AThsny Demofrst-Wersld TaetJiy, November 149 Pare Jamborco Winners Beavers Play Pilots; To Barnstorm In East OREGON STATE COLLEGE. tensive guard. How well replace ments are filling these ids will be learned on the trip. -a. Corvallls, Nov.
29 How good is the team that will defend Oregon State's Pacific Coast conference basketball championship this winter? Season Tickets Sell for Huskies SWEET HOME, Nov. 28 (Special) The Jaycee-s i sale of season basketball tickets here tor the local high school eager is developing well, according to Jaycee President Forest Lemb-kle. "Tickets for the 14-game home schedule are being sold at 84.80, including tax," Lembkie stated. "Single game tickets will be available at a higher rate a', the box office, but those who intend to attend games are strongly urged, to buy tha season ticket" George Lund is coach of the basketball squad, with Burton Frost and Eaton Way assisting him. Five lettcrmen probably will make up the starting combination in the opener.
They are Len Rln-earson and Ray Snyder, forwards; Ed Fleming, center: and Dick Bal. This question should be at least partially answered in Portland Thursday night when the veteran lantyne and Bill Harper, guards. Top Reserves en Band Beaver club opens its 1949-50 cam OSC-Grid Coach Slated To Speak Before Bulldogs Kip Taylor, Oregon State's new and successful football coach has been secured as guest speaker for the Lions club dinner the evening of Dee. 8 at the high school cafeteria. The entire- A squad, managers, and coaches of Albany high will be guests of the Lions club on this annual occasion.
Taylor is well known as an after dinner speaker, being much in demand on the dinner 'circuit He will also show pictures of OSC games of this yean, Outstanding Men Awarded Another big event of the evening will be the presentation of the "outstanding lineman" and "outstanding awards for the 1949 season. Each year a committee selects these most' valuable athletes and the winners" are divulged at the dinner. Gold loving cups will be Inscribed with the names of the two selected and paign against highly rated Portland university at the Ice arena. OSC Te Bamatona Hood And Grove, Bill's Sport Shop Win In Jamboree Hood and Grove In the Intermediate, league and Bill's Sport chop In tha Junlon were winner last night In tha annual basketball jamboree held before the stcrt of regular league play, Grace Memorial fell to Hood and Grove in the finals, I to 7. The Hood and Grove boys ad.
vanced with a bye In the first round and a 13 to 8 win over F7A in the I Tha. church lada beat Whit-akeri Hardware, II to 4, and dropped Farm Heme, 4, to I reach the finals. Bill's Sports shop beat Demo crat-Herald, 18 to edged the Catholics, 5 to 3, and dropped the Methodists, 10 to 6, la the final game, The Methodists won a low-scoring 2 to 0 victory over Presbyterian in the first game and re- celyed a by in the second round to put them Into the finals. Scoring among the Hood and Sure to see plenty of action against the Pilots and looming as the best bet eventually to fill Cran-dall's shoes la Bob Payne. 6 foot 1 Immediately following the op ener Coach Slats Gill and his 13- inch transfer from San Francisco man squad will board a plant for 10-day invasion of the midwest I and east Road games are against Canisius at Buffalo, December New York University In Madison Square Garden, December Wisconsin at Madison, December and Minnesota, Dec.
10. i junior college. Sophom*ore Forward Jim Padgett up from last year's powerhouse Rook five, is another newcomer slated for heavy duty en the long journey. Other members of the traveling party are Glen Kinney, Ken Storey and George Crandall, forwards; Harvey Watt center; Jack Detour, Tommy Holman, guards; Trainer Bill Robertson; and Student Manager Bob Hedges. All except Detour are lettermen and ha has been with the squad two years as a reserve.
fc. Only three men are missing from the great Orange club that finish Brown Bomber Scores 10-Round Exhibition Win KANSAS CITY, Nov. 29. (UJ Joe Louis, passing up an obvious chance to score a knockout floored Johnny Flynn in the ninth round and then took it easy the rest of the way in their 10-round exhibition bout last night The former heavyweight champion, weighing 228 to his opponent's 210, pulled away after his sharp left felled Flynn for a nine count ed fourth in the final NCAA na tional standings last season, but the missing trio Include Captain Cliff Crandall. all-America for placed in the high school trophy ward and sparkplug of the team: Hood and Grove's Intermediate basketball team, which wen Its division In the Junior Church and City league Jamboree last night at Albany high school gym.
Front row, left to rlcht Dick Forrester. manager. Dean ChrlaUaneon, Steve Banks, Dean Hood, Fred Garcia and Jack DeWalL Back rew Bob Seimers, LeSoy Looney, Vera Hoaser, Cal Jones, Herb Kelts, Dale Crocker, Emmett Hood and Bay Grove, co-coaches. Al Petersen, lanky clutch player; and Jim de- Your Market Place Want Ads. The following players make up the AHS squad.
Pete Roth, John Grove team waa split four ways with four points apiece while Wldmer led hla Grace Mennon- Tobin, Jeff Lay, Bud Gilliam, Jim lie mates -wlth nine In three Endicott, Cecil Kraft, Bill Geister, games. i Dick moore with 18 wss tops for Bill's Sport shop in the Junior league and Trimble had' 8 for Jim Doerfler, John Burrus, Bill Scott, Dick Drushella, John Sump-ter, Basil Saunders, Neil Bennett, Gary Torgeson, John Spreen, Ed Clark, Francis Ragle, Dalton Coo-ley, LeRoy Babco*ck, Cub Sexton, David Seavy, Larry Lariot, Larry I Methodist League play begins next Monday, Dec." 5, with pajrlngs to be 1 drawn later this week for open-f ing if -4 Hi AlMfp 0 Mishler, Bill Parrott, Dave Emmons, Frank Fithlan, and Jim Pierson. Skip McCloskey and Gary McClane are the managers. The Lions club, committee for the event are John Summers, Oscar Swenson, and Eldon Clem. There will be a few tickets avsll-able to fathers of players which can be obtained' from tha GOP Vjllanoya.
May PFay In Press Bowl i new "York, Nov. 29 u. Qo HCEa Our Stock of Clean Late Model Cars Went During Our Recent 'it' PU Coach, Star Back Speak At FB Dinner JEFFERSON, Nov. 29 (Special) More than 100, persons attended the annual football banquet sponsored by the Pep club, and held In the school house Tuesday night Long tables were placed in the assembly hall and each was centered by a field, and goal posts with players made from pipe cleaners. 'Bargain Days" I.
SV Only the small, less Juicy plums were left on the bowl game tree today as the signing of Missouri and Maryland for the 'Gator bowl at; Jacksonville, completed the lineup for the Jan. 2 major football games. There was' a chance that just one more game might ripen into a tempting prize the newly organized Press Club bowl at Kezar stadium, San Francisco. The gentlemen of the press who are promoting that extravaganza issued 'invites' to College of the Pacific and to Villanova. Rev.
Edward McKee of Villanova said the offer will be considered by the athletic board. If both accept, the new game could be a top-notcher, with-tricky Eddie LeBaron in the Quarterback slot, clicked off 10 straight 'victories and ran up 500 points. Villanova, whose big siege guoJs iullback, Ralph Pasquarlel-lo, suffered Its only loss by 21-19 in an upset to Tulsa. Harvey Rolotf, line Coach at Pa cific university was the principal Bill's Sport shop, Junior league winners. Front row, left to right Frankte Burford, Ken Myers, Don Mespelt, Don Reeves, Dave Blake and Dave Phillips.
Back row Don 8malley, Neal Craig, Ed- ward Kohout, Dick Moore, John Cathay, Russell Holman, Frank Mayer and Ron Moore. M) mm speaker, talking on the psychology of coaching and especially football, Following the dinner he showed Weaver, Yaqui Kid Today's Sport Parade a film on the Pacific university' Chico State game. Slated In Re-Match By OSCAR FRALET (Dnlted fresa Staff Correspondent) art going to make txlra special allowance, on 10 late modal or xrra clean pro-war ears on trade for new Dodaoi between now and Dec. 1 0th. Buck Weaver, the Pacific coast eral Notre Dame stars will join NEW YORK, Nov.
29 (U.R-The light-weight wrestling champion, names of 23 college seniors were the east squad. This will be the 25th anniver and The YaquLKid, talented and popular, Mexico Indian, will meet announced today for the East West Shrine game and the lads who will make the trip to San Francisco can count this as their sary East-West game and that is why the date has been shifted from usual New Year's day To at the Albany Armory arena Friday night in a return engagement I Although the Albany commis show full appreciation, the play greatest football glory that they mm Other speakers were Jim Pro-top, football captain; Floyd. Dye, cross country captain; Varion Coin, board of directors; Gilbert Looney, city mayor; Leland Sarf representing business men; Don Reed, football coach; Pat Bear, cross country coach. Other speakers were Dick Reeves and Nell Brown of Jefferson and Stan Russell of Marlon, who attends Pacific university and with John Jubb accompanied Roloff to the dinner. Dick Reevea waa voted' by the team to be the most valuable football player this year.
Neil Brown was voted next year's captain; Joe Tierce, cross country captain. sion upheld Referee Elton Owen's ers and coaches, with their busi will run so others can walk. ness out of the way, will attend verdict that gave Weaver a decision over the young Indian, the commission ordered a rematch. Of all the year-end bowl games, the intersections! contest at Kezar the Rose Bowl game. municipal stadium on Dec.
31 Linn county mat followers are' 3 Check Points Set For Antlerless Deer. PORTLAND, Ore, Nov. 29. OJ.FO The 'Oregon State game commission will set up three check points during the special antlerless deer season in the John Day area, Dec. 14 to 19.
The commission today said the checking stations would be located at Dayville, Mt Vernon and it the junction of the Bear Creek road and U. S. highway 28. All hunters will be required to check in at one of these stations. ranks uncontested as the most worthy.
For as a result of these reminded that professional wrest! This la net catch advertising wa maan business. If we have presented you with an offer recently and you did not trade for reason of allowance en your cor, check us again you'll tee the difference. The East coaches again will bs veteran. Andy Kerr of Lebanon Valley, and East coach for 23 years; Bernie Bierman of Minnesota and Tuss McLaughrey of Dartmouth. Matty Bell of SMU will head the west's touchdown tu muscular' maneuvers on the grid' ing will be moved from Thursday to Friday nights on a permanent iron, 1,292,000 has been raised to help 7,000 crippled children walk basis, ja Weaver has agreed to the second meeting with the Yaquis In tors, Sided by USC's Jeff Cravath again.
Carpenter To Flay and Don Faurot of Missouri. dian under certain conditions mm Basketball Scores The Shriners have their usual quota of stars this year, too. Only four have been selected from the west to date. They are Doak Walker of SMU, Jim Powers of USS, Ken Carpenter of Oregon State and Tom Novak of Nebraska. The rest that his title will not be at stake; that Yaqui Joe, the Kid's manager and coach, will not be permitted in the ring corner as a second.
This came about when the veteran Indian clouted Weaver when the champ held his foe in vshat appeared to be a winning hold. Hw rrk UnlvtrtHy 74, Klnsi tnt 44 St. Jtlm'i S4, VlralnH Tech (4 Bowling Results Donahue Motors continued to dominate Classic league bowling with a 4 to 0 win over Moose 859 last night at Albany Lanes. Ag-new Motors dumped Albany JC, 4 to 0, to pull past Moose into second place, seven points behind Donahue. Edwards Lumber com pleted the sweep with a shutout 4 to 0 victory over Albany Planing Mill to pull even with.
the Jaycees at the bottom of the rung. Agnew Motors as a team and as individual players took all hon Butr SI, Nrwirk (Sutstrs Annex) St from the west will be announced later. We need these core because we have two "Used Cor Centers" one In Albany one in Sweet hom*o. We must hove cars to keep these going. That prompted Owen to award the TM n.
ASrlM 4S (lit Sim) TIU 71, Bluffton 4 (InS tn) Indiana Sit IS, Cratordls 11 Mrultt 41 DsPiul 7, St. Narbttt 41 St. JoMah's (Ins.) It, Chlutt Univ. The eastern squad, announced today, has a host of fine backs, fall to Weaver. Up until that time both had registered a fall.
To prevent any criticism from These include Lynn Chandnois of Michigan State, Art Murakowskl Joe, the Kid and the fans, Owen of Northwestern, Harry Sulborski Pilots Win TACOMA, Nov. 29. (U.R) of Purdue, Wally Tenlnga and Dick ors. Ruts Harris had high game of has announced that Harry Elliott former highly touted wrestler who is well-known here, will act as referee for Friday's show. Kempthorn of Michigan, Hillary The Portland University Pilots held on to a slim lead throughout Chollet and Pete Dorset of Cor OSC Grid Head Says '50 Poor PORTLAND, Or, Nov.
29 (U.B i Coach Kip Taylor, whose Oregon State college Beavers surprised even their most ardent supporters with a successful football season, aays the outlook for 19S0 Is mea- ger. Taylor addressed a meeting of the Quarterback club, OSC alumni, yesterday and Said that "unless capable replacements can be found for key men, who are lost by graduation," the Beavers won't figure as a Pacific Coast conference grid power. Bump Elliott, backfield coach, added that "frankly, prospects aren't at all good." He said that promising sophom*ores and upcoming freshmen would provide the major material, enjoying only the advantage of "being familiar with the single wing type play." nell, Herb Carey of Dartmouth and the second half last night to de Phil Ryan of Navy. feat Pacific Lutheran 53 to 48 in 226 followed by Chuck Carston with 224 and Al Reiber's 200; Carston won high series with a stellar 597V and Agnew had high game of 1043 and high series of 2994. E.
Hardleben of Edwards Lum Buck Weaver The linemen are Tom Rowe of a. non-conference basketball game here. Don Mason and Ed Bagdon of Michigan State, John The Lutes closed the gap to within one or two points several ber also had a 206 game. Schweder of Penn, Howard Hous times, but never were able to paas the experienced Portland team, ton of Harvard, Ernie St- utner of Boston College, Jerry Walters of Brown, Lou Karos of Purdue, Joe which led at half time 23-20. DONAHUI MOTOSS C.
Sfsnntmsn Ut 111 lit 111 a. Wtlktr 17S 117 144-471 B. Fw Ill 14t 14S 447 W. Mthwfl 14S 141 14441 a. Setoff 171 1M 147-44! MOOSS Pacific Lutheran's Harry Mc Kelly of Wisconsin and Clayton REMEMBER' YOU GET THE Great New Bodge Now! CYRO-MATIC FLUID DRIVE 7.0-1 COMPRESSION RATIO 123 Vk INCH WJ.
RIDING COMFORTI Your Car Is Worth More Before Dec. 10th ii mi. miii 5 Laughlin led the scoring with 14 points, followed by Jack. Winters of the Pilots with 11, Tonnemaker of Minnesota, Irish May Play There is a possibility that sev ITS 111 1S4-441 14t 14t 144447 14S 14S 111441 140 117 141444 141 177 IIS 4t lAbHntMi a. Mwrmr V.
ettfr a. HlntM Brownsville Loses BROWNSVILLE, Nov. 29 (Spe cial) Brownsville high school's AONIW MOTORS B. Mtrrit 171 ITT 114174 O. euhM 144 111 114414 e.
wait ut i4t iTt474 A. Rlkr 14S IM Ml 44t C. CirttM S14 111 1H l7 basketball team lost a benefit game here last night to the Lin- field Rooks by a score of 56 to 26. PROMPT FRIENDLY JC Coach Bernie Hill expressed sat isfaction with his team's performance against the tall freshmen. IIS 144 Ml 474 14 IIS 1114)4 141 111411 ITS 111 IIS 411 117 1SS IM 474 D.
Cfwt T. lr lie a. WIIlnM c. nrf a. arsis 10AN Ssrvito- Brownsville used new uniforms for the first time.
O. A OWAROS LUMSSR 144 111 1M44I 141 144 117414 A game is scheduled with' Val- setz there tonight M-C To Ploy M. MWrM 114 141 ITS 444' a. WftflMT ITS ITS 1ST 411 a. Hr4lfl ITS 144 It! 447 ALBANY PIANINO MILL M.
I4wr4t 114 11 114 4T4 S. Dtwtrnf 141 1H 1444411 Maloney-Chambers City league You may borrow up to $300 on your furniture, livestock or machinery. You may borrow up to $500 on your car, depending on age and condition. Several loan plans available you may choose the one that best meets your situation up to 20 months on some loans. P.
BSararet 14S 141 144471 a. muv hi is in 4i N. ly 144 IM I4t 474 km basketball team will host Oregon College of Education Wednesday night at 8:30 in the Albany high school gym. The game is the second between the teams, OCE having taken a 54 to 42 win ever M-C at Monmouth two weeks ago. TSAM STANOINOS I OtrrSlAtfjef i AM8rW MtjfVf'l i i i IS SI i 14i 11 an i Dodge Cars and Dodre Trucks Since II 7th and Lyon Phone 1400 No admission will be charged.
Alktar aiMlnf MUI AllMny JC lwar4f hr 11 11 To Arrange for Loan, Call CALKINS FINANCE CO. (4th Floor) First Kail Bank Bldg. Albany HA VI HITTERS NASHVILLE, Tenn. Three DREW RECORD CROWDS Nashville batters combined to hit EAST LANSING, Mich- Mich- Wearing his Pacific coast light heavyweight championship belt. Back Weaver smiles before hla return match Friday night with the Yaeni Kid, a Yaquis Indian from Mexico, Ue.
8-227; M-277 F. O. Bex 353 Phono 178 120 homers the past season, set igan State's football team played before a record 381,000 fans In nine games this fall. ting a Southern Association record. I.