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- Buchanan Recordi
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- Buchanan, Michigan
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Death I lie Jimi fc i' ardest work MATT RANSOM UNERAL EUGENE WETHERELL Humphreys the station A Cloth Gold Binding mnjrnrRKB itlOIW Of fr OR Oghthalmroreoweaic EW WB HOMEOPATHIC? chronic TaflaenzoW 1 Violent Coughf INCOME THE ARMS THE GERMANS TO BLAME IM I Med Co 109 ulton St IL inancial A (airs of arnend AT REQUENT DATES EACH MONTH of CATA! iROPHE AT PITTSBURG Let Him In gE Dr A ORR Veterinary Sweon )B THE BEST GREAT CONUSION ON THE LOOR job Printing A Model Newspaper MIC JILOAN STATE NEWS was defeated ELDREDGE rota" A HOLBROOK a rcsiTt A CZ) CM CONSUMPTION yx PISCTS CURE OR Jan 12 Lieutenant Gov stood at the door ot the vainly seeking admission refusal of the auditor of of routes via is no A A ff' CURE OR TO As soon business was out of The best Cough Medi cine is Cure for Consumption Children take it without objection By all druggists 25c CURES WHERE ALL ELSE AILS Best Cough Syrup Tastes good Use in time Sold by druggists Refuse to Surrender the Offices Charleston Jan Tho office holders of Beaufort county refuse to surren der tueir offices to their successors who were recently elected At the election there were two county tickets in the field both Repub lican Tho Democrats lined i i the support of what is known as the usion ticket and tho candidates on that ticket were elected but the old incumbents refuse to vacate The circuit court has issued a mandamus order ing a surrender of the offices to tho newly elected officials The man now in office however say they will not obey this order and it is likely that some of them will be committed to jail for contempt No Cabinet Members Selee el New York Jan 12 The Times corres pondent says that oan old friend who called upon him Thursday Gen Harrison stated emphatically that he has not yet determined upon a single member of Ins cabinet that bo will not be forced into making any man a member of bis cabinet and that the names selected will not be known until they are sent to the senate Sold bv Druggists or sent post paid oil receipt of I Dries SI The Storm in the West Chicago Jan 10 Winter began in the northwest yesterday and lumbermen were made bqppy Jn Wisconsin by three feet ot jk The railway people are not so happy ver as trains are badly delayed The iTTorri visited Michigan Illinois and idiana and was pretty general all over the northwest ASK OR IT! THE SEL THREADING 1 believe Cure for saved my life A Dowell Editor Enquirer Eden ton April 23 1887fl ROM CHICAGO 4 STLOUISfi laore goods than any other to give more brilliant and tf or the Ihinmnal and take HOMEOPATHIC VETEHIN ABT SPECIICS or Horses Cattle Sheep Dogs Hogs Poultry 500 PAGE BOOK oa Treat ment of Animals and case Candid in enconrasre with BtEWEK Evanston III hls wife got it away from him whereupon the dejected husband went to a neighboring spring and diving in drank to bis death The desire for the shadowy hence seems to be unusually strong wlthsoma people After the Gland Rapids postoffice had been closed for business the other night the jani tor shouldered his broom afor a sweep when a slick chap slid in and pocketed worth of stamps and a bundle of registered letters from the private office and then silently faded away While a Saginaw" City undertaking firm was professionally engaged the othr day a imbued with a desire for soma cash stopped in and helped himself to $75 worth of the A Shelby fruitist claims to own a tree that bears nice large apples one year and nothing but crab apples the next Tho same tree manifests other little freaks such ns blossom ing in the fall of the year putting out red leaves in late autumn etc Robert Gregg a citizen set up a target on an old building and blazed at it to test tho accuracy of his aim It proved to be good for he not only laid out the target but a tramp also who happened to be hid away'on the inside of the building at the time A Mrs Poly hurt herself on a Three Riv ers sidewalk about $3510 worth At least tho suin take to make her rrial happy again Muskegon's three railways got away with the lives of five persons last year while but three people were killed in her forty mills during the same period of time Tho saw mill the most dangerous institution the world after all rank McDonald a lint fellow tried to "rob a Mrs Stewart of $10 20 as she was re turning home but the plucky woman gave liima stunning blow in the face and then made her escape rank has since made the acquaintance of the calaboose II Kimmerer a Richfield gentleman who mysteriously disappeared last summer and has since been mourned as dead by bis friends now turns up smilingly as a busi ness man of Buffalo Waterman a Thompson citizen has taken unto himself a Lemon for life Ida Lemon being the full name Muy no sourness invade their domestic hearth The friends of Rev Allen a Leslie di vine who has been a parson for vbe past thirty five yoai got their heads together and gave him a $100 donation Mrs Hannah Green a Grand Traverse lady who had lived in Michigan just half century celebrated the event and tho 100th anniversary of her birth at the same tune During the past season the Mackinac wrecking steamer Lebviathaii rescued twelve steamers and sail craft which ihcluding car goes were valued at $750000 A $10000 blaze wiped out several business bouses at Adrian on the 5tb Joo Grainer a fireman was badly hurt by an exploding can of gasoline A Tekonsha citizen who was much given to the use of cuss words was hauled up and fined $1 therefor and his friends allege that he has since indulged in muffled swears The small pox scare at Cheboygan and Duncan City is said to have resulted in 2000 sorely vaccinated arms A Midland man made a holiday visit friends and was so smitten with the charms of a handsome young lady whom he mot that he wooed and won her affections pro cured a matrimonial license and was mar ried all on the day he made her acquaint ance A matrimonial hustler he was truly John Truman of Detroit went down to Wyandotte to take care of his sister Mary who was sick with diphtheria but was him self soon taken ill with the dread disease and passed to the spirit land just fifteen minutes in advance of his sister Sometime since Decker an Ottawa county farmer lost $2500 by the burning of a large barn This was replaced by a new one which has also been destroyed by fire together with eight cows and a span of horses Another case where disasters came not singly A combination of poor firewater and the cold walers ot Big lake ended the career of a couple of Cadillacers on the 5th East Saginaw sales of the ardent have fallen off one third since Jan 1 but the dealers are confident that New re solves prove very durable Judge Morse of the supreme court has been caned on the occasion of his 50th birthday and was a gold headed affair that displease the able jurist a par ticle And Gathetsin His Victims by the Central Inter State Base Ballists Peoria Ills Jan 11 Tho permanent or ganization of the Central Inter State league was effected Saturday night by the selection pf the following officers: President Hender son Ridgley of Springfield secretary and treasurer A Brown of Peoria execu tive committee red Wahl of Quincy Wal ter Viele of Evansville John Iz of Peoria A Schaal of Terre Haute and Henderson Ridgley of Springfield Daven port had no representatives present and the committeemen will be selected hereafter The salary limit was placed at with a a game guarantee A forfeit of is to be furnished by each club as an evidence of good faith in remaining to the end of the season Robertson Denied Admission to the Indiana Senate What the Wheat Corn and Oats In 1888 Was Worth An increase Over 1887 Washington Citv Jan 14 Decem ber report of the department of agricul ture which publishes in detail estimates of some of tho more important crops makes the product of corn 198779300) bushels grown on 7' 672763 acres valued on the farm at $677561580 or 34 1 cents per bushel against 44 4 for the crop of 1SS7 a decrease of 23 per cent tho product of 1887 being 27 per cent loss in volume than that of 1883 The average yield of the commercial belt or seven corn surplus states averages 33 2 bushols per acre The wheat aggregate is 414868 000 bushels grown on 37336 138 acres valued at $384 248030 Tho average yield therefore is 1 1 1 bushels per acre Tho averigs farm value is 926 cents per bushel against 6s I cents for( the previous crop a difference duo more to foreign than to domestic scarcity The aggregate for oats is 701737000 bush els grown on 6 998 282 acres and valued at $195424240 Tins is 278 cents per bushel against 30 cents for the crop of 1887 A comparison of aggregate values shows that the present corn crop is worth $31000 000 more than the previous one wheat 000000 more: oats less Cntnrrh omitam 11 I a Asthma Oppressed Breathing Ear Discharges Impaired Hearing Scrofula Enlarged Glands Swelling General Debility Physical Weakness Dropsy and Scanty Secretoins Sea Sickness Sickness from Riding Kidney Disease Aiervoua Debility Seminal wealc Dess or Involuntary Discharges 1 Sore Month Canker fillRQ WUR All IS AIIS Best Cough Syrup Tastes good Use in time Sold by druggists 5 the the senate to order because heo authority as a lieutenant governor had been elected Judge Mitchell of the su preme ccurt organ ized the senate de claring the motion to elect Senator Cox as presiding officer was carried This Republican minor ity was protesting at every step and great confusion pre vailed recalling the divides of 1887 Al onzo Green Smith was elected clerk 33 34 35 IVORY POLISH TKBTH Perfumes the Breath Ask for it UMING BROS Pittsburgh Pa uALIORC 0 NOLBYufeX! MAHA STJQSEPH ATCHISON or KANSAS CITY or dates rates tickets or further Information apply to Ticket Agents of connecting lines or address MORTON Gon Pass tTktAgt Chicago SCOTTS EMJILSION pMe cod liver oil and hypophosphites Ur Almost aji i Palatable as Milk So disgu sjed that it can be taken digested ancii assimilated by the' meet sensitive stcjhach when the plain oil cannot be tolerated and by the com bination of Mie oil with the hypophna phltes is muili more efficacious Remirkalli'is a flesh producer Persons rapidly while taking it Ei iriLSION is acknowledged by Physicians to the inest and Best prepa xation in the for the relief and cure of CONSUM PTION SCROULA GENERAL DEBILITY WASTING DISEASES EMACIATiON COLDS CHRONIC COUCHS The great tf imedy for Consumption and Wasting in Djdren Sold by all Druggists The Senate Organized by Judge 51 itch ell of the Supreme Court Contest for the North Carolina The Situa tion in W'est Senator Collum Renominated Political Items Indianapolis ernor Robertson senate Thursday inside Ironi state to call said be had The Husband of Hie Noted Singer Laid to Rest Gloucester Mass Jam Emma Ab bot accompanied the body of her husband Eugene Wetherell to its last resting place at bis old home here Thursday There was an unusual scene at great crown of women and men blockaded the the platform beside jvhich stood two black Two bodies were expected on the train One was that of an old lady The other was the bus band of the singer 1 Miss Abbott was in the rear car She was a the first to get off emma abbott and under the direction of the master of ar rangements proceeded quickly to the car riage in wnitmg She wore a black dress over which was a long wrap and her face was completely billion by a heavy veil Her maid and private secretary fo lowed ac companied by Wetherell brother of the deceased and Mrs Wetherell his mother who met the party at Boston The burial took place rida 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 fl Respectfully calls your attention to the folaotliig cured or materially benefited by his method of treating Chronic rfveJHen Killed and Many Injured by a alllne Buildius Pa' Jan 9 was an awful catastrophe it 12:30 Wednesday after noon The high wind that struck the city at Lbht hour completely demolished the large bri A building in process of construc tion in Diathond alley immediately in the rearof Wteldon store The building was as fay up as the seventh story and the building is a complete wreck As it went down it crushed in its fall the barber shop immediately next The force of thei crush ing building was thrown against Weldon store and pushed out the front into Wood street I The whole street in front of i IL i Weldon ia '4nll nf dAbris A laoct five men we killed and ten to fifteen in jured There were twenty men working on the Hew building 1 The rear of all the stores on Wood street as far np as the hat store of Paulson Bros were wrecked" Six memwere in the barber shop two have been removed alive two dead and two are still under the debris There were fifteen printers the rear of Weldons'' Co on the second floor and many of them were badly injured As fast as the Injured could be dug out they were carried on stretchers to the various hospitals One man on the top of the new building fell into the basem*nt His skull was fractured and both legs broken Pittsburg Pa Jan The list of dead at the Weldin store disaster is nearly complete and it numbers now fifteen the last one dug out being Michael Carroll a laborer It is expected that more bodies will yet be: recovered There are 100 men and fifty teams at work day and night our of the injured will un doubtedly die and the remainder will re cover Dr body was found yester day morning iTbe damage to property is estimated at $125000 Ths National Lawmakers Resume Business at Hie Old Stand 4SHINGTON City Jan 9 The senate yesterday pass'd the house bill requiring the delivery of special delivery letters whether postage is prepaid or not Sherman introduced a bill providing a complete sys tem of government regulation of elections for congressmen By it the president ap points five persons iu each state a board of canvassers and three in each district as electoral boards and they appoint the precinct officers and oversee the count of the votes The tariff bill then came up A proposed amendment to put bagging for cotton on the free list provoked a long discussion but it was finally rejected as were one on two other propositions The bouse put an end to the dead lock by adopting of Monday caucus the vote being 120 to 117 to recommit the resolution which was the bone of contention A number of measures relating to bouse printing were passed and then an attempt to get up the Smalls Elliott contested election case from South Carolina developed the fact that filibustering was still the weapon of the minority and the bouse adjourned Washington City Jan as the routiue morning way in the senate yesterday the tariff bill was again taken up ment providing that no article in the pend ing schedule should be taxed at a rate ex ceeding 5(Lper cent ad valorem wasi ejectei The wool schedule was passed over inform ally Aldrich in answer to a remark ot Vest said the silk schedule had been pre pared at the treasury department and in creased the duty silk wearing apparel from 3i" per cent to 60 per cent A motion to put bituminous coal on the free list was rejected ten Democrats voting with the Republicans against it Bite Brown Dan iel an kner Gorm in Payne Pugh Tur pie Voorhees and Wilson of Maryland An am ndment was a iopted putting a duty on coal or culm such as will pass through a half inch screen of 30 cents pur ton The duty on jewelry otherwise provided was in creased from 25 to 40 per cent A few other slight changes were made and at 5:20 the senate adjourned The house wasted the day in filibustering again lead by Weaver who kept the house voting on dilatory motions until 3:10 tn before he would permit the journal to be read Attempts to have days fixed for votes on the Oklahoma and Union Pacific funding bills failed and at 3:30 the bouse adjourned Washington City Jan 11 The tariff bill again claimed the whole attention of the senate yesterday Tue rate on cork or cork bark was raised to 3 per cent ad valorem instead of 25 per cent and the duty on pearls was reduced to 10 per cent ad va lorem An attempt to increase the duty on precious stones cut but not set to 25 per cent ad valorem instead of 10 by a tie vote The opposition showed that diamonds could be too easily smuggled to make it practicable to collect a high duty Importers could obtain them at 7 per cent when the duty was 10 Precious stones set were increased from 25 to 40 per cent and the same was done as to gold watches and watch cases This brought the considera tion of the bill down to the free list Au amendment to take braids plaits and laces for hat ornamentation off the free list and tax them 23 per cent was rejected on the ground that they coqjd not be manufactured in this country Weaver again controlled the house and with dilatory motions (his purpose being to force the consideration of the Oklahoma bill) completely paralyzed business When Springer triect to get unanimous consent to fix a day for a vote on that bill that was ob jected to by Buchanan who wanted to see whether one man could rule the house A resolution to appoint a committee to wait on Weaver and see cn what terms he would al low business to proceed was ruled out of order The house adjourned at 1 :43 Washington City Jan resh fish was the subject' of talk in the senate yester day but after a long debate during which Plumb speaking to his motion to admit fresh fish free said it was a discrimination in favor of people living along the Canadian border to give the New Englanders their salt free and make the rest of the country pay a duty thereon the amendment was rejected and tho fish subjected to a cent per pound duty Several paragraphs were passed over informally The duty on osier and willow was made 10 per cent ad valorem and this ended the free list The senate then ad journed until noon to day the attempt to begin at 11 a tn yesterday haying developed but six senators in their seats at that hour In the house a disposition to shut off Weaver was manifested That gentleman' began his filibustering tactics by moving an adjournment before the journal bad been read A conference between the speaker and several prominent Democrats had been' held at the desk and the result was soon seen in rulings against Weaver which permitted some business to be trans acted Weaver getting in all the obstruction he could The conference reports on the' bills for the 'erection of a public building at Milwaukee and the one appropriating $61)0 000 for a site and to begin a publc bnilding at Omaha were agreed to Upon another conference report Weaver so blocked work that recess was taken to 7:30 'p'ni at which time' Kilgore raised the point of no quorum and gave notice that in retaliation against Weaver no could lie passed while the present state ot affairs ex ist The house then adjourned Washington City Jan In the senate Saturday Morgan gave notice of an amend ment to the tariff bill repealing all laws by which goods in transit to or from Canada are permitted to cros American territory free of duty The section relating to methy lated spirits was amended to include other substances for methylating besides wood naptha The duty on wood pulp was made $2 '10 $6' $8 ton for4the three different qualities thereof Gray offered an amendment admitting free lumber timber agricultural iron and ma chinery for construction xand equipment of vessels The Republicans objected to tbiel especially as to machinery' though rye in timated that with machinery left out of the omnnzlmanfr ha WAiilil vaIa Tha a manri WIUUUUJ41VMV MW vvww VW ment was oenaing wnen sue senate went into ycret serejoj after which ft adjmimad Thgr YouCaiMake Money! quietly by an (Iritlrely new method Perfectly le gitimate interfere with your regular bus ness or prove pbe a humbug Satisfactory results guaranteed the sex bend stamp explanation EUREKA PMCESS CO PO Box 51 Provi dence I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2fe 2Q 30 Vrinary Weakness Wetting Bed Beware of Ointments fii Catarrh that Contains Mercury as Mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucus surfaces Such ar ticles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physi cians as the damage they will do are ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them Catarrh Cure manufactured by Cheney Co Toledo contains no mercury and is taken internally and acts di rectly upon the blood and mucus sur faces of the In buying Catarrh Cure be you get the gen uine it is taken internally and made in Toledo Ohio by Cheney Co Sold by druggists price 75c per bot tle Death of Mrs Jay Gould New York Jan 34 Mrs Jay Gould died at her home on ifth avenue at 8:50 last night The entire family waited about the bedside for the to come Dr Baldwin said any attempt to prolong life would be not only useless but even almost cruet There was nothing to do but watch and wait Mrs Gould was too feeble to con verse and answered the anxious inquiries of the loved ones about her with a simple or The Tennessee Senatorial Contest Nashville Tenn Jan 12 The Demo cratic riiembers of the legislature held a caucus riday night to nominate a materia candidate One ballot was taken standing: Isham Harris 52 Atkins 28 John Savage 9 necessary to a 42 nflnnwonfflelnPhnadelrlite I Ho 111 1 IE at the Newspaper Advey I I tising Agency ot Messrs AYER Ik SON our authorized agents In UM 30 years Special an eminent Physician Simple i CONSUMPTION TAMMANY DECLARES ITSEL A Protcstiiii Against a Proposed Change in lhe Klection Laws New York Jan Tammany hall ut tered a whoop against electoral reform i i day night Bonrke Cochran sounded tLe note and every statesman in the new general committee which had just been organized look it up The res olution which Mr Cochran supported ran as follows: While regard the electoral system ot the state of New York as the most perfect that has ever been devised tbeDemocracy of this city should be ever ready to co operate in any effort to im prove it but we be cochran lieve that any atr tempt to alter it or to tamper with it should be carefully scrutinized and cautiously ap proached We hold secrecy to be an essen tial feature of tho ballot and we earnestly protest against the enactment of any law which would substitute for secrecy a mere promise of secrecy We protest against the adoption of any system which will permit tho ballot of the voter to be marked by any person or evon touched for the sole purpose of depositing it in the ballot IGHT OR SENATOR sf Jf HI 4 Bluch in North Carolina Over lhe Matter Vinn Tnn I abatement in the excitement" manifested in tho election of a senator The ever known here is be iijg done 'nnd the va rious candidates MattiRanson Alex ander Jarvis and A Waddell are all on the ground The Democratic sena torial caucus will bo next: Tuesday night assert that he has 65 votes pledged to him 63 being necessary to nominate It is said that not only is A Merriman a candidate but that Charles Steadman and Governor elect Daniel owle are not averse to the senatorial prize falling their way Mention is also made of Governor A Scales as a possible candidate Jos'ui'i ald a romiuent manufacturer and Im mass mini if Grand Rapids is dead at the 65 ars He bad accumu lot' sinoi coming to the state in 1852 A Center couple went to Lansing recently to see th sights an 1 began opera tions by li'o ving out the gis When they recuv re 1 suffi eutly to real s) the situation they hastily made tracks for home A Jackson family of five persons were se riously poisone 1 by eating of a holiday tur key that id I euome somewhat too ancient te be 'datable Itnq iired a bill large enrmgli to have bought several healthy turkeys to bring out all right rank McDonald a lint fellow who was" caught in the act of helping himself to valu ables in a store that city was suddenly convinced that 'twere better te desist when a bullet crashed through the show case at whie i he was operating rank is a bastile lioarder now The Rockford doctor who tried a wrestling bout with just for a little in nocent sport lias since been nursingthree broken ribs When be gets well attend to mending other Loties instead of breaking his own John Bull a Kalamazoo county pedagogue has engaged in teaching a district school on Grand Prairie having altogether smooth sailing Two or three weeks ago somebody tin'ed te plant a bullet in his anat omy and the other day the same scheme was repeated both balls coming too close to their mark for comfort As John has nojenown enemies at a loss to account for the at tempted assassination A Grand Rapids chap who has been a pub lic charge for some time past has been found to have a nice wad of money stowed away in his shanty residence It nearly broke his heart but public assistance has stopper! nevertheless A Buchanan business man went to supper the other night without locking his safe and while lie was filling his stomach an oilier "chap was' lining bis pockets with the mer cash to the tune of $200 An Ishpeming chap caught on to the fact that a fellow workman had saved up $150 with which to bring Ins parents over from Ireland and getting Ins hands on the money skipped A Saginaw dealer in second hand relics is the owner of a trunk been banged around for 100 years But the prob abilities are that thn modern rail way bag gage smasher hasn't hud many whacks at itor its brow would have sadly: wi'inkled longgo 7' A Shelby innn applied to the town author ities for a coffin for a dead relative but was greatly offended liecause a high priced ar ticle with expensive trimmings fur Some folks are "very particular reaffimr ot the tariff Inll was cohinletnd anil amendments are now in i Weaver his in tho house and after the receipt and disposition of several executive documents a resolu tion to rescind the rule requiring the house to adjourn at 5 esch day was offered by Randall and referred to the rules com mittee and Weaver said ho wou'd cease oIk structing the business until the rules report was made i The pension bill was passed nnd the conference report on bill appropriat ing $800000 for a site for a public building in San rancisco was agreed to The con sular and diplomatic appropnat on bill was then considered and passed 'and pend ing a decision on a point of order against the fortification bill that all the items except one for repairs of fortifications were outside the jurisdiction' of the appro pnations committee the hous? adjourned Prince health is again reported vigorous Win cure you drive the POISON out of Sur system and make you strong and well ley cost only 25 cents a box and may savo your Ufa Can be had at any Drug Store ban sKT5 was swept away "audThe lower part ot the Ripids Viev elevator is gone The tin root of International hotel was torn Several buildings on the renervation have been blown down and many trees de stroyed lilew Hnnl In Ohio Jan Repdrti from many towns innorlhern Ohio ssj that the windstorm of Wednesday did con siderable damage to property At Ravanna a small dry was wrecked At Madison chimneys ami trees were blown down and many windows were brokefi by the force'ol tbe wind The temperature has fallen steadily Thus far no loss of life is re ported In Cleveland hundreds of telephone and telegraph wires were blown down and canvas covered delivery wagons overturned Trees were to eartb insecure roofs and chimneys were demolished but there no oss of life' In it are com bined the fin est mechanic al skill' the most 'useful and practical elements and all known ad vantages that make a sew ing machine' desirable to sell or use ELDREDGE MC CO Jictory and Wholesale Office Belvidere 1 Wabash Are Chicago 5 1 Knad Street New 4 J' ROE Buchanan Mich RX8? SALT RHCURL TETTtRBURNS S9ALOS SCRES WOUNbH SORE ANDMJHAIiOfl SORE Disastrous Shipxvrcck Off tbe Coast Spain Only Thirty A re Saved Cohunna Spain Jan 12 A large steamer has been wrecked on the Lisargar the coast She ran on the rocks in a storm anti went to pieces Of the people on board thirty su eeeded in getting ashore Tbe others Hh in all were drowned The name of he steamer has not yet been ascer tained The initiatory st ps toward tbe formation a law an 1 order league at Wabrsh Ind lor 1 li suppression of every kind of law bieik wero taken Thursday night If You Are Sick With Headache Neuralgia Rh: umatism Dyspep sia Biliousness Blood Humors Kidney Disease' Constipation emale Troubles ever and Ague Sleeplessness Partial Paralysis or Nervous Pros tration use (Jelery Compound and be cured In each of these the cause is mental or physical overwork anxiety exposure or malaria the effect of which is to weaken the nervous sys tem resulting in one of these diseases Bcmove the cause with that great Nerve Tonic and the result will disappear Celery Compound Jas Bowen Springfield Mass writes Celery Compound cannot be excelled as a Nerve 3 onio In my case a single bottle wrought a great change My nervousness entirely disappeared and with it the resulting affection of the stomach heart and liver and the whole tone of the system was wonderfully invigorated tell my friends if sick as I have been Celery Compound Will Cure You! Sold by druggists 81 six for Prepared only by Welis Richardson Burlington Vt or the Aged Nervous Debilitated has Johnson Stursis Mich Nervousness Geo JVyrnan Clinger LakeMich Kidneys John Daltoiij Van Buren Heart Disease Mrs Packard Uanier Union City Mich Heart Disea i Mrs Sylvester ellars Hodunk Mich Lnngs John Yost Van Bures Ind kidneys Thompson La Grange Ind Stomach and Liver rtf Edwin Tan ner Cambria Mich Ilemorrhagia: Simeon Dunn biaumcrset Center Mich Liver John Grinnell Moserville Mich Pfrralvsis William Perry Allen Mich Epilepsy Ramsey Jhllsdal Mich Obstruc tion of Gall Kate Bi Stewart Adrian Mich Liver: E'a Parker Blissfield Mich Disease: Clara Baco'Y Addison Mich Stomach and Liver Daniel Mead Kalamazoo Mich Gould Schoolcraft Mich Catarrh Mrs Albert Spalding Idamazoo Mich Liver and Kidneys Mrs A Hubbard Silver Creek Mich spasms Cady Decatur Mich Inflammation of Bladder i i I can give you many references in this city Call anj them With twenty years devoted to the treatment of Cluiiuic Diseases and tnousanas ot patients enaptes me io cure every curaoi my examinations reasonable in my charges and nevi out a surety of success DR 136 Chicago Ave Will be at Niles Mich Bond House on Tuesday th 22d of January (Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College) CASES Attended With Promptness and Skill Ten practical experience in break ing and training horses Office in Lister's Livery Stable ront treet Buchanan 46 T4 11 Children (jj ce4' CASTOR Ife A Practically Perfect Preparation for Complaints I CURE 1 ITS! When I eay Curb I do not mean merely to etop them for a time and then have them re turn again I MEAN A RADICAL CURfa 1 1 have made the disease of each year It io an cncy clopedia cf useful infor mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or the can clothe you and furnish yqu witUall tbe ncessary and nnneoeszary applit nces to ride walk danoe' eat fish hunt work go to cnfefflS or stay at home and in various JBjW and quantities Just flgurcy what is required to do all these thftifci iCOrlORTflBLT and you can make a in "estimate of the value of the BUYE1WGUIDES which will be receipt ofo 10 cents to pay ft: MTGOiVIERY COlj i i vftn to ChjcaaOallL WHY! YOUR LIVER IS OUT ORDER You win have SICK 11 AD PAINS IN THE SIDE DYSPEPSIA POOR APPE TITE feel listless and unable to get through your daily work or social enjoyments law will be a burden to you DBC WILLIAMSPORT AND CARLISLE Heavy Damage at Both Places and Sev i eral Lives Probably Lest WiLlJAMSPdRT Pa Jan A terrible Aagltf storm' of wind accompanied by torrents of rain swept down the West Branch valley yesterday afternoon Considerable damage was done in all directions tbe particulars of which are tnjager by reason of telegraph and telephone communication being inter rupted In this city the damage was partic ularly severe' About a dozen bouses were demolished the Mankey Decorative works unroofed and tbe buildings of tbe Demorest Sewing Machine company demolished lhe damage sustained by tbe Mankey people will amount to $50000 and that of the Demorest works $3003 Tbe brick walls of the foun dry department in course of construction a storv in height 200 feet long and 50 wide were razed to the foundation Several per sons are reported as having been injured or i killed but this is not confirmed Much damage has been dona to other property in surrounding towns rom Banbury word comes that the stack of the nail works millsiwas blown down tan buried in the ruins and one or two killed Niagara Suspension oot Bridge Gone fiAaABA allS Jan The term raged here Wednsday night witn great Jury? The suspension foot bridge spanning tha Niagara river below the falls was torn from itacabtos at fl in the morningand a portion of it lies on either bank while the center portion of it is at the bottom of tbe structure was cut clean from towir At elevator on 'i' 3'ierican side of tbo whirl pool rapids a ry bu ding was Mown into the raoids ens a war ousiorrs ihsriean side" photograph too wmw pooLj The New York MAIL AND EXPRESS the favorite American newspaper of many people of intelligent and cultivated tastes has recent ly mado some noteworthy improvements ma terially increasing its general excellence It is in the broadest sense A National Newspaper most carefully edited and adapted to the wants and tastes of inteUigentreaders through out the entire North South East and West It is a thoroughly clean paper free from the corrupting sensational and demoral izing trash miscalled news which defiles the pages of too many city papers OUR POLITICS We believo the Republican party to be Jfre true instrument of the POLITICAL PRXro RESS of the American people and holding that the honest enforcement of its pnnclplis the best guarantee of the national welfare we shall support them with all our might but we shall always treat opposing parties with con sideration and falrplay AGAINST THE The MAIL AND EXPRESS is the recognized National organ of the great Anti Saloon Re publican movement It believes that the liquor traffic as it exists to day in the United States is the enemy of society a fruitful source of corruption in politics the ally of an archy a school of crime and with its avowed purpose of seeking to corruptly control elections and legislation is a menace" to the public welfare and deserves the condemns tion of all good men Send far Sample Copy They are sent free to all who apply SUBSCRIPTION WEEKLY per year SI 00 six months CO cents three months 30 cents Daily per year S600? six months S3 00 three montns Sl00 one month SO cents VALUABLE PREMIUMS are given to all subscribers and agents" We want a good agent in every town and village where we bavq not one now at work Eend for pur Special Circular to Agent and eee our liberal offers I You CanBiake Money by accepting our Cash Commission offers of orking for our valuable and popular premia nms Address tho MAIL AND EXPRESS NewYork City MAH UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY THE COUNTRY WILL OBTAIN The Kalamazoo postoffice now ranks third in tbe state in the amount of business trans? actedand Celery villeites are bound tomaintain their record even it they are com polled to sit up nights to do it Tho addjtion of an English and Latin course to the programme of the Concord high school has drawn in some fifty outsde" pupils making aliout 203 in all iS John Harris an Edmore the Railway company to pay him $10000 for injuries received while load ing telegraph polfis nearly: two years ago The company is waitingjto hear a oninion of lhe claim before deciding on what' do about it 4 A remont man paipa Decker tried to New York Jan fairs of Plymouth d'd church it is said aro in a some what strained condition and there are indi cations that there may bo great difficulty during the year in meeting the current ex penses of tho society mid conducting its mission work This was strongly brought out at the annual meeting Thursday even ing Tho income during last year was only atrilleov and tho expenditures exceeded that amount by It was currently reported riday that even in tbe face of this show ng Dr Abbott who was paid $6500 last year wants his salary raised to lilii yen' or Plymouth church which' once raise I (XM) from the sale of her pews and averaged for many years tlio future does not look extremely prosperous in view of these facts ON HUNDRED DROWNED A life long study I WARRANT my remedy to Curb the worst cases Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure" 3 Send at once for a treatise and a ree bott ot my Infallible Remedy Give Expo and Post Office It costs yon nothing 101rial nnrl itswill nnwa vAn AIHroca A HC ROOT MC I83PemlSTNEWY0H CHICAGO CALL AT THE RECORD OICE TO ADVERTISERS A list of 1000 newspapers divided Into STATES AND SECTIONS will be sent on REE 1 to those who want their advertising to pay? we can offer no better medium for thorough and effec tive work than the various sections of our Select JmjIj York A LARGE SILK WILL BLOWN DOWN 8 And Hundreds nf Operatives Mostly Girls rightfully Crushed and Mangled vT it Riina ennfirhlv Anninnfiii Rock island Atchison St Joseph Leavenworthj and St Paul' The avorite Tourist Line hunting and fishing grounds of the Northwest courses through the most productive lands of Not Minnesota and East Southern Dakota fl THE SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND between Cincinnati Indianapolis Lafayets3oseph Atchison Leavenworth Kansas City Mln Sor Tickets Maps olders or desired Informs Ticket Office in the United States or Canada or ST JOHN General iraMgsn Warranted to col dyes ever made flu durable colors A no other 4 Dress Dye A Coat Coloma Garments heiewea cents A Child Jan use them Unequalled for it li ancy and Art Wo At druggists and fkferchants Dye Book i WELLS CO Props Burlington VL TJ THE NEW YORK MAIL AND EXPRESS The Advocate of the Best Interests of the Home The Enemy of the Saloon The riend of American Labor The avorite Newspaper ot People of Refined Tastes Everywhere AT ONZO SMITH and the caucus nominees were all elected Resolution by Johnson to admit Robertson was ignored by the chair but was put by Johnson and declared by him carried Tbe senate then adjourned to riday The house quietly was organized by the secretary of state Caucus nominees were elected A motion to not recognize Cox as presiding officer of tbe senate was rejected Tbe scene around the senate chamber when ths legislature met at 10 ri day morning was a mild repetition of Thursday Col Koliertson" accompanied by Senator DeMotte of Valparaiso again made an attempt to enter the chamber but was stopped by the doorkeeper Robertson later made another attempt but was in formed by tbe doorkeeper that bis orders were to keep him out The lieutenant gov ernor remained near the entrance nearly the entire morning The session was de voted to trivial matters such as drawingfor seats President Tern Cox pre sided without protest from the Republican members At 1 the senate ad journed to moot the Qouso in jomtjicssion at 2 and receive the mes sage WAITING OR THE COURTS West Virginia Statesmen (lining Nothing Untiltlio Tight on RoUirna Settled Charleston VV Va Jan 12 The sen ate met yesterday at 2:30 nnd was called to order1 by President It was proptnsed to take a vote for president of tbe body but aS each member in casting his vote delivered an ex planatory speech which gave rise to informal discussion extending to almost every mem ber it was 4 when the first ballot was concluded without any election and the senate ad journed until 2:30 Monday after noon The house had ahalf hour session at' which no 1 business was transacted and ad journal until Monday morning at 10 The rrotion to dismiss the writ of prohibi tion preventing Judge Guthrie from pro wii a writ of mandamus against Secretary of State Walker compelling him to report Kanawha vote on govern or was argned before the supreme court yesterday hut the court adjourned without rendering a decision When this question is settled the Republicans will proceed to or ganize tbe senate and Che returns will be onened in joint session and the result de clared Tha Democrats have no hope of organizing tha and it is believed that Senator Carr the Vnion Labor member will have a walk over when the lime arrives' Gen Goff reached here esterday from VT If waiuiuwti 30 Lrinary Weakness Wetting Bea JJf i 3t Painful Periods with Spasm 3a Blseases of the Heart Palpitation Ejiuiensv bpasm ot vitas nance ayiMt Diphtheria Ulcerated Sore Throat lhe East African Troubles Dne to Teu tonic Invasion The Blacks Repulsed London Jan The English African Missionary societies are unanimous in laying tho blame of tho troubles in East Africa ution the invasion of that territory Germans The reverend Mr Ashe who has recently romo from Uganda says that he discovered no trouble whatever among the natives until upon his return he reached a point within 200 miles of the coast where tho influence of Germany was felt rom the opinion which prevailed there Mr Ashe is inclined to belieye that tbo trouble will spread inland and require a stronger force than has hitherto been brought to bear to suppress it The wliola course of the Ger mans Mrs Ashe asserts has been aggres sive if not brutally oppressive and he is unable to see anything to avert danger to all of the foreign missions laboring in the interior Zanzibar Jan 14 Tbe insurgent tribes of tbe coast have attacked tho Garman mis sion at liar Salaam A stout defense was made and the blacks repulsed The losses in killed and wounded were heavy on both sides There has been con tinuous fighting for several days at Lindihelwa between boats from the German squadron and the enemy on shore The lat ter are in such force that tho boats can not effect a landing The native villages have been sliellod A BAD SHOWING Church iua Condition 12 The financial af cliurcli Henry Ward CUBKS PlilCB eTCTi Congestion Inflammation 25 uriufl vvurm never worm Crying Colic or Teething of Infant Dfarrlfea of Children or Adult Dysentery Griping Bilious Cobo Cholera Morbus Vomiting Coughs Cold Bronchitis Neuralgia Toothache aceacbd Headaches biclc Ueadache Vertigo llvanunui Pdmna feuppressei or Painful Period Whites too Profuse Periods Croup Cough Difficult Breathing £alt Rheum Erysipelas Eruptions Rheumatism Rheumatic Painat rever and Ague Chills Malarialla Rlivzl 1 ft AS vrpiii iiumi ur Mire ui THE GREAT ROCK ISLALUId ROUTE (Chicago Bock Island Pacific and Chicago' Nebraska Bys) Ite main lines branches and extensions west iicrthwest and southwest Include Chicago Joliet Ottawa Peoria La Sall Moline Rock Island in 'i Davenport Muscatine Ottumwa Oskt oosa West Liberty Iowa v'M" City Des Moines Knoxville Winterset Atlantiotvcdubon Harlan Guthrie j' Centre and Council Bluffs in IOWA MinneapoU and St Paul in MINNE 'i i Watertown and Sioux alls in iatin Trenton Cameron'' St Joseph andKansas City in MISSOURI Beata ca airbury and Nelson" in Horton Topeka Hutchinson WjCiiita Belleville Norton Caldwell in Colorado Springs Denver Pueblo in COLO RAD Traverses new and vast areas of rich fec Xing and grazing lands affording the best facilities of intercommunication bf older States and to all towns and cities in Southern Nebraska Kans id Colorado Utah New Mexico Indian Territory Texas Arizona Idabs California and Pacific' coast and trans oceanic Seaports 1 4 Ji SOLID AST VESTIBULE EXPSS Of Palace leading all competitors in stfie ndor of equipment and 1 luxury of run through daily bfldreen Chicago and Colo i rado Springs Denver and Pueblo Similar 1 NIICENT VESTIBULE TRAIN SERVICE dally between Chicago and Ca iicil Bluffs (Omaha) and between Chicago and Kansas City Elegant jy Coaches Dining Cars ecnniiig UAiair uartJ tr iuiiu auu rtuuruo varo vauiuruiu Aixcur Bions dalhr Choice of routes to and from Salti jeke City Portland Los Angreles San Diego San rancisco and intervene I localities Quick time fo prompt connections and transfers in Union 5 4 a 4 THE AMOUS ALBERT LV ROUTE prams aaiiy ea way oetween umcago ACftvPAvmrmvHu jT anmaa fHfl a an Irin: ta JoAhvjf XUflUAiCT" 0 the scenic resorts and Watertown Branch" Itorn Iowa Southwestern AKEE offers facilities to and Council Bluffs St Prohibition for New Hampshire Concord 'N Jan 12 The constitu tional convention Thursday afternoon adopted by a vote of 16 to 131 an amend ment prohibiting the manufacture and sale of all intoxicating liquors A special committee was appointed to consider tbe woman suffrage amendment Governor Merriam Inaugurated St Paul Jan 9 Iu joint convention Wednesday morring tbe legislature beard the final and inaugural message of the out going nnd iiicoiiinig governors nnd Gov ernor Merriam was duly installed in office Senator Cnllom Renominated Sprijgfikld III Jan 12 AS a caucus of Republicans Thursday night in the sejate chamber Shelby Cullom was renominated to succred himself as senator from 11 jn us THEY ARE AT IT AGAIN The Debris ire and Adds More Terror to tho Searchlug for the Viet Im The Storm Blow Down a Building at and Sixty Are Killed or Terrible Effects of the Storm In Other Localities Rkading a Jan 10 A cyclone struck this city shortly after 5 yesterday afternoon demolishing a number of build ings including Grimshaw silk rnilL In the latter were upward ot 200 op eratives who were buried in the ruins Many have been killed When the cyclet struck Reading the Pniladelphifl Reading Itailway paint shop was unroofed and in less than ten minutes the entire structure was envel oped in fiames Several gas chambers un derneatb the passenger cars exploded and four persons were killed and several others badly injured Tho killed are George Schaffer Sb rrian jjones Alliert Laydon berger and John Kohler The storm then continued eastward deal ing out destruction! in its pa'h Nine dwell ings on North Eighth and Marion streets were unroofed and otherwise badly damaged The cyclone cut al swath of about 250 feet and everything in its way waseilherdevelod to the ground or very badly wrecked The next building in its traek was the immense silk mill of Grimshaw Bros located at One Hundred ami Twentieth and Marion streets This building was filled with operatives and not a single soul escaped uninjured The structure which was four stories high and 200 by 70 feet is a mass of ruins Not a single brick remains of the beautiful build ing except the stock and engine room The fire department was called out and 10000 men women and children quickly assem bled about the wrecked mill The cries of the wounded and dying and their friends were heartrending Willing bauds however quickly set to work and at 9:45 some seventy persons had been taken out Twelve of these were dead and many fatally injured those who were less seriously hurt were taken to their homes lule those who received more serious injuries were taken to tho hos pitals Probably seventy five to 100 escaped were dragged out by their friends These victims worked on the upper floors and were thrown near the top of the debris At some places tbe bricks were piled wenty feet de op and underneath were lying human bodies by the score While the townspeople firemen and police were hard at wrlrescuing the victims of the terrible calamity night fell but in spite of the darkness: and tbe driving storm the rescuers kept on Ina few minutes a por tion of tbe wreck of the mill took fire illu minating tbe ghastly and awful scene The work of clearing away the debris at the wrecked silk mill was continued through out tha night without interruption Thurs day morning a large addition was made to the working force and some twelve addi tional bodies were yemoved Reading Pa Jan No more bodies have been found since Thursday afternoon The wreck has been thoroughly explored and all bodies have been removed The official list of the killed furnished by tbe firm ri day morning is eighteen as follows: Sallie Bickel IS years old Amelia Christman 17 years Henry Crocker 23' years (his body will be taken to Connecticut for burial) Sallie aust 16 years Mary itz patrick 13 years Tillie Grow 16 years Sal lie Harner 14 years Laura Kershner 17 years Eva Leeds? 17 years Emma Nester 22 years John Reber 22 years (leaves a wife and two children) Ella Reighthauar 15 years Lillie Schaffer 14 years Sallie Schaffer sister of Atsiftte (died Thursday aft ernoon from the effects of ber injuries) Barbara A Seilheimer 15 years Sarah Shade 17 years' (taken out alive but died after beinz removed to ber home): illiam Snvder 23 vears (leaves a wife and one child) Sophia ZWinkelman 22 years: The number tm killed was greatly exag gerated owing'to the and failure escaped to report the fact rimshaw are positive no others were killed Many of the injured however critical condition and it is likely some will die of those wj 1 aggggHn 1 1 JA 1 1 XV a Us Vx S'riSWSi 1MIVM rS Iw: i rSW: kt 4 I vt 1 I 1 1 k' MV PS Mli I fL LgBLj CPA t' 4 7 "jmL idr 1 1 T' 's' 4 jr I7 IX SB vfe few Ticket a exx JIegsL NAWnnsiwr AQVurniPHf nur a I Ml Mk'xflVJk BflS Mi I 'KM VlrrAr 1 A Ixn'a AlOHafrt! ZIM ThA 'AHA1I JU AW fPIUVB BM4VH AIM! 4 TudP te a I I Sts wn 'I 1 wa a ju vt Jal ftS MS 74 'bt a a a te A to A rs 1 ft i to 3 Jib 3L T1 A Mr 1 I 4 it I if fl XB a IB a pt JI g1 MUCH VALUABLE INORMATION ROM A STUDY THIS MAP i a A VW zV it ft Jr 2 CISCO Ig I UTE I Os gppi kri( WrAS 4 frjgjfl 1 kK SMflwrY zvaA Wl 'yx 13 i i ilv BWngton SRMb 5 BMgliHi BiulBS.
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