’t worry, you haven’t had good days, I know what that’s like,” Stolas tried to console her, looking at them both. “Before Blitzø came here, I hadn’t had any good days either.”

“You could say months…” Millie whispered and clung to Stolas’s hands. “If I’m honest, yesterday was the first time in a long time that I had fun…” She opened her eyes and looked at Stolas in alarm. “And we didn’t have sex! Actually, Blitzø…” Millie tried to say before Blitzø covered her mouth and started laughing nervously.

“Nothing, really,” Blitzø threatened with his gaze as Millie laughed into his hands. “The important thing is to fix the security of this place. Maybe I should reduce my work hours to be here sooner…”

“I…” Stolas considered and his eyes drifted to the stairs that led to the second floor. “You’re right, I must make the security of the house cover all of us who live here.”

“Especially you,” Millie pointed out when she was able to free herself from Blitzø. “The payment was enormous. I was able to pay off some debts that my idiot ex left me.”

“I just don’t think my father wants to invest so much power in protecting us,” Stolas explained. “He will probably increase security for Octavia and increase security in this entire area, but… I need to ask Alfred, the butler in charge of my family,” he clarified, looking at Millie, “so I can know what can I do… Maybe I should look for a job?”

“Someone wants to murder you, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to expose yourself. At least not right now,” argued Blitzø. “Maybe I can talk to Vox and find a job that doesn’t violate the adoption agreements…”

“Can the protections be purchased?” Millie asked and scooted closer to Stolas.

“Yes, little one. There are powerful demons who sell their abilities for quite a bit of money,” Stolas explained. “Before my connection to the stars was severed, my prophetic powers used to be offered to the kings themselves. If I could just access a prophecy for someone important, I could pay for everything we need.”

“I feel guilty for trying to kill you,” Millie said, sitting down at the table. “Besides, I’ve been spending the money, and when they see that you’re alive, eventually someone will find out that it’s my fault.”

“Oh, no,” Blitzø warned in alarm.

“You’re going to need protection too,” Stolas considered.


“Especially when my ex-coworker finds out I ruined one of his contracts,” Millie whispered embarrassed.

“No,” Blitzø insisted as he advanced between them.

“But maybe I can give you the money I have left to make this place safer,” Millie proposed.

“And you can stay here so you’ll be safe too,” Stolas suggested. “We have an attic that we don’t use, and I would feel much more at ease if another competent warrior were here to take care of the girls.”

“How do you know it’s not a hoax?” Blitzø interrupted. “How do you know it’s not an elaborate plan to get that guy with angelic weapons into the house?”

“Blitzy!” Stolas chided. “How can you accuse her of that?”

“He’s right,” Millie admitted.

Millie looked at him, and it was overwhelming to notice the loneliness in the woman’s eyes. At the club, she had been so bold and confident, with such a spirited laugh, that it was hard to believe so many bad things had happened to her. Stolas had a knack for becoming attached to abandoned bastards.

“But you mentioned Vox, right?” Millie asked him. “You can ask him to use his Overlord power to detect if I am lying.”

“No… Vox’s mind control is dangerous,” Stolas took her hands and carried her like a puppy, away from Blitzø. “I’m not going to let you subject her to that.”

“Stolas…” Blitzø found himself smiling. “Can you put the professional assassin down? We are trying to fix this.”

“Not if you plan to endanger her,” Stolas decided, lifting his chin.

That was his life. Blitzø found himself holding back his laughter. That was his f*cking life now. Millie, from her elevated position, gestured for him to stop fighting with Stolas and that the two of them would then figure out a way to ensure that it wasn’t a trap. It wasn’t the same dominant energy as last night, but it was comforting to know that he could still read those bright eyes and feel some confidence. Preventive, but trustful. Like in the club.

“Well, I’m not going to force her to do anything,” Blitzø gave up, and Stolas began to lower her down. “But you can’t invite her to live here.”

And Stolas raised her again, this time over his head and further away from Blitzø. Millie started laughing out loud, and that laughter quickly became contagious.

“I’m sorry, you two just sound like my parents when they don’t know how to discipline their kids,” Millie explained, and her smile became much softer. “Today was also a good day.”

“It was,” Stolas confirmed as he lowered her to the ground. “And you can stay here for the night. I imagine you have nowhere to return to.”

“I can stay in a hotel.”

“Let her stay with me,” Blitzø relented. “Someone needs to watch her, and I’m not going to leave her with easy access to the bedrooms while you guys sleep.”

Stolas smiled gratefully and clapped his hands happily. Ridiculous bird, how easy it was to make him happy. Blitzø guided Millie to the basem*nt door and let her go down the steps first. Luckily, his pistols were stowed away, and he had no potential weapons in sight. He pulled the ax from the couch, and Stolas caressed the huge cut.

“Are you okay?” Blitzø asked.

“Yes… It’s still incredible that someone actually wants me dead.”

“And that the list is not small, eh?”

“I always imagined that,” Stolas agreed. “Were you going to tell me about Millie when you wanted to talk about MoonGold?”

“Actually, yes,” Blitzø admitted as he scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. “I wanted to talk to you about the scenes without sex, but just as intense.”

“And what happened to Verosika…?”

Blitzø clutched the ax in his hands and decided that the stare of constellations in Stolas meant nothing. It wasn’t fear, hope, pain, doubts. It was nothing. Because he had no right to anything.

“We haven’t been a couple for a long time. But Loona admires her so much and… we didn’t end up in bad circ*mstances either, and…” Blitzø frowned and looked away. “Sika and Loony got along well, but that doesn’t mean anything. She invited me to MoonGold, but we went on separate paths. No, I took a different route because I went to do stupid things, but not colossal stupid things, you know?”

“I can only imagine why…” Stolas admitted, smiling nervously. “I’m sorry things are so complicated.”

“They always have been, Stols. Besides, that doesn’t matter. What matters…”

“Your emotions are important too,” Stolas interrupted and knelt in front of him.

“Nothing more than an attempt to—”

“Please stop saying that word,” Stolas pleaded. “It is awful.”

Murder. Assassination.

“I’m sorry,” Blitzø apologized. “It’s my way of dealing with what makes me anxious… Repeating it over and over until it loses meaning. But… yes, no more.”

“Thank you,” Stolas said and looked calmer. “Be good to Millie, her heart is hurt.”

“What? No!” Blitzø looked over the door and shook his head. “I mean, she’s beautiful and a good Dom. But no, she’s not my type. Well, physically, she is… But I’m not her type.”

“Her type?” Stolas asked, amused. “And what is that? I didn’t know you were an expert.”

“Sometimes I am… She needs someone to complement her energy. Someone soft, like you, but who likes women,” Blitzø explained, smiling. “You better be careful.”

“Oh, I’ll make it clear that I’m a married man,” Stolas joked. “I promise not to make her fall in love. But it will be difficult, you know, considering my reputation.”

Blitzø laughed cheerfully and breathed much easier. That was his moment.

“Did anything that happened with Verosika bother you? Even the girls noticed that you were acting strange.”

“Oh… It’s silly,” Stolas blushed and played with his hands. “It… It doesn’t make sense, darling. But…”


“We are a family, right? It’s what you said before. But I was afraid that you and Loona would leave, that you would decide to live with Verosika, which is fine, and… Well… we would lose you, you know?” Stolas whispered and looked at him embarrassed.

He laughed nervously and felt his face heat up.

“What are you saying? We promised to help each other, remember? We are a team, Feathers.” Blitzø rested his index finger on Stolas’s beak. “Let me be clear, if you find someone, they will have to be accepted by this entire family, or you will not be able to date that demon.”

“Blitzy! Really?” Stolas laughed openly. “I'm not like my father. I don’t plan on having a harem.”

“I didn’t say a harem. We are a polyamorous family. A team. Also…” Blitzø lowered his voice. “If you find someone with money, the expenses will be cheaper divided among all of us.”

“Blitzy, we don’t pay housing expenses.”

“You know what I mean!” He smirked. “In this economy, we need more people.”

“Oh, you’re terrible,” Stolas whispered and cupped her face gently. “Be nice to Millie.”

“I’m not going to seduce her.” Blitzø let go of his warm hands and crossed his arms to calm his heart.

“I know you won’t, but be nice to her. She’s alone.”

And Stolas collected demons like that.

“She’s a tough girl. You should have seen how sore my ass was for talking too much,” Blitzø laughed as he noticed the blush on the other demon’s face. “And I won’t tell you more. I’m going to make sure she doesn’t steal anything from me.”


“By the way, Tavy’s room is a mess, they played with playdough and put it everywhere.” Blitzø winked at him. “I already took care of them, but it’s your turn to clean up.”

“You’re terrible,” Stolas accused amusedly.

“I know.” And he entered his room, descending the steps.

“Marriage of convenience, huh?” Millie asked mockingly, already sitting on his bed and having taken one of his shirts.

“Oh shut up. Don’t think I trust you.”

“You trusted me enough to tame you, right?”

“That’s very different!”

“You have a nice family, B,” Millie assured, picking up her legs and hugging them.

“I know.” He looked in the direction he had come from. “Play your cards right and I might share it with you.”

After all, it wasn’t just Loona who needed a strong pack.


Uh, yes, this plot is just Stolas and Blitzo raising the girls together. All cute. You just don't pay attention to Nocturna and the mural behind her with dates, scenes, and characters connecting between them. Don't look for the clues in author's notes. Nor check the tags. This is just an adorable story!

In completely different issues, did you see Fizz with the little kid? Did you see that Fizz's name in sign language is an F at the nose height, like a clown's nose? Did you see how I exploded with happiness? Send help!

Thank you for joining me on this story and for reading this chapter. To keep supporting the fic, click here and do the thing.
Share & comment. And I'll see you in the following update.

(Yes, I am the crazy person who analyzed the meaning of all Tarot cards of the last merchandise)

Chapter 17


One day in Stolas's life.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Small hands touched Stolas’s face. He smiled slightly and turned on his side so he could put his arm around Octavia and hug his daughter. The smell of oil and the essence of shampoo were still on her soft feathers, and the soft laughter of his owlet made him grateful for every tumble and difficulty he had gone through to be there. Like every morning, Stolas extended his hand on the mattress, leaving it palm up, and to his surprise, Loona rested her small hand on his. He opened his eyes, and the hand disappeared. But Loona was still there, standing on the side of his bed. Because every morning she helped Octavia to climb into his bed to wake him up.

“Good morning, both of you,” he reached over and grabbed his phone, turning off the alarm minutes before it went off.

“Dad…” Octavia hung back dramatically and laughed when she ended up hanging her head. “Imp!” And she pointed towards the door.

“There is a woman in Blitzø’s room,” Loona announced, narrowing her eyes in visible annoyance. “She spent the night here.”

“Yes, I know. Her name is Millie, she’s going to live with us,” he explained, holding Octavia while looking for what to wear that day.

“Do you know her?” Loona asked, following closely behind. “Why is she staying in Blitzø’s room?”

Stolas suppressed the urge to laugh. Was that jealousy? He had always found the possessiveness of children adorable. He had to lower Octavia to the floor, handing her small hand to Loona, and headed to the bathroom.

“You could say it’s my fault that she’s living with us, and your dad is watching her,” Stolas declared before entering the bathroom to take a quick shower.

“He could keep an eye on her without putting her in his room!!!” Loona announced from the other side of the door, shouting loud enough to be heard throughout the house.

Stolas laughed amused. Apparently, Loona wasn’t going to share her dad with just anyone.

The night before, Blitzø had said that they were a polyamorous family, and the concept had been as comforting as it was mysterious. Comforting because he believed Verosika’s presence had been a blow to all the illusions that Stolas had built up in his head. After all, when they started that alliance, Blitzø had been direct; marriage and cohabitation were to legalize Loona’s adoption. After that, they would leave. But that declaration of family and talking about other members could mean that things didn’t have to end soon. Hopefully, in a year he wouldn’t have to say goodbye to Loona or Blitzø.


He had always dreamed of it and now he had it. Not in the conventional way or being something romantic but... it was his most valuable treasure.

Stolas looked at his hand. There was no ring. He obviously didn’t have a wedding ring. Their marriage was a necessary contract and nothing more. They had talked about how it would be absurd to invest in rings. And that was fine for a long time, but now he couldn’t stop thinking about one. Deep down, Stolas knew it was an absurd way to make their union different from what Blitzø had with others. Not better. Not superior. Just… different.

After all, he had always had to share Blitzø with others. That was nothing new. When they were kids, Blitzø had always had other friends and a world to which Stolas belonged. Now, as adults, it was the same. It was Stolas who remained the same lonely and isolated demon who didn’t know how to interact with other people. Sometimes he feared that he would cling too tightly to Blitzø until he suffocated him or succumb to temptation to at least have something more intimate with him, but Stolas knew it was wrong. Instead, Blitzø, being Blitzø, connected with people. Yes, he was irreverent and too frank, but his charisma made demons stay with him.

Being in a polyamorous family sounded comforting because it gave him a place in Blitzø’s life.

They were husbands, without rings to show the world.

They were friends who lived together.

Stolas held back his laughter. He had made the same mistake as in his childhood when he fell in love with his best friend.

Even without a crown, he was still the lonely prince who fell in love with a free spirit.

When he came out of the bathroom ready for a new day, he smiled to find Loona and Octavia sitting next to the door and with new clothes. It usually took hours to change Octavia’s clothes, but Loona had a knack for making Via listen to her when necessary.

“You look better today.” Loona pointed out.

“Were you worried about me?” Stolas asked with a small smile.

“No!” Loona stood up and started walking in front of them. “But yesterday you were so pitiful that you didn’t have time to teach me magic.”

It was true, after helping her with her homework, he had had to cancel their lessons and cut short his time with Loona because his spirit had been deplorably low, and he didn’t want the girls to see him being so pathetic.

“I’m sorry we missed our time together,” Stolas confessed sincerely. “I didn’t like canceling it.”

“It doesn’t matter…” Loona shrugged her shoulders, but it was obvious that she did care a lot.

“It will not happen again.”

He resisted the urge to lift Octavia into his arms and instead guided her toward the stairs, where Loona was waiting for them. According to parenting books, it was necessary to encourage children’s independence, and since Octavia had mastered her balance when walking, it was good to teach her how to go down steps without sitting on them but instead taking the handrail.

“So…” Loona resumed without looking him in the eye. “You’re okay with the cowgirl, but not with Verosika…?”

He felt a pang in his chest. Apparently, his attempts at acting had fooled no one on any frontier. Stolas had actually gone out of his way to support both Loona and Blitzø with Verosika’s visit, pretending that he hadn’t spent the entire day believing that Blitzø would come back and tell him that they were going to leave them. He looked at Loona, who had her hands outstretched in front of Octavia, ready to catch her as Via jumped from one step to the other.

“I’m good with Verosika.”

“That’s bull̶” Loona gritted her teeth to contain herself and looked at him reproachfully. “Don’t lie to me; I’m not stupid!”

“I have never believed you are.” Stolas rested his hands on his hips. “Loona, you offend me. Do you honestly think I would waste my time teaching magic to someone who wasn’t extremely intelligent?”

Loona dropped her ears and looked to the side, but her tail moved in happiness. Like her father, Loona needed to be reminded of how wonderful she was, and Stolas found it entertaining to maneuver the girl’s rudeness to let her know how much he adored her.

“And it’s true, I’m good with Verosika.” He took a deep breath. “I was just afraid.”

“Afraid that Blitzø would leave you for her?”

“No…” Stolas felt his face flush. “By Lucifer, you are very direct... But I was afraid of losing you two.”

They reached the bottom of the stairs, and Loona looked up in disbelief. She opened her mouth to reproach him for something, but Octavia jumped over the last step and hugged her for balance.

“What would happen to Octavia and me if you weren’t with us?” Stolas reminded her and headed to the kitchen.

The aroma of ham, pepperoni, eggs, and bacon reached them. A breakfast worthy of a hellhound. Almost instantly, Loona passed him, followed by Octavia, visibly hungry. Stolas smiled when he saw Blitzø perched on one of the chairs, ready to go to work and wearing an apron. The imp winked at him, and Stolas had to pick up Octavia to put her in her chair, which made him not notice that Loona had climbed into the seat that Millie occupied and was sniffing her closely.


“Don’t worry, I’m fine,” Millie calmed Blitzø and showed her hands to the hellhound, gathering her fingers to show that she wasn’t a threat. He also tilted his head back, pushing the tips of his horns away, and that caused Loona to give her a warning growl and jump onto her chair. “I don’t have much experience with hellhounds, but we imps are territorial too. You should see my siblings; they always bite visitors.”

“I bit people all the time,” Blitzø admitted with a mocking laugh.

“How did you sleep, Millie?” Stolas inquired as he assisted in pouring the coffee and setting the items already prepared on the small table.

“Not much, it’s hard to do when someone is watching you,” Millie responded with a shrug.

“Better safe than sorry,” Blitzø declared.

“Did you get any sleep?” Stolas asked as he stood beside Blitzø, visibly concerned.

“I can stay awake for days, don’t worry.”

“I get more worried hearing that,” Stolas admitted.

“No, we don’t have time for you to worry that head of yours,” Blitzø smiled, showing all his teeth, then hopped out of his chair and headed to his place. “Millie and I have places to go and...”

Three knocks on the door and Loona finished her entire plate before rushing toward the door. Blitzø signaled to Millie not to move and hurried after his daughter. Stolas opened and closed his mouth, slightly frustrated that he couldn’t answer the door. From the kitchen, they could hear the usual conversation Blitzø had with the driver Vox sent every morning to pick up Loona and take her to school.

“I’m confused,” Millie admitted.

Stolas contained his laughter and began to feed Octavia, taking advantage of her apparent morning hunger.

“Oh, it’s actually quite simple. Loona and Via are little celebrities,” he explained, amused. “Loona attends acting school, and Octavia is the royal future primary prophet.” Stolas tried to maintain a smile and wiped his daughter’s beak. “Although that is still years away.”

“You’re a celebrity too, but stop giving information to a stranger,” Blitzø reminded him as he entered the kitchen and sat down. “Millie, eat quickly; I don’t plan to be late for work.”

“I’m a former prince, which makes me irrelevant,” Stolas assured with a light laugh. “Besides, Millie is no longer a stranger.”

“The family you have here is really peculiar,” Millie observed with a smile. “What are you doing while Blitzø and Loona are away?”

“I take care of Octavia and the house,” he said, looking around with some pride. They always talked about how Loona should have a pack, but Stolas took special pride in guarding his nest. Deep down, Stolas still had a territorial and protective instinct for what he called home.

“Don’t give her information, remember?” Blitzø rolled his eyes.

“I think that’s information anyone can get,” Millie responded as she began cleaning the table.

“Oh, little one, you don’t need to do...” Stolas was interrupted when he saw how efficiently Millie was washing the dishes.

“Don’t worry! I have a trick or two around the house. I come from a big family,” she assured.

Stolas clenched his beak. It was a very charming gesture, but it was part of the things he did...

“Let’s go, Millie, before you end up getting his bank account details,” Blitzø shouted from outside the kitchen.

“I’m a mercenary, not a thief,” Millie reminded him before following Blitzø. “See you later Stolas!”

“Take care of yourselves,” he bid them farewell.

The door closed.

He and Octavia were left alone, and the house fell into complete silence.

Stolas finished his meal while Octavia played with one of her dolls. There was silence throughout the place. Before, the day was too short for all the things he had to do, but thanks to Blitzø and Loona, it seemed like there was nothing left for him. Blitzø was responsible for washing clothes and leaving the kitchen clean when he used it, and he often swept and dusted while training in the afternoons. Loona tidied her and Octavia’s room every morning. Well, they both did it, although Via could only pull a few things and put the cushions on the bed.

But that left him with too much time. His garden was growing spectacularly, but unlike the one he had at the palace, this one only took a few minutes. Octavia played with the plants, and he had taught her to speak to them affectionately so that they would grow quickly.

“How about we call Alfred about the wards?” Stolas suggested to Octavia when they returned to the living room and sat in front of the television, with no real desire to turn it on and watch the morning programs that populated the channels.

“Al!” Via cheered and climbed onto his lap.

Of the entire palace, Alfred had been the only one who, even with his serious and seemingly distant personality, had shown any interest in Stolas and later in Octavia. The old butler always seemed willing to listen to him and had been the one who helped him have a decent life after the divorce. But talking to him on the phone had always been a struggle because Octavia would try to monopolize the phone and speak in babble to the imp, who would respond as if they were having a formal and deep talk.

But at the end of the call, Alfred agreed to find out who could extend and improve the protections placed on his house, as well as negotiate some reasonable prices. Alfred promised him that he would find ways to convince his father to increase security and, hopefully, cover the expenses so that it included at least Stolas. He thanked him, feeling much calmer. If anyone could sneak ideas under his father’s radar, it was Alfred.

After that, it was time for Octavia’s nap, and Stolas officially found himself with nothing else to do.

Blitzø must have been at work, and who knows what Millie was doing? Surely something exciting. Stolas hoped Loona would continue having fun at school, making friends, and learning interesting things. It was still too early to claim victory, but perhaps they had found the right place where Loona could feel like she belonged.

His television turned on, and, to his surprise, Vox’s face looked at him.

“What a homely moment,” the Overlord commented, looking around and then shifting his attention to Stolas. “Vox, though from the way you look at me, you know who I am, right?”

Everyone knew Vox. He was the owner of all technology in telecommunications and entertainment. Almost everything that was on the internet belonged to Vox.

“Blitzø isn’t here,” Stolas began.

“That, baby, I know. He’s…” Vox paused, his face going out of focus, and static appeared in its place for a few seconds before his eyes reappeared. “Fighting with the sausage seller, I think he will win his argument,” the Overlord winked. “I wanted to talk to you; that’s why I waited for you to sit in front of the TV.”

Stolas shifted slightly uncomfortably. Vox’s power was one of the few that could reach outside of Pride. The Overlord’s body may have been stuck there, but he had control over everything connected to him, which meant he had eyes on every camera and screen in all of Hell.


“Oh, nothing to worry about, little bird,” Vox said, stepping back, and it was as if the camera zoomed out so that Stolas could now see the Overlord sitting in an executive chair as elegant as a throne. “I was looking through Loona’s documents and I noticed that your signature is missing.”

“My signature...?”

“Yes,” Vox said, co*cking his head and sharpening his smile. “It says here that you are also the father of my future star, but you have not taken the statutory tour of the school or given your approval for her to study there. And I take my contracts very seriously, gorgeous.”

“Oh, no... Blitzø is her father,” Stolas assured and pressed his knees together. “Our marriage is a formality. Loona is his daughter; I...”

It felt like a lie to say all that. Almost a betrayal. Because even though he was telling the truth, Stolas loved Loona as much as he loved Octavia. She had become family from the moment she entered his house and looked at him with fear of being rejected and abandoned.

“I’m aware of your marriage of convenience. I love that trope,” Vox cut him off and leaned forward. For a moment, the two of them just looked at each other, and Stolas had to look away for fear of being hypnotized. Vox laughed amused and his voice transformed into a much more confidential one. “But legally you two adopted Loona, right birdy? So, I’m sending my driver and security team to pick you and Octavia up in, like, an hour? And so, you can complete what is needed. I wouldn’t want a technicality like that to leave a stain on Loona’s adoption process, don’t you think?”

Any protests died when Stolas heard the last part. From what he understood, on any of those days, Horusas would make an inspection, and that would surely include Loona’s school. Stolas would never forgive himself if it turned out that for something as small as that, Blitzø lost custody of Loona. He looked at the screen of his television, at the Overlord who had his legs crossed at the ankles completely relaxed, and looked at him, knowing what his response would be.


“Someone tried to put an end to you,” Vox nodded and waved his fingers in the bored air. “I know; I just had a little meeting with the murderous imp, and she’s telling the truth. That mind of hers was a country walk of truths and frankness. She’s lethal in a thousand ways but harmless to you.” The Overlord smiled at him. “But that little mishap made me review Loona’s documents and find myself needing to contact you. If you think about it, yesterday was worth it, lovebird.”

“You really do a lot for Loona,” Stolas commented, narrowing his eyes, and leaning forward.

“Of course, she is my future star! I don’t plan on losing her due to technicalities after everything I’ve done,” Vox jumped to his feet and clicked his tongue. The camera zoomed in until it focused only on his face. “In an hour, my assistant will be there. Wear something pretty. Extra points if it matches what your daughter is going to wear. After all, it’s an acting school, so there are cameras everywhere. My recommendation? Highlight your eyes, neckline, waist, and thighs. I don’t want to see you in anything remotely royal or princely.” Vox gave him another long look, but this time it was much more professional. “Preferably red or white. Don’t overload your outfit, hot thing.”

The television turned off. Stolas blinked a few times and looked at his phone.

One hour. Yes, it was enough time... But that would be the first time he left the house alone.


The fact that Blitzø doesn't know that Loona follows Stolas everywhere in the morning because she's very attached to him is adorable to me.

A funny thing is that Loona was annoyed with Millie being there because, in her mind, she had just resolved the Verosika issue yesterday, and now her father comes and introduces another woman. In her defense, she had every right to be angry.

Here, Stolas is very aware of how easy it would be for him to turn to Blitzø and become dependent on him. In fact, he also maintains a certain distance from Blitzø in the same way that Blitzø keeps his distance from him.

I bet that many have forgotten that legally Stolas is also Loona's father. But don't worry, even Blitzø forgets that.

Your time reading this chapter means a lot! Please click here to support the fic.


Chapter 18


Many years ago, Stolas vowed to always protect his beloved daughter.
His promise was only expanding.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Why are you coming?” Stella repeated her question for the fifth time that day. “And why do we have nannies and maids if you won’t let them take care of her?”

Octavia shifted in his arms, sensing the tension in Stella’s voice. Her wife’s irritation prompted him to adjust Octavia more comfortably against his chest. The baby’s tiny hand clutched at one of the feathers on his chest, causing an exasperated sound from Stella.

“That’s why you seem so sticky.”

Of course, Octavia was a baby and, was in that stage, where everything went to her mouth, making her drool easily. It was a typical behavior for infants. Stolas didn’t mind the constant need to clean himself just to keep Octavia with him.

“You should have left her. Paimon’s court is going to see you act like a...”

“Father?” Stolas interjected with a hint of sarcasm, glancing at his wife.

Stella shot him a glare before turning her attention to the window, observing the cars escorting theirs. Security had intensified since Octavia’s birth. His owlette had been chosen as one of the precious heirs of powerful Paimon, necessitating heightened protection. Stolas found relief in that, though he knew it would change after that day.

Neither his father nor Stella realized that he had orchestrated this meeting. It marked the day he would file for divorce and seek full custody of Octavia.

Stolas gazed at his daughter’s sleepy face pressed against his chest. In a few hours, they would be free.

He vowed to always protect his beloved daughter.

The car door opened, and Stolas was pulled out of his memories when he noticed one of the bodyguards sent by Vox extending a hand to help him out. The demon was an older hellhound; his black fur had some gray in it. What did they call that appearance? Salt and pepper, right? He looked good in it. His eyes were red, amused, and wise, softening as he glanced at Octavia and then at Stolas. Stolas felt his cheeks flush as his hand rested on the man’s, and the demon effortlessly lifted him out of the car. The hellhound’s laugh was hoarse and sincere as he steadied Stolas. Stolas realized that the demon appeared tall and colossal due to his muscles, but in reality, he was only a head taller than him. Octavia, still in his arms, giggled alongside the bodyguard.

“She must be Loona’s sister. My name is Orion, and I’ll handle your security during your visit to «Vox Docere»”

Stolas cleared his throat and tilted his head. “Do you know Loona?”

“Lu!” Octavia looked around, expecting her sister to magically appear outside the school and in front of them, but she frowned when she didn’t see her anywhere.

Orion chuckled and explained, “Every hellhound knows the first puppy adopted, under the protection of Vox and daughter of Stolas, of the Ars Goetia.”

“Every hellhound knows the first puppy adopted, under the protection of Vox and daughter of Stolas, of the Ars Goetia,” Orion explained slightly guiltily. “But I know her because I’m in charge of... helping her regulate her emotions when something makes her... alert.”

That was a very polite way of saying that Orion intervened before Loona took someone’s head off.

"That's really kind of you," Stolas moved Octavia from one arm to the other. “Thank you very much for that.”

“My son Vortex is a few years older than her. He also had his time when he bit everyone,” Orion explained and looked at Octavia. “Do you need help carrying the little princess?”

"No," Stolas held her tighter against his body and smiled guiltily at her involuntary reaction. “I feel more… calm when I'm with her.”

Except when Octavia was with Blitzø. The connection had been immediate between them, and it was, well… it was Blitzø. With responses, actions, initiative, and charisma. But above all, from the beginning, Blitzø had been good and loving to Octavia, taking care of her at all times.

“That is understandable. My wife and I were the same way when Vortex was a little puppy,” Orion responded. “But it must be tiring carrying her around all the time.”

Yes, and Octavia could walk, but they were in Pride, in Vox's territory, where they could be attacked. The school had technological and magical protections, but...

Orion seemed to notice his mental conflict and guided him into the building. Well, it wasn't exactly a building. But it definitely didn't look like a regular school. It was like a modern museum, a series of geometric elements aesthetically interposed between them, made of metal and glass. The place took up the entire block, expanding into more shapes, almost like a labyrinth. They had to pass four different magical seals that electrified his feathers, and another series of security stops before stopping at a reception where an imp was talking on the phone while attending to different screens on her computer. Orion approached the imp and spoke to her in whispers; she rolled her eyes but took a wool shawl from the back of her seat and said something about returning it to her washed. Orion partially paid attention before approaching Stolas and showing him the garment.

“Just look, it even matches what you're wearing.”

Stolas tilted his head to the side, confused. The shawl was white and actually went well with his clothes. He hadn't wanted to listen to Vox, but no one had complimented his body before. Except for Blitzø, during intimate moments, but that could well have been because of the heat of the moment. So, he had chosen a red suit with a vest up to his waist and a white blouse that allowed the feathers on his chest to show off. Octavia was wearing a white dress with a red long-sleeved shirt underneath.

His questions about the shawl’s necessity were promptly answered. Stolas cradled Octavia as Orion explained that it would be more comfortable to carry her if she sat on his lower back, just above his tail feathers, secured by the shawl. Orion animatedly detailed how this method used the body’s strength to support the child, leaving the arms free. It was a practice passed down through generations among sinners and hellhounds, proving comfortable for both children and adults. Stolas, intrigued, stood still as Orion assisted with the shawl, and Octavia giggled and hugged his back, laughing as she jumped on his tail.

“Horsie!” she exclaimed.

Stolas laughed, finding it genuinely more comfortable. His arms and back finally received a break. While Octavia wasn’t heavy, carrying her all the time could be exhausting. Orion beamed at him like a proud father before announcing their presence to the receptionist, who smiled at Stolas with resignation, showing that Orion’s actions were a common sight.

“The Overlord Vox is waiting for you,” the imp informed them.

Stolas nodded and went ahead toward the next door, which automatically opened to reveal a long corridor adorned with giant posters of various actors, singers, celebrities, and other artists. He halted abruptly as he recognized Verosika in a flirtatious pose, winking at her audience with a microphone in hand. She looked stunning in her black and white dress, standing out against the vibrant background. The poster read «Sing Your Inspiration

“Orion! Seriously?”

Stolas staggered slightly at the new voice, but the hellhound laughed behind him and excused himself lightly without feeling guilty. However, Stolas noticed the Overlord across the hall. Vox had that shark-like smile that had enabled him to create constant monopolies of power, eliminating any form of competition. Stolas could feel Octavia leaning to the side to spy and mumbling something that he could barely understand. Taking a deep breath, Stolas advanced decisively. He just needed to read the documents, sign them, and get out of there. Perhaps, if time allowed, he could see Loona without disrupting her classes.

“Couldn’t you style that thing before putting it on him? There are cameras everywhere,” Vox grumbled in frustration, reaching for the shawl around Stolas’s hips. He adjusted it, stretching the garment to cling more to Stolas’s hips, offering unsolicited fashion advice. “It looks like you tied a rag to an expensive sculpture...” Vox remarked, hands firmly on Stolas, lowering the shawl until it barely covered his thighs. “There. Now it looks like a short skirt, and those tight pants resemble sexy stockings.”

“Could you please remove your hands?” Stolas requested, his heart pounding. “Is this how you greet parents?”

“Only the most attractive ones. Also, if Orion messes up something perfect. Luckily, the skirts suit you, birdie,” Vox replied, finally releasing his grip.

And Stolas could breathe. It's not that he had felt uncomfortable with Vox's touch or that it had been inappropriate. But he didn't trust him. He didn't trust the way Vox looked at him, as if he were... sexy. Stolas disliked that, after so long, Vox was possibly the second man to pay any attention to him. For Lucifer's sake, Stolas felt pathetic. Vox smirked and glanced behind him. Stolas noticed how, for a second, the Overlord's screen displayed one of Octavia's favorite programs, and she immediately stretched her arms towards Vox, intending to follow the television. However, the Overlord only showed his face, winked at the girl, and then shrugged when he noticed that Stolas hadn't stopped looking at him.

“I’m charming, darling.”

“Sure, of course.”

“Oh, your distrust hurts me, lover boy,” Vox said, amused and friendly, beginning a tour of the school. “I truly am charming.”

“I guess...” Stolas crossed his arms.

But one thing Stolas had quickly realized was that Vox was like so many royals. Cunning and manipulative, with his own plans. However, he had experience in that kind of thing. So, Stolas kept his opinions to himself and was grateful that Orion was a few steps behind. As the hellhound had said, Octavia fell asleep relatively easily against his body, her hands clinging to his vest and hugging his waist.

Vox modulated his voice so as not to wake her while he explained that the school had everything needed to record an album, publish a comic, put on a play, record a movie, or create an animated series. The teachers were celebrities retired from their fields along with professionals with experience working in dangerous areas.

“A young delinquent and a diva girl don’t have that much difference,” Vox explained as Stolas looked at him in confusion.

In the morning, children and adolescents attended, and in the afternoon shift, adults, sinners, and hellborns arrived, poised to be the next sensation.

“I must admit I was surprised when Blitzø showed up here with that little imp. Even more so when I found out what had happened,” Vox commented aloud. “Should I put security around Loona?”

Stolas raised his eyebrows, surprised by the seriousness of the question. How invested was Vox in Loona to consider the need for protection?

“We are taking care of that,” he responded instead.

“And is it good care to let the professional assassin live with you?” Vox raised an eyebrow, echoing Blitzø’s earlier doubt.

It was a fair concern.

“You could say that Blitzø is also a professional assassin, right?”

“He was,” Vox admitted with a lopsided smile. “An exceptional bodyguard, though he couldn’t keep it in his pants long enough.”

“It sounds like the show you premiered a year ago.”

Stolas reminisced about the romantic and action-packed show, a chaotic and dangerous romance that left him uncertain whether he loved or hated the protagonists.

“That’s because it’s inspired by Blitzø and Verosika,” Vox confessed with a wink. “Of course, they don’t know. It was canceled after one season. The characters were too toxic for an organic happy ending and attempts to introduce other romantic interests led to a social media tantrum that lasted for months.”

Stolas nodded, avoiding eye contact with the Overlord. Other people’s lives could become entertainment, right? At least Vox’s story had enough differences not to be an invasive copy of Blitzø and Verosika’s lives.

“I’m just saying, I wouldn’t want to inspire a mystery and horror story based on real events,” Vox raised his eyebrows defiantly. “Although it would be a good challenge to rewrite that imp if she happens to kill you.”

What a morbid warning.

“Can we continue with the tour and get this over with?” Stolas requested.

“Anything to cheer you up, sweetheart.”

Stolas had to admit that everything looked good, judging by the positive reactions from some students. It seemed Vox visited regularly, and they loved him. If Stolas had attended as a child, he would have adored Vox for showing genuine interest in each student’s progress, fostering a sense of being special and important.

“Do you manufacture celebrities?” Stolas couldn’t help but ask.

Vox pretended to stumble at the question, shrugged, and resumed his guidance.

“I would say that I polish talents. I can’t turn a pear into a diamond, but I have an eye for diamonds, even when everyone else sees it as a pear, you know?” Vox paused, his screen showing a schedule briefly. “Come, we have time, love.”

Suddenly, they left the building, crossed a playground, and arrived at an indoor gym. Vox gestured for silence, and Stolas followed him upstairs to an announcer’s booth. Orion stayed outside, standing guard, and Vox closed the door.

On the other side of the glass was a volleyball court, the net lowered for children to play. Stolas smiled.

There was Loona, playing on one of the teams, following a succubus girl who was obviously the captain. Stolas rested his hands on the glass, observing.

Loona was laughing.

She had friends.

“Even though you hurt me by not trusting me, I want you to see what I see and understand why I do what I do. Let me introduce you to the future star of Hell,” Vox announced, leaning next to him. “Loona is going to make history.”

“How do you know…?” Stolas frowned.

“You don’t think she’s capable?”

Stolas did think so, but he knew Loona personally.

She was his…

He knew Loona!

“I didn’t say that,” he responded instead. “I asked how do you know that?”

Vox turned and observed the scene. It wasn't anything impressive, just kids working out and having a good time. It was adorable. However, Vox was looking at Loona critically.

“Because they took away her childhood and forced her to mature. So much damage creates resentment and cruelty. But Loona is choosing to be a girl again. Now she is a sister and a daughter too. She is a survivor.” Vox made a contemptuous gesture at the other children. “It will take them years to realize that the world is a Beast that devours you to the bone. They are going to love the attention of the audience and discover how cruel that love can be. They will bleed until there is nothing left when they realize that there will be people who find it entertaining to hate and ruin them. But Loona already knows that. She already knows contempt, unjustified hatred, cruelty, and violence. An audience’s attention won’t fool her. She will be ready when something happens and will face it with claws and teeth.”

And wasn’t that a diamond? Something beautiful created under pressure?

“I create the new royalty. The queen of pop, the king of action, and so many other things.” Vox laughed amusedly and looked at Octavia. “Loona will have nothing to envy of her little sister.”

Stolas frowned. The life of royalty was always full of danger, manipulation, and criticism. Was that what awaited Loona and Octavia? His heart tightened. He just wanted to take his family and protect them, but he was no longer Prince Stolas, no longer the protector of the stars and their prophecies...

“Can I now see the documents I didn’t sign?”

Vox looked surprised for a second but quickly smiled like the presenter he was. The Overlord took an envelope from his vest and placed it on the table next to the announce console. Stolas took the papers and instead of sitting down, he started pacing back and forth so as not to wake Octavia. He could feel Vox’s gaze on his body, and when he glanced at him, he noticed that the Overlord seemed to have his attention fixed on his legs. The pants of his suit were quite tight, reaching his knees, and Stolas could almost feel where Vox’s eyes were going, roaming over his thighs, following the way his muscles flexed. His heart raced. Was that what Angel Dust felt when his fans drank in his every move? Blitzø…? Was Blitzø also affected in that way? He and Angel had a friendly and intense sex life. Stolas wondered if Blitzø would look at him that way...

Stolas cleared his throat, dispelling distracting thoughts. He continued reading; almost the entire document was similar to others he had read from the schools where Loona had been enrolled. The language was more bombastic and theatrical, but it started from the same premise.

“Are you afraid that I have put something like possessing Loona’s soul?” Vox asked amusedly.

Stolas turned to look at him and flinched when Vox’s eyes took a while to rise to meet his gaze.

So shameless.

“You can’t do that, but it can have getting all of her earnings after she graduates.”

“A fair doubt.” Vox leaned against the wall. “Come on, keep reading, little bird. I’m enjoying the show.”

Stolas turned his back to him and heard him laugh with delight at his reaction. His eyes returned to the document, searching for anything suspicious. It didn’t mention anything about jobs or profits. Anything Loona did would have to be with the permission of her guardians. Both of them. If they refused, it wouldn’t affect her education. It was also a scholarship, Stolas noted. Vox guaranteed to cover everything Loona needed, and curiously, that section was so ambiguous that it could easily include things outside of the academic area. That was a big investment. The only profit Vox made was through advertising the school and its students. There was an attached document that allowed the use of Loona’s image in a limited and respectful manner within that type of advertising. All guardians had to sign documents like this. There was no magic in the document. It was something normal and ordinary, bound by the law and nothing more. Stolas looked at Vox, and he winked.

“If I had known you were going to read standing up, I would have brought the behavior manual or something stupid like that for you to read,” the sinner confessed defeated. “But I learned my lesson.”

And Stolas laughed.


“I knew I could make you laugh!” Vox moved away from the wall but didn’t get closer. “I bet your laugh was musical. I knew it.”


“With myself.” Vox shrugged. “Everything okay with the document, Dad?”

“I am not—”

“You are,” Vox cut in with a confidential smile. “Are you going to sign?”

Stolas read again, this time standing leaning against the table, hearing Vox’s complaints in the background. Octavia moved gently against his body, sighing at ease. She had never slept so soundly when being carried. He should thank Orion for teaching him that technique. After two more reviews, only distracted by the children’s screams and Loona’s laughter, he decided to sign.

“No one has ever taken this long to read a document to enroll their child,” Vox commented entertainingly. “It must be difficult to do business with you, pretty.”

“I like reading.” Stolas crossed his arms.

“And now I know what to give you.”

“There’s something I’ve been thinking about for a long time…” He continued without giving Vox the pleasure of continuing with his games.

“Oh…” Vox straightened and took a step in his direction, his smile widening. “You have my undivided attention.”

“ You were the one who made Verosika come back?” Stolas asked and immediately had to look away as Vox’s screen lit up until he was almost blinded. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

The Overlord chuckled, without a hint of shame.

“I should have assumed you would notice. You are not only beautiful but intelligent.” Vox adjusted the brightness of his screen and raised his head with approval in his gaze. “Don’t leave me wondering; how did you find out?”

“You were very insistent about the day you wanted us to go, everyone, to Lu Lu World, and the next day Verosika appeared,” Stolas declared with a smirk. “And shortly after, there were photos! Comparing what we did in Lu Lu World and what Blitzø and Loona did with Verosika. In your newspapers.”

“All newscasts, newspapers, and news platforms are mine,” Vox reminded him. “I control the information, baby.”

“My theory is that the Overlord of Entertainment planned his future star’s first day of school with great fanfare, making her immediately recognizable. You sent Verosika the photos of us at the amusem*nt park to awaken her insecurities because you know she would abandon everything for Blitzø.”

Because she really loved him. Stolas had noticed it in seconds. The way she looked at Blitzø spoke of a sea of pain and despair.

“Well said, she would throw everything away, but she wouldn’t do everything for him,” Vox accepted.

Although Stolas’s heart wanted to see Verosika as a rival, the truth was that he couldn’t help but empathize with her because perhaps he had fallen into a similar trap.

“You played with her emotions,” Stolas insisted.

“Guilty…” Vox shrugged and walked all the way closer to him, his smile widening dangerously. “I have big plans.”


“She will be alright.” Vox waved his hand in the air. “I’m not going to let Verosika overshadow my new star. Also, Verosika’s image is not useful if she becomes a mom. You, on the other hand…” The Overlord laughed with glee. “The Ars Goetia demon who abandoned everything for his daughters? A royal adopting a hellhound is perfect! You are perfect.”

“We are not characters,” Stolas frowned and took a step forward, but Vox didn’t move. “You can’t dictate what we do.”

“I’ve been in the business for years; I understand the minds of consumers better than anyone. I know what is going to happen and I take advantage,” the Overlord shrugged. “You all choose how to act when I give you the options… It’s not my fault that you are easy to predict. Well… almost everyone. I must get to know you again. You are no longer Prince Stolas who took refuge in my romantic stories to escape loneliness, are you?”

Stolas didn’t want to back down, he didn’t want to give him that satisfaction. But he also didn’t like Octavia being so close to the Overlord. He didn’t believe that Vox would harm her; after all, he needed her for his narrative, but instinct ordered him to stay away from Vox.



Everything with them was a contract, a bond, and a benefit for them. Had everything been planned by Vox?

Absolutely everything?!

“Millie,” Stolas opened his eyes in victory. “You’re not behind everything that happened with Millie.”

“How do you know that’s not the case?” Vox raised an eyebrow. “She could be my spy out of Pride.”

“Because it was a mistake for her to go to our house. Actually…” Stolas opened his eyes and smiled victoriously. “You planned for Verosika and Blitzø to go to that BDSM club; you wanted to complicate things, for them to have something and send her back to her tour… That way, you would leave Verosika as a potential rival for when you needed to create conflict in your little plot. But you couldn’t…” He clasped his hands against his chest. “In MoonGold, Millie caught Blitzø’s attention and ruined your plan. That’s why you don’t like her.” The realization hit him hard. “Besides… You wouldn’t have sent an assassin to the house where Loona is, even if you thought we could handle the attack. You’ve planned decades of narrative with her at the center too much to risk her. So, you’re not behind the assassination attempt. Besides, it doesn’t have your… style.”

Complicated and slow. Unfolding without anyone noticing. Lurking and almost invisible. That was the style of the creator of his favorite plots.

Vox applauded silently, he was careful not to wake Octavia. Because, unlike the characters in a telenovela, Vox was complex. He wasn’t exactly the villain of his story. But neither was their ally...

“I see you are a fan of my work.” The Overlord looked at him for a long time. “And yet you’re defensive of me. You hurt me, but I must admit that I find all that very attractive.”

Stolas swallowed dryly.

“You and Blitzø are nothing and there are no cameras here—”

Stolas rolled his eyes, and this time took a step back. Was Vox seriously trying to seduce him after telling him he saw him as a token on the board? Now Stolas understood why the Overlord had so many friendships with royalty; he was identical to them.

“Millie stays,” Stolas decided.

Vox’s screen flickered just once before he shrugged as if he didn’t care. But he did it. Because Millie wasn’t a variable he controlled. It wasn’t a number Vox could calculate. Millie was impulsive enough to try to kill an Ars Goetia and chaotic enough to offer to give her money to protect him. Millie had no connections to anyone Vox could control.

“Okay, do it,” Vox responded flatly. “I don’t think Blitzø would like the idea.”

“...we’ll see,” Stolas lifted his chin. “If that’s all, I’ll wait for Loona to finish her classes, and…”

“You can take her. There's only one hour left until classes end, and she’ll be happy to see you here. See you both,” Vox relaxed, looking at Octavia.

“You just want pictures of me picking up Loona from here,” Stolas rolled his eyes.

“Yes, and you will still accept because you are a worried father who wants his daughters with him now,” Vox laughed at the expression on his face. “Predictable, sweet boy. You are perfect for this story.”

Stolas held back the words that wanted to come out of his mouth, and that encouraged Vox more.

“I’ll wait for Loona at the front desk,” he announced and turned, leaving the announcer’s booth only to find Orion waiting on the other side.

“That expression is rare to see, boy,” the hellhound complimented. “People tend to fall easily with Vox.”

“He is…” Stolas controlled himself from kicking the ground and waking Octavia. “He is… insufferable.”

“The trick is to take advantage of his little plans,” Orion advised amused. “And get ahead of his bad endings.”

“…I hate him.”

“You admire him too. And if it’s any consolation…” The man shrugged, escorting him all the way back. “He really adores Loona. He sees himself reflected in her. All the things he loves, his pet, and his plants, have teeth, are dangerous, and ridiculously loyal. So, Vox adores Loona.”

Obviously. Only a fool wouldn’t adore Loona.

Every part of her, from her little hands to her brilliant imagination, was so adorable and strong. Anyone should love her. But Stolas really needed to see her. His heart wasn’t at ease after his little chat with Vox.

“He wants to use her,” Stolas corrected, hugging himself.

“There are things that can be good and bad at the same time,” Orion advised.

And when they arrived at the reception, Loona was already there, impatient and arguing with the receptionist. When she saw him, her tail swished behind her even though Loona had her arms crossed and her brow furrowed.

“You are late,” Loona growled and sniffed the air. “Where…?” She walked around Stolas and lowered her voice. “Via…”

“She fell asleep, but I think we should wake her up or she won’t sleep at night,” Stolas whispered as secretively as the girl. “And forgive me for being late. This place is huge.”


He knew that he would want to see Loona; the Overlord had anticipated everything. Stolas hated how Vox wasn’t afraid to show the level of his genius because he knew he was going to win.

“Don’t wake her up. Via gets grumpy if you wake her up from a nap,” Loona frowned. “Let her sleep.”

“Well… I—I guess…” Stolas looked at the receptionist. “But I must give back her shawl.”

“No problem, when you get home you can give it to me,” Orion intervened. “I have to wash it, so there’s no rush.”

“Are you coming with us?” Loona asked opening her eyes. “You’re going to know where I live.”

“So, I’ll know where to take Vortex to play with you,” Orion smiled and then saw Stolas. “If that’s not a problem.”

“Oh, no… If Loona wants―”

“Yes,” the girl shouted in a whisper. “The old man says his son is great, and I want to show him that’s not true.”

Thank Satan, Orion just laughed, and Stolas didn’t have to apologize. But seriously, he had to talk to Loona about not saying everything she thought.

“What will be for dinner?”

“What do you want to eat?”

“Your kind,” Loona responded with a biting smile.

“ …does that mean you want Nuggets or something with eggs?”

“Nuggets.” Loona smiled victoriously.

For Lucifer, this girl...

“We’re going home?” She insisted.

Stolas looked at her, her hand closing on the part of the shawl that hung at his side. As if she wanted to take his hand, but she wasn’t ready to do so yet and his heart sank.

“Let’s go home, my moon.”


Regarding Stolas thinking that only Blitzø and now Vox have flattered him: He doesn't believe that Angel's flattery is something... real? Stolas sees it as friendly, non-sexual thing. There is another person who has flattered him in the past, but Stolas always believed they were lies. And on most occasions, he doesn't notice or take seriously when someone flirts with him. So, Blitzø and Vox, because Vox is too obvious.

About Vox... he has a thing for long legs. It doesn't get any deeper than that. Why do you think Angel, in a previous chapter, mentions that Vox can help? Because he knows that a short skirt and sitting on the TV Demon's desk will make Vox say yes to everything.

Now... that Blitzø approves of Vox being all intense with his husband... that's another story.

Thank you for taking the time to read this chapter. Show your support for the story by clicking the link and taking action.


Chapter 19


Millie was a stranger ...who was soaking his clown suit with her tears and had not let go of his hand at any time.

“I always loved coming to Loo Loo Land,” Millie whispered.

“Are you going to leave me a good review?”

“To the best clown in all the realms.”

And she said it buried against his chest but he could hear her smile.


I took some liberties about the influence of the Ars Goetia on Wrath

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Loo Loo Land could be on fire, and it wouldn’t even be his fault. Not technically. And since it would be something out of his control, it wouldn’t affect his stable work record at all because it would be something that got out of his hands. It would be the perfect crime. Freedom would be within reach. Blitzø could finally leave that place and look for something… Anything… Maybe he could create his own company and…

He had not yet taken Loona and Octavia to Loo Loo Land.

“No,” Blitzø began, moving his cart away from the main tent. “You can’t destroy the robot.”

“But he was rude to you.” Millie glared at Robo Fizz, who was still laughing and calling him names. “There’s a torch seller there; I could set him on fire.”

“Don’t tempt me…” Blitzø smiled and then frowned. “Stop doing that.”

It took her a while to return to see him because Millie had very maturely decided to make obscene gestures at the robotic clown who couldn’t even leave his tent due to his programming.

“Do what?”

“Be…” Blitzø waved his hand, trying to point out the obvious “kind.”

“Sweetheart, you say it as if it weren’t something normal.”

Because it wasn’t! People weren’t nice in Hell, and they definitely weren’t nice to him specifically. Blitzø found his favorite stand, a good distance from the main tent and still in the path of naive families with children who were impressed by something as simple as balloon animals. Millie sat on the cart and took one of the balloons to practice some knots and maybe try to make a figure that she had seen him make hours before. Blitzø admired his agile fingers, something he had already noticed that day at the club. Without exaggeration, it had been the first thing he noticed about her. The way Millie took special care in what she did was incredibly captivating. That’s why Blitzø had told Stolas that she needed someone soft. Someone who would be as gentle with her as Millie was with her hands.

“Tell me about your old coworker.” Blitzø leaned against the cart and looked at her. “What kind of demon hires him?”

“Anyone who can afford it.” Millie frowned as she twisted the end of one of the balloons, but instead of getting a round tip, it looked like a wrinkled raisin. Instead of complaining, she undid her work and tried again. “He hates royalty, but they’re usually the ones who pay the most.”

“A little hypocritical, don’t you think?” Blitzø joked, taking the balloon, and showing her where to start twisting.

“Better to use them than let them use us,” Millie responded with a shrug, but her eyes remained focused on how he handled the balloon. “You know what the Ars Goetia in Wrath is like. If they don’t own the land, they own the factories or transportation. One way or another, you end up in debt to them and they take everything from you until it’s your turn to work for them. With the contracts I got from being with Striker, I was able to get my family out of their own debt.”

In Greed, they had a similar relationship with Mammon. His father’s circus had to pay a series of taxes that became more ridiculous every year and that only existed in that Ring. But the Ars Goetia had control over Wrath’s agriculture and livestock without getting their hands dirty. They got rich because of the imps there. They paid them a pittance for the products and then charged them ridiculous amounts for the things they could offer them.

For example, the Ars Goetia had forced the farmers of Wrath to use seeds that produced bigger crops but needed moonlight to do so, so they had to organize a festival for someone from the House of Paimon to go and open a portal to the living world where the moon illuminated the crops. And obviously, the demons of Wrath had to pay for the blessing.

Blitzø mentally congratulated himself for remembering what Stolas used to tell him as a child. After all, that was going to be one of the jobs the young prince was going to have to do when he became an adult.

Now that would be Octavia’s job….


“On a couple of occasions, we almost lost the farm.” Millie continued. “We were lucky… But from what little Striker let me know, his family wasn’t as lucky. He really hates the nobility. So, he likes to get paid to kill them.” She shrugged and retrieved the balloon from Blitzø’s hands and began to recreate what he had been doing, achieving a better result.

“A job is a job―” Blitzø stopped and glared at her. “Except when my family is the target.”

“How impartial.” She laughed in amusem*nt, making more small bubbles in the balloon as if she were creating a pearl necklace. “But I understand you, seriously. I’m a professional assassin, but I would react the same if someone tried to kill my family.”

Blitzø was grateful that Millie was concentrating on whatever she was trying to do with the balloon because then she didn’t have to see him blush. It was stupid that the part that got through was that Millie understood. The morality and principles of an assassin weren’t something that anyone could understand. You just went and killed a target; you couldn’t afford to think that you just ruined other demon’s lives in the process. Blitzø had always been fine with that, and he knew Millie was too. When she entered their house the night before, Millie never knew that she was about to ruin the lives of two girls and him. Millie never suspected that, if she had done her job, as she did so many times, she would have made a lifelong enemy in Blitzø. She was right; they were impartial in which life was worth living and which was not.

“Well…” Blitzø cleared his throat. “Any pattern in common with previous works and this one?”

“Usually they are political assassinations,” Millie explained. “The second son asks that his older brother be killed so that he can be the heir. That kind of thing.” She finished with that balloon and held it between her thighs while she grabbed another one of the same color to repeat the process. “But Stolas is out of the competition and has nothing of value to the Ars Goetia. So, there’s no point in wanting him dead unless…” She trailed off and then raised her head very quickly, looking at him.



“Octavia,” Blitzø whispered.

“Without him, she would have to return to the Ars Goetia,” Millie snapped her fingers, fishing for ideas. “With her mother, right?” She tilted her head. “What’s her name…? It’s… like an old movie…”

“Stella,” Blitzø felt something heavy fall on his shoulders and leaned so close to Millie that she had to hold on to the cart to keep from falling. “Do you think it could be her?”

“It is a high probability,” she looked at him seriously. “I didn’t want to scare him more after seeing his reaction, but… Stolas believes that anyone would pay for his murder, but it’s not that easy. Killing such a powerful demon requires many measures. The payments are high, but the contracts are much more complex. You must risk a lot to hire Striker. The only demon who would win anything by risking so much would be her, right?”

It was like a blow of reality to put a face on someone who wanted his husband dead. His hands clenched tightly on the cart. How was he supposed to stop an angelic weapon by himself? How was he going to keep Stolas safe? The safeguards of the house weren’t going to be enough... Not if whoever wanted to kill him was doing it not only for something tactical but for personal reasons.


But she rested her hand on his. Soft and delicate, she circled one of his fingers and gave him a gentle squeeze.

“Why are you doing this? You don’t know us, why do you want to help us?”

“Because I caused this,” Millie frowned.

“I don’t want to criticize your skills in your work, but, if it weren’t for you, maybe Striker would have achieved his work.” Blitzø held onto her hand. “You, in your recklessness and poor planning, saved Stolas. You don’t owe us anything. And with the money you have, you could pay for your own protection. You don’t need us.”

She pursed her lips and looked at their hands. Blitzø noticed how her shoulders shook slightly and knew she was crying before Millie tried to jump out of the cart and run away. Because it would be something he would do so that no one would see him break down emotionally. So Blitzø put his other arm around her and pulled her against his chest. Millie struggled to break free, but he held her tighter until she collapsed against his body and a pitiful sound escaped her lips.

It was curious…

Years with Verosika had made him distrustful, constantly analyzing the actions of others and even his own, questioning whether they were sincere, manipulative, or just an emotional breakdown. However, months with Stolas and their daughters had changed him. He had learned to accept someone’s emotions, to embrace them, even if he didn’t know how to fix things.

“Stolas…” Millie whispered. “I… he… you…”

“Are we practicing pronouns?” Blitzø joked and held back a curse when Millie bit his shoulder reproachfully.

“Silly B…”

He had it coming.

“Stolas said it… I’ve had bad months… No one had been nice to me, and he was. Stolas… and you right now…” Millie was quiet for a moment and pressed herself against him tightly. “You said it, demons are rarely kind, right...? This is Hell… Demons aren’t usually good to others…”

Blitzø opened his mouth and closed it tightly. The second he was about to say a joke to support that argument, Horusas came to mind helping him through the entire process so he could adopt Loona, even though the laws were constantly changing. Angel with his good humor and his willingness to help him forget a bad time. Stolas, by opening the doors of his house to him from the beginning, even though they hadn’t seen each other in years. And obviously, Loona and Octavia being the best thing that has ever happened to him. Or a certain murderous imp that almost burned Loo Loo Land because a robotic clown had insulted him.

“You would be surprised,” Blitzø confessed resignedly, and his fingers combed through Millie’s hair.

Since Loona had appeared in his life, Hell didn’t seem as horrible as he remembered.

“…I don’t want to be alone.”

It was just a whisper, but in that moment Blitzø stopped seeing the cheerful girl who tried to take things with good humor but the demon that life had hit her in too many ways. Maybe the two of them weren’t so different. Good humor on the outside and chaos on the inside.

Vox had confirmed that Millie had no bad intentions but had warned Blitzø that it wasn’t a good idea to have an assassin in the house. Blitzø supported him; Millie was a stranger ...who was soaking his clown suit with her tears and had not let go of his hand at any time.

“I always loved coming to Loo Loo Land,” Millie whispered.

“Are you going to leave me a good review?”

“To the best clown in all the realms.”

And she said it buried against his chest but he could hear her smile.

“I guess... we’ll have to take turns looking after the house,” Blitzø accepted. “But this doesn’t mean I trust you.”

He waited to see her jump with energy and smile at him again. Maybe she would return to her usual cheerful energy, but that wasn’t the case. Millie nodded against his chest and stayed there, crying silently.

“…your ex made you a mess, huh?”

“It’s amazing how one idiot can ruin you,” Millie confessed in a whisper. “It just makes me feel stupider. He lied to me so many times…” She shook her head and pulled away from him, wiping her face. “It doesn’t matter. He’s not my problem.”

“You’re going to have to tell Loona and Octavia the suitable for general audiences of what happened to you, so they learn not to trust idiots,” Blitzø declared. “You are going to save the lives of many by preventing them from meeting me.”

“They’re just kids,” Millie chuckled, blinking several times to stop her tears, and went back to her work. “They still have a long way to go to reach the idiots.”

“Better safe than sorry.” He looked at her… art? “By the way, what are you doing with those balloons?”

Millie didn’t respond immediately and continued her work, twisting the balloons into a series of small, connected spheres until…

…created a chain?

She smiled at him and stretched, dangling the balloon over his horns like a crown. Blitzø raised an eyebrow and grew suspicious as he noticed the mocking laugh on Millie’s lips.


“These are your reins, remember?” She scoffed and started laughing when she saw him blush. “You must tell Stolas!”

“Not a word about what happened in MoonGold, bitch.” Blitzø warned.

“Whatever you want, colt,” Millie responded by wrinkling her nose playfully.

“You’re…” He stopped and snapped his fingers as he remembered something. “Don’t move.”

He didn’t wait for a response and walked a little away from the cart and called Angel’s number. He held back his laughter when the sinner answered him almost immediately.

“Do you need me to babysit so you can take your sexy husband on an unforgettable date?” Angel sounded sleepy. “Because if not, I won’t forgive you for waking me up.”

“If you think Stolas is so sexy, why don’t you ask him out on a date?” Blitzø responded sarcastically.

“Can I!?” Angel asked suddenly animated.

And the enthusiasm in his voice was like a punch to the gut.

“Wait, you like Stolas?” He asked, choking his voice, and he had to clarify it. “Emotionally, Angus. Do you like him?”

“Relax, I’m joking! But I scared you, didn’t I?” Angel sounded maliciously on the other end of the line. “I mean, he’s very beautiful. I wouldn’t mind playing with him and learning what he likes. But nothing else. You already know that I like mature and bossy men. Although I’m going to be honest with you, seeing you two with your daughters makes you look more attractive to me.”

“That’s your Daddy Issues talking,” Blitzø responded, and he had to confess, knowing that it was just a sexual attraction made him feel much calmer.

“Wait… You’re okay with me wanting to seduce your husband, but not with me wanting to woo him?” Angel almost crooned into his ear. “Oh, you’re in love, baby.”

“Shut up!” Blitzø rolled his eyes and scratched his hot cheek. “That’s not true. It’s just...I worry about him, you know? We’re friends and all that.”

“Don’t lie to me, Blitzø! Not to me,” Angel accused him. “You like him and if you’re not ready to admit it, have the decency not to lie to me... Although I forgive you because you see me as capable of giving Stolas a good f*ck.”

“You’re capable of giving Asmodeus or Lucifer a good f*ck.” Blitzø could almost see him smiling like the spoiled brat the sinner was. “And don’t try to get any more flattery out of me, I’m not going to give them to you. I wasn’t calling to talk about you and Stolas.”

“Boring…” The sinner grunted. “…did you call me to talk about Blitzø and Angel Dust having a competition in the sheets?”

“Do you need one?” He asked almost clinically.

One of the things that connected them well is that they understood each other. The sinner knew what it was like to feel incompetent at many things. And how it felt to have the only sincere compliments thrown their way when it came to sex. It was the only thing where they didn’t feel naive, and stupid and demons didn’t treat them as if they were thoughtless or untrustworthy. That was their area of expertise. What healed fights, erased reproaches, made other demons forget debts and obtain favors. Good sex. And that’s why sometimes Blitzø or Angel needed to f*ck until they lose their minds. Not for the excitement of the act, but to feel good emotionally. Like an injection of self-esteem. They needed to do what they were good at. But it was in such vulnerable moments that they could only trust each other to seek that validation. Because they understood that sex wasn’t always about pleasure or love. Sometimes it was something to clear the mind and nothing more.

“No, I don’t need you to burn my neurons with org*sms… yet. Valentino has been in a better mood lately.” Angel confessed and lowered his voice. “But thanks for asking.” The sinner clicked his tongue. “And well? If it wasn’t for that, to what do I owe the pleasure of this call that woke me up from my beauty sleep?”

“Does the club where your sister works still need a woman for security?” Blitzø looked towards Millie, who was chatting with a customer and offering him some of the animal balloons that he had previously prepared.

“Do you want the position…? The work is at night, from Wednesday to Sunday.”

“Not for me, but I have someone.”

“ …Okay, I’ll send you the information. The club where Molly works is in Overlord Rosie’s territory, so if your girl can charmer her, the job is hers.”

“Something tells me that they are going to hire her on the spot and it will do her good to be away from stupid dicks.”

“Isn’t that something we all need?” Angel sighed dramatically. “But I guess you’re helping someone with lovesickness.”

“I’m just giving her a job.” He rolled his eyes.

Angel laughed on the other end of the line.



“I was serious about you taking Stolas on a date,” Angel spoke. “If you don’t want it to be a date, that’s fine. But you two should go out and do something fun together. Alone.”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea, Stolas’ security isn’t the best right now.”

“Okay, then do something at home and leave the girls to me.” Angel offered. “You’re good at cooking, make him something, buy some sparkling wine. Don’t get drunk but have something nice.”

Blitzø frowned. Was this really a good idea after everything that had happened?

“I mean, you and I have gone out dancing, out to eat, to the movies, out for coffee, why couldn’t you do the same with Stolas if he’s just your friend?” Angel joked. “And I leave you thinking with that. I love you, give my nieces a hug and a french kiss to Stolas.”

And the bastard hung up the phone on him, but Blitzø couldn’t deny the laugh that escaped his lips. Besides, Angel was right. Friends also did fun things together.

“Mills! I have good news for you.” Blitzø announced returning to the cart.


Someday, Loona will look at her pack and realize that it's composed of hearts that were broken but were given second chances to heal.

I have some comms to attend to, so next week, I won't be able to update. However, if you want to find clues about the next chapter, you can follow me on Twitter

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Chapter 20


“So… can I have friends?”

“Friends?” Loona crossed her arms and shrugged. “That’s okay. But no more. You’re a disaster.”

“Ouch, Loony!”

True, but f*cking ouch!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Why are you sitting out here?”

Blitzø left his cell phone on the table and watched Loona cross the garden to sit across from him. It wasn’t the elegant garden Stolas once had, but the former prince had done wonders with the small space. The plants were growing healthily, and this week, the fragrance of newly bloomed roses filled the air with memories of his childhood—the good part of his childhood.

Loona rested her chin on the table, her ears and tail drooping slightly. She was worried. Blitzø could hardly believe that the same indomitable soul he had known so long ago could feel concern for him.

Was it part of being a father to have mixed emotions or was it due to the countless times he had fallen on his head at the circus? Because on one hand, he felt happy; his Loony cared about him, which meant that, by some kind of almost impossible miracle, Blitzø was important to his daughter. On the other hand, it hurt him to see her concerned, trying to solve problems that shouldn’t burden a young girl.

“There are a lot of demons at home, and if I can’t help in there, at least sitting out here I’m not in the way,” he shrugged. “I don’t understand much about magic and guards. I know weapons.”

“That other imp doesn’t know either, but she’s inside,” Loona pointed out, wrinkling her nose.

“Because Millie is paying for the guards,” Blitzø raised an eyebrow.


“Why don’t you like her?” Blitzø smirked.

“…Do you like her?”

He controlled the urge to laugh. Was that jealousy or overprotection on his daughter’s part?

“Millie is… interesting.”

“But do you like her?” Loona put her hands on the table and stretched to look at him. “There are many interesting things that you may or may not like. So…” She gestured for him to speak.

Oh, it was definitely jealousy.

“Millie…?” Blitzø mused, tapping his chin. “Do I like her?”


He laughed, noticing how Loona puffed out her cheeks, her ears perked up, and her tail wagged. She looked ready to jump on the table and bite him. Well, he’d rather see her with humor, even if it was homicidal, than worried.

“I’m not saying we’re friends, but I like her in that direction.”

“Good!” Loona exclaimed. “You better.”

Once again, he held back his laughter.

“So… can I have friends?”

“Friends?” Loona crossed her arms and shrugged. “That’s okay. But no more. You’re a disaster.”

“Ouch, Loony!”

True, but f*cking ouch!

“Putting aside your taste for pointing out the obvious… What does the old butler say?” Blitzø changed the subject, resting his chin on his palms. “How’s that magic stuff going?”

“Magic costs,” Loona explained. “Oh, well, the people who do magical things get paid a lot. So, Via’s grandfather is going to improve the security in the house to protect Stolas because if something happens to him, who will feed his future heir?” She said mockingly, rolling her eyes.

Cruel motive, but Blitzø felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Stolas could be safe in his own home when he wasn’t there to protect him.

“Vox is going to pay for me,” Loona tilted her head, considering his reaction.


“He texted Stolas.” She raised her eyebrows. “I think he likes him.”

Blitzø’s tail snapped to one of the chair legs. He wasn’t surprised that it was like that. At least in physical appearance, Vox had good taste.

“Aren’t you jealous?” Loona asked, grabbing the edges of the table.

“Why would I be jealous that Vox pays for your security?”

“That he texted Stolas!” She placed her hands more firmly on the glass table.

Blitzø bit the corner of his lip. It seemed like Loona was jealous and hoped he would do something about it.

“But Vox is not Stolas’ type,” Blitzø replied calmly, then pointed at her. “And if he were, I have no reason to be jealous.”

His tail relaxed. Vox was not Stolas’ type. There was no reason to worry.

“This is a strange family…” Loona dropped into the chair and rested her chin on the table again.

“Well, I promised you that your life would be different.”

Although he never would have thought it would be this different.

Stolas had left home only once and now had an admirer. And not just any admirer, but the TV Demon, the Overlord of Entertainment, and one of the Vees.

“…Different and strange should not be… the same words,” she rolled her eyes. “The other imp, I mean Millie, is going to pay for the guards for her and you. So, I guess it’s okay for her to stay.”

“I’m glad you gave your approval,” Blitzø smirked. “Now it’s my turn to ask: Do you like her?”

“I don’t know…” She frowned.


“…She reminds me a little of other hellhounds at the orphanage. The ones who were older and tried to keep order in the group. Sometimes it was good because they avoided fights, but sometimes it felt weird,” Loona shrugged. “Millie is on trial. But it’s okay that she pays for your protection.”

“Loony…” Blitzø whispered, touched. She rolled her eyes, jumped out of the chair, and returned to the house.

“I’m going to see what the old imp says,” she responded as if she didn’t want to make him feel bad.

Or maybe he was reading too much into it.

It was good that Alfred was there. The old butler gave him confidence. He was one of the few who showed interest in Stolas and greeted Loona with the same formality he treated Octavia. That said a lot. Octavia and Loona might have been growing up under the same roof and with the same parents, but their worlds were going to be completely different. The world would treat them as if they came from other realities. At least through Vox, Loona would have the backing and a support network that no other hellhound or imp could dream of. But at least in their home, the four of them were equals; they could be a safe place.

Blitzø looked at the house as if seeing it for the first time. It was like a dollhouse, the kind that appeared on television when he was a child. The fence, the garden, the painted door… From there, he could see stars on Octavia and Loona’s windows, the kind that glow in the dark.

It was his home. They were his family. He belonged there.

The door of the house opened, and Stolas appeared, escorting the old imp, and making a series of graceful bows of gratitude. Stolas’ father had fought tirelessly to prevent his son from bowing to the lower classes, but the former prince had a nature full of gratitude that was impossible to suppress. Blitzø had always found that funny, but ridiculously adorable.

“The reinforcement spells are in place. This full moon, you just have to recite them to activate,” Alfred said, looking at his pocket watch. “I will also increase the amount of food sent.”

“It’s not necessary,” Stolas hastened to say. “I wouldn’t want father…”

“I differ, it is indispensable. Good nutrition during growth is vital not only in infancy but also in childhood. I will not allow malnutrition in this home. Besides, the Master hardly knows what a person needs to live, much less a baby,” Alfred assured, raising an eyebrow. “It’s a shame I had to visit under these circ*mstances, but it has been a pleasure to see you and the progress Miss Octavia has made. I aspire to see the same with Miss Loona.”

A limousine pulled up in front of the house, and a hellhound, dressed like something out of a spy movie, got out of the driver’s seat and walked around the car to open the back door. Stolas stiffened slightly and took a step back, putting some distance between him and Alfred, as if simply chatting with the old butler might cause him trouble.

“Once again, thank you for everything.”

“Always a pleasure, Young—Mr. Stolas.” Alfred corrected himself and crossed the garden, but halfway, he stopped and directed his steps toward Blitzø, turning his back to the hellhound. “I see the Young Master happy and better fed. I am eternally grateful that you and your daughter are here.”

Blitzø blinked several times in surprise and barely managed to nod. The old man imitated the gesture and continued on his way, getting into the limo, which soon left. Stolas looked at him curiously and approached the table, taking the place Loona had previously occupied.

“All in order?” They both asked at the same time, and a nervous laugh escaped Stolas.

“Yeah, I didn’t do anything,” Blitzø recalled, shrugging. “How are you?”

“Alfred took it upon himself to find someone discreet but efficient who could update the house’s wards,” Stolas crossed his legs and looked to the side. “Luckily, we had the money to cover everything.”

“Hey…” Blitzø jumped on the chair so he could reach the other demon’s hand and sought his gaze. “It’s not your fault you’re stuck here.”

“…I know…”

“Doesn’t seem like it.” Blitzø frowned. “You have the expression of someone who thinks they could do more but doesn’t. You have the expression of someone who thinks it’s their fault.”

“It could be,” Stolas fixed his eyes on him. “I could do more. I’m sure there must be something I can do.”

“Look, I’m the first to support you not living like a hermit, but after what happened, we have to be careful.”

“It was easy to find a job for Millie…” Stolas slumped his shoulders, and his long fingers absentmindedly played with the scars on Blitzø’s hand, giving him chills. “I don’t think it’s that easy for me. What kind of things could I offer?”

Oh, he was betting that Vox would give him any job Stolas wanted and more. No, Vox would surely give him a job ridiculously close to him, just to see if he could seduce Stolas. Yes, he saw it: Vox, the charismatic presenter, and creator of entertaining plots. Never Vox the Overlord, the mind controller, the manipulator, and the cruel sinner.

“We don’t know what kind of jobs you could do. Although for now, the important thing is to keep you safe.” Blitzø pulled his hand to get his attention and smiled at him. “I don’t plan on being widowed, you know? So, you must take care of my husband.”

The blush on Stolas’ cheeks was like a splash of colors. Lights lit up on the former prince’s face and spread to form stars in his eyes, filling them with life beyond any poetry. It was ridiculously addictive to watch him like that, and it was so easy to achieve. Blitzø simply had to tell him the truth, something as simple as that, and the result was a feast for his senses.

Calling him husband didn’t just feel good. It reminded him that no matter what someone like Vox or anyone else did, Stolas was his in some unequivocal, legal, consensual way.

“Hey, don’t look so surprised.”

“Sometimes I forget that’s what we are because of Loona, right? Husbands,” Stolas admitted, laughing nervously.

“We’re family,” Blitzø reminded him, desperately trying to make it clear that it wasn’t just that. He wanted, no, he needed Stolas to be not just alive, but happy, healthy, and safe. With him, with Loona, with Octavia. “You know that, right?”

“What thing…?” Stolas looked up, honestly confused.

Were they whispering?

Yes, they were doing it, and it wasn’t because Loona could hear them.

“I know our circ*mstances are peculiar, but… we are, right?” Blitzø insisted, looking away. “You and I…”

“A family?” Stolas asked, and this time he was the one who squeezed his hand to regain his attention. “We are.”

“What I mean… It’s not… Well, I don’t want to… And I’m sure the girls don’t want it that way either… But…” Blitzø let his head fall back and took a deep breath. “This isn’t a temporary thing, you know?”

Stolas released him. The metal chair fell. Blitzø closed his eyes. Perfect. He had ruined it. Of course, he had ruined it.

Soft hands cupped his face, and delicate thumbs caressed his cheekbones, trying to make him stop hiding.




It sounded so good.

He opened his eyes. If he thought he had seen a starry sky in Stolas’ eyes before, now he could see galaxies. The beginning and end of hundreds of lives, all tied to him, to them, and they were in those eyes that stared at him.

“Does that mean that when the deadline to officiate Loona’s adoption is met…” Stolas took another step in his direction, leaning in so that he was all Blitzø could see at that moment. All he could feel and think too, “…are you two staying? With Octavia and me?”

Blitzø bit his tongue to avoid responding with the first stupid thing that came to mind. Angel was partly right. He had to do something about what he had with Stolas. As quirky, unconventional, and strange as it was, it was the first time in years that he felt like he belonged, and the idea that he could just lose him… That something or someone could drive them away because he was running away…?

“I mean… We can’t separate them, right? Loony and Tavy are so close that it would be pure cruelty. Also, Loona is fond of you and has become protective of you. And you have to admit that Oct likes me—”

“Octavia loves you.” Stolas corrected him, closing the distance further until it looked like they were about to touch. Galaxies. Stolas’ eyes were galaxies, and perhaps, for the rest of his life, Blitzø wanted to decipher all those lights and give them names. “And I love Loona. My life changed the day you arrived here, and it would be an honor if you didn’t leave.”

He wanted to kiss him. Blitzø opened his eyes in surprise. Not in a sexual way, which was the worst. Blitzø wanted to take his chin and tilt his head, close the distance between them, and kiss Stolas. Slow, gentle, until time stopped.

“You must activate the guards on a full moon, right?”

“Yes…?” Stolas asked, surprised by the change of topic.

“How about I cook something, and we watch a movie that night? Millie works, and I know an excellent babysitter.” Blitzø smirked, trying to hide the fact that his heart was pounding.

That definitely sounded like a date.

“You mean…?” Stolas shook his head gently, pushing the thought away and instead resting his forehead on Blitzø’s. “I’d love to, Blitzy.”

Stolas gently pressed his forehead against his just a moment longer and straightened, smiling at him before turning and walking back into the house. Just in time, because Via started calling them.

Blitzø rested his hand on his chest, feeling his heart pounding. Loona was right, they were a strange family.

And he was going to have a date with his husband.


So, a promise of a date. And who says love is dead when people get married?

I hope you liked the chapter. Thank you for returning to this literary journey. Every minute you spend reading these words is a priceless gift, and it fills me with joy to know that my ideas have found a place in your time and thoughts. Your comments and words of encouragement have been a constant source of inspiration and motivation to keep going now more than ever.

The support you give me means the world to me, and it's thanks to readers like you that this dream continues to be a reality. If you liked this update and wish to contribute in some way to future projects, any gesture of support is received with immense gratitude. Don't forget to visit my socials (on all of them I am NocturnaIV) and check out my linktree.


Chapter 21


“You need something for a movie night but that has a powerful effect on Blitzø. A knockout blow!” The sinner continued, rummaging through his closet. “You should buy pajamas with drawings of horses; he’s going to love them. But that is neither here nor now.”


“You need something… you know… but also something short because you don’t have my other arms and I don’t have your beautiful tail,” Angel shot him a look. “Something to say?”


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It wasn’t a date. Stolas was sure of that.

All it was...


A moment between friends, right?

A moment between spouses.

Stolas held back a giggle and covered his face with his hands. Blitzø had called him that: husband. The word reverberated through his mind, sending a warm thrill through his entire being. It felt good to hear it. No, not just good—it felt transformative. In that moment, he was transported back to his childhood, to those innocent days when he played with his best friend and believed wholeheartedly in fairy tales. For one glorious moment, it touched a part of his heart that still held onto dreams of charming princes and knights in shining armor, filling him with a sense of hope and wonder he hadn’t felt in years.

“Dad...?” Octavia ran over, carrying her star-shaped backpack packed for her sleepover. “Dad! Sweepover! Sweepover!!”

Stolas snapped out of his thoughts and smiled at his daughter.

The thing was, he couldn’t let himself believe in that kind of hope. No knight had ever come to behead the Beast that haunted his life. No prince had ever swept him away to a castle where he could be safe and loved. These were just fantasies, remnants of a time when he allowed himself to dream freely. The reality was starkly different. Stolas had learned long ago that he had to save himself, to stand strong not for his own sake but for Octavia's. The weight of responsibility pressed heavily on his shoulders, reminding him that his daughter needed an unwavering pillar, not a dreamer lost in fairy tales. The melancholic truth settled in his heart, a reminder that some stories were meant to remain within the pages of a book, never to be lived.

“My Starfire, are you ready to go to your uncle Angel?” He lifted her into his arms, holding her close. “You’re going to behave, right?”

“Yeah! Unka! Unka Ang!” Octavia cupped his face and kissed his forehead. “Love you soooo much!”

“And I love you, with every atom of my existence,” Stolas said, lowering her to the ground and combing her feathers. He felt something stronger in his chest as he saw his daughter’s big smile.

That’s why he had gone through all the trouble. To make sure his little girl stayed happy and safe. To shield her from the shadows lurking in royal circles or even within their own family, because at any time, Stolas feared he might falter and expose her to pain and heartache. It wasn’t just a fantasy when he said how Blitzø had rescued him during his youth; his dear friend had taught him that, no matter how hard Blitzø’s mother tried to shelter him and his sister from life’s harsh realities, darkness always managed to seep through.

Octavia deserved better.

Now she had something better.

Something solid.

Something that would last.

“I’m here!” Loona announced from the entrance.

“We’re in the kitchen, my moon!” Stolas called, poking his head out.

“For the love of Satan, sometimes I forget how long your neck is!” Loona commented, dropping her backpack and running over. “What should I pack?”

“Your backpack is ready,” Stolas offered one with a festive skull drawing. “But let me know if something is missing.”

“I…” Loona snapped her fingers and ran out of the kitchen. “I forgot something!” she explained, returning with a thick book. “Vox sends you this,” and she wrinkled her nose.

“Oh…?” Stolas lowered Octavia to the ground and picked up the obvious novel. It must have been 500 pages, with a cover depicting an imp on a shark demon’s lap, both dressed like they were part of a secret society. “«Sweet Revenge»” he read, raising an eyebrow. “For me?”

“Yes, he said it’s like the telenovelas you like, written by a new author,” Loona crossed her arms. “He made me promise to give it to you because he knows you like to read…”

And she did.

Loona could have thrown the book away and told Vox he hated the gift, but she didn’t.

Because she knew he loved to read.

“Thank you, my moon,” Stolas smiled.

Loona’s tail wagged happily, and a blush painted her cheeks.

“Just remember that Vox is a flirtatious, manipulative cultist, and…” Loona looked at him with interest and smiled wickedly. “I heard Velvette say he has no style, and she has to dress him, or he ends up wearing shirts with horrible prints. Even I choose my own clothes!”

Stolas held back his laughter behind his hand and nodded solemnly.

“You’re right. You don’t need help getting dressed; you’re a big girl,” he nodded. “And a responsible sister who helps Octavia have good style.”

“Well said!” Loona rested her hands on her hips and lifted her chin proudly. “I’m great.”

Stolas smiled fondly.

Sometimes he wondered if Loona knew how much she resembled Blitzø.

Meanwhile, Octavia seized her sister's backpack and plopped down on the floor, using it as makeshift drums. The rhythmic tapping made a sound that seemed to annoy her, yet Loona, unfazed, sat in the chair she had chosen as hers since the first day she had arrived, observing Octavia with a mix of amusem*nt and resignation. Despite her feisty demeanor, Loona possessed a hidden reservoir of patience specifically kept for Octavia, making her the sole recipient of such a rare privilege.

“Hey,” Loona rested her chin on her palm. “You and Blitzø are married, right?”

Stolas opened his eyes in surprise and slowly turned to give her his full attention. “Yes…but…”

“I know it’s not because you’re madly in love with each other and this has been your dream since you were kids.”

Well… not exactly, but yes…?

“You got married so Blitzø could adopt me, right?”



He saw where this was going. “You’re right.”

“So…” Loona shifted uneasily, her ears lowering. “That means…”

“Yes, that means exactly what you think,” Stolas approached and smiled sheepishly. How would she feel about that confirmation? “On the adoption papers, Blitzø and I are your parents.”

Loona looked at him for a long time, her body tense, as if deciding whether to attack, flee, or consider a third option she hadn’t yet discovered.


That was her answer.

Oh. Just… oh

Stolas didn’t know whether to feel offended.

“Are you going to open the portal?” Loona asked, stepping down from the table and helping Octavia get up and grab her things.

“What…?” Stolas blinked slowly. Was that going to be all…? No other reaction…?

“Are you going to open the portal to go to Angel’s? You and Blitzø have a date,” Loona reminded him, raising an eyebrow.

“It’s not…”

“Don’t try to fool me, it’s a date. You know it, Blitzø knows it. We all know!”

“All!” Octavia chanted, raising her hands. “Date!” But she looked completely confused about what the word meant.

“You see? Portal!” Loona ordered.

“For Lucifer’s sake…” Stolas held back a small laugh and waved his hand, letting Loona watch him move the boundaries between the Rings and reality itself. “It’s like you’re looking for your favorite item of clothing in the closet, but you haven’t turned on the light. Only, instead of a piece of clothing, you’re looking for a person… like Angel. And instead of having the light off, you’re searching between realities.”

“Then you use magic to track him?” Loona asked, paying attention as she helped Octavia put on her backpack.

“You could put it that way,” Stolas paused, taking the question seriously. “But that’s why portals always appear in front of the people you seek,” he mused aloud, his fingers drumming on his chest. “This works except with those who don’t want to be found.”

“Oh! That makes sense. Otherwise, it would be easy to find criminals.”

“Or you could invade someone’s privacy,” Stolas nodded and raised his hand again, moving it between the veils of magic and realities until he could feel, like a soft cotton caress on his fingertips, Angel’s presence. “But if they want to be found or desire your presence…”

The portal opened in Angel’s apartment. He was standing on a chair in the living room, hanging a long sheet from the ceiling to create something. At that moment, it seemed like a long ghost had deflated but was still floating.

“Come in! Come in!” Angel encouraged, unwrapping small star-shaped lights from his arm to hang from the sheet. “I’m preparing our animated series marathon. Cherri, a friend,” he clarified to Stolas, “recommended a series she saw when she was a child. It’s about gargoyles living in New York or something like that. She says the protagonist is totally my type and that I’m going to fall in love with his voice,” Angel continued while arranging the sheet to form a tent. “But don’t worry daddy owl, it’s a children’s series with sexy gargoyles for this little spider.”

Stolas couldn’t help but laugh at the reception. While Angel struggled with his creation, both Loona and Octavia passed through the portal and went in search of Fat Nuggets. Stolas hesitated at first, but the more Angel talked, the more comfortable he felt entering the cozy apartment. By the time Angel took a breath, Stolas was already there, trying to help with whatever he could, even if he had never made a pillow fort or a tent out of sheets.

“Thanks, sweetheart,” Angel smiled, handing him the lights. “I had to ask Vox to get me the series because it’s from the Living World. Luckily, he thought it was one of my tastes in older men that led me to find it, so it didn’t take much convincing. Now, let’s make a cozy nest of fluffy pillows.”

“It sounds absolutely interesting. I have no doubt the girls will love it.”

“I know, it has all the action Loona likes and that gothic style Octavia seems to love,” Angel jumped off the chair and landed in front of him. “You’re not fooling me, Stolas. I know you were a gloomy teenager and that’s where your daughter got it. I bet you read poetry and wore black eyeliner.”

Stolas felt a prominent blush rise on his neck and spread across his face. “How…?”

He hadn’t even told Blitzø!

Angel laughed and gave him a playful nudge with his hip as he walked past. They could hear the girls running around in Angel’s room, following the little pig, its paws slapping the hardwood floor.

“I suppose what’s inherited can’t be considered theft,” Stolas admitted.

“You’re adorable,” Angel winked and leaned against the kitchen counter. “Are you ready for your date?”

“It’s not—”

“Yes, it is!” Loona shouted from the other room.

Angel let his head fall back, letting out a laugh. “Even the girls know it! If I were you, I wouldn’t run away from the inevitable,” Angel teased.

“No…” Stolas took a deep breath and looked pleadingly at the other man, glancing around the room. He didn’t want Loona to hear him hesitate, but it would be rude to close the door, right?

Angel nodded knowingly and motioned for Stolas to take a seat. Then, with a surprising yet gentle touch, Angel lifted Stolas’ chin. It was a moment of firsts for Stolas, as he found himself admiring Angel's countenance for the very first time. Angel’s face was a masterpiece of contrasts, blending masculinity and femininity in a way that transcended mere androgyny, rendering him ethereal and devilishly captivating.

Stolas couldn’t help but notice the raw masculine energy emanating from Angel, coupled with an undeniable strength and edge. However, amidst this rugged exterior were subtle yet flirtatious, intoxicatingly feminine nuances that added depth to Angel’s persona. It was as if Angel embodied the essence of a sinner with an everlasting existence. His vitality and vibrancy were infectious, leaving Stolas feeling simultaneously enchanted and somewhat drained.

“I understand the feeling. It’s not easy to take the next step when you don’t have a clear direction,” Angel said. “But don’t hold back. Don’t let this night fill you with worries. Just enjoy.”

“Wouldn’t it be dangerous…?” Stolas whispered.

“Oh please! Defying Vox is dangerous, and you did that without fear.”

“I wouldn’t say I challenged him…”

“He was very direct in his interest in you, and you treated it like a mind game,” Angel raised an eyebrow. “You know? He hasn’t stopped talking about you! How beautiful you are, and how brilliant your mind is. Valentino is having an epic tantrum,” he laughed mockingly and wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

“Oh…” Stolas blinked and looked at his hands. “I thought that was normal for him.”

“Well, Vox is a charmer, it’s part of his business style. But flirty? No, he’s not,” Angel co*cked his head. “Did it make you uncomfortable?”

“Oh, dear, no!” Stolas laughed nervously. “I’m just not… used to someone liking me. My life was very isolated and— He was trying to distract me from Loona!”

“He was flirting with you, you fool!” Loona shouted from the room.

It was true, Loona was listening to them.

“You’re right, that’s an unforgivable sin,” Angel joked. “So, you weren’t bothered by his flirting.”

“I don’t know if I should call it flirting…”

“You’re right, it was absolute and complete adoration as penetrating as a spotlight. Vox is very intense, but not like Valentino. Some people enjoy all that attention,” Angel shrugged. “Even so, few can stand strong with him. If what you did didn’t seem dangerous to you, why do you feel like today might be?”

“I…” Stolas paused, his voice softening as he took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his words. “A friendship can endure a lifetime… My bond with Blitzø, though years have passed without us crossing paths, has stood the test of time. For Lucifer! I was among his first confidants when he needed solace the most, entrusted with his deepest treasure…” His gaze wandered to the closed bedroom door before returning to meet Angel’s eyes. “Through the passing years, he remains my closest and most cherished friend. Relationships, marriages, and such… often fleeting, ending in bitterness and hatred. I cannot bear the thought of Blitzø harboring animosity towards me.”

“Oh, baby…” Angel squeezed his face in his hands, while his lower hands grabbed Stolas’ shoulders and shook him gently. “That’s not going to happen! How can you fear something so ridiculous when we’re talking about Blitzø?” The sinner stopped and bit his lower lip. “Well, you know? Nobody knows if that is going to happen or not. Friends can also come to hate each other.”


“What I’m trying to convey here is…” The sinner paused, casting a thoughtful glance around the room. “It’s about Blitzø, you see? He’s not just a man, but a person, no, a demon! Oh, don’t chuckle, you get what I mean,” Angel warned with a playful glint in his eye, his lips curling into a small smile. “Blitzø embodies loyalty like no other, capable of going through anything for those he cares about. Once he sets his mind on something, consider it done! However, he’s faced numerous hits… experiences that have led him to believe that disasters are solely his doing, and his only defense is to keep things casual. Yet, somehow, he inevitably entangles himself in deeper emotions, making them all the more genuine and enduring.” His smile widened as the sounds of the girls’ laughter and the playful trot of a little pig echoed in the room. “Blitzø has stood by me countless times. He’s one of the reasons I’ve… well, you know…”

Stolas knew what Angel meant. Thanks to the bond that the two of them had, Angel had avoided going out in search of the exterminators in his worst moments. Stolas took Angel’s hands, the same ones that had been on his shoulders moments before. The sinner smiled slightly, albeit uncomfortably, but didn’t pull away.

“And I want him to be happy, and I’m willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to achieve that,” Angel said seriously, closing the distance between them. “Whatever.”

Stolas blinked, surprised. He hadn’t expected the conversation to take this turn, but he had to admit he was impressed. Angel’s words were moving, encouraging him to let go of his worries.

“Angel…” Stolas stood up, realizing for the first time that he was a bit taller than the sinner. “Even in the hypothetical, impossible case that Blitzø and I had a relationship, I would never come between what you two have.”

“But…” Angel tried to step back without breaking eye contact. “I know how these things go. At first, they say it’s okay, but feelings evolve. They want something exclusive, something intimate, something that doesn’t include a silly sinner that just like sex…”

“I don’t want to discredit your experiences, but have you felt this with other sinners?”

“What does that have to do with anything?” Angel crossed his arms. “We’re not that different.”

“You’re right, except you didn’t grow up in Hell. Most human cultures equate sex with love, monogamy, and heterosexuality as norms. But not here. Not for us. We are demons, driven by sins. Depending on the sin, it’s rare for us to be bothered by what our partners do with others,” Stolas explained, then straightened up. “Of course, in Ars Goetia royalty, there are rules for maintaining offspring with the necessary power. There’s a lot of class discrimination, and monogamy within the same class and race is mandatory.”

Angel grimaced, and Stolas couldn’t help but laugh.

“What I’m saying is that what you have with Blitzø is built on trust. It’s alive, healing, and intense. Why would I want you two to stop that?” Stolas asked, tilting his head. “That would be absolutely absurd.”

He couldn’t believe he was indirectly admitting his feelings for Blitzø and to Angel of all people.

Besides, he wasn’t going to deny he was attracted to the idea of seeing Blitzø with other demons he found attractive.

“You’re too good to me,” Angel rested his head on Stolas’ shoulder and took a deep breath. “Are you serious? It doesn’t bother you? I promise you that we are just friends with great sexual chemistry, you should see us.”


“I’m very serious,” Stolas laughed. “And no, it doesn’t bother me one bit.”


“I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting him,” Stolas said thoughtfully.

“Stolas!” Angel stood up, shoving him playfully. “So… changing the subject before you make me cry, is that what you’re wearing on your date?”

“Oh, you don’t have to worry, I’m not wearing this…” He stretched his shirt over his belly. “I was thinking of going home and changing.”

“No, you can’t do that. Blitzø asked me to keep you here,” Angel smiled widely.

“So, this was a plan of the two of you?” Stolas feigned indignation.

“Guilty as charged,” Angel took his hand and led him towards his room. “Girls, your dad needs to change, go to the living room, okay?”

“Oh, I’m not—” Stolas tried to intervene.

“Come on, Via,” Loona interrupted, taking her sister’s hand and pointing toward the exit. “Come on, Bacon.”

“Loona!” Angel scolded, hands on his hips. “You’re saying the B-word in front of my son!”

But to both of their surprise, Fat Nuggets listened and ran in front of the girls out of the room.

“Bacon,” Loona repeated maliciously before disappearing into the living room.

“I’m sorry,” Stolas interjected but relaxed when he noticed the sinner was smiling in amusem*nt.

“Kids… I would have done the same thing at her age: kicked the world’s ass,” Angel shrugged and pushed Stolas into the room, closing the door behind them. “We’re about the same height; I’ll probably be able to find something that fits you.”

“But…” Stolas tried to refute before falling into a sitting position on the bed. “Angel…”

“You need something for a movie night but that has a powerful effect on Blitzø. A knockout blow!” The sinner continued, rummaging through his closet. “You should buy pajamas with drawings of horses; he’s going to love them. But that is neither here nor now.”


“You need something… you know… but also something short because you don’t have my other arms and I don’t have your beautiful tail,” Angel shot him a look. “Something to say?”

“Thank you,” Stolas smiled. “For everything. I haven’t had anyone to talk to about these things in… well, my entire life.”

“Stop it, you’re too adorable,” Angel complained and went back to his closet until he pulled out a white top that was barely a triangle, or rather, a trapeze that left his back bare, tied with bows. “And…” It took a while for the sinner to find whatever he had in mind. “No, this is very daring, let’s save it for the second date... This...? Oh no, this is from work; it’s missing fabric where it matters most,” Angel poked his head out and winked at Stolas. “That will be for the third date,” he laughed mischievously before turning his attention back to the closet. “Let’s see... no... not this either... skirt? No, too obvious, although you can always blame me. But… Oh!”


“Oh!” Angel repeated and turned to look at him. “Oh, as in: I found the perfect, subtle piece, just like you.”

What Stolas saw was a pair of black flared pants, tight at the top and low cut at the hips, allowing his tail to hang out. It didn’t seem like anything extraordinary, but it was just what he needed. Something subtle for watching movies with Blitzø while feeling comfortable enough to snuggle.

He actually hoped Blitzø would want to snuggle with him.

“You should try it on,” Angel gestured, then paused. “I can leave…”

“Oh, no, it’s not necessary.” Stolas stood up and took the clothes.

To his surprise, Angel settled on the bed, crossed his legs, rested his elbows on one knee, and put his face in his hands, staring at him.

Stolas rolled his eyes, amused, and began to change. It was the first time he changed in front of someone other than a servant. Even when he was married to Stella, he hadn’t felt comfortable enough to do something like that. Stella always found ways to make him feel shameful, and even when trying to conceive an heir, they used an ancient royal sheet with a hole for only the necessary exposure. Stella insisted he wear it while she covered herself with a nightgown. Not that he was complaining; the entire process was uncomfortable for both of them.

If he thought about it, Blitzø had been the first to see him naked. Not only that, but touching and admiring him, seemingly genuinely attracted to what he discovered.

But with Angel, it was different. Despite the undoubted attention the sinner gave him, there was a gleam of mischief that promised nothing. As Stolas tried on the clothes, Angel just helped him tie the top and made comments to ensure the fit was perfect. Who knew putting on clothes could be fun? In the sense that he felt attractive and worth looking at. Maybe even admired.

“You see? Those pants fit your legs well, and since you’re taller than me, they won’t get caught in your talons,” Angel smiled proudly. “Blitzø is going to be delighted, but there is something much more important than that.”

“More important?”

“Of course,” The sinner smiled. “How do you feel?”

Stolas observed himself, leaning on one leg, then the other. Angel had taken the time to make the straps of the top sit perfectly between his feathers, almost giving the impression that the piece of white fabric was magically attached to his chest. The pants were comfortable, the fabric soft, and he had to admit he liked how they moved at the end, like bells or long curtains in the wind.

“I feel good,” Stolas admitted. “Seen, appreciated… happy.”

“Whatever happens tonight, Stolas, just try to have a good time.”

“You don’t have to worry so much about me.”

“Hey, I worry because…” Angel mused, a soft blush painting his cheeks. “I’m the girls’ uncle, we are…”

“Family?” Stolas asked, smiling. He grinned wider as he noticed the blush spreading down Angel’s neck. “You’re right, we are.”

It wasn’t like the families he’d experienced before, with his father or Stella. This felt different, like something out of a storybook or a movie—a genuine family. Two amazing daughters, a supportive adult film star, and a devoted husband who went above and beyond for their happiness. Perhaps Millie could become a part of this dynamic—who could say for sure? Despite knowing little about her, she had shown kindness and offered to share stories about MoonGold and... horses? Stolas couldn’t quite grasp the connection between a BDSM club and horses, but the mystery only added to his curiosity and hopeful anticipation.

Angel’s phone vibrated, and when he saw the message, he got up with enthusiasm.

“Blitzø has everything ready. You can go back.”

“So, your little plan has been a success.”

“Never doubt a gangster, baby,” Angel winked and walked him into the living room.

They found Loona and Octavia making a face mask for Fat Nuggets with, for Lucifer, Stolas hoped it was guacamole. The funniest thing was seeing Angel’s face, completely confused, showing he also didn’t know where the greenish paste now decorating his pet had come from.

“I was going to promise you I’d take care of the girls, but who’s going to take care of me?” Angel asked dramatically. “Who’s going to protect Fat Nuggets and me?”

Stolas waved his hand in the air and opened a portal straight to his bedroom.

“Oh, I don’t know,” he looked at the girls. “If anything…”

“Do I bite the intruder’s jugular?” Loona asked, her attention fixed on the bowl filled with the green consistency.


“Shall I let Octavia see the intruder, turn on her laser eyes, and point her in the bastard’s direction?”

“They’re not laser eyes!”

“That’s not a no,” Loona looked up and smiled slyly.

“Don’t worry, I’ll use the magical girl. I have better aim,” Angel promised, gently patting him on the back.

“I can’t believe I have to say this, but please, no one uses Octavia as a weapon,” Stolas begged as he was pushed by the sinner through the portal.

“What? I can’t listen to you!” Angel replied mockingly. “The connection is failing!”

“I told you in your apartment, and this is not a phone call,” Stolas reminded, crossing his arms.

“The portal is failing!” Angel shouted it was almost a scream.

“Stolas...? Are you here?” Blitzø asked from the ground floor.

“Good luck, baby,” Angel winked.

“Yes! Give me just a moment!” Stolas had to close the portal.


He was ready.

Was he…?


The joke with Gargoyles is that Keith David voices Goliath and Goliath is a sexy DILF.

I'm excited to introduce you to the new chapter of our favorite family! I know many of you stay up late into the night due to the late updates, and that's why I did my best to bring you this chapter earlier than usual. I want you all to sleep well and wake up with energy! The late-night Nocturna is me, eh!

Special thanks to JesPer for request this chapter on my KF. That's why it's longer than the recent chapters! Furthermore, I must confess that being able to write this chapter helped me get out of the stress of the biannual reports that I have to do for the NGO where I work; they are so tedious. I hope you all like it, my dear readers. Thank you for your continued support and for making this story come to life with your enthusiasm and inspiring comments.

Remember to follow me on social media to stay up to date with news, previews, and more exciting surprises. Don't forget to check out my linktree (And there you can find how to advance the publication of the next chapter). I love interacting with you and hearing your thoughts and theories on what's to come!

And last but not least, I want to mention that any gesture of appreciation you wish to show, whether in the form of support, share, comments, or small surprises, is more than welcome! Your generosity and affection are the engine that drives my creativity!

Thanks again for being part of this journey! See you in the next chapter!


It's an Arrangement - NocturnaIV (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.