Casper Star-Tribune from Casper, Wyoming (2024)

Honda Srh In r. Cop' 13, 1970 7 Wood Chip Freight Hike Is Protested 'ivriui Picked by Two Casper Schools Import Group Seeks More Time to Study stances, bawmill operators By JOAN WHEELAN State House Reporter am tend the boost would put them out of the wood chip business. CHEYENNE Two state 4 The Wednesday hearing will be devoted to testimony from government officials and several sawmill operators will appear before the Western Trunkline persons from Idaho, Utah, DENVER (UPI) A committee of tlie Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) fulled Monday to come up with a proposal seeking oil import quota allotments for producers and instead adopted a general resolution calling for more study. A special committee, headed by Collis P. Chandler Jr.

of Colorado, South Dakota and Committee of Chicago Wed nesday, May 13 to protest Wyoming. Sheldon will present statements from the Worland- Casper's two hih schools, NCHS and KWILS, have picked their "Road Scholars" for 1970. These are the boys who will represent their respective schools in this year's Plymouth Trouble Shooting Contest on Saturday, May 16, at the NCHS football field. Tom Hussion and Gary Petley of NCHS, and Gary Gangl and Bob Sigmon of KWHS, will compete with other high school teams from around the state for a trip to the national finals in June. Teams were selected through tlie earlier competition in the proposed freight rate increases Ten Sleep Chamber of Commerce on wood chips and other raw timber products.

B. T. (Burt) Sheldon, chief of and officials of U. S. Plywood in Riverton; Edward Hines Lumber Saratoga; Wasatch Forest Products, Evanston; Big Horn I -umber, Laramie and Neman the industrial division of the State Dept.

of Economic Plan ning and Development, and W. Johnson, director of the Sawmills, Hewitt. Jim Mound-sey, Wyoming Saw Mills, Wyoming Public Service Com I VJ mission's Rate and Tariff Dept, auto mechanics classes by NC iastructor Robert Hall and KW instructor Buford Boomer. Sheridan, plans to attend the hearing. will represent Wyoming In Sheldon will also present terests at the hearing.

Last year NCHS placed 15th in Denver, reported at the IPAA's mid-year meeting in Denver that it could not make any recommendations on the quota system question and asked to continue its work. Chandler's committee was formed at the 1969 IPAA annual meeting in Houston to analyze quota allocation for producers "to encourage directly domestic exploration, development and productitin of oil and The report was given to the" IPAA's Import policy committee Monday and the policy committee, headed by Tom B. Medders of Wichita Falls, adopted a general resolution to present to the IPAA membership Tuesday. The resolution backs the quota system and opposes a proposal by a Cabinet task force to impose differential tariffs rather than quotas. The resolution also asks the IPAA's staff to explore a "more compatible" import policy and an effective relationship between imports and domestic sources.

The report by Chandler's committee tied domestic progress to the import system, saying "the economic climate for domestic exploration, development and production depends in large part on the basic structure of the overall import program." Piirrpnflv th nil Imnnrt allnt. Sheldon said his statement to national competition with over FIRST WOMAN CRAD: Dixie M. Webster, an employe of the First National Bank of Casper, receives a special certificate for completing a course given by the American Institute of Banking in Casper, from Thomas Dinkel of Denver, left, national AIB vice president. William Brown of the First National Bank right, looks on. the committee will be a "rather 100 teams competing.

It was the statements from officials and sawmill operators from Idaho and Colorado. The hearing will probably take two days, he said. general statement concerning the whole state of Wyoming" and how the rate boost would affect second year in a row that the NC team has won the state contest, and traveled to Indianapolis for nationals. Gov. Stan Hathaway and other the state's economy.

Johnson'; presentation will be "more At the Trouble Shooting finals state officials visited the committee to personally protest the rate hike while in Chicago on a good will tour a few weeks ago. technical," he said. this year the teams will compete for more than $125,000 worth of Both officials have been Johnson has said that some assisting sawmill operators and scholarships and awards. community leaders who cannot Saturday's contest to pick the Cottrill Gets Five For Theft CHEYENNE William Farrand Cottrill, 43, was sen attend the hearing to draw up saw mill operators Invested from $200,000 to (300,000 in wood chipping equipment, and that one Wyoming mill ships 60 carloads Wyoming winners will start at 1 p.m. at the football field.

Order Gas Firm Hold Services TOPEKA, Kan. (UPI) The Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) today directed the Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Co. to maintain service to its Kansas customers despite its labor problems. Dale Saffels, KCC chairman, sent a telegram to Thomas Craig president of the gas company headquartered at Hastings, Neb. Employes of the firm went on strike at midnight Sunday.

The company also serves some customers in Wyoming. Lloyd Shank, direcor of Uu KCC Utilities said today employes of the company shut oft the gas supply from the wellhead in the Hugoton gas field in Kansas. But, he said, gas could be supplied from other systems. He said gas had alsoeen shut off to three communities ir Nebraska. Shank said the action endangers supplies to 100,000 customers in western Kansas The telegram to Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas said In part, "You are herewith advised and directed that service to any Kansas customer of Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Co.

is not tc be discontinued under any circ*mstances or for any reason." individual statements regarding how the rate increase would affect them adversely. Casper's teams are sponsored by of chips per month to the mid- the Plymouth Center of Casper. western pulp mills. Increased rates proposed by In the mechanical competition, Contrary to an earlier report, the committee, which is com saw mill operators can still burn posed of all railroads serving a tenced to a total of five years In federal prison Friday on two counts of interstate tran wood chips but under emission 14-state area, including Wyoming, would nearly double students work on new cars supplied by local Plymouth dealers who sponsor the event. The boys race the clock and each other to find and fix the several identical malfunctions purposely arranged by Plymouth engineers.

A written exam is the sportation of a stolen motor current freight charges for standards spelled out in the Wyoming air quality code which became law last February. All existing waste burners in the timber products in some in- ments are limited to refiners and petrochemical firms, who would rather the producers did not get a share because it would hurt their chances for further allotment increases. Letters should be held to 250 words or less and must be signed. If requested, the name will be withheld. Have to Buy a License? EDITOR: With all the population problems, the couples with over two children are having our kids.

When we are at the point of life where we want kids, there will be laws against it or we will have to buy a license. I feel that the way people's life spans are increasing and there are more births each year, there will have to be something to slow down the population growth, Better family planning is the most sensible way to slow the growth. Grownups say that the world problems were not caused by them, but those who have had their share of children are causing problems. Why can't grownups let us enjoy the freedom of having our own kids? JANICE BELCHER Freshman Rawlins High School Troopers Defended Plant Trees state are required to abide by the regulations by July, 1971, or 18 months after the standards became law. other part of the contest, and counts 30 per cent on the final score.

At Cheyenne Robert Sundin, director of the Purpose of the Trouble vehicle. Cottrill was arraigned April 3 on a charge of stealing a car in Peoria, HI. and driving it to Laramie where he was arrested March 4. In Friday's appearance, he also pleaded guilty to a pending indictment by a West Virginia grand jury on another Dyer Act charge which was transferred to U.S. District Court here at the defendant's request.

Before handing down the sentence, U.S. District Judge Ewing T. Kerr took note of College Site Industrial Hygiene Division of the State Division of Health and Medical Services reports that Shooting program, is to recognize and honor outstanding auto mechanic students and to SE1AG TILE WESTRIDGE CARPETS 265-5419 CHEYENNE-Cheyenne Boy several saw mill operators have successfully complied with the standards. Scouts planted 3,900 small trees and shrubs on the grounds of encourage them to sees a rewarding career as an automobile mechanic. aramie County Community College Saturday two days ENOS TONIGHT before Arbor Day.

Clyde Hemsath, district scout Bob and Carol and Ttd and Alice' Cottrill's lengthy criminal Environment Issue To Be Big in Fall STARTS TOMORROW 1 executive, said he expects nearly 200 scouts from 15 troops to help with the planting. The landscape program began on Earth Day, April 22. EDITOR: I am making a reply to -Not the Onlv Organization-, I would like to say first that "Name Withheld" has a point, but at one time Troopers took second place to Civic Svmphonv and other youth groups. It has only been through hard work that the drum corps has come to the top all over the U. S.

On the average, the crops spends Dr. Albert Watenpaugh, ad "Has that youthful accent which placet it In 1 league with Zeffirelli's 'Romeo and Juliet'" -J" UthDtf, fH riM Arts MhuIm "An instant classic. It has a hammer-lock on history, performance and rooting Interest ministrative dean of LCCC, said By JOAN WHEELAN State House Reporter CHEYENNE Gov. Stan the planting will include 500 small blue spruce trees, 1,500 -ArchM Win mi mi 1 iwwn vironmental control and in the maintenance of the administrative apparatus to regulate control. "There is not intention on the part of the state government to relax its vigilance in this field," he said.

caragana shrubs, 500 Russian Hathaway predicts Wyoming's environment will be a campaign record, dating from 1944, which included three previous prison sentences for car theft plus convictions of desertion, non-support, larceny and passing bad checks. Judge Kerr remarked that each time Cottrill was released from prison, he went out and committed another crime. "People have to keep their property protected," he said. "It's cheaper, to. keep you in prison than to prosecute you every two years." Cottrill was sentenced to five years on each count with the sentences to run concurrently for a total term of five years.

In other U.S. District Court Olive bushes, and smaller issue this fall. numbers of other varieties of trees and shrubs. Hathaway, writing in the The plantings were purchased Wyoming GOP -Trunkline But Hathaway also em by the college from donations to nours a week rehearsing their music to the most minute detail. As I see it, it is up to these organizations to work their wav up, and not up to the Troopers to take an undeserved second.

There is the argument that these groups don't have the money to work their way up, but you have to think back to the fact that when the Troopers started, they wore blue jeans and Cub Scouts shirts for lack of funds. They made it! I would also like to salute the stores that support "Trooper Days." Most of these stores give up most of their profits during these three or four days for what they believe is a worthwhile cause. Recently, Casper had an "I've Been To Casper, Wyoming" sticker drive. Would it have been as much of a success as it was without the support the Troopers "drummed ud?" received from many publication for May, said "We will also be told, no doubt, that we are not at the state government level doing a very good job organizations and individuals. phasized the need for programs to benefit the state's citizens in other ways must not be overlooked in the desire to protect the environment.

in this field." But the governor, pointing out that facts are often overlooked "Wyoming must, for example, continue to pave the way for economic and social growth." Wyoming is not. going to Gov. Stan Hathaway was scheduled to climax the landscaping program on Arbor Day, May 11 by planting a tree at the college site but he was in Washington, D. C. that day for a special governor's meeting with the Nixon Administration on campus disorders.

action, charges against Merle Hansen of Cheyenne for violating federal guri control laws by when emotions run high, said existing state regulations and As far as I am concerned, "Shiny trumpets and beating having possession of a sawed-off rifle were dismissed at the statutes concerning water and air quality have been established within the past three years and four months. arums are just as mucn a part of Casper and Wyoming as civic symphonies, scout groups, and city bands. DOUG HEMLER Drum Major, Trooper Cadets Casper "experience a great mtiux oi people in the next few years," he said, adding, however, that the state will "grow in numbers." Progress in jobs, education and general living environment for people now living in the state can request of U. S. Attorney Richard V.

Thomas. Thomas said Hansen had already been charged by city These safeguards, he said, make Wyoming far ahead of other states in the field of en- police for the violation which appeared to be "one carried out in a thoughtless manner." only be brought about through a program of economic development, he said, adding that state and local government must continue to upgrade educational facilities and social services. "All of this, after all, is part and parcel of modern man's environment." Richard Burton HENRY VIII Genevieve Bujold Demonstrators Are Released SAIGON (UPI)-The South Set Festival For Fine Arts Kelly Walsh High School will hold its second annual Fine Arts Festival Wednesday, May 13, in the school library, featuring a variety of entertainment. Beginning at 7 the public program will highlight musical selections by the mixed chorus, the Trojannaires and the Forget Me Dots quartet. The Kelly Dancers will present several numbers, and two instrumental groups, a clarinet -quartet and a flute ANNE IOUYN Teacher Hurt GILLETTE Freda Shoemake, third grade teacher at the Eastside Armory School, slipped and fell on the mud coated slat boardwalks in the school yard Friday.

She suffered a double fracture of her right ankle and was hospitalized. Eastside Principal James High said Miss Shoemake will remain Call Is Heard EDITOR: The response we have received indicates that the NBC-TV White Paper on Mental Illness "Cry Help" was well received in this area. We are confident that viewer interest was stimulated by the excellent coverage provided by the news media in Casper. The news articles and pictures covering Mental Health activities in our area have provided the impetus for recognizing May as Mental Health month. Our sincere thanks for the interest you have demonstrated in this most pressing health problem.

HOBART P. O'BRIEN TREASURER, IIalWalus ilfL VVALLiO Vietnamese government Monday ordered the release of 73 jailed students but continued to hold opposition Assemblyman Tran Ngoc Chau despite a supreme court ruling that his military trial was illegal. IN THE PRODUCTION Anthony Quayie John Coiicos Threrof 76 students arrested quartet, will perform. Wyoming Association for Mental Health ii Casper FAIRGROUNDS ROADi I urn mm S. GP during weekend demonstrations against the closure of all schools," Several oral interpretations VLJ0O in the hospital for a few days, but that it is unlikely she can resume her teaching' duties Jor the "remainder of the school term.

Seeks Funds GILLETTE Radio Station KIML is heading a drive to obtain clothing for Eddy Anderson, whose trailer home was com NOW Showi of Dusk including Saigon-University, were continued in custody, will be given by members of the forensics garments will be modeled by members of the home economics department. WMMtor "1ST MTM MAMMY AWAIDI MnWyn charged with public disorder. The schools were closed last Wednesday after months of student agitation. Last Time Tonight "BEN HUR" 7 A display of art work by the "iisTicmirWMjiwi I LlMilll If The majority of the students STARTS TOMORROW pletely destroyed by fire Saturday at 12:59 a.m. Anderson was not at home, and all of his KW art department will provide the setting for the Fine Arts Festival, which is co-sponsored by Glenn Vliet, head of the vocal personal belongings were "STERILE CUCK00M(GP) tads Tonight MEET MA BARKER WHO TOOK HYMN BOOK AND -HER TOMMY GUN AND RAISED music department, and Mrs.

destroyed. Volunteer firemen were called to the scene for an Doris Black, sponsor of the KW Dancers. were treed alter msiaeni Nguyen Van Thieu told a news conference, "We cannot put all the students who demonstrate in prison. We have to classify the type of demonstration and the type of demonstrator. We must help those we can, depending on the type of trouble the students hour and a half.

i v'f IM FOUR SONS AND MORE HELL .9 j. ti 1 11 1 iaot nr ti ir nino tfr -V I rlMii IVlUol Ur I nt IVIUDi 'ILL IN CHICAGO. Carswell Has Campaign Snag TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (UPI) -Former Federal Judge G. Harrold Carswell underwent prostate surgery Monday which was expected to take him off the campaign trail for about a month in his quest for a U.S.

Senate seat. Carswell's condition following the operation was described as "excellent" and Dr. Lawrence Smith, who performed the operation, termed it "a complete success." Carswell' had planned the operation for about two years, delaying it when he was named to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and again when President Nixon named him to the Supreme Court. Set Meeting Final meeting of the school cause. Wednesday Night Is LADIES' (JIGNT twi mm NOW-Ends Tonight Shows at Dusk Thieu said that if he has his Who would have way Chau will serve the 10-year sentence given him by a military court in a widely publicized trial that found him guilty of Communist activities.

suspected the sergeant In the Dining Room Lounge The Ladies' FOOD co*ckTAILS Vi PRICE OPEN EVERY SiMY FOR IIUU08P.H. Fine Driver SUNDANCE-Joe Cornelia, 46, JMfM NICKX SMlltl of Sundance was fined $100 and $4 MICKEY DOYLE PLAYING NIGHTLY AT THE PIANO BAR year will be held by the Natrona County Association for Children with Learning Disabilities on May 13 at 8 p.m. costs by Municipal Judge Charles Donaldson Sunday night after pleading guilty to a charge of driving under the influence. He was involved in a car-pedestrian accident Saturday night in For 21 years Manpower has guaranteed to provide the right kind of people to do the job that has to be done. That's not a boast.

That's a promise. Doesn't it make more sense to call the biggest and best? When hours count-call MANP0WER TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES 829 CY Ave. 237-2523 Meeting in the Provident and CARROLL BAKER PAT DON DIANE H1NCLE STROUD VAESI itip COLOR- Sundance in which Mrs. Anna Federal hospitality room, the in group will hear a talk by Joyce Julian, social worker with Mauch, 54, was injured and hospitalized. M.

235-5440 "SWEET BODY of DEBORAH" The judge also suspended MM K) lt Project TEACH, her topic will be "Challenge to Parents." A short AT THE AIRPORT Cornelia's driving privileges for 100 days. business meeting will be held..

Casper Star-Tribune from Casper, Wyoming (2024)
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